예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaPacketPropertyValue and
        /// gets property value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definition">Property defintion.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">Proeprty owner.</param>
        public UltimaPacketPropertyValue(UltimaPacketPropertyDefinition definition, UltimaPacketValue owner)
            _Definition = definition;
            _Owner      = owner;

            // Get value
            object value = definition.Getter(owner.Object);

            if (definition is UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition)
                List <UltimaPacketValue>           objects = new List <UltimaPacketValue>();
                UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition list    = (UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition)definition;
                IEnumerable e = value as IEnumerable;

                if (e != null)
                    foreach (object o in e)
                        objects.Add(new UltimaPacketValue(list.ChildDefinition, o));

                _Value = objects;
                _Value = value;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaPacketClassDefinition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Class type.</param>
        public UltimaPacketClassDefinition( Type type )
            _Type = type;
            _Properties = new List<UltimaPacketPropertyDefinition>();

            foreach ( PropertyInfo info in type.GetProperties() )
                UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute ), false ) as UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute[];

                if ( attributes != null && attributes.Length == 1 )
                    UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute attribute = attributes[ 0 ];
                    MethodInfo getterInfo = info.GetGetMethod();
                    Type propertyType = info.PropertyType;
                    UltimaPacketPropertyGetter getter;

                    if ( attribute.Name == null )
                        attribute.Name = info.Name;

                    if ( getterInfo == null )
                        throw new SpyException( "Property '{0}' in type '{1}' does not have a public GET accessor", info.Name, type.Name );

                    DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod( "DynamicGet", typeof( object ), new Type[] { typeof( object ) }, type, true );
                    ILGenerator generator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
                    generator.Emit( OpCodes.Ldarg_0 );
                    generator.Emit( OpCodes.Call, getterInfo );

                    if ( getterInfo.ReturnType.IsValueType )
                        generator.Emit( OpCodes.Box, getterInfo.ReturnType );

                    generator.Emit( OpCodes.Ret );
                    getter = (UltimaPacketPropertyGetter) dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate( typeof( UltimaPacketPropertyGetter ) );

                    if ( typeof( IEnumerable ).IsAssignableFrom( propertyType ) && !typeof( String ).IsAssignableFrom( propertyType ) )
                        if ( propertyType.IsGenericType )
                            Type[] genericTypes = propertyType.GetGenericArguments();

                            if ( genericTypes != null && genericTypes.Length == 1 )
                                Type child = genericTypes[ 0 ];
                                UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition listProperty = new UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition( info, getter, attribute, child );

                                _Properties.Add( listProperty );
                                throw new SpyException( "Property '{0}' in type '{1}' must have exactly one generic argument", info.Name, type.Name );
                        else if ( propertyType.IsArray )
                            Type child = propertyType.GetElementType();

                            if ( child != null )
                                UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition listProperty = new UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition( info, getter, attribute, child );

                                _Properties.Add( listProperty );
                            throw new SpyException( "Property '{0}' in type '{1}' must be either array or generic list", info.Name, type.Name );
                        _Properties.Add( new UltimaPacketPropertyDefinition( info, getter, attribute ) );
                else if ( attributes != null && attributes.Length > 1 )
                    throw new SpyException( "Property '{0}' in type '{1}' has too many ultima packet attributes", info.Name, type.Name );
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaPacketClassDefinition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Class type.</param>
        public UltimaPacketClassDefinition(Type type)
            _Type       = type;
            _Properties = new List <UltimaPacketPropertyDefinition>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in type.GetProperties())
                UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute), false) as UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute[];

                if (attributes != null && attributes.Length == 1)
                    UltimaPacketPropertyAttribute attribute = attributes[0];
                    MethodInfo getterInfo   = info.GetGetMethod();
                    Type       propertyType = info.PropertyType;
                    UltimaPacketPropertyGetter getter;

                    if (attribute.Name == null)
                        attribute.Name = info.Name;

                    if (getterInfo == null)
                        throw new SpyException("Property '{0}' in type '{1}' does not have a public GET accessor", info.Name, type.Name);

                    DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("DynamicGet", typeof(object), new Type[] { typeof(object) }, type, true);
                    ILGenerator   generator     = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
                    generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, getterInfo);

                    if (getterInfo.ReturnType.IsValueType)
                        generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, getterInfo.ReturnType);

                    getter = (UltimaPacketPropertyGetter)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(UltimaPacketPropertyGetter));

                    if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) && !typeof(String).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType))
                        if (propertyType.IsGenericType)
                            Type[] genericTypes = propertyType.GetGenericArguments();

                            if (genericTypes != null && genericTypes.Length == 1)
                                Type child = genericTypes[0];
                                UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition listProperty = new UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition(info, getter, attribute, child);

                                throw new SpyException("Property '{0}' in type '{1}' must have exactly one generic argument", info.Name, type.Name);
                        else if (propertyType.IsArray)
                            Type child = propertyType.GetElementType();

                            if (child != null)
                                UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition listProperty = new UltimaPacketListPropertyDefinition(info, getter, attribute, child);

                            throw new SpyException("Property '{0}' in type '{1}' must be either array or generic list", info.Name, type.Name);
                        _Properties.Add(new UltimaPacketPropertyDefinition(info, getter, attribute));
                else if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 1)
                    throw new SpyException("Property '{0}' in type '{1}' has too many ultima packet attributes", info.Name, type.Name);