public void ThreadExceptionDialog() { System.Exception exception = new System.Exception(); try { int zero = 0; int x = 1 / zero; zero = x; } catch (System.Exception e) { exception = e; } using (var runner = new DialogRunner(new SWF.ThreadExceptionDialog(exception))) { VerifyBasicProperties(runner.Dialog); } }
public void OpenFileDialog () { using (var runner = new DialogRunner (new SWF.OpenFileDialog ())) { VerifyBasicProperties (runner.Dialog); UiaAtkBridge.Window dialogAdapter = BridgeTester.GetAdapterForWidget (runner.Dialog) as UiaAtkBridge.Window; Atk.Object popupButtonPanelAdapter = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild (10); Assert.AreEqual (5, popupButtonPanelAdapter.NAccessibleChildren, "PopupButtonPanel (toolbar) should have 5 children"); Atk.Object popupButtonAdapter1 = popupButtonPanelAdapter.RefAccessibleChild (0).RefAccessibleChild (0); AtkTester.States (popupButtonAdapter1, Atk.StateType.Enabled, Atk.StateType.Selectable, Atk.StateType.Focusable, Atk.StateType.Sensitive, Atk.StateType.Showing, Atk.StateType.Visible); // TODO: Enable the below if we find a way // to get the MWFFileView to update //Atk.Object treeTable = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild (3); //Assert.AreEqual (Atk.Role.TreeTable, treeTable.Role, "TreeTable Role"); //Atk.Object tableCell = treeTable.RefAccessibleChild (1);; //Assert.IsNotNull (tableCell, "TableCell should not be null"); //Assert.AreEqual (Atk.Role.TableCell, tableCell.Role, "TableCell role"); //Atk.Action atkAction = Atk.ActionAdapter.GetObject (tableCell.Handle, false); //Assert.AreEqual (2, atkAction.NActions, "TableCell NActions"); //Assert.AreEqual ("invoke", atkAction.GetName (1), "TableCell Action.GetName (1)"); Atk.Object comboBox = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild (8); Assert.AreEqual (Atk.Role.ComboBox, comboBox.Role, "ComboBox Role"); Atk.Object list = comboBox.RefAccessibleChild (0); Assert.IsTrue (list.NAccessibleChildren > 0, "ComboBox child should have children"); EventMonitor.Start (); Atk.ISelection atkSelection = Atk.SelectionAdapter.GetObject (list.Handle, false); atkSelection.AddSelection (5); string evType = "object:state-changed:selected"; EventCollection events = EventMonitor.Pause (); EventCollection evs = events.FindByType (evType).FindWithDetail1 ("1"); string eventsInXml = String.Format (" events in XML: {0}", Environment.NewLine + events.OriginalGrossXml); Assert.IsTrue (evs.Count > 0, "bad number of " + evType + " events: " + eventsInXml); } }
public void OpenFileDialog() { using (var runner = new DialogRunner(new SWF.OpenFileDialog())) { VerifyBasicProperties(runner.Dialog); UiaAtkBridge.Window dialogAdapter = BridgeTester.GetAdapterForWidget(runner.Dialog) as UiaAtkBridge.Window; Atk.Object popupButtonPanelAdapter = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild(10); Assert.AreEqual(5, popupButtonPanelAdapter.NAccessibleChildren, "PopupButtonPanel (toolbar) should have 5 children"); Atk.Object popupButtonAdapter1 = popupButtonPanelAdapter.RefAccessibleChild(0).RefAccessibleChild(0); AtkTester.States(popupButtonAdapter1, Atk.StateType.Enabled, Atk.StateType.Selectable, Atk.StateType.Focusable, Atk.StateType.Sensitive, Atk.StateType.Showing, Atk.StateType.Visible); // TODO: Enable the below if we find a way // to get the MWFFileView to update //Atk.Object treeTable = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild (3); //Assert.AreEqual (Atk.Role.TreeTable, treeTable.Role, "TreeTable Role"); //Atk.Object tableCell = treeTable.RefAccessibleChild (1);; //Assert.IsNotNull (tableCell, "TableCell should not be null"); //Assert.AreEqual (Atk.Role.TableCell, tableCell.Role, "TableCell role"); //Atk.Action atkAction = Atk.ActionAdapter.GetObject (tableCell.Handle, false); //Assert.AreEqual (2, atkAction.NActions, "TableCell NActions"); //Assert.AreEqual ("invoke", atkAction.GetName (1), "TableCell Action.GetName (1)"); Atk.Object comboBox = dialogAdapter.RefAccessibleChild(8); Assert.AreEqual(Atk.Role.ComboBox, comboBox.Role, "ComboBox Role"); Atk.Object list = comboBox.RefAccessibleChild(0); Assert.IsTrue(list.NAccessibleChildren > 0, "ComboBox child should have children"); EventMonitor.Start(); Atk.ISelection atkSelection = Atk.SelectionAdapter.GetObject(list.Handle, false); atkSelection.AddSelection(5); string evType = "object:state-changed:selected"; EventCollection events = EventMonitor.Pause(); EventCollection evs = events.FindByType(evType).FindWithDetail1("1"); string eventsInXml = String.Format(" events in XML: {0}", Environment.NewLine + events.OriginalGrossXml); Assert.IsTrue(evs.Count > 0, "bad number of " + evType + " events: " + eventsInXml); } }
public void ColorDialog () { using (var runner = new DialogRunner (new SWF.ColorDialog ())) { VerifyBasicProperties (runner.Dialog); } }
public void SaveFileDialog () { using (var runner = new DialogRunner (new SWF.SaveFileDialog ())) { VerifyBasicProperties (runner.Dialog); } }
public void ThreadExceptionDialog () { System.Exception exception = new System.Exception (); try { int zero = 0; int x = 1 / zero; zero = x; } catch (System.Exception e) { exception = e; } using (var runner = new DialogRunner (new SWF.ThreadExceptionDialog (exception))) { VerifyBasicProperties (runner.Dialog); } }
public void FontDialog() { using (var runner = new DialogRunner(new SWF.FontDialog())) { VerifyBasicProperties(runner.Dialog); } }