private void OnCheckOrphan(string msg, string reply, string subject) { Logger.Debug(Strings.CheckOrphanLogMessage, ServiceDescription()); CheckOrphanResponse response = new CheckOrphanResponse(); try { CheckOrphanRequest request = new CheckOrphanRequest(); request.FromJsonIntermediateObject(JsonConvertibleObject.DeserializeFromJson(msg)); // TODO: vladi: investigate further if this needs to be parallelized; seems that this would take a very short time, and it's not tied to a specific instance, so it could run on a new thread this.CheckOrphan(request.Handles); response.OrphanInstances = OrphanInstancesHash; response.OrphanBindings = OrphanBindingHash; response.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warning(Strings.CheckOrphanExceptionLogMessage, ex.ToString()); response.Success = false; response.Error = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "message", ex.Message }, { "stack", ex.StackTrace } }; } finally { NodeNats.Publish(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Strings.NatsSubjectOrphanResult, ServiceName()), null, response.SerializeToJson()); } }
private void OnCheckOrphan(string msg, string reply, string subject) { Logger.Debug(Strings.CheckOrphanLogMessage, ServiceDescription()); CheckOrphanResponse response = new CheckOrphanResponse(); try { CheckOrphanRequest request = new CheckOrphanRequest(); request.FromJsonIntermediateObject(JsonConvertibleObject.DeserializeFromJson(msg)); // TODO: vladi: investigate further if this needs to be parallelized; seems that this would take a very short time, and it's not tied to a specific instance, so it could run on a new thread this.CheckOrphan(request.Handles); response.OrphanInstances = orphanInstancesHash; response.OrphanBindings = orphanBindingHash; response.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warning(Strings.CheckOrphanExceptionLogMessage, ex.ToString()); response.Success = false; response.Error = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "message", ex.Message }, { "stack", ex.StackTrace } }; } finally { nodeNats.Publish(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Strings.NatsSubjectOrphanResult, ServiceName()), null, response.SerializeToJson()); } }