예제 #1
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (chkOutMonths.Checked && chkOutMonths2.Checked)
            //    txtOutMonths.Text = txtOutMonths2.Text;

            if (chkOutMonths2.Checked)
                mOutMonth = Convert.ToInt32(txtOutMonths2.Text);
                mOutMonth = Convert.ToInt32(txtOutMonths.Text);

            mWhCode = txtWhCode.Text.Trim();

            string RdRecords_out      = "#zhrs_t_ST32RdRecords_out" + iLoginEx.GetMacAddress().Replace(":", "");      //材料出库
            string RdRecords_havedPUR = "#zhrs_t_ST32RdRecords_havedPUR" + iLoginEx.GetMacAddress().Replace(":", ""); //有采购
            string RdRecords_NoPUR    = "#zhrs_t_ST32RdRdRecords_NoPUR" + iLoginEx.GetMacAddress().Replace(":", "");  //无采购

            selectSQL  = " if exists (select 1  from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb.." + RdRecords_out + "') and type='U')   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " drop table " + RdRecords_out + " ;   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " if exists (select 1  from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb.." + RdRecords_havedPUR + "') and type='U')   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " drop table " + RdRecords_havedPUR + " ;   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " if exists (select 1  from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb.." + RdRecords_NoPUR + "') and type='U')   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " drop table " + RdRecords_NoPUR + " ;   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";

            selectSQL += "select  a.cinvcode,moQty=0,Now_PurArrQty=0,Now_PurQty=0,stQty=0,useQty=0, a.iquantity as 'OutQty' into " + RdRecords_out + " from RdRecords a (nolock) left join RdRecord b (nolock)on a.id=b.id  where b.cVouchType='11' and b.ddate between left(convert(varchar,dateadd(mm,-";
            if (chkOutMonths.Checked)
                selectSQL += txtOutMonths.Text;
            else if (chkOutMonths2.Checked)
                selectSQL += txtOutMonths2.Text;
            selectSQL += ",getdate()),20),10) and left(convert(varchar,getdate(),20),10) ;    \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  select a.cinvcode into  " + RdRecords_NoPUR + " from RdRecords a (nolock) left join RdRecord b (nolock)on a.id=b.id  where b.cVouchType='01' and b.ddate between left(convert(varchar,dateadd(mm,-" + txtInMonths.Text + ",getdate()),20),10) and left(convert(varchar,getdate(),20),10) group by a.cinvcode ;\r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "  select a.cinvcode into  " + RdRecords_havedPUR + "  from RdRecords a (nolock) left join RdRecord b (nolock)on a.id=b.id  where b.cVouchType='01' and b.ddate between left(convert(varchar,dateadd(mm,-" + txtInMonths2.Text + ",getdate()),20),10) and left(convert(varchar,getdate(),20),10) group by a.cinvcode ; \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += "   \r\n";

            selectSQL += " CREATE INDEX " + RdRecords_NoPUR + "_idx ON " + RdRecords_NoPUR + "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " (  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " 	cinvcode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " ) ; \r\n";
            selectSQL += " CREATE INDEX " + RdRecords_havedPUR + "_idx ON " + RdRecords_havedPUR + "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " (  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " 	cinvcode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " ) ; \r\n";
            selectSQL += " CREATE INDEX " + RdRecords_out + "_idx ON " + RdRecords_out + "   \r\n";
            selectSQL += " (  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " 	cinvcode  \r\n";
            selectSQL += " ) ; \r\n";

            selectSQL2  = "  \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " select out.cinvcode as '物料编码',i.cInvName as'物料名称',i.cInvStd as '规格型号',out.stQty as'库存数量', isnull(prc.unitcost*prc.exchangerate,0)*out.stQty as '库存金额' ,\r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " out.OutQty as '出库数量',out.OutQty*isnull(prc.unitcost*prc.exchangerate,0) as '出库金额'  \r\n";
            if (chkComprehensiveStock.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += ",out.useQty as '已分配量',out.Now_PurQty as '采购在途',out.Now_PurArrQty as '到货在检', out.moQty as '在制'  \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " from (  \r\n";
            if (chkComprehensiveStock.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += " select cinvcode, sum(isnull(stQty,0)) as  'stQty',sum(isnull(OutQty,0)) as  'OutQty',sum(useQty) as 'useQty',sum(Now_PurQty) as 'Now_PurQty',sum(Now_PurArrQty) as 'Now_PurArrQty',sum(moQty) as 'moQty' from   \r\n";
                selectSQL2 += " select cinvcode, sum(isnull(stQty,0)) as  'stQty',sum(isnull(OutQty,0)) as  'OutQty' from   \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " (  \r\n";
            if (chkComprehensiveStock.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += " select  vw.cinvcode,vw.moQty,vw.Now_PurArrQty,vw.Now_PurQty,vw.CurSotckQty as 'stQty',vw.useQty,OutQty=0 from   \r\n";
                selectSQL2 += wComprehensiveStock.ComprehensiveStockInfo(iLoginEx, 0, "", "", "", iLoginEx.pubDB_UF(), mWhCode, "") + " \r\n";
                selectSQL2 += "  vw \r\n";
                selectSQL2 += " select cinvcode, iquantity as 'stQty',0 as 'OutQty' from CurrentStock a (nolock) where a.iquantity>0 and exists(select 1 from Warehouse w (nolock) where a.cWhCode=w.cWhCode  and w.bMRP=1)  \r\n";

                mWhCode = mWhCode.Replace("\r", "");
                mWhCode = mWhCode.Replace("\n", "");
                mWhCode = mWhCode.Replace(";", ";");

                if (mWhCode.Length > 0)
                    string   mWhCodeChild = "";
                    string[] paramWhCode  = mWhCode.Split(';');
                    if (paramWhCode.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < paramWhCode.Length; i++)
                            mWhCodeChild += "'" + paramWhCode[i].ToString() + "',";

                        selectSQL2 += " and  a.cWhCode in (" + mWhCodeChild + "'\r\n'" + ") \r\n";
                        selectSQL2 += " and  a.cWhCode ='" + mWhCode + "' \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " union all  \r\n";
            if (chkComprehensiveStock.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += " select  a.cinvcode,moQty=0,Now_PurArrQty=0,Now_PurQty=0,stQty=0,useQty=0, a.OutQty ";
                selectSQL2 += " select  a.cinvcode,stQty=0, a.OutQty ";

            selectSQL2 += " from " + RdRecords_out + " a ) m group by m.cinvcode  \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " ) out   \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " left join Inventory i (nolock) on i.cInvCode=out.cInvCode  \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += " left join zhrs_t_LastPoPrice prc(nolock) on  prc.cInvCode=out.cInvCode where prc.ponotype=1  and out.stQty>0 \r\n";

            if (chkOutMonths2.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += " and out.OutQty=0  \r\n";
            else if (chkOutMonths.Checked)
                selectSQL2 += " and out.OutQty<(out.stQty*" + txtPercent.Text + "/100) \r\n";

            if (!(chkInMonths.Checked && chkInMonths2.Checked))//二选1,当两个都选的时候,则表示,根本不考虑有没有采购入库这回事
                if (chkInMonths.Checked)
                    selectSQL2 += " and not exists     \r\n";
                    selectSQL2 += "  (select 1 from " + RdRecords_NoPUR + " pur where out.cinvcode =pur.cinvcode )     \r\n";
                if (chkInMonths2.Checked)

                    selectSQL2 += " and  exists     \r\n";
                    selectSQL2 += "  (select 1 from " + RdRecords_havedPUR + " pur where out.cinvcode =pur.cinvcode )     \r\n";
            selectSQL2 += "  order by  isnull(prc.unitcost*prc.exchangerate,0)*out.stQty desc \r\n";