예제 #1
            private static void SaveCheck(UrclInstruction inst, out bool saveA, out bool saveB, out bool saveC, out bool saveD)
                saveA = false;
                saveB = false;
                saveC = false;
                saveD = false;

                if (inst.AType == OperandType.Register)
                    if (inst.A != 1)
                        saveA = true;

                    if (inst.A != 2)
                        saveB = true;

                    if (inst.A != 3)
                        saveC = true;

                    if (inst.A != 4)
                        saveD = true;
예제 #2
#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter

            private static void OrganizeInputs(Action <UrclInstruction> emit, UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
                if (inst.BType == OperandType.Register && inst.CType == OperandType.Register)
                    if (inst.B == 2 && inst.C == 1)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, temporary, OperandType.Register, inst.C));
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, inst.B));
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, temporary));
                    else if (inst.C == 1)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, inst.C));
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, inst.B));
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, inst.B));
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, inst.C));
                    GetOperand(emit, inst, 1, 1);
                    GetOperand(emit, inst, 2, 2);
예제 #3
            public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> MLT(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
                var result = new List <UrclInstruction>();
                var loop   = new Label();
                var skip   = new Label();

                SaveCheck(inst, out bool saveA, out bool saveB, out bool saveC, out _);

                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 1));
                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 2));
                if (saveC)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 3));

                OrganizeInputs(result.Add, inst, temporary);

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 0));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, loop));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.AND, OperandType.Register, 0, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Immediate, 1));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRZ, skip));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.ADD, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 2));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, skip));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.LSH, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, 2));
                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.RSH, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 3));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BNZ, loop));

                if (inst.A != 3)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, inst.A, OperandType.Register, 3));

                if (saveC)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 3));
                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 2));
                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 1));

예제 #4
            private static void GetOperand(Action <UrclInstruction> emit, UrclInstruction inst, ulong register, int operand)
                switch (operand)
                case 0:
                    if (inst.AType == OperandType.Register && inst.A != register)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.A));
                    else if (inst.AType == OperandType.Immediate)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.A));
                    else if (inst.AType == OperandType.Label)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, inst.ALabel));

                case 1:
                    if (inst.BType == OperandType.Register && inst.B != register)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.B));
                    else if (inst.BType == OperandType.Immediate)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.B));
                    else if (inst.BType == OperandType.Label)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, inst.BLabel));

                case 2:
                    if (inst.CType == OperandType.Register && inst.C != register)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.C));
                    else if (inst.CType == OperandType.Immediate)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, OperandType.Immediate, inst.C));
                    else if (inst.CType == OperandType.Label)
                        emit(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, register, inst.CLabel));

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
예제 #5
 public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> RET(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
         new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, temporary),
         new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRA, OperandType.Register, temporary)
예제 #6
 public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> BOD(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
         new UrclInstruction(Operation.AND, OperandType.Register, 0)
             BType = inst.BType,
             B = inst.B,
             BLabel = inst.BLabel,
             CType = OperandType.Immediate,
             C = 1
         new UrclInstruction(Operation.BNZ, inst.ALabel)
예제 #7
 public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> CMP(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
         new UrclInstruction(Operation.SUB, OperandType.Register, 0)
             BType = inst.BType,
             B = inst.B,
             BLabel = inst.BLabel,
             CType = inst.CType,
             C = inst.C,
             CLabel = inst.CLabel
예제 #8
            public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> BSR(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
                var result = new List <UrclInstruction>();
                var loop   = new Label();
                var end    = new Label();

                SaveCheck(inst, out bool saveA, out bool saveB, out _, out _);

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.OR, OperandType.Register, 0, OperandType.Register, inst.C, OperandType.Register, inst.C));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRZ, end));

                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 1));
                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 2));

                OrganizeInputs(result.Add, inst, temporary);

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, loop));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.RSH, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, 1));
                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.DEC, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, 2));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BNZ, loop));

                if (inst.A != 1)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, inst.A, OperandType.Register, 1));

                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 2));
                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 1));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, end));

예제 #9
            public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> Convert(UrclInstruction instruction, OperationType maximumTier, ulong temporaryRegister, out bool changed)
                var attrib = instruction.Operation.GetAttributes();

                if (attrib.Type <= maximumTier)
                    changed = false;
                    return(new[] { instruction });
                    if (Converters.TryGetValue(instruction.Operation, out MethodInfo converter))
                        changed = true;
                        return((IEnumerable <UrclInstruction>)converter.Invoke(null, new object[] { instruction, temporaryRegister }));
                        if (attrib.Type == OperationType.CustomPragma)
                            changed = true;
                            return(new UrclInstruction[0]);
                            changed = true;
                                new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_PRAGMA, new[]
                                new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_COMMENT, new[]
                                    $"Failed to convert operation {instruction.Operation} to {maximumTier.ToString().ToLower()} or lower."
예제 #10
            public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> CAL(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
                var result      = new List <UrclInstruction>();
                var returnPoint = new Label();

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, returnPoint));

                if (inst.AType == OperandType.Label)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRA, inst.ALabel));
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRA, inst.AType, inst.A));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, returnPoint));

예제 #11
        public UrclInstruction[] Optimize(UrclInstruction[] instructions)
            var insts = new List <UrclInstruction>(instructions);

            if (CullUnusedLabels)
                var labels = insts
                             .Where(i => i.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL && i.ALabel != null)
                             .Select(i => i.ALabel)

                foreach (var inst in insts)
                    if (inst.Operation != Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL && inst.Operation != Operation.COMPILER_CREATELABEL)
                        if (inst.ALabel != null && labels.Contains(inst.ALabel))
                        if (inst.BLabel != null && labels.Contains(inst.BLabel))
                        if (inst.CLabel != null && labels.Contains(inst.CLabel))

                for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++)
                    var inst = insts[i];

                    if (inst.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL && labels.Contains(inst.ALabel))

            for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++)
                var current = insts[i];

                UrclInstruction next = null;
                int             gap  = 1;
                for (int j = 1; i + j < insts.Count; j++, gap++)
                    next = insts[i + j];

                    if (next.Operation != Operation.COMPILER_COMMENT)

                if (CullRedundantStackOps && current.Operation == Operation.PSH)
                    if (next != null && next.Operation == Operation.POP)
                        if (current.A == next.A)
                            RemoveInstructionRange(insts, i, gap + 1, CullComments);
                            RemoveInstructionRange(insts, i + 1, gap, CullComments);

                            current.Operation = current.AType == OperandType.Register ? Operation.MOV : Operation.IMM;

                            current.BType  = current.AType;
                            current.B      = current.A;
                            current.BLabel = current.ALabel;

                            current.AType  = next.AType;
                            current.A      = next.A;
                            current.ALabel = next.ALabel;

                        i = 0;
                else if (ReplaceImmZeroWithZeroRegister &&
                         current.Operation == Operation.IMM &&
                         current.BType == OperandType.Immediate &&
                         current.B == 0)
                    insts[i] = new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, insts[i].AType, insts[i].A, OperandType.Register, 0);
                else if (CullCreateLabel && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_CREATELABEL)
                    i = 0;
                else if (CullComments && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_COMMENT)
                    i = 0;
                else if (CullPragmas && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_PRAGMA)
                    i = 0;
                else if (CullRedundantMoves &&
                         current.Operation == Operation.MOV &&
                         current.AType == OperandType.Register &&
                         current.BType == OperandType.Register &&
                         current.A == current.B)
                    i = 0;

            ulong temporaryRegister = 1;
            var   inUse             = new List <ulong>();

            foreach (var inst in insts)
                if (inst.AType == OperandType.Register && !inUse.Contains(inst.A))
                if (inst.BType == OperandType.Register && !inUse.Contains(inst.B))
                if (inst.CType == OperandType.Register && !inUse.Contains(inst.C))

            while (inUse.Contains(temporaryRegister) && temporaryRegister < ulong.MaxValue)

            List <UrclInstruction> result;
            bool changed = true;

            while (changed)
                result  = new List <UrclInstruction>(insts.Count);
                changed = false;

                foreach (var inst in insts)
                    result.AddRange(Conversion.Convert(inst, Compatibility, temporaryRegister, out bool hasChanged));
                    changed |= hasChanged;

                if (changed)
                    insts = new List <UrclInstruction>(Optimize(result.ToArray()));
                    insts = result;

예제 #12
            public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> DIV(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
                var result = new List <UrclInstruction>();
                var top    = new Label();
                var loop   = new Label();
                var skipA  = new Label();
                var skipB  = new Label();
                var isZero = new Label();
                var end    = new Label();

                SaveCheck(inst, out bool saveA, out bool saveB, out bool saveC, out bool saveD);

                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 1));
                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 2));
                if (saveC)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 3));
                if (saveD)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.PSH, OperandType.Register, 4));

                OrganizeInputs(result.Add, inst, temporary);

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.OR, OperandType.Register, 0, OperandType.Register, 2, OperandType.Register, 2));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRZ, isZero));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 0));
                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.IMM, OperandType.Register, 4, OperandType.Immediate, 1));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, top));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.LSH, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 3));
                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.LSH, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, 1));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRC, skipA));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, loop));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.SUB, OperandType.Register, 0, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 2));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRN, skipB));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.SUB, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 2));
                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.INC, OperandType.Register, 1, OperandType.Register, 1));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, skipB));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.LSH, OperandType.Register, 4, OperandType.Register, 4));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRC, end));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRA, top));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, skipA));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.INC, OperandType.Register, 3, OperandType.Register, 3));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRA, loop));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, isZero));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.BRK));

                result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.COMPILER_MARKLABEL, end));

                if (inst.A != 1)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, OperandType.Register, inst.A, OperandType.Register, 1));

                if (saveD)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 4));
                if (saveC)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 3));
                if (saveB)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 2));
                if (saveA)
                    result.Add(new UrclInstruction(Operation.POP, OperandType.Register, 1));

예제 #13
 public static IEnumerable <UrclInstruction> BRK(UrclInstruction inst, ulong temporary)
     return(new[] { new UrclInstruction(Operation.HLT) });
예제 #14
        public UrclInstruction[] Optimize(UrclInstruction[] instructions)
            var insts = new List <UrclInstruction>(instructions);

            for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++)
                var current = insts[i];

                UrclInstruction next = null;
                int             gap  = 1;
                for (int j = 1; i + j < insts.Count; j++, gap++)
                    next = insts[i + j];

                    if (next.Operation != Operation.COMPILER_COMMENT)

                if (CullRedundantStackOps && current.Operation == Operation.PSH)
                    if (next != null && next.Operation == Operation.POP)
                        if (current.A == next.A)
                            RemoveInstructionRange(insts, i, gap + 1, CullComments);
                            RemoveInstructionRange(insts, i + 1, gap, CullComments);

                            current.Operation = Operation.MOV;

                            current.BType  = current.AType;
                            current.B      = current.A;
                            current.BLabel = current.ALabel;

                            current.AType  = next.AType;
                            current.A      = next.A;
                            current.ALabel = next.ALabel;

                        i = 0;
                else if (ReplaceImmZeroWithZeroRegister && current.Operation == Operation.IMM)
                    if (current.BType == OperandType.Immediate && current.B == 0)
                        insts[i] = new UrclInstruction(Operation.MOV, insts[i].AType, insts[i].A, OperandType.Register, 0);
                else if (CullCreateLabel && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_CREATELABEL)
                    i = 0;
                else if (CullComments && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_COMMENT)
                    i = 0;
                else if (CullPragmas && current.Operation == Operation.COMPILER_PRAGMA)
                    i = 0;
