예제 #1
        public static void nearest_point_from_segment_list(int x, int y, ArrayList /* of GuiPoint */ list, out int segnum, out int rx, out int ry)
            GuiPoint p = (GuiPoint)list[0];
            Point    p1 = new Point(p.x, p.y), p2 = new Point(0, 0);
            double   mindist = -1;
            int      x2, y2;
            int      i = 1;

            segnum = 0;
            rx     = p.x;
            ry     = p.y;

                p    = (GuiPoint)list[i];
                p2.X = p.x;
                p2.Y = p.y;

                nearest_point_from_segment(x, y, p1, p2, out x2, out y2);
                double dist = Math.Sqrt((x - x2) * (x - x2) + (y - y2) * (y - y2));

                if (dist < mindist || mindist < -0.5f)
                    segnum  = i - 1;
                    rx      = x2;
                    ry      = y2;
                    mindist = dist;

                p1 = p2;
            } while(i < list.Count);
예제 #2
 private void show_points()
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("conection: " + conn.ID);
     for (int i = 0; i < conn.ipoints.Count; i++)
         GuiPoint pt = conn.ipoints[i] as GuiPoint;
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[" + i + "]: (" + pt.x + "," + pt.y + ")");
예제 #3
        // Params:  ptnum - point number
        // Returns: false - drag point ptnum, true  - drag segment segnum
        private bool move_quadric_point(ref int ptnum, out int segnum, int to_x, int to_y)
            GuiPoint neighbour  = conn.ipoints[ptnum - 1] as GuiPoint;
            GuiPoint move_point = conn.ipoints[ptnum] as GuiPoint;
            bool     vertical;
            int      delta, n, affected;
            bool     ret = false;

            segnum = 0;

            for (int i = -1; i < 1; i++)
                vertical = (neighbour.x - move_point.x) == 0;
                n        = ptnum + i;
                delta    = (vertical) ? to_x - move_point.x : to_y - move_point.y;

                if (delta != 0)
                    n = move_quadric_segment(ref n, vertical, delta, out affected, true);
                    // if the transformation affects the first connection point,
                    // then we have to change the point being moved
                    if (affected == -1)
                        if (n == 0)
                        if (!conn.ipoints.Contains(move_point))
                            if (affected != 0)
                                segnum = affected - 1;
                            ret = true;
                            ptnum = conn.ipoints.IndexOf(move_point);
                if (ptnum < conn.ipoints.Count - 1)
                    neighbour = conn.ipoints[ptnum + 1] as GuiPoint;
예제 #4
 public static void nearest_point_from_rect( int x, int y, Rectangle r, out int rx, out int ry )
     GuiPoint[] p = new GuiPoint[] { new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint() };
     p[1].x = p[0].x = r.Left;
     p[3].y = p[0].y = r.Top;
     p[3].x = p[2].x = r.Right;
     p[1].y = p[2].y = r.Bottom;
     p[4] = p[0];
     int segn;
     nearest_point_from_segment_list( x, y, new ArrayList(p), out segn, out rx, out ry );
예제 #5
        public static void nearest_point_from_rect(int x, int y, Rectangle r, out int rx, out int ry)
            GuiPoint[] p = new GuiPoint[] { new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint(), new GuiIntermPoint() };
            p[1].x = p[0].x = r.Left;
            p[3].y = p[0].y = r.Top;
            p[3].x = p[2].x = r.Right;
            p[1].y = p[2].y = r.Bottom;
            p[4]   = p[0];
            int segn;

            nearest_point_from_segment_list(x, y, new ArrayList(p), out segn, out rx, out ry);
예제 #6
        private void DrawSegmentedConnection(Graphics g, Rectangle r, int offx, int offy)
            int x1 = first.x + r.X - offx, y1 = first.y + r.Y - offy;
            int x2, y2;
            Pen color = selected ? Pens.Blue : Pens.Black, p = color;

            switch (type)
            case UmlRelationType.Attachment:
            case UmlRelationType.Dependency:
            case UmlRelationType.Realization:
                p             = new Pen(p.Color);
                p.DashStyle   = DashStyle.Dash;
                p.DashOffset  = 0;
                p.DashPattern = new float[] { 10, 5 };

                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            Point[] pnts = new Point[ipoints.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < ipoints.Count; i++)
                GuiPoint pt = (GuiPoint)ipoints[i];
                pnts[i].X = pt.x + r.X - offx;
                pnts[i].Y = pt.y + r.Y - offy;
            g.DrawLines(p, pnts);

            GuiPoint pnt = (GuiPoint)ipoints[1];

            x2 = pnt.x + r.X - offx; y2 = pnt.y + r.Y - offy;

            switch (type)
            case UmlRelationType.Aggregation:
            case UmlRelationType.Composition:
                Geometry.point_rhomb_on_segment(out pnts, x1, y1, x2, y2, 7, 5);
                g.FillPolygon(type == UmlRelationType.Composition ? Brushes.Black : Brushes.White, pnts);
                g.DrawPolygon(color, pnts);
                if (nav == GuiConnectionNavigation.Left)
                    x1 = pnts[2].X; y1 = pnts[2].Y;
                    goto case UmlRelationType.Association;
                else if (nav == GuiConnectionNavigation.Right)
                    goto case UmlRelationType.Association;

            case UmlRelationType.Association:
                if (nav == GuiConnectionNavigation.Left)
                    Geometry.point_triangle_on_segment(out pnts, x1, y1, x2, y2, 7, 5);
                    g.DrawLines(color, pnts);
                else if (nav == GuiConnectionNavigation.Right)
                    pnt = (GuiPoint)ipoints[ipoints.Count - 2];
                    x1  = second.x + r.X - offx; y1 = second.y + r.Y - offy;
                    x2  = pnt.x + r.X - offx; y2 = pnt.y + r.Y - offy;
                    Geometry.point_triangle_on_segment(out pnts, x1, y1, x2, y2, 7, 5);
                    g.DrawLines(color, pnts);

            case UmlRelationType.Inheritance:
            case UmlRelationType.Realization:
                Geometry.point_triangle_on_segment(out pnts, x1, y1, x2, y2, 10, 7);
                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, pnts);
                g.DrawPolygon(color, pnts);

            case UmlRelationType.Dependency:
                Geometry.point_triangle_on_segment(out pnts, x1, y1, x2, y2, 7, 5);
                g.DrawLines(color, pnts);

            case UmlRelationType.Attachment:
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Default;

            switch (type)
            case UmlRelationType.Attachment:
            case UmlRelationType.Dependency:
            case UmlRelationType.Realization:
예제 #7
        // Params:
        //   segnum - segment number (0..), vertical_sement, delta (offset in points)
        //   affected_segment (if check is set), check - call collapse_quadric_segments
        // Returns:
        //   0 - the transformation affects the first connection point (new segment has been inserted ),
        //   1 - the transformation affects only intermediate points
        //   2 - the transformation affects the second connection point
        private int move_quadric_segment(ref int segnum, bool vertical_segment, int delta, out int affected_segment, bool check)
            GuiIntermPoint pt = null;
            GuiPoint       orig_pt;
            int            ret = -1;

            affected_segment = -1;

            if (delta == 0)


            if (conn.ipoints.Count == 2)
                GuiIntermPoint pt2;

                pt  = conn.insert_point(0);
                pt2 = conn.insert_point(1);

                pt.x  = conn.first.x;
                pt.y  = conn.first.y;
                pt2.x = conn.second.x;
                pt2.y = conn.second.y;

                if (vertical_segment)
                    pt.x  += delta;
                    pt2.x += delta;
                    pt.y  += delta;
                    pt2.y += delta;
                conn.add_child(pt, null);
                conn.add_child(pt2, null);
                segnum = 1;
                ret    = 0;
                if (segnum != 0)
                    orig_pt = conn.ipoints[segnum] as GuiPoint;
                    orig_pt = conn.ipoints[1] as GuiPoint;

                if (vertical_segment)
                    orig_pt.x += delta;
                    orig_pt.y += delta;

                // the last segment
                if (segnum == conn.ipoints.Count - 2)
                    pt = conn.insert_point(segnum);
                    if (vertical_segment)
                        pt.x = orig_pt.x;
                        pt.y = conn.second.y;
                        pt.y = orig_pt.y;
                        pt.x = conn.second.x;
                    ret = 2;

                    // the first segment
                else if (segnum == 0)
                    pt = conn.insert_point(0);

                    if (vertical_segment)
                        pt.x = orig_pt.x;
                        pt.y = conn.first.y;
                        pt.y = orig_pt.y;
                        pt.x = conn.first.x;
                    segnum = 1;
                    ret    = 0;

                    // some segment in the middle
                    GuiPoint sec = conn.ipoints[segnum + 1] as GuiPoint;
                    if (vertical_segment)
                        sec.x += delta;
                    else if (!vertical_segment)
                        sec.y += delta;
                    ret = 1;

                if (pt != null)
                    conn.add_child(pt, null);

            if (check)
                collapse_quadric_segments(ref segnum, out affected_segment);