public void Urbs(string id, string reg, Persona Ego) { this.Nomen = ULF.Urbs.Advenire(reg).Nomen; this.Amplexus = ULF.Urbs.Advenire(reg).Amplexus; this.regioid = 1; Agrum.Centuria[0] += Convert.ToInt32(id.Substring(1, 5)); Adventum.Verso(Ego); ULF.Urbs.Advenire(reg).Utor(Ego); }
public void Auctumnum(Persona Ego) { Console.WriteLine("Harvest how?"); Σ.notou = Console.ReadLine(); switch (Σ.notou) { case "Cut": do { Console.WriteLine("Unto what?"); Σ.notod = Console.ReadLine(); for (int u = 0; u < this.praesto.Length; u++) { if (this.praesto[u] != null) { if (this.praesto[u] == Σ.notod) { if (Mechanicae.Conditio(Ego, ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).conditio)) { Ego.ArchAdd(ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).Auctumnum()); Agrum.Centuria[0] += ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).chronus; Adventum.Verso(Ego); this.spawawn[u] = ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).chronus *10; this.spawawnd[u] = Agrum.Centuria[9]; this.praesto[u] = null; } else { Console.WriteLine("As you heard somewhere the ressource is there, but you lack the skills to harvest it."); } break; } } } Console.WriteLine("Cut More?"); Σ.notod = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Σ.notod.ToLower() == "y" || Σ.notod.ToLower() == "yes"); break; case "Mine": //call break; default: Console.WriteLine("That action is, like, not even real."); break; } }
public void Opes(Persona Ego) { Console.WriteLine("Amid the wilderness... "); for (int u = 0; u < this.praesto.Length; u++) { if (this.praesto[u] != null) { if (Mechanicae.Conditio(Ego, ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).conditio)) { Console.WriteLine("You recognize... " + ULF.Opes.Origo(this.praesto[u]).Depictium); } } } Console.WriteLine("\nAnd that is about it."); Agrum.Centuria[0] += 600; Adventum.Verso(Ego); }
public void Utor(Persona Ego) { if (!Ego.Charta.ContainsKey(this.Nomen)) { Ego.Charta.Add(this.Nomen, this.praesto); } do { this.Paridor(); Ego.Charta[this.Nomen] = this.praesto; Console.WriteLine("\nYou are in " + Primor.h**o.Regio.Nomen + " at " + Agrum.Centuria[2] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[1] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[0] + ".\n"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (Σ.rector) { case "walk": if (Mechanicae.Volvere(4) > 2) { do { Console.WriteLine("You have been ambushed by 'Bandit'!"); Adventum.Bellum(Ego, true, Primor.Hostis["Bandit"]); } while (Σ.rector == ""); } Agrum.Centuria[0] += 600; Adventum.Verso(Ego); break; case "doc": Console.WriteLine(scriptum); Console.ReadLine(); break; default: Adventum.Generalis(Ego); break; } } while (Σ.rector != "exit"); Environment.Exit(0); }
public void Utor(Persona Ego) { if (!Ego.Charta.ContainsKey(this.Nomen)) { Ego.Charta.Add(this.Nomen, this.praesto); } do { this.Paridor(); Ego.Charta[this.Nomen] = this.praesto; Console.WriteLine("\nYou are in " + Primor.h**o.Regio.Nomen + " at " + Agrum.Centuria[2] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[1] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[0] + ".\n"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (Σ.rector) { case "doc": Console.WriteLine(scriptum); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "eat": Agrum.Centuria[0] += 1800; Ego.jeiunium[1] = Agrum.Centuria[9]; Ego.jeiunium[0] = 0; Ego.Virtus(); Adventum.Verso(Ego); break; case "sleep": if (Ego.Studium.Count > 0) { do { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to meditate on?"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); if (Ego.Studium.Contains(Σ.rector)) { Random roll = new Random(); if (roll.Next(5) > 2) { Console.WriteLine("You mind opens to the possibilities of " + Σ.rector); } else { Console.WriteLine(Σ.rector + " still confuses you, but you feel closer to the truth."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You have not trained that today."); } }while(Σ.rector != ""); } Console.WriteLine("You sleep for eight hours..."); Agrum.Centuria[0] += 28800; Ego.jeiunium[1] += 28800; Ego.sonmus[1] = Agrum.Centuria[9]; Ego.sonmus[0] = 0; Adventum.Verso(Ego); break; default: Adventum.Generalis(Ego); break; } } while (Σ.rector != "exit"); Environment.Exit(0); }
public void Discare(Persona Ego) { if (this.type == "Mage") { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the " + this.Nomen + " of Emerald Village."); Console.WriteLine("We have courses availables for:"); for (int u = 0; u < this.praesto.Length; u++) { Console.WriteLine("Buff: " + this.praesto[u]); } Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to learn?"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); if (Array.Exists(this.praesto, u => u == Σ.rector)) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + β.Buff(Σ.rector).Nomen); foreach (var u in β.Buff(Σ.rector).Difficultas) { Console.WriteLine("Difficulty: " + u.Value + " " + u.Key); } int hor = β.Buff(Σ.rector).hora / 3600; Console.WriteLine("Time: " + hor + "h" + "\nCost: " + β.Buff(Σ.rector).Pretium); Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to train it?"); Σ.notou = Console.ReadLine(); if (Σ.notou == "y" || Σ.notou == "yes") { if (Ego.RepertoireB.ContainsKey(Σ.rector)) { Console.WriteLine("\nYou have already learnt that, man!"); } else if (β.Buff(Σ.rector).requiritare != "" && !Ego.RepertoireB.ContainsKey(β.Buff(Σ.rector).requiritare)) { Console.WriteLine("\nYour incapable self is devoid of the minimal " + β.Buff(Σ.rector).requiritare + "."); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nFor how long?"); Σ.notou = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.notou) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.notou); if (hor == β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0]) { Σ.unus = 1; } else if (Σ.unus + β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0] > hor) { Σ.unus = hor - β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0]; } if (Ego.Credits >= β.Buff(Σ.rector).Pretium *Σ.unus) { Agrum.Centuria[2] += Σ.unus; Adventum.Verso(Ego); Ego.Credits -= β.Buff(Σ.rector).Pretium *Σ.unus; Console.WriteLine("You have: " + Ego.Credits); Console.WriteLine("It is " + Agrum.Centuria[2] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[1] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[0] + ".\n"); β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0] += Σ.unus; if (β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0] > hor) { β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0] = hor; } if (β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[1] < 1) { β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[1] = 1; } Petitio(Ego); Σ.num[1] = Mechanicae.Volvere(100, nomen: Ego.Cognomen); Console.WriteLine(Ego.Cognomen + " rolls " + Σ.num[1] + " against " + Σ.num[0] + "."); if (Σ.num[1] > Σ.num[0]) { Ego.AddicioB(β.Buff(Σ.rector).Nomen, "E"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nYou have not truly grasped the way of the spell."); if (β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[0] == hor) { β.Buff(Σ.rector).discunt[1] += 1; Console.WriteLine("But you feel closer to mastering it!"); } } } } } } } }
public static void Generalis(Persona Ego) { switch (Σ.rector) { case "look": Adventum.Verso(Ego); foreach (var u in Ego.Regio.Amplexus) { if (Regio.Labor(u.Key).lumen <= Agrum.Centuria[8] && Regio.Labor(u.Key).nox >= Agrum.Centuria[8]) { Console.WriteLine(u.Key); } } break; case "go": Console.WriteLine("Whither?"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); if (Ego.Regio.Amplexus.ContainsKey(Σ.rector)) { if (Regio.Labor(Σ.rector).lumen <= Agrum.Centuria[8] && Regio.Labor(Σ.rector).nox >= Agrum.Centuria[8]) { Ego.Regio.Iter(Σ.rector, Ego); } else { Console.WriteLine("That place is currently closed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("That place does not exist or is not avaliable from here."); } break; case "save": Ego.Salvare(); break; case "doc": Console.WriteLine(scriptum); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "inventory": do { Ego.ArchRec(); Console.WriteLine("Type to exit:"); Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Σ.rector == ""); break; case "sheet": Ego.Epistola(); break; case "help": Console.WriteLine(aux); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "data": Console.WriteLine("Day " + Agrum.Centuria[3] + " at " + Agrum.Centuria[2] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[1] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[0] + ".\n"); break; case "pray": POG(); break; case "roll4": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(4, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll6": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(6, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll8": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(8, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll10": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(10, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll12": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(12, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll20": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(20, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll100": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(1000, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "roll%": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.Volvere(100, Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "froll": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Mechanicae.LVolvere(Σ.unus); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "mechanics": Mechanicae.Utor(); break; case "aact": Actum(Ego); break; case "ashop": do { Forum(Ego); } while (Σ.rector == ""); break; case "abattle": Mechanicae.Chronus(Ego); break; case "tokinonagare": Σ.rector = Console.ReadLine(); Σ.unus = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Σ.rector) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Σ.rector); Agrum.Centuria[0] += Σ.unus; Agrum.Aeon(); Console.WriteLine("Day " + Agrum.Centuria[3] + " at " + Agrum.Centuria[2] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[1] + ":" + Agrum.Centuria[0] + ".\n"); Console.ReadLine(); break; default: break; } }