private CGColor[,] GetOilPaintingColours(UIImage image)
            var width = image.CGImage.Width;
            var height = image.CGImage.Height;
            var oilColours = new CGColor[width, height];

            var radius = 2;
            var intensity = 15;
            var intensityCount = new long[256];
            var sumR = new float[256];
            var sumG = new float[256];
            var sumB = new float[256];

            for( int pixelY = 0; pixelY < height; pixelY++)
                for( int pixelX = 0; pixelX < width; pixelX++)
                    // Find intensities of nearest nRadius pixels in four direction.
                    for( int borderPixelY = pixelY - radius; borderPixelY <= pixelY + radius; borderPixelY++ )
                        for( int borderPixelX = pixelX - radius; borderPixelX <= pixelX + radius; borderPixelX++ )
                            if(borderPixelX < 0 || borderPixelY < 0 || borderPixelX >= width || borderPixelY >= height)

                            var pixelColour = image.GetPixelColour(new CGPoint(borderPixelX, borderPixelY));

                            int currentPixelRed = (int)Math.Round(pixelColour.Components[0] * 255);
                            int currentPixelGreen = (int)Math.Round(pixelColour.Components[1] * 255);
                            int currentPixelBlue = (int)Math.Round(pixelColour.Components[2] * 255);

                            // Find intensity of RGB value and apply intensity level.
                            int currentIntensity =  (int)( ( (float)( currentPixelRed + currentPixelGreen + currentPixelBlue ) / 3.0 ) * intensity ) / 255;
                            if( currentIntensity > 255 )
                                currentIntensity = 255;
                            int i = currentIntensity;

                            sumR[i] = sumR[i] + currentPixelRed;
                            sumG[i] = sumG[i] + currentPixelGreen;
                            sumB[i] = sumB[i] + currentPixelBlue;

                    nfloat currentMax = 0;
                    int maxIndex = 0;
                    for( var index = 0; index < 256; index++ )
                        if( intensityCount[index] > currentMax )
                            currentMax = intensityCount[index];
                            maxIndex = index;

                    oilColours[pixelX, pixelY] = new CGColor((sumR[maxIndex] / currentMax) / 255f, (sumG[maxIndex] / currentMax) / 255f, (sumB[maxIndex] / currentMax) / 255f, 1);

                    Array.Clear(intensityCount, 0, intensityCount.Length);
                    Array.Clear(sumR, 0, sumR.Length);
                    Array.Clear(sumG, 0, sumG.Length);
                    Array.Clear(sumB, 0, sumB.Length);
            return oilColours;