private void LoadCore(Stream stream, DicomStreamOpener streamOpener, DicomTag stopTag, DicomReadOptions options) { // TODO CR (24 Jan 2014): DICOM stream read only uses tag value, so the real implementation should be the uint overload! if (stopTag == null) { stopTag = new DicomTag(0xFFFFFFFF, "Bogus Tag", "BogusTag", DicomVr.NONE, false, 1, 1, false); } DicomStreamReader dsr; var iStream = stream ?? streamOpener.Open(); if (iStream.CanSeek) { iStream.Seek(128, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!FileHasPart10Header(iStream)) { if (!Flags.IsSet(options, DicomReadOptions.ReadNonPart10Files)) { throw new DicomException(String.Format("File is not part 10 format file: {0}", Filename)); } iStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); dsr = new DicomStreamReader(iStream) { StreamOpener = streamOpener, TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian, Dataset = DataSet }; DicomReadStatus stat = dsr.Read(stopTag, options); if (stat != DicomReadStatus.Success) { LogAdapter.Logger.Error("Unexpected error when reading file: {0}", Filename); throw new DicomException("Unexpected read error with file: " + Filename); } TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian; if (DataSet.Contains(DicomTags.SopClassUid)) { MediaStorageSopClassUid = DataSet[DicomTags.SopClassUid].ToString(); } if (DataSet.Contains(DicomTags.SopInstanceUid)) { MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString(); } Loaded = true; return; } } else { // TODO CR (04 Apr 2014): this code here is almost identical to the seekable stream above, except that we use the 4CC wrapper // we can combine these two when we trust that the wrapper works in all cases iStream = FourCcReadStream.Create(iStream); // Read the 128 byte header first, then check for DICM iStream.SeekEx(128, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!FileHasPart10Header(iStream)) { if (!Flags.IsSet(options, DicomReadOptions.ReadNonPart10Files)) { throw new DicomException(String.Format("File is not part 10 format file: {0}", Filename)); } iStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); dsr = new DicomStreamReader(iStream) { StreamOpener = streamOpener, TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian, Dataset = DataSet }; DicomReadStatus stat = dsr.Read(stopTag, options); if (stat != DicomReadStatus.Success) { LogAdapter.Logger.Error("Unexpected error when reading file: {0}", Filename); throw new DicomException("Unexpected read error with file: " + Filename); } TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian; if (DataSet.Contains(DicomTags.SopClassUid)) { MediaStorageSopClassUid = DataSet[DicomTags.SopClassUid].ToString(); } if (DataSet.Contains(DicomTags.SopInstanceUid)) { MediaStorageSopInstanceUid = DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].ToString(); } Loaded = true; return; } } dsr = new DicomStreamReader(iStream) { TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ExplicitVrLittleEndian, StreamOpener = streamOpener, Dataset = MetaInfo }; DicomReadStatus readStat = dsr.Read(new DicomTag(0x0002FFFF, "Bogus Tag", "BogusTag", DicomVr.UNvr, false, 1, 1, false), options); if (readStat != DicomReadStatus.Success) { LogAdapter.Logger.Error("Unexpected error when reading file Meta info for file: {0}", Filename); throw new DicomException("Unexpected failure reading file Meta info for file: " + Filename); } MetaInfoFileLength = dsr.EndGroupTwo + 128 + 4; dsr.Dataset = DataSet; dsr.TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax; readStat = dsr.Read(stopTag, options); if (readStat != DicomReadStatus.Success) { LogAdapter.Logger.Error("Unexpected error ({0}) when reading file at offset {2}: {1}", readStat, Filename, dsr.BytesRead); throw new DicomException("Unexpected failure (" + readStat + ") reading file at offset " + dsr.BytesRead + ": " + Filename); } Loaded = true; }