예제 #1
파일: HUD.cs 프로젝트: jcoder58/Plugins
 ///<summary>Draw Material Triangle</summary>
 public void DrawMaterialTriangle(MaterialInterface Material, Vector2D V0_Pos, Vector2D V1_Pos, Vector2D V2_Pos, Vector2D V0_UV, Vector2D V1_UV, Vector2D V2_UV, LinearColor V0_Color, LinearColor V1_Color, LinearColor V2_Color) =>
 HUD_methods.DrawMaterialTriangle_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Material, V0_Pos, V1_Pos, V2_Pos, V0_UV, V1_UV, V2_UV, V0_Color, V1_Color, V2_Color);
예제 #2
 ///<summary>Change the text material and signal the primitives to be rebuilt</summary>
 public void SetTextMaterial(MaterialInterface Material) =>
 TextRenderComponent_methods.SetTextMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Material);
예제 #3
파일: HUD.cs 프로젝트: jcoder58/Plugins
 ///<summary>Draws a material-textured quad on the HUD.</summary>
 ///@param Material                      Material to use
 ///@param ScreenX                       Screen-space X coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 ///@param ScreenY                       Screen-space Y coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 ///@param ScreenW                       Screen-space width of the quad (in pixels).
 ///@param ScreenH                       Screen-space height of the quad (in pixels).
 ///@param MaterialU                     Texture-space U coordinate of upper left corner of the quad
 ///@param MaterialV                     Texture-space V coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 ///@param MaterialUWidth        Texture-space width of the quad (in normalized UV distance).
 ///@param MaterialVHeight       Texture-space height of the quad (in normalized UV distance).
 ///@param Scale                         Amount to scale the entire texture (horizontally and vertically)
 ///@param bScalePosition        Whether the "Scale" parameter should also scale the position of this draw call.
 ///@param Rotation                      Amount to rotate this quad
 ///@param RotPivot                      Location (as proportion of quad, 0-1) to rotate about
 public void DrawMaterial(MaterialInterface Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float MaterialU, float MaterialV, float MaterialUWidth, float MaterialVHeight, float Scale, bool bScalePosition, float Rotation, Vector2D RotPivot) =>
 HUD_methods.DrawMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Material, ScreenX, ScreenY, ScreenW, ScreenH, MaterialU, MaterialV, MaterialUWidth, MaterialVHeight, Scale, bScalePosition, Rotation, RotPivot);
예제 #4
파일: HUD.cs 프로젝트: jcoder58/Plugins
 ///<summary>Draws a material-textured quad on the HUD.</summary>
 ///Assumes UVs such that the entire material is shown.
 ///@param Material                      Material to use
 ///@param ScreenX                       Screen-space X coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 ///@param ScreenY                       Screen-space Y coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 ///@param ScreenW                       Screen-space width of the quad (in pixels).
 ///@param ScreenH                       Screen-space height of the quad (in pixels).
 ///@param Scale                         Amount to scale the entire texture (horizontally and vertically)
 ///@param bScalePosition        Whether the "Scale" parameter should also scale the position of this draw call.
 public void DrawMaterialSimple(MaterialInterface Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float Scale, bool bScalePosition) =>
 HUD_methods.DrawMaterialSimple_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Material, ScreenX, ScreenY, ScreenW, ScreenH, Scale, bScalePosition);
예제 #5
파일: Light.cs 프로젝트: jcoder58/Plugins
 ///<summary>Set Light Function Material</summary>
 public void SetLightFunctionMaterial(MaterialInterface NewLightFunctionMaterial) =>
 Light_methods.SetLightFunctionMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, NewLightFunctionMaterial);
예제 #6
 ///<summary>setting decal material on decal component. This will force the decal to reattach</summary>
 public void SetDecalMaterial(MaterialInterface NewDecalMaterial) =>
 DecalComponent_methods.SetDecalMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, NewDecalMaterial);
예제 #7
 ///<summary>Creates a Dynamic Material Instance for the specified named material override, optionally from the supplied material.</summary>
 ///@param Name - The slot name of the material to replace.  If invalid, the material is unchanged and NULL is returned.
 public MaterialInstanceDynamic CreateNamedDynamicMaterialInstance(Name InName, MaterialInterface SourceMaterial) =>
 ParticleSystemComponent_methods.CreateNamedDynamicMaterialInstance_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, InName, SourceMaterial);
예제 #8
 ///Copies over parameters given a material interface (copy each instance following the hierarchy)
 ///Very slow implementation, avoid using at runtime.
 ///Hopefully we can replace it later with something like CopyInterpParameters()
 ///The output is the object itself (this). Copying 'quick parameters only' will result in a much
 ///faster copy process but will only copy dynamic scalar, vector and texture parameters on clients.
 ///@param bQuickParametersOnly Copy scalar, vector and texture parameters only. Much faster but may not include required data
 public void K2_CopyMaterialInstanceParameters(MaterialInterface Source, bool bQuickParametersOnly) =>
 MaterialInstanceDynamic_methods.K2_CopyMaterialInstanceParameters_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Source, bQuickParametersOnly);
예제 #9
 ///<summary>Draws a set of triangles on the Canvas.</summary>
 ///@param RenderMaterial                        Material to use when rendering. Remember that only the emissive channel is able to be rendered as no lighting is performed when rendering to the Canvas.
 ///@param Triangles                                     Triangles to render.
 public void K2_DrawMaterialTriangle(MaterialInterface RenderMaterial, byte Triangles /*TODO: array TArray */) =>
 Canvas_methods.K2_DrawMaterialTriangle_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, RenderMaterial, Triangles);
예제 #10
 ///<summary>Set a named material instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.</summary>
 ///<remarks>Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.</remarks>
 public void SetMaterialParameter(Name ParameterName, MaterialInterface Param) =>
 ParticleSystemComponent_methods.SetMaterialParameter_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, ParameterName, Param);
예제 #11
 ///<summary>Draws a material on the Canvas.</summary>
 ///@param RenderMaterial                        Material to use when rendering. Remember that only the emissive channel is able to be rendered as no lighting is performed when rendering to the Canvas.
 ///@param ScreenPosition                        Screen space position to render the texture.
 ///@param ScreenSize                            Screen space size to render the texture.
 ///@param CoordinatePosition            Normalized UV starting coordinate to use when rendering the texture.
 ///@param CoordinateSize                        Normalized UV size coordinate to use when rendering the texture.
 ///@param Rotation                                      Rotation, in degrees, to render the texture.
 ///@param PivotPoint                            Normalized pivot point to use when rotating the texture.
 public void K2_DrawMaterial(MaterialInterface RenderMaterial, Vector2D ScreenPosition, Vector2D ScreenSize, Vector2D CoordinatePosition, Vector2D CoordinateSize, float Rotation, Vector2D PivotPoint) =>
 Canvas_methods.K2_DrawMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, RenderMaterial, ScreenPosition, ScreenSize, CoordinatePosition, CoordinateSize, Rotation, PivotPoint);
예제 #12
 ///<summary>Adds an element to the sprite.</summary>
 public void AddElement(MaterialInterface Material, CurveFloat DistanceToOpacityCurve, bool bSizeIsInScreenSpace, float BaseSizeX, float BaseSizeY, CurveFloat DistanceToSizeCurve) =>
 MaterialBillboardComponent_methods.AddElement_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, Material, DistanceToOpacityCurve, bSizeIsInScreenSpace, BaseSizeX, BaseSizeY, DistanceToSizeCurve);
예제 #13
파일: Emitter.cs 프로젝트: jcoder58/Plugins
 ///<summary>Set Material Parameter</summary>
 public void SetMaterialParameter(Name ParameterName, MaterialInterface Param) =>
 Emitter_methods.SetMaterialParameter_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, ParameterName, Param);
예제 #14
 ///<summary>Sets a Material given a Material Index</summary>
 public void SetMaterial(int MaterialIndex, MaterialInterface NewMaterial) =>
 StaticMesh_methods.SetMaterial_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, MaterialIndex, NewMaterial);
예제 #15
 ///<summary>Creates a Dynamic Material Instance which you can modify during gameplay.</summary>
 public static MaterialInstanceDynamic CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(UObject WorldContextObject, MaterialInterface Parent, Name OptionalName) =>
 KismetMaterialLibrary_methods.CreateDynamicMaterialInstance_method.Invoke(WorldContextObject, Parent, OptionalName);