// Test the functionality related to 'taking' a piece, or stack of
            // pieces, from a position on the game board. Additionally, it
            // should be possible to attempt to 'take' a piece from an invalid
            // position on the game board without error. Throws Exception if
            // 'taking' the pieces from the board does not result in the
            // specified position being empty.
            private static void TestTake()
                // Create a new empty game board.
                TzaarBoard board = new TzaarBoard(true);

                // Create some game pieces of various types.
                TzaarPiece p1 = new TzaarPiece.Tzaar(TzaarColor.BLACK);
                TzaarPiece p2 = new TzaarPiece.Tzarra(TzaarColor.BLACK);
                TzaarPiece p3 = new TzaarPiece.Tott(TzaarColor.BLACK);

                // Add the pieces we created to the board at the target
                // position.
                board.Add(p1, 0, 0);
                board.Add(p2, 0, 0);
                board.Add(p3, 0, 0);

                // Check that there are 3 pieces on the target position.
                if (board.Query(0, 0).Count != 3)
                    throw new Exception();

                // Take the pieces.
                if (board.Take(0, 0).Count != 3)
                    throw new Exception();

                // Check that there are now 0 pieces on the target position.
                if (board.Query(0, 0).Count != 0)
                    throw new Exception();

                // Try to Take from a spot that doesn't exist.
                board.Take(-1, 8);
            // The goal is to test various representative valid and invalid
            // moves for correctness. Throws Exception if a validly specified
            // path is determined to be invalid, or if an invalidly specified
            // path is determined to be valid.
            private static void TestBoardMapPathing()
                // Create a new empty game board.
                TzaarBoardMap boardMap = new TzaarBoardMap();
                TzaarBoard board = new TzaarBoard(true);

                // Create some game pieces of various types.
                TzaarPiece p1 = new TzaarPiece.Tzaar(TzaarColor.BLACK);
                TzaarPiece p2 = new TzaarPiece.Tzarra(TzaarColor.BLACK);
                TzaarPiece p3 = new TzaarPiece.Tott(TzaarColor.BLACK);

                // Operate on this specific position.
                int col = 8;
                int row = 0;

                // Add the pieces we created to the board at the target
                // position.
                board.Add(p1, col, row);
                board.Add(p2, col, row);
                board.Add(p3, col, row);

                // Check that a valid move is reported as valid.
                if (!boardMap.IsValidPath(board, 0, 0, 0, 1))
                    throw new Exception();

                // Check that an invalid move is reported as invalid.
                if (boardMap.IsValidPath(board, 4, 3, 4, 4))
                    throw new Exception();

                board.Add(p1, 2, 2);
                board.Add(p2, 2, 3);

                // Check that an invalid move is reported as invalid.
                if (!boardMap.IsValidPath(board, 2, 2, 2, 3))
                    throw new Exception();

                // Check that passing through another piece is reported as
                // invalid.
                board.Add(p1, 1, 1);
                if (boardMap.IsValidPath(board, 0, 0, 2, 2))
                    throw new Exception();

                // Remove the obstructing piece and verify that (0, 0) and
                // (2, 2) are now connected.
                board.Take(1, 1);
                if (!boardMap.IsValidPath(board, 0, 0, 2, 2))
                    throw new Exception();