/// <summary> /// 是否满足发送站内短信的条件 /// </summary> /// <param name="LoginName"></param> /// <param name="NoticeType">通知</param> /// <returns></returns> public string IsSite(string LoginName, string NoticeType) { DataTable dt = dalConn.GetList("UserParametersTab", NoticeType + ",MobileCount", "parID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string notice = dt.Rows[0][NoticeType].ToString().Trim(); if (notice != "")//有设置通知方式 { string[] s = notice.Split('|'); if (s[0].Trim() != "")//设置有站内短信方式 { return("siteMsg"); } else { return(""); } } else { return(""); } } else { return(""); } }
//获取区域 protected string GetQu(object obj) { string str = ""; long CurrPage = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["CurrPage"]); long TotalCount = 0; long infoId = Convert.ToInt64(obj); Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("MerchantInfoTab", "infoId", "industryClassList,countrycode,Provinceid,cityid,countyid", "InfoId='" + infoId + "'", "InfoId desc", ref CurrPage, 1, ref TotalCount); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dtPro = dal.GetList("setProvincetab", "provinceid", "provinceid,provincename", "provinceid='" + dt.Rows[0]["provinceid"].ToString().Trim() + "'", "provinceid desc", ref CurrPage, 1, ref TotalCount); DataTable dtcity = dal.GetList("setcitytab", "cityid", "cityid,cityname", "cityid='" + dt.Rows[0]["cityid"].ToString().Trim() + "'", "cityid desc", ref CurrPage, 1, ref TotalCount); if (dtPro.Rows[0]["provincename"].ToString() != "") { str += dtPro.Rows[0]["ProvinceName"].ToString() + "省 "; if (dtcity.Rows[0]["CityName"].ToString() != "") { str += dtcity.Rows[0]["CityName"].ToString() + "市"; } } else { str += "<font color='red'>暂无投资区域</font>"; } } else { str += "<font color='red'>暂无投资区域</font>"; } return(str); }
public string dgGetFocuseMe() { StringWriter wr = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(wr); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //读取用户的身份信息 string LoginName = Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL.GetCookieContentByCookieType(0); if (LoginName.Trim() != "") { Tz888.BLL.Conn bllComm = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); long CurrPage = 1; long AllCount = 0; dt = bllComm.GetList("innerinfocontactTab", "loginName", "*", "ContactName='" + LoginName + "' and groupid = 1", "ContactID", ref CurrPage, 4, ref AllCount); if (AllCount > 0) { sb.Append("<div class='notemsg1'>共有<a href='/helper/InfoCollection.aspx' class='chenglink'><span id='focusme'>" + AllCount.ToString() + "</span></a> 位用户将您添加为好友</div>"); } else { sb.Append("<div class='notemsg1'>没有新用户将您添加为好友!</div>"); } sb.Append("<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class='none'>"); Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL member = new Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL(); sb.Append("<tr>"); string tdName = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dtMember = bllComm.GetList("LoginInfoTAB", "*", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + dt.Rows[i]["loginName"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); string headImg = ""; //if (modelMem.HeadPortrait != "") // headImg = "http://images.topfo.com/" + modelMem.HeadPortrait; //else headImg = "../images/MemberData/nopic.gif"; sb.Append("<td width=28%><a target='_blank' href='/Register/MemberMessage_P.aspx?LoginName=" + dtMember.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString() + "'><img src='" + headImg + "' border='0' width='50' height='50' /></a></td>"); tdName += "<td><a target='_blank' href='/Register/MemberMessage_P.aspx?LoginName=" + dtMember.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString() + "'>" + dtMember.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString() + "</a></td>"; } } sb.Append("</tr><tr>"); sb.Append(tdName); sb.Append("</tr></table>"); sb.Append("<div class='entermail'><a href='helper/FriendManager/FriendAttention.aspx' class='blue'>>>进入我的关注信息</a></div></div>"); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void SetTopInfo() { //string name = "liulixing"; string name = "tz888admin"; // string name = Page.User.Identity.Name; DataTable dtUser = dal.GetList("LoginInfoTab", "NickName,ManageTypeID,MemberGradeID", "LoginId", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + name + "'"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString())) { lblUserName.Text = dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); } else { lblUserName.Text = name.Trim(); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL bllLoginInfo = new Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL(); dt = bllLoginInfo.GetLoginInfoByLoginName(name.Trim()); try { if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblInfoCount.Text = "(" + dt.Rows[0]["TodayInfoCount"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; lblMemberCount.Text = "(" + dt.Rows[0]["TodayMemberCount"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; } } catch { } }
private void SetTopInfo() { DataTable dtUser = dal.GetList("LoginInfoTab", "NickName,ManageTypeID,MemberGradeID", "LoginId", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='262734254'"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString())) { lblUserName.Text = dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); } else { lblUserName.Text = Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim(); } //try //{ // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString())) // { // lblUserName.Text = dtUser.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); // } // else { lblUserName.Text = Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim(); } // if (dtUser.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString() == "1") // { // lblMemberGrade.Text = "拓富通试用会员"; // } // //else // //{ // // lblMemberGrade.Text = "拓富通会员"; // // if (memgrade == "3") // // { // // lblMemberGrade.Text = "拓富通银牌会员"; // // } // // if (memgrade == "4") // // { // // lblMemberGrade.Text = "拓富通金牌会员"; // // } // // if (memgrade == "5") // // { // // lblMemberGrade.Text = "拓富通钻石会员"; // // } // //} //} //catch { lblUserName.Text = Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim(); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL bllLoginInfo = new Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL(); dt = bllLoginInfo.GetLoginInfoByLoginName("262734254"); try { if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblInfoCount.Text = "(" + dt.Rows[0]["TodayInfoCount"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; lblMemberCount.Text = "(" + dt.Rows[0]["TodayMemberCount"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; } } catch { } }
//添加好友 public void AddFriend(Tz888.Model.GoodFriend model) { dal.AddFriend(model); SendNotice obj = new SendNotice(); Conn con = new Conn(); DataTable dt1 = con.GetList("LoginInfoTab", "NickName", "LoginID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + model.LoginName + "'"); DataTable dt2 = con.GetList("LoginInfoTab", "NickName", "LoginID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + model.ContactName + "'"); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0 && dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { string loginname1 = dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString().Trim(); //添加人 string loginname2 = dt2.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString().Trim(); //被添加人 string MobileText = "您已被“" + loginname1 + "”添加为好友,[此条信息免费]"; string EmailText = "尊敬的" + loginname2 + ",您已被“" + loginname1 + "”添加为好友"; string Title = "好友添加通知"; string SiteText = "您已被“" + loginname1 + "”添加为好友,[此条信息免费]"; obj.SendSms(model.ContactName, MobileText, Title, SiteText, EmailText, "FriendAddNotice"); } }
/// <summary> /// 有效期 /// </summary> private void SetValid() { Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("dicttab", "*", "idictvalue", 10, 1, 0, 0, " cdicttype='xmyxqxx' "); this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataTextField = "cdictname"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataValueField = "idictvalue"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataSource = dt; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 根据ID取出BID ServicesVIW /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetServiesMID(int ID) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("ServicesVIW", "sid,lvl", "id", 1, 1, 0, 1, "lvl=1 and ID=" + ID); string mid = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { mid = dt.Rows[0]["sid"].ToString(); } return(mid); }
public string GegBID(int MID) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("ServicesMViw", "ServiesBID", "ServiesMID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "ServiesMID=" + MID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["ServiesBID"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据小类ID取得大类Name /// </summary> /// <param name="MID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetBNameByMID(int MID) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("setServiesbigtab", "ServiesbName", "ServiesBID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "ServiesBID=(select ServiesBID from setServiessmalltab where ServiesMID=" + MID + ")"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["ServiesbName"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据SID 取得NAME /// </summary> /// <param name="SID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetNameBySID(int SID) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("ServicesVIW", "ServiesName", "ID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "SID=" + SID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["ServiesName"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据名称获取SID /// </summary> /// <param name="ServiesName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetSIDByName(string ServiesName, int lv) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("ServicesVIW", "SID", "ID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "ServiesName='" + ServiesName + "' and lvl=" + lv); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["SID"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 服务二级分类名称 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetServiesMNameByID(int ServiesMID) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("setServiesSmallTab", "ServiesMName", "ServiesMID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "ServiesMID=" + ServiesMID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["ServiesMName"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
public string isAsk(string LoginName) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("paypwdtab", "loginname,question,answer", "QID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["question"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
//获取行业 protected string GetIndustry(object obj) { string str = ""; string message = ""; long CurrPage = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["CurrPage"]); long TotalCount = 0; long infoId = Convert.ToInt64(obj); Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("MerchantInfoTab", "infoId", "industryClassList,countrycode,Provinceid,cityid,countyid", "InfoId='" + infoId + "'", "InfoId desc", ref CurrPage, 1, ref TotalCount); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string[] industryClassList = dt.Rows[0]["industryClassList"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < industryClassList.Length; i++) { DataTable dt1 = dal.GetList("SetIndustryBTab", "sort", "industryBid,industryBname", "industryBid='" + industryClassList[i].Trim() + "'", "sort desc", ref CurrPage, 1, ref TotalCount); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { str += dt1.Rows[0]["industryBname"].ToString() + ","; } } if (str.Length == 0) { message = "<font color='red'>暂无行业</font>"; } if (str.EndsWith(",")) { message = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1); } } else { message = "<font color='red'>暂无行业</font>"; } return(message); }
private void databind() { ddlServiceType.DataSource = bll.GetTypeAll(); ddlServiceType.DataTextField = "typeName"; ddlServiceType.DataValueField = "typeId"; ddlServiceType.DataBind(); Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("dicttab", "*", "idictvalue", 10, 1, 0, 0, " cdicttype='xmyxqxx' "); this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataTextField = "cdictname"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataValueField = "idictvalue"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataSource = dt; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataBind(); }
public void bind() { Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); long CurrPage = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["CurrPage"]); long TotalCount = 0; DataTable dt = dal.GetList("SubscribeRecViw", "ID", "*", " PromotionStatu=1 and ReceiveLoginName='" + loginname + "'", "ID desc", ref CurrPage, 15, ref TotalCount); lblCount.Text = TotalCount.ToString(); lblPageCount.Text = System.Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(TotalCount) / Convert.ToDouble(15)).ToString(); lblCurrPage.Text = CurrPage.ToString(); txtPage.Value = CurrPage.ToString(); lblCount.Text = TotalCount.ToString(); Pager(); myList.DataSource = dt; myList.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// �Ƿ�������֧������ /// </summary> /// <param name="LoginName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool isSetPwd(string LoginName) { Conn dal = new Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("PayPwdTab", "PayPassword", "QID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["PayPassword"].ToString() != "" || dt.Rows[0]["PayPassword"] != null || dt.Rows[0]["PayPassword"].ToString() != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
private void databind() { ddlServiceType.DataSource = bll.GetTypeAll(); ddlServiceType.DataTextField = "typeName"; ddlServiceType.DataValueField = "typeId"; ddlServiceType.DataBind(); Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("dicttab", "*", "idictvalue", 10, 1, 0, 0, " cdicttype='xmyxqxx' "); this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataTextField = "cdictname"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataValueField = "idictvalue"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataSource = dt; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataBind(); //机构类别 ProfessionalTalentsType orgBll = new ProfessionalTalentsType(); this.DropIndustry.DataSource = orgBll.GetList(""); this.DropIndustry.DataTextField = "TypeName"; this.DropIndustry.DataValueField = "typeid"; this.DropIndustry.DataBind(); }
private void DoLogin() { int AuthenticationTickeTime = Convert.ToInt32(Common.GetAuthenticationTickeTime()); #region //会员登录 //验证用户名与密码是否正确 int ErrorID = 0; string ErrorMsg = ""; LoginInfoBLL loginRule = new LoginInfoBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = loginRule.LmAuthenticate( strLoginName, 0, false, ref ErrorID, ref ErrorMsg); if (ErrorID != 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('用户名或密码错误!');location.href='http://member.topfo.com/login.aspx';</script>"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { strRoleName = dt.Rows[0]["RoleName"].ToString().Trim(); } if ((dt.Rows.Count > 0) && (strRoleName == "0")) // { InsertLoginLog(strLoginName, strRoleName); //写登陆cookie开始 HttpCookie loginedUser = new HttpCookie("loginedUser"); loginedUser.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); loginedUser.Value = strLoginName; Response.Cookies.Add(loginedUser); //写登陆cookie结束 Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL.Logout(); //分配验证票,同时建立角色信息 LoginInfoBLL.SetUserFormsCookie(strLoginName, dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim(), dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), true); #region 登录后SESSION记录 用户名,用户角色以及 角色组 Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dtUser = dal.GetList("VipApplyTab", "BuyTerm", "ApplyID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + strLoginName + "'"); string MemberType = ""; if (dtUser != null && dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { MemberType = dtUser.Rows[0]["BuyTerm"].ToString(); } else { MemberType = "1"; } string[] obj = { strLoginName, dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), MemberType }; Session["MemberObj"] = obj; #endregion if (!(HttpContext.Current.User == null)) { if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms") { System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity id; id = (System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity; String[] myRoles = new String[6]; myRoles[0] = "2001"; myRoles[1] = "2002"; myRoles[2] = "2003"; myRoles[3] = "2004"; myRoles[4] = "2006"; myRoles[5] = "2007"; HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id, myRoles); } } //此为搭建的互告环境 20100330 HttpCookie Cook = new HttpCookie("uID"); Cook.Value = dt.Rows[0]["loginId"].ToString(); Cook.Domain = ".topfo.com"; Response.SetCookie(Cook); #region 获取跳转链接并跳转 if (this.ViewState["ReturnURL"] != null) { Response.Redirect(this.ViewState["ReturnURL"].ToString().Trim()); } else { if (dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim() == "1002") { //拓富会员 Response.Redirect("indexTof.aspx"); } else { //普通会员 Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } #endregion } else { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('用户名或密码错误!');location.href='http://member.topfo.com/login.aspx';</script>"); } } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 判断发送消息的类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="dal">业务层</param> /// <param name="descript">发送内容</param> /// <param name="htmlFile">显示的地址</param> /// <param name="CurrPage">当前页</param> /// <param name="TotalCount">总记录数</param> /// <param name="Promotioncount">推广的数量</param> /// <param name="SubscribeType">推广的类型</param> /// <param name="strWhere">推广的条件</param> /// <param name="countTatol">推广提取的条数</param> private void SendSummey(Tz888.BLL.Conn dal, string descript, string htmlFile, ref long CurrPage, ref long TotalCount, string[] Promotioncount, string[] SubscribeType, ref string strWhere, ref int countTatol) { string type = ""; Tz888.BLL.SubscribeSet bll = new Tz888.BLL.SubscribeSet(); for (int j = 0; j < SubscribeType.Length - 1; j++) { if (SubscribeType[j].Equals("1") && SubscribeType[j] != "") //判断是属于哪个类型(站内短信) { if (Promotioncount[j] != "") { countTatol = Convert.ToInt32(Promotioncount[j]); //得到哪种类型下的推广数量 DataTable dt = dal.GetList("showLoginMember_getList", "loginID", "*", strWhere, "NEWID()", ref CurrPage, countTatol, ref TotalCount); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (countTatol <= dt.Rows.Count) { SendLoginNameShort(descript, dt); //执行成功之后更改推广类型,是为了避免下次再次发信息 site = true; if (email && phone)//最后一次 { type = ",,,"; } else if (email)//第二次 { type = ",,3,"; } else if (phone) { type = ",2,,"; } else { type = SubType.Substring(SubType.IndexOf(",")); } bll.Update(id, type); type = ""; } } } } } if (SubscribeType[j].Equals("2") && SubscribeType[j] != "") //判断是属于哪个类型(Email) { if (Promotioncount[j] != "") { countTatol = Convert.ToInt32(Promotioncount[j]); //得到哪种类型下的推广数量 DataTable dt = dal.GetList("showLoginMember_getList", "loginID", "*", strWhere, "NEWID()", ref CurrPage, countTatol, ref TotalCount); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (countTatol <= dt.Rows.Count) { SendEmailShort(descript, htmlFile, dt); email = true; if (site && phone) //最后一次 { type = ",,,"; } else if (site)//如果是第二次 { type = ",,3,"; } else if (phone) { type = "1,,,"; } else //第一次 { //1,,3, type = SubType.Substring(0, SubType.IndexOf("2")) + SubType.Substring(SubType.IndexOf("2") + 1, 2); } bll.Update(id, type); type = ""; } } } } } if (SubscribeType[j].Equals("3") && SubscribeType[j] != "") //判断是属于哪个类型(phone) { if (Promotioncount[j] != "") { countTatol = Convert.ToInt32(Promotioncount[j]); //得到哪种类型下的推广数量 DataTable dt = dal.GetList("showLoginMember_getList", "loginID", "*", strWhere, "NEWID()", ref CurrPage, countTatol, ref TotalCount); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (countTatol <= dt.Rows.Count) { SendPhoneShort(descript, dt); phone = true; if (site && email) //在本次循环中是最后一次执行 { type = ",,,"; } else if (site) //在本次循环中是第二次执行 { type = ",2,,"; } else if (email) { type = "1,,,"; } else { type = SubType.Substring(0, SubType.IndexOf("3")) + ","; } bll.Update(id, type); type = ""; } } } } } } PromotionType(); strWhere = ""; strWhere = ViewState["strWhere"].ToString(); }
private void DoLogin() { int AuthenticationTickeTime = Convert.ToInt32(Common.GetAuthenticationTickeTime()); #region //会员登录 lblValidate.Visible = false; //验证用户名与密码是否正确 int ErrorID = 0; string ErrorMsg = ""; LoginInfoBLL loginRule = new LoginInfoBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = loginRule.Authenticate( strLoginName, 0, strPassword, false, ref ErrorID, ref ErrorMsg); if (ErrorID != 0) { lblPasswordWrong.Text = ErrorMsg; lblPasswordWrong.Visible = true; return; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { strRoleName = dt.Rows[0]["RoleName"].ToString().Trim(); } if ((dt.Rows.Count > 0) && (strRoleName == "0")) // { InsertLoginLog(strLoginName, strRoleName); //写登陆cookie开始 HttpCookie loginedUser = new HttpCookie("loginedUser"); loginedUser.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); loginedUser.Value = strLoginName; Response.Cookies.Add(loginedUser); //写登陆cookie结束 Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL.Logout(); //BBS登录 Tz888DZLogin.BBSLogin(dt.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString().Trim(), txtPsd.Text.Trim(), dt.Rows[0]["email"].ToString().Trim()); //分配验证票,同时建立角色信息 LoginInfoBLL.SetUserFormsCookie(strLoginName, dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim(), dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), true); #region 登录后SESSION记录 用户名,用户角色以及 角色组 Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dtUser = dal.GetList("VipApplyTab", "BuyTerm", "ApplyID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + strLoginName + "'"); string MemberType = ""; if (dtUser != null && dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { MemberType = dtUser.Rows[0]["BuyTerm"].ToString(); } else { MemberType = "1"; } string[] obj = { strLoginName, dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), MemberType }; Session["MemberObj"] = obj; #endregion if (!(HttpContext.Current.User == null)) { if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms") { System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity id; id = (System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity; String[] myRoles = new String[6]; myRoles[0] = "2001"; myRoles[1] = "2002"; myRoles[2] = "2003"; myRoles[3] = "2004"; myRoles[4] = "2006"; myRoles[5] = "2007"; HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id, myRoles); } } HttpCookie Cook = new HttpCookie("uID"); Cook.Value = dt.Rows[0]["loginId"].ToString(); Cook.Domain = ".topfo.com"; Response.SetCookie(Cook); #region 获取跳转链接并跳转 string strReturnURL = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Params["ReturnURL"]); string strurl = "Index.aspx"; if (Request.QueryString["url"] != null) { strurl = Request.QueryString["url"].ToString(); } string strSimpleRetrun = Request.Params["Simple"]; if (action == "bbs") { Response.Redirect(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BBS_weburl"]); } if (strReturnURL != null) { Response.Redirect(strReturnURL); } else if (strurl != null) { Response.Redirect(strurl); } else { if (this.ViewState["ReturnURL"] != null) { Response.Redirect(this.ViewState["ReturnURL"].ToString().Trim()); } else { if (dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim() == "1002") { //拓富会员 //Response.Redirect("http://member.topfo.com/indexTof.aspx"); Response.Redirect("indexTof.aspx"); } else { //普通会员 //Response.Redirect("http://member.topfo.com/index.aspx"); Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } } #endregion } else { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { lblPasswordWrong.Text = "您输入的用户名或密码不正确,请重新登录!"; } lblPasswordWrong.Visible = true; } #endregion }
public void setNotice() { Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); HtmlInputCheckBox check = new HtmlInputCheckBox(); //DataTable dt = dal.GetList("UserParametersTab", "*", "parID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim() + "'"); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("UserParametersTab", "*", "parID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='test'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string dzchk = dt.Rows[0]["SubscribeNotice"].ToString();//定制通知 string strNotice = ""; if (dzchk != "") { this.ViewState["Mobile"] = 0; string[] Notice = dzchk.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < Notice.Length; i++) { try { switch (Convert.ToInt32(Notice[i])) { case 1: strNotice += "站内短信、"; break; case 2: strNotice += "电子邮件、"; break; case 3: strNotice += "手机短信、"; this.ViewState["Mobile"] = 1; break; default: strNotice += ""; break; } } catch { } } if (strNotice != "") { strNotice = "您已选择使用" + strNotice + "的定阅通知"; //lbNotice.Text = strNotice + "<br> 请点击此处<a href='javascript:ShowMessageWin()'><font color='#0000FF'>修改通知接收方式</font></a>"; } else { //lbNotice.Text = "您还没有进行定阅通知设置操作" + "<br> 请点击此处<a href='javascript:ShowMessageWin()'><font color='#0000FF'>添加通知接收方式</font></a>"; ; } } else { //lbNotice.Text = "您还没有进行定阅通知设置操作" + "<br> 请点击此处<a href='javascript:ShowMessageWin()'><font color='#0000FF'>添加通知接收方式</font></a>"; ; } if (!Page.User.IsInRole("GT1001") && Convert.ToInt32(this.ViewState["Mobile"]) == 1) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["MobileCount"]); if (count > 0) { lbMobile.Text = "<font color='red'> 温馨提示:</font>您现在还可以接收" + count + "条手机短信。<a href='http://member.topfo.com/helper/buysms.aspx' target='_blank'><font color='red'>申请更多手机短信通知</font></a>"; } else { lbMobile.Text = " <font color='red'>温馨提示:</font>您的免费短信条数为0条,请您尽快<a href='http://member.topfo.com/helper/buysms.aspx' target='_blank'><font color='#0000FF'>购买短信</font></a>条数,以免贻误商机!"; } } } else { //lbNotice.Text = "您还没有进行定阅通知设置操作" + "<br> 请点击此处<a href='javascript:ShowMessageWin()'><font color='#0000FF'>添加通知接收方式</font></a>"; ; } }
public string GetContactDetail(string InfoID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string LoginName = ""; #region 资源是否购买的提示信息 //string WhetherCharges_button = ""; //按钮提示 //string WhetherCharges_Clew = ""; //提示信息 int FixPriceID = 0; //资源是否收费 string infoTypeName = ""; decimal MainPointCount = 0; //资源报价 string userState = "Charge"; // Charge购买 / Login登陆 / View查看 string payDomain = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["payDomain"]; string buyUrl = payDomain + "/order_item.aspx?InfoID=" + InfoID; //资源购买的路径 Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("MainInfoTab", "InfoID,FixPriceID,MainPointCount,InfoType", "InfoID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "InfoID=" + Convert.ToInt64(InfoID)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { FixPriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["FixPriceID"].ToString().Trim()); MainPointCount = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["MainPointCount"].ToString().Trim()); infoTypeName = dt.Rows[0]["InfoType"].ToString().Trim(); } if (MainPointCount > 0 && FixPriceID > 1) //是否免费信息 { bool bIsBuy = false; //这是一条收费信息 Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL ciBll = new Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL(); bIsBuy = ciBll.bIsBuyInfoOfUser(LoginName, InfoID); if (bIsBuy) { userState = "View"; } else { userState = "Charge"; } } else { userState = "View"; } switch (userState) { case "View": //提示查看 //WhetherCharges_button = "<a href=\"#88\" onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\" ><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn13.gif\" alt=\"请点击查看\"></a>"; //WhetherCharges_Clew = "<span class=\"tit f_tit3\">以下为项目核心资料,你需要购买才能查看!</span><span class=\"btn\">" + // "<a href=\"#88\" onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn13.gif\" alt=\"点击查看\" /></a></span>" + // "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; sb.Append(""); break; case "Charge": //提示购买 //WhetherCharges_button = "<a href=\"" + buyUrl + "\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn7.gif\" alt=\"请点击购买\"></a>"; //WhetherCharges_Clew = "<span class=\"tit f_tit3\">以下为项目核心资料,你需要购买才能查看!</span><span class=\"btn\">" + // "<a href=\"" + buyUrl + "\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn7.gif\" alt=\"点击购买\" /></a></span>" + // "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; break; } return(sb.ToString().Trim()); #endregion }
public void getList() { string strWhere = ""; loginname = Page.User.Identity.Name;//"aaaaaa"; loginname = "cn001"; long CurrPage = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["CurrPage"]); long TotalCount = 0; Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); switch (commentType) { case 4: //--默认 strWhere = "infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0'"; //strWhere = "loginName='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0'and IsDelete= '0'"; break; case 0: //新留言 strWhere = "infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0' and IsResponse= '0' and IsAudit= '0'"; break; case 1: //已阅读 strWhere = "(infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0' and IsResponse= '1' ) or ( IsAudit!= '0'" + " and infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0')"; break; case 2: //已回复 strWhere = "infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0' and IsResponse= '1' "; break; case 3: //已公开 strWhere = "infoOwner='" + loginname + "' and fatherId= '0' and IsDelete= '0' and IsAudit!= '0' "; break; } if (ddlCommentTime.SelectedValue == "0") { strWhere += ""; } else if (ddlCommentTime.SelectedValue == "91") { strWhere += " and DateDiff(d,CommentTime,getdate())>90 "; } else { strWhere += " and DateDiff(d,CommentTime,getdate())<" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlCommentTime.SelectedValue); } if (this.txtCommentSelect.Text.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and (CHARINDEX('" + this.txtCommentSelect.Text.Trim() + "'," + "commentContent" + ")>0)"; } DataTable dt = dal.GetList("InfoCommentManagerVIW", "InfoID", "LoginName,InfoID,Title,CommentContent,CommentTime,ID,IsAudit,IsResponse", strWhere, "CommentTime desc", ref CurrPage, Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["pagesize"]), ref TotalCount); outDataTable = dt; lblCount.Text = TotalCount.ToString(); lblCurrPage.Text = CurrPage.ToString(); lblPageCount.Text = System.Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(TotalCount) / Convert.ToDouble(ViewState["pagesize"])).ToString(); rptCommentReceive.DataSource = dt; rptCommentReceive.DataBind(); if (TotalCount <= 0) { rptCommentReceive.Visible = false; lbMessage.Text = "您还没有收到任何留言!"; lbMessage.Visible = true; } else { lbMessage.Visible = false; rptCommentReceive.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.User.Identity.Name == null || Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim() == "") { Response.Redirect("../../Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=" + Server.UrlEncode(Request.RawUrl)); return; } if (Request.QueryString["name"] != null && Request.QueryString["name"].ToString() != "") { long m = 1; long j = 1; long k = 1; string nickName = ""; string strWhere = ""; string memberGrade = ""; string manageType = ""; string intent = ""; string name = ""; bool grade = false; bool type = false; Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); name = Request.QueryString["name"].ToString().Trim(); //name = "kiki"; strWhere = "loginName='" + name + "'"; //strWhere = "nickName='" + name + "'"; DataTable dt = dal.GetList("loginInfoTab", "loginName", "nickName", strWhere, "loginName", ref m, k, ref j); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { nickName = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //strWhere = "loginName= ' " + Page.User.Identity.Name + "'"; strWhere = "loginName= ' " + name + "'"; dt = null; dt = dal.GetList("loginInfoTab", "loginName", "MemberGradeId,ManageTypeId,requirInfo", strWhere, "loginName", ref m, k, ref j); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { memberGrade = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); manageType = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); intent = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(); } Tz888.BLL.GoodFriend friendBll = new Tz888.BLL.GoodFriend(); Tz888.Model.GoodFriend set = new Tz888.Model.GoodFriend(); bool IsBlack = friendBll.IsSpecies(name, Page.User.Identity.Name, 3); //bool IsBlack = friendBll.IsSpecies("huangleon", "beckycheng", 3); if (IsBlack) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加好友失败!您被加入黑名单');window.close();</script>"); return; } bool IsFriend = friendBll.IsSpecies(Page.User.Identity.Name, name, 1); //bool IsFriend = friendBll.IsSpecies("huangleon", "beckycheng", 1); if (IsFriend) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加好友失败!用户已在好友列表中');window.close();</script>"); return; } if (name.Trim() == Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim()) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加好友失败!不能添加自己为好友');window.close();</script>"); return; } //loginName = "kittycat"; set = friendBll.GetFriendSet(name); if (set != null) { if (set.MemberGrade == 2) { if (memberGrade == "1001") { grade = true; } } else if (set.MemberGrade == 0) { grade = true; } if (grade) { if (set.MemberType == 0) { type = true; } else if (set.MemberType == 1) { if (manageType.Trim() == "1004") { type = true; } } else if (set.MemberType == 2) { if (manageType.Trim() == "1003") { type = true; } } else if (set.MemberType == 3) { if (manageType.Trim() == "1001") { type = true; } } } } else { type = true; } if (type) { Tz888.Model.GoodFriend model = new Tz888.Model.GoodFriend(); model.LoginName = Page.User.Identity.Name; model.ContactName = name; model.GroupId = 1; friendBll.AddFriend(model); this.hplName.Text = "恭喜,您已经成功添加" + nickName + "为您的好友了!"; this.hplList.Text = "查看您的好友列表"; this.hplList.NavigateUrl = "friendList.aspx"; this.hplSendInfo.Text = "给" + nickName + "发送站内短信"; this.hplSendInfo.NavigateUrl = "../../innerinfo/SendView.aspx?Ac=0&name=" + nickName; } else { this.hplName.Text = "对不起," + name + " 设置只有拓富通会员才能将他加为好友!"; this.hplList.Text = "了解一下拓富通会员服务"; this.hplList.NavigateUrl = "http://www.topfo.com/help/TopfoServer.shtml#a5"; this.hplSendInfo.Text = "立即申请拓富通会员服务"; this.hplSendInfo.NavigateUrl = "http://member.topfo.com/Register/VIPMemberRegister_In.aspx"; } } }
private void LoadInfo(long InfoID) { Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dt = dal.GetList("dicttab", "*", "idictvalue", 10, 1, 0, 0, " cdicttype='xmyxqxx' "); this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataTextField = "cdictname"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataValueField = "idictvalue"; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataSource = dt; this.rdlValiditeTerm.DataBind(); //2010-07-28 以上绑定项目有效期限 Tz888.BLL.Info.MarchantInfoBLL bll = new Tz888.BLL.Info.MarchantInfoBLL(); Tz888.Model.Info.MerchantSetModel model = bll.GetIntegrityModel(InfoID); //this.rblMerchantType.SelectedValue = "2"; //model.MerchantInfoModel.MerchantTypeID.Trim(); this.txtMerchantTopic.Text = model.MainInfoModel.Title; if (model.MerchantInfoModel != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MerchantInfoModel.CountryCode.Trim())) { this.ZoneSelectControl1.CountryID = model.MerchantInfoModel.CountryCode.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MerchantInfoModel.ProvinceID.Trim())) { this.ZoneSelectControl1.ProvinceID = model.MerchantInfoModel.ProvinceID.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MerchantInfoModel.CityID.Trim())) { this.ZoneSelectControl1.CityID = model.MerchantInfoModel.CityID.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MerchantInfoModel.CountyID.Trim())) { this.ZoneSelectControl1.CountyID = model.MerchantInfoModel.CountyID.Trim(); } this.SelectIndustryControl1.IndustryString = model.MerchantInfoModel.IndustryClassList.Trim(); string CooperationDemandType = model.MerchantInfoModel.CooperationDemandType.Trim(); #region 2010-06-11 新增字段的读取 ////项目现状及规划 //txtProjectStatus.Text = model.MerchantInfoModel.ProjectStatus; ////项目优势及市场分析 //txtMarket.Text = model.MerchantInfoModel.Market; ////地方经济指标描述 //txtEconomicIndicators.Text = model.MerchantInfoModel.EconomicIndicators; //////投资环境描述 //txtInvestmentEnvironment.Text = model.MerchantInfoModel.InvestmentEnvironment; ////经济效益分析 //txtBenefit.Text = model.MerchantInfoModel.Benefit; this.ddlCapitalCurrency.SelectedValue = model.MerchantInfoModel.CapitalCurrency; this.txtCapitalTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(model.MerchantInfoModel.CapitalTotal); //this.ddlMerchantCurrency.SelectedValue = model.MerchantInfoModel.MerchantCurrency; //this.ddlMerchantTotal.SelectedValue = model.MerchantInfoModel.MerchantTotal; this.txtZoneAbout.Value = Tz888.Common.Utility.PageValidate.FiltrateHTMLTag(Tz888.Common.Utility.PageValidate.HtmlToTxt(model.MerchantInfoModel.ZoneAbout.Trim())); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MerchantInfoModel.ReceiveOrganization)) // this.MerchantInfoAddressInfo1.Undertaker = model.MerchantInfoModel.ReceiveOrganization.Trim(); //else // this.MerchantInfoAddressInfo1.Undertaker = ""; txtAddress.Text = model.InfoContactModel.Address; txtEmail.Text = model.InfoContactModel.Email; txtMobile.Text = model.InfoContactModel.Mobile; txtCompanyName.Text = model.InfoContactModel.OrganizationName; txtName.Text = model.InfoContactModel.Name; txtTelCountry.Text = model.InfoContactModel.TelCountryCode; txtTelZoneCode.Text = model.InfoContactModel.TelStateCode; txtTelNumber.Text = model.InfoContactModel.TelNum; ViewState["ZoneAboutBrief"] = model.MerchantInfoModel.ZoneAboutBrief; } string[] cooType = model.MerchantInfoModel.CooperationDemandType.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); //for (int i = 0; i < cooType.Length; i++)//3,4,5,6,7,8, //{ // switch (cooType[i]) // { // case"3": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[0].Selected = true; // break; // case"4": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[1].Selected = true; // break; // case"5": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[2].Selected = true; // break; // case"6": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[3].Selected = true; // break; // case "7": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[4].Selected = true; // break; // case "8": // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[5].Selected = true; // break; // default: // break; // } //} //string CooperationDemandTypeItems; //for (int i = 0; i < cblCooperationDemandType.Items.Count; i++) //{ // CooperationDemandTypeItems = cblCooperationDemandType.Items[i].Value; // //CooperationDemandTypeItems += ","; // if (CooperationDemandTypeItems.IndexOf(CooperationDemandTypeItems) != -1) // cblCooperationDemandType.Items[i].Selected = true; //} #endregion //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MainInfoModel.KeyWord.Trim())) //{ // string[] keys = model.MainInfoModel.KeyWord.Trim().Split(','); // for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) // { // string key = keys[i].ToString().Trim(); // switch (i) // { // case 0: // this.txtKeyword1.Text = key; // break; // case 1: // this.txtKeyword2.Text = key; // break; // case 2: // this.txtKeyword3.Text = key; // break; // default: // break; // } // } //} // this.ddlValiditeTerm.SelectedValue = model.MainInfoModel.ValidateTerm.ToString(); //07-28项目有效期限 this.rdlValiditeTerm.SelectedValue = model.MainInfoModel.ValidateTerm.ToString(); this.FilesUploadControl1.InfoList = model.InfoResourceModels; this.FilesUploadControl1.InfoType = "Merchant"; //this.MerchantInfoAddressInfo1.InfoContact = model.InfoContactModel; //控件 //this.MerchantInfoAddressInfo1.infoContact = model.InfoContactManModels; if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) { ViewState["strPrePage"] = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); } else { ViewState["strPrePage"] = ""; } ViewState["InfoID"] = model.MainInfoModel.InfoID; ViewState["PublishT"] = model.MainInfoModel.publishT; ViewState["AuditingStatus"] = model.MainInfoModel.AuditingStatus; ViewState["HtmlFile"] = model.MainInfoModel.HtmlFile; if (model.ShortInfoModel != null) { ViewState["ShortTitle"] = model.ShortInfoModel.ShortTitle; ViewState["ShortContent"] = model.ShortInfoModel.ShortContent; ViewState["ShortInfoControlID"] = model.ShortInfoModel.ShortInfoControlID; } }
public void bind() { string strWhere = ""; string LoginName = "cn001"; long CurrPage = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["CurrPage"]); long PageSize = Convert.ToInt64(ViewState["pagesize"]); long TotalCount = 0; //未指定搜索条件 lblUserPoint.Text = OnlineStrike.getUserPoint(LoginName).ToString(); if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() == "all") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"; } //按照资源类型搜索 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() == "all") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "'"; } //按用户类型搜索 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() != "all") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"; } //按时间搜索 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() == "all") { if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "90") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())>" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } else { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())<" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } } //按时间与资源类型 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() == "all") { if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "90") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())>" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } else { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())<" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } } //按时间与用户类型 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() != "all") { if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "90") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"; } else { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"; } } //按资源用户类型 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() != "all") { if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "90") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "'"; } else { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "'"; } } //按时间 用户类型 资源类型 if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddltype.Value.Trim() != "all" && ddluserType.Value.Trim() != "all") { if (ddldiff.Value.Trim() == "90") { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())>" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } else { strWhere = "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' and InfoTypeID='" + ddltype.Value.Trim() + "' and DateDiff(d,packdate,getdate())<" + ddldiff.Value.Trim(); } } DataTable dt = bll.GetList("ShopCarVIW", "ShopCarID", "*", strWhere, "ShopCarID desc", ref CurrPage, PageSize, ref TotalCount); lblCount.Text = TotalCount.ToString(); lblPageCount.Text = System.Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(TotalCount) / Convert.ToDouble(PageSize)).ToString(); lblCurrPage.Text = CurrPage.ToString(); txtPage.Value = CurrPage.ToString(); lblCount.Text = TotalCount.ToString(); Pager(); myList.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; myList.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 所有招商视频数量 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetVideoCount() { DataTable dt = dal.GetList("VideoInfoviw", "InfoID", "InfoID", 1, 1, 1, 1, "AuditingStatus=1"); return(dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString()); }
private void Display() { Tname = Tz888.Common.DEncrypt.DEncrypt.Decrypt(Request.QueryString["logname"]); TpassWord = Tz888.Common.DEncrypt.DEncrypt.Decrypt(Request.QueryString["PassWord"]); //验证用户名与密码是否正确 int ErrorID = 0; string ErrorMsg = ""; LoginInfoBLL loginRule = new LoginInfoBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = loginRule.Authenticate( Tname, 0, TpassWord, false, ref ErrorID, ref ErrorMsg); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //写登陆cookie开始 HttpCookie loginedUser = new HttpCookie("loginedUser"); loginedUser.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); loginedUser.Value = Tname; Response.Cookies.Add(loginedUser); //写登陆cookie结束 Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL.Logout(); //分配验证票,同时建立角色信息 LoginInfoBLL.SetUserFormsCookie(Tname, dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim(), dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), true); #region 登录后SESSION记录 用户名,用户角色以及 角色组 Tz888.BLL.Conn dal = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable dtUser = dal.GetList("VipApplyTab", "BuyTerm", "ApplyID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + Tname + "'"); string MemberType = ""; if (dtUser != null && dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { MemberType = dtUser.Rows[0]["BuyTerm"].ToString(); } else { MemberType = "1"; } string[] obj = { Tname, dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(), MemberType }; Session["MemberObj"] = obj; #endregion if (!(HttpContext.Current.User == null)) { if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms") { System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity id; id = (System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity; String[] myRoles = new String[6]; myRoles[0] = "2001"; myRoles[1] = "2002"; myRoles[2] = "2003"; myRoles[3] = "2004"; myRoles[4] = "2006"; myRoles[5] = "2007"; HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id, myRoles); } } #region 获取跳转链接并跳转 if (dt.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim() == "1002") { //拓富会员 Response.Redirect("../indexTof.aspx"); } else { //普通会员 //Response.Redirect("http://member.topfo.com/index.aspx"); Response.Redirect("../index.aspx"); } #endregion } }