예제 #1
        public BoolGrid Shrink()
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 1; x < Width() - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < Height() - 1; y++)
                    bool success = true;
                    for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1 && success; dx++)
                        for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1 && success; dy++)
                            success = this[x + dx, y + dy];
                    if (success)
                        result[x, y] = true;

예제 #2
        private BoolGrid Placable(BoolGrid around, BoolGrid shrunkenStart)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(around.Width(), around.Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < around.Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < around.Height(); y++)
                    if (around[x, y])
                        for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++)
                            if (shrunkenStart[x + i, y - 2])
                                result[x + i, y - 2] = true;
                            if (shrunkenStart[x + i, y + 2])
                                result[x + i, y + 2] = true;
                            if (shrunkenStart[x + 2, y + i])
                                result[x + 2, y + i] = true;
                            if (shrunkenStart[x - 2, y + i])
                                result[x - 2, y + i] = true;
예제 #3
        public BoolGrid GetConnected(Point2D point, ArrayBoolGrid encountered)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            Queue <Point2D> q = new Queue <Point2D>();

            while (q.Count > 0)
                Point2D cur = q.Dequeue();
                if (cur.X < 0 || cur.Y < 0 || cur.X >= Width() || cur.Y >= Height())
                if (Get(cur) && !encountered[cur])
                    result[cur]      = true;
                    encountered[cur] = true;
                    q.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X + 1, cur.Y));
                    q.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X - 1, cur.Y));
                    q.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X, cur.Y + 1));
                    q.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X, cur.Y - 1));
예제 #4
        public override BoolGrid Clone()
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    result[x, y] = this[x, y];
예제 #5
        public BoolGrid GetAnd(BoolGrid other)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    result[x, y] = this[x, y] && other[x, y];

예제 #6
        public BoolGrid GetAdjacent(BoolGrid other)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    result[x, y] = this[x, y] && (other[x + 1, y] || other[x - 1, y] || other[x, y + 1] || other[x, y - 1]);

예제 #7
        public List <BoolGrid> GetGroups()
            List <BoolGrid> groups      = new List <BoolGrid>();
            ArrayBoolGrid   encountered = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    if (this[x, y] && !encountered[x, y])
                        groups.Add(GetConnected(SC2Util.Point(x, y), encountered));

예제 #8
        public BoolGrid GetConnected(BoolGrid connectedTo, int steps)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            Queue <Point2D> q1 = new Queue <Point2D>();

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    if (connectedTo[x, y])
                        q1.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(x, y));

            Queue <Point2D> q2 = new Queue <Point2D>();

            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                while (q1.Count > 0)
                    Point2D cur = q1.Dequeue();
                    if (cur.X < 0 || cur.Y < 0 || cur.X >= Width() || cur.Y >= Height())
                    if (Get(cur) && !result[cur])
                        result[cur] = true;
                        q2.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X + 1, cur.Y));
                        q2.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X - 1, cur.Y));
                        q2.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X, cur.Y + 1));
                        q2.Enqueue(SC2Util.Point(cur.X, cur.Y - 1));
                q1 = q2;
                q2 = new Queue <Point2D>();
예제 #9
        public BoolGrid Crop(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
            ArrayBoolGrid result = new ArrayBoolGrid(Width(), Height());

            for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++)
                    if (x < startX || x >= endX || y < startY || y >= endY)
                        result[x, y] = false;
                        result[x, y] = this[x, y];
예제 #10
        public void Analyze(Tyr tyr)
            // Determine the start location.
            foreach (Unit unit in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (unit.Owner == tyr.PlayerId && UnitTypes.ResourceCenters.Contains(unit.UnitType))
                    StartLocation = unit.Pos;

            List <MineralField> mineralFields = new List <MineralField>();

            foreach (Unit mineralField in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (UnitTypes.MineralFields.Contains(mineralField.UnitType))
                    mineralFields.Add(new MineralField()
                        Pos = mineralField.Pos, Tag = mineralField.Tag

            Dictionary <ulong, int>     mineralSetIds = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();
            List <List <MineralField> > mineralSets   = new List <List <MineralField> >();
            int currentSet = 0;

            foreach (MineralField mineralField in mineralFields)
                if (mineralSetIds.ContainsKey(mineralField.Tag))
                BaseLocation baseLocation = new BaseLocation();
                mineralSetIds.Add(mineralField.Tag, currentSet);

                for (int i = 0; i < baseLocation.MineralFields.Count; i++)
                    MineralField mineralFieldA = baseLocation.MineralFields[i];
                    foreach (MineralField closeMineralField in mineralFields)
                        if (mineralSetIds.ContainsKey(closeMineralField.Tag))

                        if (SC2Util.DistanceGrid(mineralFieldA.Pos, closeMineralField.Pos) <= 5)
                            mineralSetIds.Add(closeMineralField.Tag, currentSet);

            List <Gas> gasses = new List <Gas>();

            foreach (Unit unit in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (UnitTypes.GasGeysers.Contains(unit.UnitType))
                    gasses.Add(new Gas()
                        Pos = unit.Pos, Tag = unit.Tag

            foreach (BaseLocation loc in BaseLocations)
                float x = 0;
                float y = 0;
                foreach (MineralField field in loc.MineralFields)
                    x += (int)field.Pos.X;
                    y += (int)field.Pos.Y;
                x /= loc.MineralFields.Count;
                y /= loc.MineralFields.Count;

                // Round to nearest half position. Nexii are 5x5 and therefore always centered in the middle of a tile.
                x = (int)(x) + 0.5f;
                y = (int)(y) + 0.5f;

                // Temporary position, we still need a proper position.
                loc.Pos = SC2Util.Point(x, y);

                MineralField closest  = null;
                float        distance = 10000;
                foreach (MineralField field in loc.MineralFields)
                    if (SC2Util.DistanceGrid(field.Pos, loc.Pos) < distance)
                        distance = SC2Util.DistanceGrid(field.Pos, loc.Pos);
                        closest  = field;

                // Move the estimated base position slightly away from the closest mineral.
                // This ensures that the base location will not end up on the far side of the minerals.
                if (closest.Pos.X < loc.Pos.X)
                    loc.Pos.X += 2;
                else if (closest.Pos.X > loc.Pos.X)
                    loc.Pos.X -= 2;
                if (closest.Pos.Y < loc.Pos.Y)
                    loc.Pos.Y += 2;
                else if (closest.Pos.Y > loc.Pos.Y)
                    loc.Pos.Y -= 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < gasses.Count; i++)
                    if (SC2Util.DistanceGrid(loc.Pos, gasses[i].Pos) <= 24)
                        gasses[i] = gasses[gasses.Count - 1];
                        gasses.RemoveAt(gasses.Count - 1);

                float closestDist = 1000000;
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j == 0 || j < i; j++)
                        float   maxDist;
                        Point2D newPos;
                        newPos  = SC2Util.Point(loc.Pos.X + i - j, loc.Pos.Y + j);
                        maxDist = checkPosition(newPos, loc);
                        if (maxDist < closestDist)
                            loc.Pos     = newPos;
                            closestDist = maxDist;

                        newPos  = SC2Util.Point(loc.Pos.X + i - j, loc.Pos.Y - j);
                        maxDist = checkPosition(newPos, loc);
                        if (maxDist < closestDist)
                            loc.Pos     = newPos;
                            closestDist = maxDist;

                        newPos  = SC2Util.Point(loc.Pos.X - i + j, loc.Pos.Y + j);
                        maxDist = checkPosition(newPos, loc);
                        if (maxDist < closestDist)
                            loc.Pos     = newPos;
                            closestDist = maxDist;

                        newPos  = SC2Util.Point(loc.Pos.X - i + j, loc.Pos.Y - j);
                        maxDist = checkPosition(newPos, loc);
                        if (maxDist < closestDist)
                            loc.Pos     = newPos;
                            closestDist = maxDist;

                if (closestDist >= 999999)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Unable to find proper base placement: " + loc.Pos);

            if (tyr.GameInfo.MapName.Contains("Blueshift"))
                foreach (BaseLocation loc in BaseLocations)
                    if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(loc.Pos, SC2Util.Point(141.5f, 112.5f)) <= 5 * 5 && (loc.Pos.X != 141.5 || loc.Pos.Y != 112.5))
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Incorrect base location, fixing: " + loc.Pos);
                        loc.Pos = SC2Util.Point(141.5f, 112.5f);
                    else if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(loc.Pos, SC2Util.Point(34.5f, 63.5f)) <= 5 * 5 && (loc.Pos.X != 34.5 || loc.Pos.Y != 63.5))
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Incorrect base location, fixing: " + loc.Pos);
                        loc.Pos = SC2Util.Point(34.5f, 63.5f);

            Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            int width  = Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.MapSize.X;
            int height = Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.MapSize.Y;

            Placement = new ImageBoolGrid(tyr.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid);
            StartArea = Placement.GetConnected(SC2Util.To2D(StartLocation));

            ArrayBoolGrid startLocations = new ArrayBoolGrid(Placement.Width(), Placement.Height());

            foreach (Point2D startLoc in Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.StartLocations)
                for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++)
                    for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++)
                        startLocations[(int)startLoc.X + x, (int)startLoc.Y + y] = true;
            for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++)
                for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++)
                    startLocations[(int)StartLocation.X + x, (int)StartLocation.Y + y] = true;

            BoolGrid unPathable = new ImageBoolGrid(Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.PathingGrid).GetAnd(startLocations.Invert());
            BoolGrid pathable   = unPathable.Invert();

            BoolGrid chokes    = Placement.Invert().GetAnd(pathable);
            BoolGrid mainExits = chokes.GetAdjacent(StartArea);

            enemyDistances = EnemyDistances;
            int     dist     = 1000;
            Point2D mainRamp = null;

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    if (mainExits[x, y])
                        int newDist = enemyDistances[x, y];
                        if (newDist < dist)
                            dist     = newDist;
                            mainRamp = SC2Util.Point(x, y);

            BoolGrid ramp = chokes.GetConnected(mainRamp);

            BoolGrid pathingWithoutRamp = pathable.GetAnd(ramp.Invert());

            MainAndPocketArea = pathingWithoutRamp.GetConnected(SC2Util.To2D(StartLocation));

            if (Tyr.Bot.MyRace == Race.Protoss)
                DetermineWall(ramp, unPathable);

            WallDistances = Distances(unPathable);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Total time to find wall: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

             * System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height);
             * for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
             *  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             *  {
             *      if (WallDistances[x, y] == 0)
             *          bmp.SetPixel(x, height - 1 - y, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
             *      else if (WallDistances[x, y] >= 25)
             *          bmp.SetPixel(x, height - 1 - y, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
             *      else
             *          bmp.SetPixel(x, height - 1 - y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(WallDistances[x, y] * 10, WallDistances[x, y] * 10, WallDistances[x, y] * 10));
             *  }
             * foreach (BaseLocation loc in BaseLocations)
             *  for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++)
             *      for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++)
             *          bmp.SetPixel((int)loc.Pos.X + dx, height - 1 - (int)loc.Pos.Y - dy, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
             * foreach (Unit unit in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
             * {
             *  if (UnitTypes.GasGeysers.Contains(unit.UnitType))
             *      for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++)
             *          for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
             *              bmp.SetPixel((int)unit.Pos.X + dx, height - 1 - (int)unit.Pos.Y - dy, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan);
             *  if (UnitTypes.MineralFields.Contains(unit.UnitType))
             *      for (int dx = 0; dx <= 1; dx++)
             *          bmp.SetPixel((int)(unit.Pos.X - 0.5f) + dx, height - 1 - (int)(unit.Pos.Y - 0.5f), System.Drawing.Color.Cyan);
             * }
             * bmp.Save(@"C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\WallDistances.png");
예제 #11
        public void Analyze(Tyr tyr)
            // Determine the start location.
            foreach (Unit unit in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (unit.Owner == tyr.PlayerId && UnitTypes.ResourceCenters.Contains(unit.UnitType))
                    StartLocation = unit.Pos;

            List <MineralField> mineralFields = new List <MineralField>();

            foreach (Unit mineralField in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (UnitTypes.MineralFields.Contains(mineralField.UnitType))
                    mineralFields.Add(new MineralField()
                        Pos = mineralField.Pos, Tag = mineralField.Tag

            // The Units provided in our observation are not guaranteed to be in the same order every game.
            // To ensure the base finding algorithm finds the same base location every time we sort the mineral fields by position.
            mineralFields.Sort((a, b) => (int)(2 * (a.Pos.X + a.Pos.Y * 10000 - b.Pos.X - b.Pos.Y * 10000)));

            Dictionary <ulong, int>     mineralSetIds = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();
            List <List <MineralField> > mineralSets   = new List <List <MineralField> >();
            int currentSet = 0;

            foreach (MineralField mineralField in mineralFields)
                if (mineralSetIds.ContainsKey(mineralField.Tag))
                BaseLocation baseLocation = new BaseLocation();
                mineralSetIds.Add(mineralField.Tag, currentSet);

                for (int i = 0; i < baseLocation.MineralFields.Count; i++)
                    MineralField mineralFieldA = baseLocation.MineralFields[i];
                    foreach (MineralField closeMineralField in mineralFields)
                        if (mineralSetIds.ContainsKey(closeMineralField.Tag))

                        if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(mineralFieldA.Pos, closeMineralField.Pos) <= 4 * 4)
                            mineralSetIds.Add(closeMineralField.Tag, currentSet);

            List <Gas> gasses = new List <Gas>();

            foreach (Unit unit in tyr.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units)
                if (UnitTypes.GasGeysers.Contains(unit.UnitType))
                    gasses.Add(new Gas()
                        Pos = unit.Pos, Tag = unit.Tag

            // The Units provided in our observation are not guaranteed to be in the same order every game.
            // To ensure the base finding algorithm finds the same base location every time we sort the gasses by position.
            gasses.Sort((a, b) => (int)(2 * (a.Pos.X + a.Pos.Y * 10000 - b.Pos.X - b.Pos.Y * 10000)));

            foreach (BaseLocation loc in BaseLocations)
                DetermineFinalLocation(loc, gasses);

            if (tyr.GameInfo.MapName.Contains("Blueshift"))
                foreach (BaseLocation loc in BaseLocations)
                    if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(loc.Pos, SC2Util.Point(141.5f, 112.5f)) <= 5 * 5 && (loc.Pos.X != 141.5 || loc.Pos.Y != 112.5))
                        DebugUtil.WriteLine("Incorrect base location, fixing: " + loc.Pos);
                        loc.Pos = SC2Util.Point(141.5f, 112.5f);
                    else if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(loc.Pos, SC2Util.Point(34.5f, 63.5f)) <= 5 * 5 && (loc.Pos.X != 34.5 || loc.Pos.Y != 63.5))
                        DebugUtil.WriteLine("Incorrect base location, fixing: " + loc.Pos);
                        loc.Pos = SC2Util.Point(34.5f, 63.5f);

            Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            int width  = Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.MapSize.X;
            int height = Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.MapSize.Y;

            Placement = new ImageBoolGrid(tyr.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid);
            StartArea = Placement.GetConnected(SC2Util.To2D(StartLocation));

            ArrayBoolGrid startLocations = new ArrayBoolGrid(Placement.Width(), Placement.Height());

            foreach (Point2D startLoc in Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.StartLocations)
                for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++)
                    for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++)
                        startLocations[(int)startLoc.X + x, (int)startLoc.Y + y] = true;
            for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++)
                for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++)
                    startLocations[(int)StartLocation.X + x, (int)StartLocation.Y + y] = true;

            BoolGrid unPathable;

            if (Tyr.Bot.OldMapData)
                unPathable = new ImageBoolGrid(Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.PathingGrid).GetAnd(startLocations.Invert());
                Pathable   = unPathable.Invert();
                Pathable   = new ImageBoolGrid(Tyr.Bot.GameInfo.StartRaw.PathingGrid).GetOr(startLocations);
                unPathable = Pathable.Invert();

            BoolGrid chokes    = Placement.Invert().GetAnd(Pathable);
            BoolGrid mainExits = chokes.GetAdjacent(StartArea);

            enemyDistances = EnemyDistances;

            int     dist     = 1000;
            Point2D mainRamp = null;

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    if (mainExits[x, y])
                        int newDist = enemyDistances[x, y];
                        if (newDist < dist)
                            dist     = newDist;
                            mainRamp = SC2Util.Point(x, y);

            Ramp = chokes.GetConnected(mainRamp);

            BoolGrid pathingWithoutRamp = Pathable.GetAnd(Ramp.Invert());

            MainAndPocketArea = pathingWithoutRamp.GetConnected(SC2Util.To2D(StartLocation));

            if (Tyr.Bot.MyRace == Race.Protoss)
                DetermineWall(Ramp, unPathable);

            WallDistances = Distances(unPathable);

            DebugUtil.WriteLine("Total time to find wall: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);