/// <summary> /// Adds a piece to the board, and updates the hash keys if needed /// </summary> /// <param name="square">The square for the piece</param> /// <param name="side">For which side the piece is to be added</param> /// <param name="pieceType">The type of piece to add</param> private void AddPiece(Square square, Player side, EPieceType pieceType) { Piece piece = (int)pieceType | (side << 3); Position.AddPiece(piece, square); State.Key ^= piece.GetZobristPst(square); if (pieceType == EPieceType.Pawn) { State.PawnStructureKey ^= piece.GetZobristPst(square); } State.Material.Add(piece); }
/// <summary> /// Apply a FEN string board setup to the board structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="fenString">The string to set</param> /// <param name="validate">If true, the fen string is validated, otherwise not</param> /// <returns> /// 0 = all ok. /// -1 = Error in piece file layout parsing /// -2 = Error in piece rank layout parsing /// -3 = Unknown piece detected /// -4 = Error while parsing moving side /// -5 = Error while parsing castleling /// -6 = Error while parsing en-passant square /// -9 = FEN length exceeding maximum /// </returns> public FenError SetFen(FenData fen, bool validate = false) { if (validate) { Fen.Fen.Validate(fen.Fen.ToString()); } // correctly clear all pieces and invoke possible notification(s) var bb = Occupied; while (bb) { var square = bb.Lsb(); Position.RemovePiece(square, Position.BoardLayout[square.AsInt()]); BitBoards.ResetLsb(ref bb); } var chunk = fen.Chunk(); if (chunk.IsEmpty) { return(new FenError()); } var f = 1; // file (column) var r = 8; // rank (row) Player player; foreach (var c in chunk) { if (char.IsDigit(c)) { f += c - '0'; if (f > 9) { return(new FenError(-1, fen.Index)); } } else if (c == '/') { if (f != 9) { return(new FenError(-2, fen.Index)); } r--; f = 1; } else { var pieceIndex = PieceExtensions.PieceChars.IndexOf(c); if (pieceIndex == -1) { return(new FenError(-3, fen.Index)); } player = char.IsLower(PieceExtensions.PieceChars[pieceIndex]); var square = new Square(r - 1, f - 1); AddPiece(square, player, (EPieceType)pieceIndex); f++; } } // player chunk = fen.Chunk(); if (chunk.IsEmpty || chunk.Length != 1) { return(new FenError(-3, fen.Index)); } player = (chunk[0] != 'w').ToInt(); // castleling chunk = fen.Chunk(); if (!SetupCastleling(chunk)) { return(new FenError(-5, fen.Index)); } // en-passant chunk = fen.Chunk(); if (chunk.Length == 1 || chunk[0] == '-' || !chunk[0].InBetween('a', 'h')) { State.EnPassantSquare = ESquare.none; } else { State.EnPassantSquare = chunk[1].InBetween('3', '6') ? ESquare.none : new Square(chunk[1] - '1', chunk[0] - 'a').Value; } // move number chunk = fen.Chunk(); var moveNum = 0; var halfMoveNum = 0; if (!chunk.IsEmpty) { chunk.ToIntegral(out halfMoveNum); // half move number chunk = fen.Chunk(); chunk.ToIntegral(out moveNum); if (moveNum > 0) { moveNum--; } } PositionIndex = PositionStart = moveNum; Position.State = _stateList[PositionIndex]; State.ReversibleHalfMoveCount = halfMoveNum; State.SideToMove = player; if (player.IsBlack()) { State.Key ^= Zobrist.GetZobristSide(); State.PawnStructureKey ^= Zobrist.GetZobristSide(); } State.Key ^= State.CastlelingRights.GetZobristCastleling(); if (State.EnPassantSquare != ESquare.none) { State.Key ^= State.EnPassantSquare.File().GetZobristEnPessant(); } Position.InCheck = Position.IsAttacked(Position.GetPieceSquare(EPieceType.King, player), ~player); return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Apply a FEN string board setup to the board structure. /// *EXCEPTION FREE FUNCTION* /// </summary> /// <param name="fenString">The string to set</param> /// <param name="validate">If true, the fen string is validated, otherwise not</param> /// <returns> /// 0 = all ok. /// -1 = Error in piece file layout parsing /// -2 = Error in piece rank layout parsing /// -3 = Unknown piece detected /// -4 = Error while parsing moving side /// -5 = Error while parsing castleling /// -6 = Error while parsing en-passant square /// -9 = FEN length exceeding maximum /// </returns> public FenError SetFen(string fenString, bool validate = false) { // TODO : Replace with stream at some point // basic validation, catches format errors if (validate) { Fen.Fen.Validate(fenString); } foreach (var square in Occupied) { Position.RemovePiece(square, Position.BoardLayout[square.AsInt()]); } //for (var i = 0; i <= PositionIndex; i++) // _stateList[i].Clear(); Position.Clear(); var fen = new FenData(fenString); Player player; var c = fen.GetAdvance; var f = 1; // file (column) var r = 8; // rank (row) // map pieces to data structure while (c != 0 && !(f == 9 && r == 1)) { if (char.IsDigit(c)) { f += c - '0'; if (f > 9) { return(new FenError(-1, fen.Index)); } c = fen.GetAdvance; continue; } if (c == '/') { if (f != 9) { return(new FenError(-2, fen.Index)); } r--; f = 1; c = fen.GetAdvance; continue; } var pieceIndex = PieceExtensions.PieceChars.IndexOf(c); if (pieceIndex == -1) { return(new FenError(-3, fen.Index)); } player = char.IsLower(PieceExtensions.PieceChars[pieceIndex]); var square = new Square(r - 1, f - 1); AddPiece(square, player, (EPieceType)pieceIndex); c = fen.GetAdvance; f++; } if (!Fen.Fen.IsDelimiter(c)) { return(new FenError(-4, fen.Index)); } c = fen.GetAdvance; player = c == 'w' ? 0 : 1; if (player == -1) { return(new FenError(-4, fen.Index)); } if (!Fen.Fen.IsDelimiter(fen.GetAdvance)) { return(new FenError(-5, fen.Index)); } if (!SetupCastleling(fen)) { return(new FenError(-5, fen.Index)); } if (!Fen.Fen.IsDelimiter(fen.GetAdvance)) { return(new FenError(-6, fen.Index)); } State.EnPassantSquare = fen.GetEpSquare(); // temporary.. the whole method should be using this, but this will do for now. var moveCounters = fen.Fen.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var first = moveCounters[moveCounters.Length - 2]; var second = moveCounters[moveCounters.Length - 1]; second.ToIntegral(out int number); if (number > 0) { number -= 1; } PositionIndex = PositionStart = number; first.ToIntegral(out number); State = Position.State = _stateList[PositionIndex]; State.ReversibleHalfMoveCount = number; State.SideToMove = player; if (player.IsBlack()) { var zobristSide = Zobrist.GetZobristSide(); State.Key ^= zobristSide; State.PawnStructureKey ^= zobristSide; } State.Key ^= Zobrist.GetZobristCastleling(State.CastlelingRights); if (State.EnPassantSquare != ESquare.none) { State.Key ^= Zobrist.GetZobristEnPessant(State.EnPassantSquare.File().AsInt()); } Position.InCheck = Position.IsAttacked(Position.GetPieceSquare(EPieceType.King, State.SideToMove), ~State.SideToMove); //State.GenerateMoves(true); return(0); }