static void ConnectToTwitch() { ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog("Twitch Client: Connecting..."); TwitchClient = new TcpClient("", 6667); SReader = new StreamReader(TwitchClient.GetStream()); SWriter = new StreamWriter(TwitchClient.GetStream()); SWriter.WriteLine("PASS " + AuthKey); SWriter.WriteLine("NICK " + UserName); SWriter.WriteLine("USER " + UserName + " 8 * :" + UserName); SWriter.WriteLine("JOIN #" + DisplayName); SWriter.Flush(); string Response = SReader.ReadLine(); if (Response.Contains("Welcome, GLHF")) { ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog("Twitch Client: Connected"); } else { ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog("Twitch Client: Failed to Connect"); Debug.Log("Twitch - ConnectToTwitch() -> Failed to Connect", 3); return; } ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog(Response); string Response2 = SReader.ReadLine(); ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog(Response2); }
static void GetTwitchDetails() { ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog("Twitch Client: Getting Details..."); DisplayName = File.ReadAllText("Channel Details\\Display Name.txt").ToLower(); UserName = File.ReadAllText("Channel Details\\User Name.txt").ToLower(); AuthKey = File.ReadAllText("Channel Details\\Auth Key.txt").ToLower(); }
static void UpdateAllVarBoxes() { for (int x = 0; x < Variables.Count; x++) { ConWin.UpdateVarBoxes(x + 1, Variables[x].Item1 + ": " + Variables[x].Item2); } for (int x = 15 - (15 - Variables.Count); x < 15; x++) { ConWin.UpdateVarBoxes(x + 1, "Var " + (x + 1)); } IO.UpdateMainVariableFile(Variables); }
static void ReadChat() { Count++; if (!TwitchClient.Connected) { ConnectToTwitch(); return; } if (TwitchClient.Available > 0) { var Msg = SReader.ReadLine(); if (Msg.Contains("PING")) { SWriter.WriteLine("PONG"); Msg += " -> PONG"; } else if (Msg.Contains("PRIVMSG")) { var splitPoint = Msg.IndexOf("!", 1); var ChatName = Msg.Substring(0, splitPoint); ChatName = ChatName.Substring(1); splitPoint = Msg.IndexOf(":", 1); Msg = Msg.Substring(splitPoint + 1); if (Msg.Substring(0, 1) == "!") { Msg = Master.ProcessInput(Msg.ToLower(), ChatName); Msg = ChatName + ": " + Msg; } else { Msg = ""; } //if (Msg.Substring(0, 1) == "!" && ChatName == DisplayName.ToLower()) // StreamerChatCommands(Msg); } if (Msg != "") { ConWin.UpdateTwitchLog(Msg); } } ChatWriterTimer -= 1; if (ChatWriterTimer <= 0) { WriteToChat("Test"); //WriteToChat("Type '!' and the number of the option you wish to vote for!"); ChatWriterTimer = ChatWriterReset; } }
static string RenameVariable(string Msg) { string Command = Msg.Substring(8, Msg.Length - 8); int Index = Command.IndexOf("-", 0, Command.Length); string CurrentName = Command.Substring(0, Command.Length - Index); string NewName = Command.Substring(Index + 1, Command.Length - (Index + 1)); for (int x = 0; x < Variables.Count; x++) { if (Variables[x].Item1 == CurrentName) { Variables[x] = new Tuple <string, int>(NewName, Variables[x].Item2); ConWin.UpdateVarBoxes(x + 1, Variables[x].Item1 + ": " + Variables[x].Item2); return(Msg); } } Twitch.WriteToChat("Engine: The variable '" + CurrentName + "' Doesn't exist!"); return(" -> Engine: The variable '" + CurrentName + "' Doesn't exist!"); }
static string NewVariable(string Msg) { if (Variables.Count == 15) { Twitch.WriteToChat("Engine: Variables list is full, delete a variable before adding another!"); return(Msg + " -> Engine: Variables list is full!"); } Tuple <string, int> NewTuple = new Tuple <string, int>(Msg.Substring(8, Msg.Length - 8), 0); if (!CheckForExistingVariable(NewTuple.Item1)) { Variables.Add(NewTuple); } else { Twitch.WriteToChat("Engine: That variable already exists!"); return(Msg + " -> Engine: That variable already exists!"); } ConWin.UpdateVarBoxes(Variables.Count, NewTuple.Item1 + ": 0"); IO.UpdateMainVariableFile(Variables); return(Msg); }
static string AddOrRemoveToVariableCount(string Msg, byte VarPos) { try { if (Msg.Contains("+")) { int Index = Msg.IndexOf("+", 0, Msg.Length); int Number = Convert.ToInt32(Msg.Substring(Index + 1, Msg.Length - (Index + 1))); Variables[VarPos] = new Tuple <string, int>(Variables[VarPos].Item1, Variables[VarPos].Item2 + Number); } else if (Msg.Contains("-")) { int Index = Msg.IndexOf("-", 0, Msg.Length); int Number = Convert.ToInt32(Msg.Substring(Index + 1, Msg.Length - (Index + 1))); Variables[VarPos] = new Tuple <string, int>(Variables[VarPos].Item1, Variables[VarPos].Item2 - Number); } else if (Msg.Contains("=")) { int Index = Msg.IndexOf("=", 0, Msg.Length); int Number = Convert.ToInt32(Msg.Substring(Index + 1, Msg.Length - (Index + 1))); Variables[VarPos] = new Tuple <string, int>(Variables[VarPos].Item1, Number); } else { Variables[VarPos] = new Tuple <string, int>(Variables[VarPos].Item1, Variables[VarPos].Item2 + 1); } ConWin.UpdateVarBoxes(VarPos + 1, Variables[VarPos].Item1 + ": " + Variables[VarPos].Item2); IO.UpdateMainVariableFile(Variables); } catch { Debug.Log("Master - AddOrRemoveToVariableCount() -> Error Processing Command: " + VarPos + " (" + Msg + ")", 1); Twitch.WriteToChat("Engine: Variable Error!"); return(" -> Engine: Variable Error!"); } return(Msg); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConWin.ConWinStart(); Twitch.LaunchConnection(); Console.ReadLine(); }