public void InsertDM(FlowLayoutPanel panel, TwitterDirectMessage dm) { this.Invoke(new Action(delegate { // insert new DM in list TweetControl tc = new TweetControl(); Global.DownloadImageToPictureBox(tc.picAvatar, dm.Sender.ProfileImageSecureLocation, this); tc.labelFollowers.Text = dm.Sender.NumberOfFollowers.Value.ToString(); tc.labelName.Text = dm.Sender.ScreenName; tc.labelDate.Text = FormatDate(dm.CreatedDate); tc.labelVia.Text = "via Direct Message"; tc.labelInReplyTo.Text = ""; //tc.labelText.Text = dm.Text; tc.rtText.Text = dm.Text; FindAlternativeLinks(tc.rtText); tc.Width = panel.Width - 8 - panel.Padding.Right; tc.DM = dm; panel.Controls.Add(tc); panel.Controls.SetChildIndex(tc, 0); // limit amount of tweets in list if (panel.Controls.Count > 100) { // delete anything after 100 for (int i = 101; i < panel.Controls.Count; i++) { panel.Controls.RemoveAt(101); // index should always be 101... o___o // this loop looks weird. } } })); }
public void InsertTweet(FlowLayoutPanel panel, TwitterStatus tweet) { this.Invoke(new Action(delegate { // parse tweet source string strViaURL = "https://" + ""; string strViaName = tweet.Source; if (strViaName != "web") { Match match = Regex.Match(strViaName, @"<a href=""(.*)"" .*>(.*)</a>"); if (match.Success) { strViaURL = match.Groups[1].Value; strViaName = match.Groups[2].Value; } } // insert new tweet in list TweetControl tc = new TweetControl(); Global.DownloadImageToPictureBox(tc.picAvatar, tweet.User.ProfileImageSecureLocation, this); tc.labelFollowers.Text = tweet.User.NumberOfFollowers.Value.ToString(); tc.labelName.Text = tweet.User.ScreenName; tc.labelDate.Text = FormatDate(tweet.CreatedDate); tc.labelVia.Text = "via " + strViaName; if (tweet.InReplyToStatusId.HasValue) { tc.labelInReplyTo.Text = "in reply to " + tweet.InReplyToScreenName; } else { tc.labelInReplyTo.Text = ""; } //tc.labelText.Text = tweet.Text; tc.rtText.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tweet.Text); FindAlternativeLinks(tc.rtText); tc.Width = panel.Width - 8 - panel.Padding.Right; tc.Tweet = tweet; tc.ViaURL = strViaURL; tc.ViaName = strViaName; panel.Controls.Add(tc); panel.Controls.SetChildIndex(tc, 0); // limit amount of tweets in list if (panel.Controls.Count > 100) { // delete anything after 100 for (int i = 101; i < panel.Controls.Count; i++) { panel.Controls.RemoveAt(101); // index should always be 101... o___o // ...this loop looks weird. } } })); }