/// <summary> /// Create a new TAA_FanID object. /// </summary> /// <param name="micrositeID">Initial value of the MicrositeID property.</param> /// <param name="fanID">Initial value of the FanID property.</param> /// <param name="designName">Initial value of the DesignName property.</param> /// <param name="teamName">Initial value of the TeamName property.</param> /// <param name="secondaryColor">Initial value of the SecondaryColor property.</param> /// <param name="accent">Initial value of the Accent property.</param> /// <param name="createdOnDate">Initial value of the CreatedOnDate property.</param> /// <param name="deleted">Initial value of the Deleted property.</param> public static TAA_FanID CreateTAA_FanID(global::System.Int32 micrositeID, global::System.Int32 fanID, global::System.String designName, global::System.String teamName, global::System.String secondaryColor, global::System.String accent, global::System.DateTime createdOnDate, global::System.Boolean deleted) { TAA_FanID tAA_FanID = new TAA_FanID(); tAA_FanID.MicrositeID = micrositeID; tAA_FanID.FanID = fanID; tAA_FanID.DesignName = designName; tAA_FanID.TeamName = teamName; tAA_FanID.SecondaryColor = secondaryColor; tAA_FanID.Accent = accent; tAA_FanID.CreatedOnDate = createdOnDate; tAA_FanID.Deleted = deleted; return tAA_FanID; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("1 - Change name of microsites."); Console.WriteLine("2 - Change name of profiles."); Console.WriteLine("3 - Check emails in users"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Fix duplicates"); Console.WriteLine("5 - Fix Not exitst one with Regular"); Console.WriteLine("6 - Add fanid for each microsite"); Console.WriteLine("7 - Add dealers ranking"); Console.WriteLine("8 - Remove duplicate players"); Console.WriteLine("9 - Switch back to previous description"); Console.WriteLine("9 - Switch back to previous description"); Console.WriteLine("10 - Change the name of the microsites in taa_microsite"); Console.WriteLine("11 - Copy images to fanid"); Console.WriteLine("12 - Download microsites has been created using xml files to have logos"); Console.WriteLine("13 - Change http://dev. to http://thefanorama.com"); Console.WriteLine("14 - Change description button"); Console.Write("Option:"); string option = Console.ReadLine(); if (option.Equals("1")) { string path = @"C:\backup\archives1\microsite"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path); var filesInFolder = dir.GetFiles(); foreach (System.IO.FileInfo f in filesInFolder) { string[] newname = Regex.Split(f.Name, "microsite"); f.CopyTo(string.Format("c:/archives/microsite/microsite{0}", newname[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(newname[1]); } } else if (option.Equals("2")) { string path = @"C:\backup\archives1\profile"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path); var filesInFolder = dir.GetFiles(); foreach (System.IO.FileInfo f in filesInFolder) { string[] newname = Regex.Split(f.Name, "fan"); f.CopyTo(string.Format("c:/archives/profile/fan{0}", newname[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(newname[1]); } } else if (option.Equals("3")) { //fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); //foreach (User user in entity.Users) //{ // if (!IsValid(user.Email) ) // { // BadUser baduser = new BadUser(); // entity.BadUsers.AddObject(baduser); // } //} } else if (option.Equals("4")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); string pricelist = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["duplicatedPricelist"].ToString(); var duplicates = (from d in entity.UserProfiles where d.PropertyDefinitionID == 69 && d.PropertyValue.Equals(pricelist) select d).DefaultIfEmpty(); var duplicateTable = (from dc in duplicates group dc by dc.UserID into g let c = g.Count() where c > 1 select new { g.Key, c }).DefaultIfEmpty(); foreach (var dup in duplicateTable) { if (dup != null) { //find the userid inside duplicates var repeated = from d in duplicates where dup.Key == d.UserID select d; int counter = 0; // loop through all of them if (repeated != null) { foreach (var rep in repeated) { if (rep != null && counter > 0) { entity.UserProfiles.DeleteObject(rep); Console.WriteLine(rep.UserID); } counter++; } } } } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("5")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); string path = string.Format(@"c:\kianoush\profile\"); string fullpath; List<string> result = new List<string>(); List<string> profileFiles = listAllFiles(path); foreach (string profileFile in profileFiles) { fullpath = string.Format("{0}{1}", path, profileFile); try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullpath)) { using (XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader(fullpath)) { InsertIntoDB(xmlreader, entity); } } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} hasn't been uploaded", profileFile)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else if (option.Equals("6")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); var createdmicrosites = from m in entity.TAA_Microsite where m.IntegratorRetrievalCode != null select m; foreach (var microsite in createdmicrosites) { TAA_FanID newfan = new TAA_FanID(); newfan.Accent = microsite.Accent; newfan.PrimaryColor = microsite.PrimaryColour; newfan.SecondaryColor = microsite.SecondaryColour; newfan.City = microsite.City; newfan.TeamName = microsite.TeamName; newfan.CreatedByUserID = -1; newfan.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; newfan.Deleted = false; newfan.School = microsite.School; newfan.City = microsite.City; newfan.DesignName = microsite.TeamName; newfan.MicrositeID = microsite.MicrositeID; newfan.PrimaryColorID = microsite.PrimaryColorID; newfan.SecondaryColorID = microsite.SecondaryColorID; newfan.AccentColorID = microsite.AccentColorID; int sportid = -1; if (microsite.SportID == null) sportid = -1; else sportid = (int)microsite.SportID; newfan.TAASportID = sportid; string sport; sport = newfan.Sport; if (newfan.Sport == null) sport = "-1"; newfan.Sport = sport; entity.TAA_FanID.AddObject(newfan); } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("7")) { string path = string.Format(@"d:\kianoush\dealers\dealer.xml"); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Table)); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path); Table dealers = (Table)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); string customerid; fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@"d:\kianoush\dealers\notimported.csv"); foreach (var dealer in dealers.Items) { customerid = dealer.Cell[0].Data.Trim(); var userprofile = (from f in entity.UserProfiles where f.PropertyValue.Trim().Equals(customerid) select f).FirstOrDefault(); if (userprofile != null) { UserProfile newuserprofile = new UserProfile(); newuserprofile.UserID = userprofile.UserID; newuserprofile.Visibility = 2; newuserprofile.PropertyDefinitionID = 68; newuserprofile.PropertyValue = "True"; newuserprofile.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UserProfiles.AddObject(newuserprofile); newuserprofile = new UserProfile(); newuserprofile.UserID = userprofile.UserID; newuserprofile.Visibility = 2; newuserprofile.PropertyDefinitionID = 67; newuserprofile.PropertyValue = dealer.Cell[4].Data; newuserprofile.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UserProfiles.AddObject(newuserprofile); Console.WriteLine(customerid); } else { writer.WriteLine(customerid); } } writer.Close(); entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("8")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); string path = string.Format(@"c:\kianoush\microsite\"); var players = from p in entity.TAA_RoleCards select p; string fullpath; List<string> result = new List<string>(); List<string> profileFiles = listAllFiles(path); foreach (string profileFile in profileFiles) { fullpath = string.Format("{0}{1}", path, profileFile); try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullpath)) { using (XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader(fullpath)) { } } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} hasn't been uploaded", profileFile)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else if (option.Equals("9")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2); InsertNewProduct(entity, yesterday, "D0008", 13); InsertNewProduct(entity, yesterday, "D0010", 8); InsertNewProduct(entity, yesterday, "D0012", 2); } else if (option.Equals("10")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); foreach (var microsite in entity.TAA_Microsite) { if (microsite.URL != null) if (microsite.URL.Contains("thefanorama.com")) { //string temp = microsite.URL.Replace("slp.", string.Empty); //if (microsite.URL.Contains("blondgorilla")) // temp = temp.Replace("blondgorilla.", string.Empty);4 string temp = microsite.URL.Replace("thefanorama.com", "dev.thefanorama.blondgorilla.com"); microsite.URL = temp; Console.WriteLine(temp); } } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("11")) { fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); var microsites = entity.TAA_Microsite.Where(p => p.CreatedFromSLP == false).DefaultIfEmpty(); string path = string.Empty; string target = string.Empty; string fileName = string.Empty; string fileExtention = string.Empty; foreach (var microsite in microsites) { string mainpath = @"D:\inetpub\wwwroot\FanoramaLive\"; path = string.Format(@"{0}MicrositeImages/{1}/",mainpath, microsite.MicrositeID); List<string> files = listAllFiles(path); if (files.Count > 0 ) { int indexMax = findLargestFile(files, path); var fanid = entity.TAA_FanID.Where(p => p.MicrositeID == microsite.MicrositeID).FirstOrDefault(); fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string oldpath = string.Format("{0}{1}", path, files[indexMax]); fileExtention = Path.GetExtension(oldpath); string targetBasePath = string.Format(@"{0}/FanIdImages/{1}/",mainpath, fanid.FanID); if (!Directory.Exists(targetBasePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetBasePath); target = string.Format(@"{0}/FanIdImages/{1}/{2}{3}",mainpath, fanid.FanID, fileName, fileExtention); File.Copy(oldpath, target,true); fanid.UserUploadedGraphic = target.Replace(mainpath,"http://thefanorama.com"); target = string.Format(@"{0}/FanIdImages/{1}/{2}.tif",mainpath, fanid.FanID, fileName); if(!File.Exists(target)) File.Copy(oldpath, target); fanid.GAUploadedGraphic = target.Replace(mainpath, "http://thefanorama.com"); Console.WriteLine(target); } } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("12")) { var webClient = new WebClient(); var fanImagesPath = @"D:\inetpub\wwwroot\FanoramaLive\MicrositeImages\"; var filepath = ""; var sceneSevenUrl = ""; string sceneFilePath; var microsites = entity.TAA_Microsite.Where(p => p.CreatedFromSLP == false).DefaultIfEmpty(); foreach (var microsite in microsites) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(microsite.TeamLogo)) { filepath = string.Format("{0}{1}", fanImagesPath, microsite.MicrositeID); if (!Directory.Exists(filepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filepath); } sceneFilePath = string.Format("{0}{1}", sceneSevenUrl, microsite.TeamLogo); SaveLogo(sceneFilePath, microsite, fanImagesPath); } } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("13")) { var fans = entity.TAA_FanID.Where(e => e.UserUploadedGraphic.Contains("dev.")); foreach (var fan in fans) { fan.UserUploadedGraphic = fan.UserUploadedGraphic.Replace( "http://dev.thefanorama.blondgorilla.com", "http://thefanorama.com"); if(fan.GAUploadedGraphic!=null) fan.GAUploadedGraphic = fan.GAUploadedGraphic.Replace("http://dev.thefanorama.blondgorilla.com", "http://thefanorama.com"); } entity.SaveChanges(); } else if (option.Equals("14")) { var fans = entity.CAT_Products.Where(e => e.Free1.Contains("<img src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\">")); foreach (var fan in fans) { fan.Free1 = fan.Free1.Replace("<img src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\">", "<a href=\"#\"><img onclick=\"ShowDesignZoneDialog();\" src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\"></a>"); fan.Free2 = fan.Free2.Replace("<img src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\">", "<a href=\"#\"><img onclick=\"ShowDesignZoneDialog();\" src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\"></a>"); fan.Free3 = fan.Free3.Replace("<img src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\">", "<a href=\"#\"><img onclick=\"ShowDesignZoneDialog();\" src=\"http://thefanorama.com/Portals/0/images/click_to_design.png\"></a>"); } entity.SaveChanges(); } //else if (option.Equals("9")) //{ // NewTweaker.dnnolddescriptionEntities oldentities = new NewTweaker.dnnolddescriptionEntities(); // fanlive4Entities newentity = new fanlive4Entities(); // string temp; // foreach (NewTweaker.CAT_Products oldproduct in oldentities.CAT_Products) // { // var newproduct = newentity.CAT_Products.Where(o => o.ProductID.Equals(oldproduct.ProductID)).FirstOrDefault(); // temp = newproduct.Free1; // if(newproduct!=null) // { // newproduct.Free1 = oldproduct.Free1; // newproduct.Free2 = oldproduct.Free2; // newproduct.Free3 = oldproduct.Free3; // } // Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Product number {0} has been changed description1 {1} to {2}",newproduct.ProductID,temp, newproduct.Free1)); // } // newentity.AcceptAllChanges(); // newentity.SaveChanges(); //} //else if (option.Equals("9")) //{ // fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); // var products = from c in entity.CAT_Products where c.CMSProductID>193 && c.ProductName.Contains("Youth") select c; // foreach (var product in products) // { // CAT_AdvCatProducts adv = new CAT_AdvCatProducts(); // adv.ProductID = product.ProductID; // adv.AdvCatID = 12; // entity.CAT_AdvCatProducts.AddObject(adv); // } // entity.SaveChanges(); //} //else if (option.Equals("10")) //{ // fanlive4Entities entity = new fanlive4Entities(); // var products = from c in entity.CAT_Products where c.CMSProductID > 193 && c.ProductName.Contains("Adult") select c; // foreach (var product in products) // { // CAT_AdvCatProducts adv = new CAT_AdvCatProducts(); // adv.ProductID = product.ProductID; // adv.AdvCatID = 0; // entity.CAT_AdvCatProducts.AddObject(adv); // } // entity.SaveChanges(); //} Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the TAA_FanID EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToTAA_FanID(TAA_FanID tAA_FanID) { base.AddObject("TAA_FanID", tAA_FanID); }