void ShowInit() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["File_Id"])) { try { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bumf btb = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bumf(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bumf mtb = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bumf(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_form tf = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_form(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_form mtf = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_form(); Tunnel.Common.Form_Class fc = new Tunnel.Common.Form_Class(); Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); mtb = btb.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["File_Id"])); formfile = getFile(mtb.b_file);//附件 Label1.Text = mtb.b_title; Label2.Text = fc.From_Content(mtb.b_formcontent, mtb.b_content, true);//取得替换后的表单数据 ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(mtb.b_user); Label3.Text = "发布人:" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_name + " 发布时间:" + mtb.b_time.ToString(); } catch { Tunnel.Common.Message.back("不正确的ID"); return; } } }
void Bind() { mf = bf.GetModel(int.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue)); mtf = tf.GetModel(mf.f_form); if (mtf == null) { Tunnel.Common.Message.back("表单不存在或已删除,请与管理员联系"); return; } Label1.Text = fc.From_Content(mtf.f_content, "", false);//取得替换后的表单数据 ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(ul.LoginID); string bumname = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_bum", "b_name", "b_id=" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_bum); TextBox1.Text = bumname + mf.f_name; if (mf.f_isfile.ToString() == "1") { isuploads = false; } Repeater1.DataSource = bs.GetList("s_lid=" + mf.f_id); Repeater1.DataBind(); if (Repeater1.Items.Count <= 0) { Label2.Text = "本公文未设置流程,将不能保存!"; HiddenField2.Value = "0"; } else { Label2.Text = ""; HiddenField2.Value = "1"; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Chat tc = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Chat(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Chat btc = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Chat(); string content = TextBox1.Text; string tomen = Request.Form["DropDownList1"]; int state = 0; if (tomen != "0") { if (CheckBox1.Checked) { state = 2; Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind tr = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind br = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind(); tr.m_title = "您有一条聊天信息" + "<font color=red>(待读)</font>"; tr.m_url = "N_Chat/Default.aspx"; tr.m_touser = Convert.ToInt32(tomen); tr.m_time = DateTime.Now; tr.m_type = 2; tr.m_typeid = 2; tr.m_bid = 1; tr.m_callTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); tr.m_isread = 0; long messge = br.Add(tr); } else { state = 1; } } Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(ul.LoginID); tc.Chat_Content = content; tc.Chat_Date = DateTime.Now; tc.Chat_State = state; tc.Chat_UserID = ul.LoginID; tc.Chat_UserName = ul.UsbnLogin.m_name; tc.Chat_ToUserID = Convert.ToInt32(tomen); btc.Add(tc); Response.Redirect("Chat_Bottom.aspx"); } catch { return; } }
void Bind() { try { mf = bf.GetModel(int.Parse(Request.Params["Flow"])); mtf = tf.GetModel(mf.f_form); if (mtf == null) { Tunnel.Common.Message.back("表单不存在或已删除,请与管理员联系"); return; return; } Label1.Text = fc.From_Content(mtf.f_content, "", false);//取得替换后的表单数据 ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(ul.LoginID); string bumname = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_bum", "b_name", "b_id=" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_bum); TextBox1.Text = bumname + mf.f_name; if (mf.f_isfile.ToString() == "1") { isuploads = false; } if (mf.f_state.ToString() == "0") { scontent = "审核→"; issheng = true; isshen = true; } else { scontent = ""; issheng = false; isshen = false; } Repeater1.DataSource = bs.GetList("s_lid=" + mf.f_id); Repeater1.DataBind(); if (Repeater1.Items.Count <= 0) { Label2.Text = "本申请未设置流程,将不能保存!"; HiddenField2.Value = "0"; } else { Label2.Text = ""; HiddenField2.Value = "1"; } } catch { Tunnel.Common.Message.back("不正确的ID"); return; } }
void ShowInit() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["File_Id"])) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Cfile tf = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Cfile(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Cfile mf = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Cfile(); mf = tf.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["File_Id"])); Label1.Text = mf.f_title; Label2.Text = mf.f_content; ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(mf.f_user); Label3.Text = "发布人:" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_name + " 发布时间:" + mf.f_date.ToString(); file = getFile(mf.f_file); DataSet ds = tc.GetList("c_fid=" + mf.f_id + " order by c_id asc"); Repeater1.DataSource = ds; Repeater1.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示对谁说 /// </summary> /// <param name="toid"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string gettoUser(string toid, string state) { Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); ul.UsbnLogin = ul.getUserModel(Convert.ToInt32(toid)); if (state == "1") { return("对 <span style='color:green'>" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_name + "</span> "); } else if (state == "2") { if (ul.LoginID.ToString().Equals(toid)) { return("对 <span style='color:red'>你</span> 悄悄的"); } else { return("对 <span style='color:red'>" + ul.UsbnLogin.m_name + "</span> 悄悄的"); } } else { return(""); } }
//添加至信息表 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (titleId == 1) { if (!"0".Equals(Request.Form["DropDownList1"])) { string title = this.tb_Title.Text.Trim(); int typeid = Convert.ToInt32(this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue); int sectype = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedValue); string htmlsourcce = this.FCKeditor.Value; // Request.Form["content1"]; //this.FCKeditor.Value; string imagepaht = stringFormat(From_Content(htmlsourcce)).Trim(); string content = FCKeditor.Value; //Request.Form["content1"]; //FreeTextBox1.HtmlStrippedText; int userid = ul.LoginID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagepaht)) { if (imagepaht.Substring(0, 1) == "/") { imagepaht = imagepaht.Substring(1, imagepaht.Length - 1); } imagepaht = imagepaht.Replace("src=/sdoa/", ""); } Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB model = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB(); model.Id = indexId; model.Title = title; model.TypeId = typeid; model.HtmlSource = htmlsourcce; model.ImagePaht = imagepaht; model.Content = content; model.UserId = userid; model.Sectype = sectype; HttpPostedFile hpf = file1.PostedFile; if (Convert.ToDouble(hpf.ContentLength) / 1024 / 1024 > 10) { Response.Write("<script>alert('附件大小不能大于10MB');</script>"); return; } else { CreateMdAndFilePaht(hpf); } if (filePaht.Equals("")) { model.Files = Label3.Text; } else { model.Files = filePaht; //infofiles } //string str = titleName; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_InfoXJB index = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_InfoXJB(); int relt = -1; relt = index.Update(model); if (relt > 0) { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("修改成功!", "N_XJBManage.aspx"); string strsql = ""; strsql = "insert into tunnel_log(l_user,l_time,l_content,l_ip,l_sort) values(" + ul.LoginID + ",'" + DateTime.Now + "','公司事务>>项经部信息>>修改项经部信息。标题:" + model.Title + "','" + Tunnel.Common.Common.GetIp() + "',1)"; Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strsql); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("修改失败!", "N_XJBManage.aspx"); } // MessageBox(str, url); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("请选择子栏目!"); } } else { if (!"0".Equals(Request.Form["DropDownList1"])) { string title = this.tb_Title.Text.Trim(); int typeid = Convert.ToInt32(this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue); int sectype = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedValue); string htmlsourcce = this.FCKeditor.Value; // Request.Form["content1"]; //this.FCKeditor.Value; string imagepaht = stringFormat(From_Content(htmlsourcce)).Trim(); string content = FCKeditor.Value; //Request.Form["content1"]; //FreeTextBox1.HtmlStrippedText; int userid = ul.LoginID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagepaht)) { if (imagepaht.Substring(0, 1) == "/") { imagepaht = imagepaht.Substring(1, imagepaht.Length - 1); } imagepaht = imagepaht.Replace("src=/sdoa/", ""); } Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB model = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB(); model.Title = title; model.TypeId = typeid; model.HtmlSource = htmlsourcce; model.ImagePaht = imagepaht; model.Content = content; model.UserId = userid; model.Bum_bz = ul.getUserModel(ul.LoginID).m_bum; model.Sectype = sectype; HttpPostedFile hpf = file1.PostedFile; if (Convert.ToDouble(hpf.ContentLength) / 1024 / 1024 > 10) { Response.Write("<script>alert('附件大小不能大于10MB');</script>"); return; } else { CreateMdAndFilePaht(hpf); } model.Files = filePaht; //infofiles //string str = titleName; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_InfoXJB bllf = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_InfoXJB(); int relt = -1; relt = bllf.Add(model); if (relt > 0) { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("增加成功!", "N_XJBManage.aspx"); string strsql = ""; strsql = "insert into tunnel_log(l_user,l_time,l_content,l_ip,l_sort) values(" + ul.LoginID + ",'" + DateTime.Now + "','公司事务>>项经部信息>>发布项经部信息。标题:" + model.Title + "','" + Tunnel.Common.Common.GetIp() + "',1)"; Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strsql); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("增加失败!", "N_XJBManage.aspx"); } // MessageBox(str, url); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("请选择子栏目!"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件并保存到服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获得所需参数 string strTo = tb_toname.Text.Trim(); strToIds = id_toValue.Value.Trim(); string strTitle = tb_Title.Text.Trim(); string strContent = tb_content.Text.Trim().Replace("\r\n", @"<br \>").Replace("原信息内容:", ""); HttpPostedFile hpf = file1.PostedFile; if (Convert.ToDouble(hpf.ContentLength) / 1024 / 1024 > 10) { Response.Write("<script>alert('附件大小不能大于10MB');</script>"); return; } else { CreateMdAndFilePaht(hpf); } //写入数据库 Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_mail rbll = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_mail(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_mail model = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_mail(); model.m_title = strTitle; model.m_content = strContent; model.m_file = filePaht; model.m_time = DateTime.Now; model.m_from = ul.LoginID; model.m_sort = 0; // 0未删除、1删除 model.m_state = 0; // 0未读、1已读 model.m_Ip = Tunnel.Common.Common.GetIp(); if (strToIds.LastIndexOf(',') > 0) { strToIds = strToIds.Remove(strToIds.LastIndexOf(','), 1); } string[] arr = strToIds.Split(','); int relt1 = -1; foreach (string s in arr) { bool state = true; for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { if (i == 1) { model.m_Main = 1; //标记是自己发的 model.m_to = Convert.ToInt32(s); relt1 = rbll.Add(model); } else { model.m_Main = 0; //标记是发给别人的 model.m_to = Convert.ToInt32(s); relt1 = rbll.Add(model); //-------添加消息提示-------- Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind remindmodel = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind(); remindmodel.m_isread = 0; remindmodel.m_time = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); remindmodel.m_title = "新的站内消息,发件人:" + ul.getUserModel(model.m_from).m_name + "。时间:" + DateTime.Now + "<font color=red>(未读)</font>"; remindmodel.m_touser = model.m_to; remindmodel.m_url = "N_Exchange/N_Message/N_MessageView.aspx?Id=" + relt1; remindmodel.m_type = 2; remindmodel.m_typeid = relt1; remindmodel.m_callTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1800-01-01"); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind rd = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind(); rd.Add(remindmodel); } if (relt1 == 0) { state = false; break; } } if (state == false) { break; } } string str = "站内信息发送"; string url = "N_MessageOld.aspx"; if (relt1 > 0) { str += "成功!"; } else { str += "失败!"; } MessageBox(str, url); }
public void PageBind2() { PageBase pb = new PageBase(); pb.TblName = "Tunnel_InfoXJB"; pb.FldName = "id"; pb.ProcedureName = "pagination"; pb.PageSize = pageSize; if (cuttentPage == 0) { cuttentPage = pb.PageIndex; } pb.PageIndex = cuttentPage; int count = 0; pb.DoCount = 1; if (key.Length > 0) { key += " and Title like '%" + TextBox1.Text + "%'"; } else { key += " 1=1 and Title like '%" + TextBox1.Text + "%'"; } if (ul.LoginID == 1 || ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID).Equals("系统管理员")) { key += " and typeid in (92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103) "; } else { key += " and typeid in (92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103) and bum_bz= " + ul.getUserModel(ul.LoginID).m_bum.ToString() + " and userid=" + ul.LoginID; } where += key; pb.StrWhere = key + " and del=0"; mbll.GetList(pb, ref count); //获取总条数 pb.DoCount = 0; List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB> modelList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_InfoXJB>(); modelList = mbll.GetList3(pb, ref count);//获取分页结果 //数据绑定 Repeater1.DataSource = modelList; Repeater1.DataBind(); //数据分页 MTCPager1.PageSize = pageSize; MTCPager1.RecordCount = count; MTCPager1.PageIndex = cuttentPage; if (count <= pb.PageSize) { MTCPager1.Visible = false; } else { MTCPager1.Visible = true; } }