예제 #1
    protected void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        mtb = btb.GetModel(int.Parse(Request.Params["bid"]));
        mf  = bf.GetModel(mtb.b_sort);
        if (mtb.b_state == 3)
            Tunnel.Common.Message.back("此流程己审批结束,请勿重复审批!"); return;
            string currbid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_exam", "e_nextbid", "e_gid=" + Request.Params["bid"] + " order by e_id desc");
            if ("".Equals(currbid) || "0".Equals(currbid))
                currbid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_id", "s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort + " and s_num=1");
            mts = bts.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(currbid));
            int    cunum     = mts.s_num;
            bool   iscshened = true;
            int    sum       = bts.GetCount("s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort);
            string curruser  = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_zid", "s_id=" + mts.s_id);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curruser))
                string[] users = curruser.Split(',');
                foreach (string user in users)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                        if (user == ul.LoginID.ToString())
                            iscshened = false;
            if (!iscshened || ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID) == "系统管理员")
                Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_exam   bte = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_exam();
                Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_exam mte = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_exam();
                mte.e_bid     = Convert.ToInt32(mts.s_id);
                mte.e_endtime = DateTime.Now;
                mte.e_gid     = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["bid"]);
                mte.e_user    = ul.LoginID;
                string lastendtime = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_exam", "e_endtime", "e_gid=" + Request.Params["bid"] + " order by e_id desc");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastendtime))
                    mte.e_time = Convert.ToDateTime(lastendtime);//取得上一步的最后执行时间
                    mte.e_time = mtb.b_time;
                if (cunum == sum)
                    mte.e_nextbid = 0;
                    string pid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_flow", "f_sort", "f_id=" + mtb.b_sort);
                    if ("18".Equals(pid))
                        tmt.Title      = mtb.b_title;
                        tmt.TypeId     = 5;
                        tmt.HtmlSource = fc.From_Content(mtb.b_formcontent, mtb.b_content, true);//取得替换后的表单数据
                        tmt.UserId     = mtb.b_user;
                        Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_information bllf = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_information();
                        int relt = -1;
                        relt = bllf.Add(tmt);
                    Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("UPDATE TUNNEL_BUMF SET B_STATE=3 WHERE B_ID=" + Request.Params["bid"]);
                    Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("DELETE TUNNEL_REMIND WHERE m_type=1 and m_bid=" + currbid + " and m_typeid=" + mtb.b_id);//删除待办事项
                    Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("流程结束成功!", "Apply_Sp.aspx");
                    string currs = "";
                    if (!"".Equals(currbid) || !"0".Equals(currbid))
                        string nid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_id", "s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort + " and s_num>" + mts.s_num + " order by s_num asc");
                        currs = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_zid", "s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort + " and s_num>" + mts.s_num + " order by s_num asc");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nid))
                            nid = "0";
                        mte.e_nextbid = long.Parse(nid);
                        mte.e_nextbid = 0;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currs))
                        Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind tr = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind();
                        Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind   br = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind();
                        string[] users = currs.Split(',');
                        foreach (string user in users)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                                tr.m_title    = mtb.b_title + "<font color=red>(待审批)</font>";
                                tr.m_url      = "N_WorkFlow/MyApply/Apply_zSp.aspx?bid=" + mtb.b_id;
                                tr.m_touser   = Convert.ToInt32(user);
                                tr.m_time     = DateTime.Now;
                                tr.m_type     = 1;
                                tr.m_typeid   = Convert.ToInt32(mtb.b_id);
                                tr.m_bid      = Convert.ToInt32(mte.e_nextbid);
                                tr.m_callTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1800-1-1 00:00:00");
                                tr.m_isread   = 0;
                                long messge = br.Add(tr);

                string contents = FCKeditor1.Value;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contents))
                    Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Advice   ta = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Advice();
                    Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Advice ma = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Advice();
                    ma.a_content = contents;
                    ma.a_bid     = Convert.ToInt32(mts.s_id);
                    ma.a_gid     = Convert.ToInt32(mtb.b_id);
                    ma.a_time    = DateTime.Now;
                    ma.a_user    = ul.LoginID;
                    string count = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_Advice", "count(*)", "a_bid=" + mf.f_id + " and a_gid=" + Request.Params["bid"]);
                    if (int.Parse(count) > 0)
                Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("DELETE TUNNEL_REMIND WHERE m_type=1 and m_bid=" + currbid + " and m_typeid=" + mtb.b_id);//删除待办事项
                Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("操作成功!", "Apply_Sp.aspx");
                Tunnel.Common.Message.back("此流程己审批通过,请勿重复审批!"); return;
예제 #2
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tm = ul.GetUserBean(ul.LoginID);
        if (!Tunnel.Data.DESEncrypt.Encrypt(spPassword.Text.Trim()).Equals(tm.m_spassword))
            Tunnel.Common.Message.back("审批密码错误"); return;
            mtb = btb.GetModel(int.Parse(Request.Params["bid"]));
            mf  = bf.GetModel(mtb.b_sort);
            if (mtb.b_state == 3)
                Tunnel.Common.Message.back("此公文己审批结束,请勿重复审批!"); return;
                string currbid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_exam", "e_nextbid", "e_gid=" + Request.Params["bid"] + " order by e_id desc");
                if ("".Equals(currbid) || "0".Equals(currbid))
                    currbid = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_id", "s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort + " and s_num=1");
                mts = bts.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(currbid));
                bool   iscshened = true;
                int    sum       = bts.GetCount("s_lid=" + mtb.b_sort);
                string curruser  = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_step", "s_zid", "s_id=" + mts.s_id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curruser))
                    string[] users = curruser.Split(',');
                    foreach (string user in users)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                            if (user == ul.LoginID.ToString())
                                iscshened = false;
                if (!iscshened || ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID) == "系统管理员")
                    Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_exam   bte = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_exam();
                    Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_exam mte = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_exam();
                    mte.e_bid     = 0;
                    mte.e_endtime = DateTime.Now;
                    mte.e_gid     = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["bid"]);
                    mte.e_user    = ul.LoginID;
                    string lastendtime = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_exam", "e_endtime", "e_gid=" + mtb.b_id + " order by e_id desc");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastendtime))
                        mte.e_time = Convert.ToDateTime(lastendtime);//取得上一步的最后执行时间
                        mte.e_time = mtb.b_time;
                    mte.e_nextbid = 0;

                    #region 消息提示
                    Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind tr = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Remind();
                    Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind   br = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Remind();
                    tr.m_title = mtb.b_title + "<font color=red>(审批没有通过)</font>";
                    string flowtype = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_flow", "f_sort", "f_id=" + mtb.b_sort);
                    if ("18".Equals(flowtype))
                        tr.m_url = "N_WorkFlow/ODocument/Document_Edit.aspx?Bid=" + mtb.b_id;
                        tr.m_url = "N_WorkFlow/MyApply/Apply_Edit.aspx?Bid=" + mtb.b_id + "&Flow=" + mtb.b_sort;
                    tr.m_touser   = Convert.ToInt32(mtb.b_user);
                    tr.m_time     = DateTime.Now;
                    tr.m_type     = 1;
                    tr.m_typeid   = Convert.ToInt32(mtb.b_id);
                    tr.m_bid      = -1;
                    tr.m_callTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1800-1-1 00:00:00");
                    tr.m_isread   = 0;
                    long messge = br.Add(tr);

                    string contents = FCKeditor1.Value;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contents))
                        Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Advice   ta = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Advice();
                        Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Advice ma = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Advice();
                        ma.a_content = contents;
                        ma.a_bid     = Convert.ToInt32(mts.s_id);
                        ma.a_gid     = Convert.ToInt32(mtb.b_id);
                        ma.a_time    = DateTime.Now;
                        ma.a_user    = ul.LoginID;
                        string count = Tunnel.Common.GetValue.getDataValue("Tunnel_Advice", "count(*)", "a_bid=" + mf.f_id + " and a_gid=" + mtb.b_id);
                        if (int.Parse(count) > 0)
                    Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("DELETE TUNNEL_REMIND WHERE m_type=1 and m_bid=" + currbid + " and m_typeid=" + mtb.b_id); //删除待办事项
                    Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("UPDATE TUNNEL_BUMF SET B_STATE=0 WHERE B_ID=" + mtb.b_id);                                //改变公文状态
                    Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("操作成功!", "Apply_Sp.aspx");
                    Tunnel.Common.Message.back("此流程己审批通过,请勿重复审批!"); return;