public static List <ProductPriceModel> FetchProductList(ProductListRequest request, PagerModel pager, bool isExport) { #region SQL var SqlStr = @"SELECT T.CP_Brand AS Brand , T.PID AS PID , T.DisplayName AS ProductName , S.cost AS Cost , P.LowestPrice AS LowestLimit , T.cy_list_price AS Price , S.taobao_tuhuid AS TBPID , S.taobao_tuhuprice AS TBPrice , S.taobao2_tuhuid AS TB2PID , S.taobao2_tuhuprice AS TB2Price , S.tianmao1_tuhuprice AS TM1Price , S.tianmao1_tuhuid AS TM1PID , S.tianmao2_tuhuprice AS TM2Price , S.tianmao2_tuhuid AS TM2PID , S.tianmao3_tuhuprice AS TM3Price , S.tianmao3_tuhuid AS TM3PID , S.tianmao4_tuhuid AS TM4PID , S.tianmao4_tuhuprice AS TM4Price , S.jingdongflagship_tuhuprice AS JDFlagShipPrice , S.jingdongflagship_tuhuid AS JDFlagShipPID , S.jingdong_tuhuprice AS JDPrice , S.jingdong_tuhuid AS JDPID, e.CanUseCoupon as CanUseCoupon, s.num_threemonth, p.LowestPrice_Normal, p.LowestPrice_Promotion, p.CouponPrice_Normal, p.CouponPrice_Promotion FROM Tuhu_productcatalog..vw_Products AS T WITH ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog..TireLowestPrice AS P WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON T.PID = P.PID LEFT JOIN Tuhu_bi..dm_Product_SalespredictData AS S WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON T.PID = S.PID left join Tuhu_productcatalog..tbl_ProductExtraProperties as e WITH ( NOLOCK ) on WHERE T.IsShow = 1 AND ( ( T.PID LIKE '%' + @pid + '%' OR @pid IS NULL ) AND T.PID LIKE 'TR-%' ) AND ( T.DisplayName LIKE '%' + @productname + '%' OR @productname IS NULL ) AND ( T.CP_Brand = @Brand OR @Brand IS NULL ) AND ( @OnSaleStatus = 0 OR @OnSaleStatus = 1 AND T.OnSale = 1 OR @OnSaleStatus = 2 AND T.OnSale = 0 ) AND ( {0} )" ; SqlStr += isExport ? ";" : @"ORDER BY s.num_threemonth desc OFFSET @start ROWS FETCH NEXT @step ROWS ONLY;" ; #endregion + pager.TotalItem = FetchProductListCount(request); List <string> ManyCustomPrice = request.ManyCustomPrice?.Split('|').ToList(); int Contrast = request.Contrast; string SingleCustomPrice = GetSqlParameter(request.SingleCustomPrice); double Proportion = request.Proportion; var sqlPara = "1 = 1"; if (request.Type > 0 && ManyCustomPrice != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SingleCustomPrice) && Contrast != 0) { sqlPara = "1 <> 1"; var ContrastSig = Contrast == -1 ? "<=" : ">="; foreach (var item in ManyCustomPrice) { var realPara = GetSqlParameter(item); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(realPara)) { sqlPara += $@" OR ( ISNULL({realPara}, 0) > 0 AND {realPara} / IIF(ISNULL({SingleCustomPrice}, 0) = 0, 1, {SingleCustomPrice}) {ContrastSig} {Proportion})" ; } } } //string.Format(SqlStr, sqlPara); SqlStr = string.Format(SqlStr, sqlPara); using (var dbHelper = new SqlDbHelper(ConnectionHelper.GetDecryptConn("Tuhu_Gungnir_BI"))) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlStr)) { cmd.CommandTimeout = 3 * 60; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", request.PID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productname", request.ProductName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OnSaleStatus", request.OnSale); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Brand", request.Brand); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", (request.PageIndex - 1) * request.PageSize); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@step", request.PageSize); var result = dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(cmd); return(result.ConvertTo <ProductPriceModel>()?.ToList() ?? new List <ProductPriceModel>()); } } }
public static int FetchProductListCount(ProductListRequest request) { #region SQL var SqlStr = @"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Tuhu_productcatalog..vw_Products AS T WITH ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog..TireLowestPrice AS P WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON T.PID = P.PID LEFT JOIN Tuhu_bi..dm_Product_SalespredictData AS S WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON T.PID = S.PID WHERE T.IsShow = 1 AND ( ( T.PID LIKE '%' + @pid + '%' OR @pid IS NULL ) AND T.PID LIKE 'TR-%' ) AND ( T.DisplayName LIKE '%' + @productname + '%' OR @productname IS NULL ) AND ( T.CP_Brand = @Brand OR @Brand IS NULL ) AND ( @OnSaleStatus = 0 OR @OnSaleStatus = 1 AND T.OnSale = 1 OR @OnSaleStatus = 2 AND T.OnSale = 0 ) AND ( {0} );" ; #endregion List <string> ManyCustomPrice = request.ManyCustomPrice?.Split('|').ToList(); int Contrast = request.Contrast; string SingleCustomPrice = GetSqlParameter(request.SingleCustomPrice); double Proportion = request.Proportion; var sqlPara = "1=1"; if (request.Type > 0 && ManyCustomPrice != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SingleCustomPrice) && Contrast != 0) { sqlPara = "1 <> 1"; var ContrastSig = Contrast == -1 ? "<=" : ">="; foreach (var item in ManyCustomPrice) { var realPara = GetSqlParameter(item); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(realPara)) { sqlPara += $@" OR ( ISNULL({realPara}, 0) > 0 AND {realPara} / IIF(ISNULL({SingleCustomPrice}, 0) = 0, 1, {SingleCustomPrice}) {ContrastSig} {Proportion})" ; } } } SqlStr = string.Format(SqlStr, sqlPara); using (var dbHelper = new SqlDbHelper(ConnectionHelper.GetDecryptConn("Tuhu_Gungnir_BI"))) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlStr)) { cmd.CommandTimeout = 3 * 60; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", request.PID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productname", request.ProductName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OnSaleStatus", request.OnSale); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Brand", request.Brand); var result = dbHelper.ExecuteScalar(cmd); if (Int32.TryParse(result?.ToString(), out int value)) { return(value); } return(0); } } }
public static IEnumerable <SelectListModel> SelectListNew(string Departments, string VehicleIDS, string PriceRanges, string VehicleBodyTypes, string Specifications, string Brands, int IsRof, string PID, string Province, string City, decimal?StartPrice, decimal?EndPrice) { string rofCondition = ""; if (IsRof == 3) { rofCondition = " AND CHARINDEX(SS.Item,T.RofTireSize)>0"; } else if (IsRof == 2) { rofCondition = " AND CHARINDEX(SS.Item,T.RofTireSize)<=0"; } using (var dbHelper = new SqlDbHelper(ConnectionHelper.GetDecryptConn("Tuhu_Gungnir_BI"))) { #region SQL var sql = string.Format(@"SELECT TT.BrandCategory, TT.Brand, TT.Vehicle, TT.Tires, TT.MinPrice, TT.TiresMatch, TT.VehicleId, TT.TireSize, VTR.PID, VTR.Postion, BI.ProductId, VTR.PKID, VTR.Reason, BI.RowNumber, VTR.RecommendedPicture,VTR.StartTime,VTR.EndTime FROM ( SELECT T.BrandCategory, T.Brand, T.Vehicle, T.Tires, T.MinPrice, T.TiresMatch, T.RofTireSize, T.VehicleId, SS.Item AS TireSize FROM ( SELECT VT.BrandCategory, VT.Brand, VT.Vehicle, VT.Tires, VT.MinPrice, VT.TiresMatch, VT.RofTireSize, VT.ProductID AS VehicleId FROM Gungnir.dbo.tbl_Vehicle_Type AS VT WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE ( VT.ProductID IN ( SELECT * FROM Gungnir..Split(@VehicleIDS, ',') AS S ) OR @VehicleIDS = N'全部' ) AND ( VT.BrandCategory IN ( SELECT * FROM Gungnir..Split(@Departments, ',') AS S ) OR @Departments = N'全部' OR ( CHARINDEX(N'其它', @Departments) > 0 AND ISNULL(VT.BrandCategory, '') = '' ) ) AND ( @PriceRanges = N'全部' OR ( CHARINDEX(N'高', @PriceRanges) > 0 AND VT.MinPrice >= 16 ) OR ( CHARINDEX(N'中', @PriceRanges) > 0 AND VT.MinPrice < 16 AND VT.MinPrice >= 8 ) OR ( CHARINDEX(N'Between',@PriceRanges) > 0 AND VT.MinPrice >= @StartPrice AND VT.MinPrice <= @EndPrice ) OR ( CHARINDEX(N'低', @PriceRanges) > 0 AND VT.MinPrice < 8 AND ISNULL(VT.MinPrice, 0) > 0 ) ) AND ( @VehicleBodyTypes = N'全部' OR VT.VehicleBodyType IN ( SELECT * FROM Gungnir..Split(@VehicleBodyTypes, ',') AS S2 ) ) AND ISNULL(VT.Tires, '') <> '' ) AS T CROSS APPLY Gungnir..SplitString(T.Tires, ';', 1) AS SS WHERE (@Specifications =N'不限' OR SS.Item IN (SELECT * FROM Gungnir.dbo.Split(@Specifications,',') AS S3)) {0} ) AS TT LEFT JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog.dbo.tbl_VehicleTireRecommend AS VTR WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON TT.VehicleId = VTR.VehicleId COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS AND TT.TireSize = VTR.TireSize COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" , rofCondition); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Province) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(City)) { sql += @" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.VehicleId, T.TireSize, T.ProductId, T.RowNumber FROM (SELECT CTR.VehicleId, CTR.TireSize, CTR.ProductId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CTR.VehicleId, CTR.TireSize ORDER BY CTR.Grade DESC) AS RowNumber FROM Tuhu_bi.dbo.tbl_CarTireRecommendation AS CTR WITH(NOLOCK) ) AS T WHERE T.RowNumber <= 4 ) AS BI ON BI.VehicleId = TT.VehicleId COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS AND BI.TireSize COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS = TT.TireSize"; } else { sql += @" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.VehicleId, T.TireSize, T.ProductId, T.RowNumber FROM (SELECT CTR.VehicleId, CTR.TireSize, CTR.ProductId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CTR.VehicleId, CTR.TireSize ORDER BY CTR.Grade DESC) AS RowNumber FROM Tuhu_bi.dbo.tbl_CarTireRecommendation_Region AS CTR WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN Gungnir.dbo.tbl_region AS R WITH(NOLOCK) ON CTR.CityID=R.PKID WHERE R.RegionName=@City ) AS T WHERE T.RowNumber <= 4 ) AS BI ON BI.VehicleId = TT.VehicleId COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS AND BI.TireSize COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS = TT.TireSize"; } if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Brands) || Brands == "不限") && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PID)) { //品牌不限PID不限 } else { sql += @" INNER JOIN Tuhu_productcatalog.dbo.vw_Products AS VP ON VP.PID = VTR.PID WHERE (@Brands=N'不限' OR VP.CP_Brand COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS IN (SELECT * FROM Gungnir.dbo.Split(@Brands,',') AS S4)) AND (@PID IS NULL OR VTR.PID =@PID)"; } sql += @" ORDER BY TT.VehicleId"; #endregion return(dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@VehicleIDS", VehicleIDS.Contains("全部") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VehicleIDS) ? "全部" :VehicleIDS), new SqlParameter("@Departments", Departments.Contains("全部") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Departments) ? "全部" :Departments), new SqlParameter("@PriceRanges", PriceRanges.Contains("全部") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PriceRanges) ? "全部" :PriceRanges), new SqlParameter("@VehicleBodyTypes", VehicleBodyTypes.Contains("全部") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VehicleBodyTypes) ? "全部" :VehicleBodyTypes), new SqlParameter("@Specifications", Specifications.Contains("不限") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Specifications) ? "不限" :Specifications), new SqlParameter("@Brands", Brands.Contains("不限") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Brands) ? "不限" :Brands), //new SqlParameter("@Province",string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Province) ? null:Province), new SqlParameter("@City", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(City) ? null:City), new SqlParameter("@PID", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PID) ? null:PID), new SqlParameter("@StartPrice", StartPrice), new SqlParameter("@EndPrice", EndPrice) }).ConvertTo <SelectListModel>()); } }