public static Csta.EventBuffer_t clearCall(Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle, Csta.ConnectionID_t cId) { Csta.EventBuffer_t evtBuf = new Csta.EventBuffer_t(); Acs.InvokeID_t invokeId = new Acs.InvokeID_t(); Acs.RetCode_t retCode = Csta.cstaClearCall(acsHandle, invokeId, cId, null); if (retCode._value < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("cstaClearCall error: " + retCode); return(null); } ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP; ushort numEvents; retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle, evtBuf, ref eventBufSize, null, out numEvents); if (retCode._value < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("acsGetEventBlock error: " + retCode); return(null); } return(evtBuf); }
public static Acs.RetCode_t OpenStream(out Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle, out Acs.InvokeID_t invokeId, ref Acs.PrivateData_t privData) { // Prepare Acs.InvokeIDType_t invokeIdType = Acs.InvokeIDType_t.LIB_GEN_ID; invokeId = new Acs.InvokeID_t(); Acs.StreamType_t streamType = Acs.StreamType_t.ST_CSTA; Acs.ServerID_t serverId = "AVAYA#S8720SAMSUNG#CSTA#AESSERVER1"; Acs.LoginID_t loginId = "tsuser"; Acs.Passwd_t passwd = "tsuser"; Acs.AppName_t appName = "XYITA"; Acs.Level_t acsLevelReq = Acs.Level_t.ACS_LEVEL1; Acs.Version_t apiVer = "TS2"; ushort sendQSize = 0; ushort sendExtraBufs = 0; ushort recvQSize = 0; ushort recvExtraBufs = 0; Acs.RetCode_t retCode = Acs.acsOpenStream(out acsHandle, invokeIdType, invokeId, streamType, ref serverId, ref loginId, ref passwd, ref appName, acsLevelReq, ref apiVer, sendQSize, sendExtraBufs, recvQSize, recvExtraBufs, ref privData); if (retCode._value < 0) { return(retCode); } Csta.CSTAEvent_t evt = new Csta.CSTAEvent_t(); ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP; ushort numEvents = 0; retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle, out evt, ref eventBufSize, ref privData, out numEvents); //Console.WriteLine("acsGetEventBlock retCode = " + retCode + " Buffer size = " + eventBufSize + ", numEvents = " + numEvents); //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length); return(retCode); }
public static Csta.EventBuffer_t clearConnection(Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle, Acs.PrivateData_t privData, Csta.ConnectionID_t cId) { var u2uString = "Hello, I AM test u2u string"; var u2uInfo = new Att.ATTUserToUserInfo_t(); // fixed u2u size int u2uSize = Att.ATT_MAX_UUI_SIZE; u2uInfo.length = (short)u2uString.Length; u2uInfo.type = Att.ATTUUIProtocolType_t.UUI_IA5_ASCII; u2uInfo.value = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(u2uString); Array.Resize(ref u2uInfo.value, u2uSize); Att.attV6ClearConnection(privData, Att.ATTDropResource_t.DR_NONE, ref u2uInfo); Csta.EventBuffer_t evtBuf = new Csta.EventBuffer_t(); Acs.InvokeID_t invokeId = new Acs.InvokeID_t(); Acs.RetCode_t retCode = Csta.cstaClearConnection(acsHandle, invokeId, cId, privData); if (retCode._value < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("cstaClearConnection error: " + retCode); return(null); } privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA; ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP; ushort numEvents; retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle, evtBuf, ref eventBufSize, privData, out numEvents); if (retCode._value < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("acsGetEventBlock error: " + retCode); return(null); } return(evtBuf); }
public static Att.ATTUCID_t[] GetUcid(Csta.DeviceID_t device) { Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle; Acs.InvokeID_t invokeId; // Set PrivateData request var privData = new Acs.PrivateData_t(); privData.vendor = "VERSION"; = new byte[1024];[0] = Acs.PRIVATE_DATA_ENCODING; // Get supportedVersion string string requestedVersion = "3-7"; // Private Data version request System.Text.StringBuilder supportedVersion = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); Acs.RetCode_t attrc = Att.attMakeVersionString(requestedVersion, supportedVersion); //Console.WriteLine("attrc = " + attrc + "; supportedVersion = " + supportedVersion); for (int i = 0; i < supportedVersion.Length; i++) {[i + 1] = (byte)supportedVersion[i]; } privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA; Acs.RetCode_t retCode = OpenStream(out acsHandle, out invokeId, ref privData); //Console.WriteLine("acsOpenStream retCode = " + retCode + ", Handle = " + acsHandle.ToString()); retCode = Csta.cstaSnapshotDeviceReq(acsHandle, invokeId, ref device, ref privData); privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA; Csta.CSTAEvent_t evt = new Csta.CSTAEvent_t(); ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP; ushort numEvents = 0; retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle, out evt, ref eventBufSize, ref privData, out numEvents); int callCount = evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.count; Csta.ConnectionID_t[] connections = new Csta.ConnectionID_t[callCount]; for (int i = 0; i < evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.count; i++) { connections[i] =[i].callIdentifier; } if (callCount > 0) { //Console.WriteLine(evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData); //Console.WriteLine([1].localCallState); Att.ATTUCID_t[] ucids = new Att.ATTUCID_t[callCount]; for (int i = 0; i < callCount; i++) { //Csta.ConnectionID_t connection =[i].callIdentifier; retCode = Att.attQueryUCID(ref privData, ref connections[i]); //Console.WriteLine("attQueryUCID retCode = " + retCode); //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length); retCode = Csta.cstaEscapeService(acsHandle, invokeId, ref privData); //Console.WriteLine("cstaEscapeService retCode = " + retCode); //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length); // Set private data length (we'll have to call GetEventBlock otherwise) privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA; retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle, out evt, ref eventBufSize, ref privData, out numEvents); //Console.WriteLine("acsGetEventBlock retCode = " + retCode + " Buffer size = " + eventBufSize + ", numEvents = " + numEvents); //Console.WriteLine("eventClass = " + evt.eventHeader.eventClass); //Console.WriteLine("eventType = " + evt.eventHeader.eventType); //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length); // Decode ATTPrivateData Att.ATTEvent_t attevt; retCode = Att.attPrivateData(ref privData, out attevt); ucids[i] = attevt.queryUCID.ucid; //Console.WriteLine("attPrivateData retCode = " + retCode); //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length); //Console.WriteLine("ATTeventType = " + attevt.eventType); //Console.WriteLine("ucid #{0} = {1}", i + 1, attevt.queryUCID.ucid); } Acs.acsAbortStream(acsHandle, out privData); return(ucids); } else { Console.WriteLine("No active calls"); Acs.acsAbortStream(acsHandle, out privData); return(new Att.ATTUCID_t[0]); } }