public GameHandler(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig, Boolean inArcadeMode) { if (inArcadeMode) beginInArcadeMode(ref gameConfig); else begin(ref gameConfig); }
//TODO: need better boolean naming, use anonymous type to pass GUI parameters? Nah, use a struct. public GameHandler(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig, String joyToKeyConfigPath, Boolean arcadeMode, Boolean fullScreen, Boolean hideMouse) { if (arcadeMode) beginInArcadeMode(ref gameConfig, joyToKeyConfigPath, arcadeMode, fullScreen, hideMouse); else begin(ref gameConfig, joyToKeyConfigPath, arcadeMode, fullScreen, hideMouse); }
/// <returns>true upon success</returns> private Boolean downloadGame(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig) { //String portableFolderPath = General.ProgramFilesx86Path() + @"\TrollKit\Portable Games\"; //permissions error =( String filename = Path.GetFileName(gameConfig.DownloadUrl); String savePath = portableFolderPath + filename; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath)); //TODO: do this asynchronously and display a progress bar and a cancel button try { using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { byte[] data = webClient.DownloadData(gameConfig.DownloadUrl); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(savePath, data); return true; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message + "\n\nTry downloading it yourself from " + gameConfig.DownloadUrl, "Failed to download the game"); //TODO: later, should log failed downloads and send them to to our server, to update broken links return false; } }
private void begin(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig) { //run JoyToKey runJoyToKey(ref gameConfig); //run game Process.Start(gameConfig.GamePath); //TODO: need to close JoyToKey after game exits, in begin and beginInArcadeMode }
private void beginInArcadeMode(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig) { Boolean closed = true; Boolean stopRunner = false; Process game = new Process(); Process joyToKey = new Process(); GlobalMouseKeyboard globalMouseKeyboard = new GlobalMouseKeyboard(); runJoyToKey(ref gameConfig); while (!stopRunner) { if (globalMouseKeyboard.F2IsPressed) { //restart the game game.Kill(); closed = true; globalMouseKeyboard.F2IsPressed = false; } if (globalMouseKeyboard.F4IsPressed) { //end arcade mode game.Kill(); stopRunner = true; globalMouseKeyboard.Dispose(); } if (closed) { if (gameConfig.HideMouse) Cursor.Position = new Point(2000, 2000); //work around //another work around, set the cursor graphic to a transparent one, ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(gameConfig.GamePath); if (gameConfig.FullScreen) psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; //TODO: only maximizes fully if the taskbar is set to auto-hide game = Process.Start(psi); closed = false; } game.WaitForExit(100); //? to reduce cpu usage? if (game.HasExited) { closed = true; } } }
private Process runGame(GameConfiguration gameConfig, Boolean hideMouse, Boolean fullScreen) { if (hideMouse) Cursor.Position = new Point(2000, 2000); //work around //another work around, set the cursor graphic to a transparent one, ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(gameConfig.Path); psi.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(gameConfig.Path); if (fullScreen) psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; //TODO: only maximizes fully if the taskbar is set to auto-hide return Process.Start(psi); }
private void beginInArcadeMode(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig, String joyToKeyConfigPath, Boolean inArcadeMode, Boolean fullScreen, Boolean hideMouse) { Boolean closed = true; Boolean stopRunner = false; Process game = new Process(); Process joyToKey = new Process(); GlobalMouseKeyboard globalMouseKeyboard = new GlobalMouseKeyboard(); runJoyToKey(ref gameConfig, joyToKeyConfigPath); while (!stopRunner) { if (globalMouseKeyboard.F2IsPressed) { //restart the game game.Kill(); closed = true; globalMouseKeyboard.F2IsPressed = false; } if (globalMouseKeyboard.F4IsPressed) { //end arcade mode game.Kill(); stopRunner = true; globalMouseKeyboard.Dispose(); Rahil.Shared.tryKillProcess("JoyToKey"); } if (closed) { game = runGame(gameConfig, hideMouse, fullScreen); closed = false; } game.WaitForExit(100); //? to reduce cpu usage? if (game.HasExited) { closed = true; } } }
private void runJoyToKey(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig) { //close JoyToKey //TODO: should open a different config file instead of restarting the application General.tryKillProcess("JoyToKey"); if (gameConfig.UsesJoyToKey) { //run JoyToKey #if (DEBUG) String joyToKeyFileName = @"..\..\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"; String joyToKeyPath = @"..\..\JoyToKey\"; #else String joyToKeyFileName = @"JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"; String joyToKeyPath = @"JoyToKey\"; #endif //String joyToKeyFileName = @"JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"; //String joyToKeyPath = @"JoyToKey\"; ProcessStartInfo joyToKeyPsi = new ProcessStartInfo(joyToKeyFileName, '"' + gameConfig.GameName + ".cfg" + '"'); joyToKeyPsi.WorkingDirectory = joyToKeyPath; joyToKeyPsi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; //TODO: not working System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(joyToKeyPsi.FileName); //TODO: STOPPED HERE Process.Start(joyToKeyPsi); } }
private void runJoyToKey(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig, String joyToKeyConfigPath) { //close JoyToKey //TODO: figure out how to open a different config file instead of restarting the application Rahil.Shared.tryKillProcess("JoyToKey"); if (joyToKeyConfigPath != String.Empty) { //run JoyToKey String joyToKeyFolderPath = Global.JoyToKeyFolderPath; String joyToKeyFilePath = joyToKeyFolderPath + @"\JoyToKey.exe"; ProcessStartInfo joyToKeyPsi = new ProcessStartInfo(joyToKeyFilePath, '"' + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(joyToKeyConfigPath) + '"'); joyToKeyPsi.WorkingDirectory = joyToKeyFolderPath; //joyToKeyPsi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; //TODO: not working //MinimizeWindow.minimize("JoyToKey"); //fail Process.Start(joyToKeyPsi); } }
private void begin(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig, String joyToKeyConfigPath, Boolean arcadeMode, Boolean fullScreen, Boolean hideMouse) { runJoyToKey(ref gameConfig, joyToKeyConfigPath); runGame(gameConfig, hideMouse, fullScreen); //TODO: need to close JoyToKey after game exits }
private void extractGame(ref GameConfiguration gameConfig) { //String portableFolderPath = General.ProgramFilesx86Path() + @"\TrollKit\Portable Games\"; //permissions error =( String filename = Path.GetFileName(gameConfig.DownloadUrl); String archivePath = portableFolderPath + filename; String extractionPath = portableFolderPath + @"\" + gameConfig.GameName + @"\"; //add a folder in case the archive does not have a top level folder //TODO: later, a better solution would be to check if the archive has one top level folder, then extract depending on that //extract the archive using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(archivePath)) { zip.ExtractAll(extractionPath); //creates the folder if it does not exist? } //delete the archive file File.Delete(archivePath); }