예제 #1
        public override void Draw(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, DrawingContext context)
            List <LineSegment> lineSegments;

            if (context.UseSmartLineSegments)
                lineSegments = m_smartSegments;
                lineSegments = GetSegments();

            var path   = palette.Path();
            var random = new Random(GetHashCode());

            foreach (var lineSegment in lineSegments)
                var pen = palette.GetLinePen(context.Selected, context.Hover, Style == ConnectionStyle.Dashed);
                if (!Settings.DebugDisableLineRendering)
                    graphics.DrawLine(pen, lineSegment.Start.ToPointF(), lineSegment.End.ToPointF());
                var delta = lineSegment.Delta;
                if (Flow == ConnectionFlow.OneWay && delta.Length > Settings.ConnectionArrowSize)
                    var brush = palette.GetLineBrush(context.Selected, context.Hover);
                    Drawing.DrawChevron(graphics, lineSegment.Mid.ToPointF(), (float)(Math.Atan2(delta.Y, delta.X) / Math.PI * 180), Settings.ConnectionArrowSize, brush);

            Annotate(graphics, palette, lineSegments);
예제 #2
        public override void Draw(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, DrawingContext context)
            Random random = new Random(Name.GetHashCode());

            var topLeft     = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthWest);
            var topRight    = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthEast);
            var bottomLeft  = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthWest);
            var bottomRight = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthEast);

            var top    = new LineSegment(topLeft, topRight);
            var right  = new LineSegment(topRight, bottomRight);
            var bottom = new LineSegment(bottomRight, bottomLeft);
            var left   = new LineSegment(bottomLeft, topLeft);


            var brush = context.Selected ? palette.BorderBrush : palette.FillBrush;

            if (!Settings.DebugDisableLineRendering)
                var path = palette.Path();
                Drawing.AddLine(path, top, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, right, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, bottom, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, left, random);
                graphics.DrawPath(brush, path);

                if (IsDark)
                    var state = graphics.Save();
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.BorderBrush;
                    graphics.DrawPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { topRight.ToPointF(), new PointF(topRight.X - Settings.DarknessStripeSize, topRight.Y), new PointF(topRight.X, topRight.Y + Settings.DarknessStripeSize) }, XFillMode.Alternate);

                graphics.DrawPath(palette.BorderPen, path);

            var font = Settings.LargeFont;

            brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.LargeTextBrush;
            Rect textBounds = InnerBounds;

            textBounds.Inflate(-5, -5);

            if (textBounds.Width > 0 && textBounds.Height > 0)
                m_name.Draw(graphics, font, brush, textBounds.Position, textBounds.Size, XStringFormats.Center);

            var expandedBounds = InnerBounds;

            expandedBounds.Inflate(Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
            var drawnObjectList = false;

            font  = Settings.SmallFont;
            brush = palette.SmallTextBrush;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Objects))
                XStringFormat format = new XStringFormat();
                Vector        pos    = expandedBounds.GetCorner(m_objectsPosition);
                if (!Drawing.SetAlignmentFromCardinalOrOrdinalDirection(format, m_objectsPosition))
                    // object list appears inside the room below its name
                    format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Far;
                    format.Alignment     = XStringAlignment.Near;
                    //format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
                    //format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
                    var height = InnerBounds.Height / 2 - font.Height / 2;
                    var bounds = new Rect(InnerBounds.Left + Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, InnerBounds.Bottom - height, InnerBounds.Width - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, height - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : brush;
                    if (bounds.Width > 0 && bounds.Height > 0)
                        m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, bounds.Position, bounds.Size, format);
                    drawnObjectList = true;
                else if (m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.North || m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.South)
                    pos.X += Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom;

                if (!drawnObjectList)
                    m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, pos, Vector.Zero, format);
예제 #3
파일: Room.cs 프로젝트: ChrisPC/trizbort
        public override void Draw(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, DrawingContext context)
            Random random = new Random(Name.GetHashCode());

            var topLeft = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthWest);
            var topRight = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthEast);
            var bottomLeft = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthWest);
            var bottomRight = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthEast);

            var top = new LineSegment(topLeft, topRight);
            var right = new LineSegment(topRight, bottomRight);
            var bottom = new LineSegment(bottomRight, bottomLeft);
            var left = new LineSegment(bottomLeft, topLeft);


            var brush = context.Selected ? palette.BorderBrush : palette.FillBrush;

            if (!Settings.DebugDisableLineRendering)
                var path = palette.Path();
                Drawing.AddLine(path, top, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, right, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, bottom, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, left, random);
                graphics.DrawPath(brush, path);

                if (IsDark)
                    var state = graphics.Save();
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.BorderBrush;
                    graphics.DrawPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { topRight.ToPointF(), new PointF(topRight.X - Settings.DarknessStripeSize, topRight.Y), new PointF(topRight.X, topRight.Y + Settings.DarknessStripeSize) }, XFillMode.Alternate);

                graphics.DrawPath(palette.BorderPen, path);

            var font = Settings.LargeFont;
            brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.LargeTextBrush;
            Rect textBounds = InnerBounds;
            textBounds.Inflate(-5, -5);

            if (textBounds.Width > 0 && textBounds.Height > 0)
                m_name.Draw(graphics, font, brush, textBounds.Position, textBounds.Size, XStringFormats.Center);

            var expandedBounds = InnerBounds;
            expandedBounds.Inflate(Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
            var drawnObjectList = false;

            font = Settings.SmallFont;
            brush = palette.SmallTextBrush;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Objects))
                XStringFormat format = new XStringFormat();
                Vector pos = expandedBounds.GetCorner(m_objectsPosition);
                if (!Drawing.SetAlignmentFromCardinalOrOrdinalDirection(format, m_objectsPosition))
                    // object list appears inside the room below its name
                    format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Far;
                    format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near;
                    //format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
                    //format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
                    var height = InnerBounds.Height / 2 - font.Height / 2;
                    var bounds = new Rect(InnerBounds.Left + Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, InnerBounds.Bottom - height, InnerBounds.Width - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, height - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : brush;
                    if (bounds.Width > 0 && bounds.Height > 0)
                        m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, bounds.Position, bounds.Size, format);
                    drawnObjectList = true;
                else if (m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.North || m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.South)
                    pos.X += Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom;

                if (!drawnObjectList)
                    m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, pos, Vector.Zero, format);
예제 #4
        public override void Draw(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, DrawingContext context)
            List<LineSegment> lineSegments;
            if (context.UseSmartLineSegments)
                lineSegments = m_smartSegments;
                lineSegments = GetSegments();

            var path = palette.Path();
            var random = new Random(GetHashCode());
            foreach (var lineSegment in lineSegments)
                var pen = palette.GetLinePen(context.Selected, context.Hover, Style == ConnectionStyle.Dashed);
                if (!Settings.DebugDisableLineRendering)
                    graphics.DrawLine(pen, lineSegment.Start.ToPointF(), lineSegment.End.ToPointF());
                var delta = lineSegment.Delta;
                if (Flow == ConnectionFlow.OneWay && delta.Length > Settings.ConnectionArrowSize)
                    var brush = palette.GetLineBrush(context.Selected, context.Hover);
                    Drawing.DrawChevron(graphics, lineSegment.Mid.ToPointF(), (float)(Math.Atan2(delta.Y, delta.X) / Math.PI * 180), Settings.ConnectionArrowSize, brush);

            Annotate(graphics, palette, lineSegments);
예제 #5
파일: Room.cs 프로젝트: Tymian/trizbort
        public override void Draw(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, DrawingContext context)
            Random random = new Random(Name.GetHashCode());

            var topLeft = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthWest);
            var topRight = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.NorthEast);
            var bottomLeft = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthWest);
            var bottomRight = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.SouthEast);

            var topCenter = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.North);
            var rightCenter = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.East);
            var bottomCenter = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.South);
            var leftCenter = InnerBounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.West);

            var top = new LineSegment(topLeft, topRight);
            var right = new LineSegment(topRight, bottomRight);
            var bottom = new LineSegment(bottomRight, bottomLeft);
            var left = new LineSegment(bottomLeft, topLeft);

            var halfTopRight = new LineSegment(topCenter, topRight);
            var halfBottomRight = new LineSegment(bottomRight, bottomCenter);
            var centerVertical = new LineSegment(bottomCenter, topCenter);

            var centerHorizontal = new LineSegment(leftCenter, rightCenter);
            var halfRightBottom = new LineSegment(rightCenter, bottomRight);
            var halfLeftBottom = new LineSegment(bottomLeft, leftCenter);

            var slantUp = new LineSegment(bottomLeft, topRight);
            var slantDown = new LineSegment(bottomRight, topLeft);


            var brush = context.Selected ? palette.BorderBrush : palette.FillBrush;
            // Room specific fill brush (White shows global color)
            if (RoomFill != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") && RoomFill != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")) { brush = new SolidBrush(RoomFill); }

            if (!Settings.DebugDisableLineRendering)

                var path = palette.Path();
                Drawing.AddLine(path, top, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, right, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, bottom, random);
                Drawing.AddLine(path, left, random);
                graphics.DrawPath(brush, path);

                // Second fill for room specific colors with a split option
                if (SecondFill != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") && SecondFill != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"))
                    // Set the second fill color
                    brush = new SolidBrush(SecondFill);

                    // Define the second path based on the second fill location
                    var secondPath = palette.Path();
                    switch (SecondFillLocation)
                        case "Bottom":
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, centerHorizontal, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, halfRightBottom, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, bottom, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, halfLeftBottom, random);
                        case "BottomRight":
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, slantUp, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, right, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, bottom, random);
                        case "Right":
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, halfTopRight, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, right, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, halfBottomRight, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, centerVertical, random);
                        case "TopRight":
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, top, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, right, random);
                            Drawing.AddLine(secondPath, slantDown, random);
                    // Draw the second fill over the first
                    graphics.DrawPath(brush, secondPath);

                if (IsDark)
                    var state = graphics.Save();
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.BorderBrush;
                    // Room specific fill brush (White shows global color)
                    if (RoomBorder != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") && RoomBorder != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")) { brush = new SolidBrush(RoomBorder); }
                    graphics.DrawPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { topRight.ToPointF(), new PointF(topRight.X - Settings.DarknessStripeSize, topRight.Y), new PointF(topRight.X, topRight.Y + Settings.DarknessStripeSize) }, XFillMode.Alternate);

                if (RoomBorder == ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") || RoomBorder == ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"))
                    graphics.DrawPath(palette.BorderPen, path);
                    var RoomBorderPen = new Pen(RoomBorder, Settings.LineWidth);
                    RoomBorderPen.StartCap = LineCap.Round;
                    RoomBorderPen.EndCap = LineCap.Round;
                    graphics.DrawPath(RoomBorderPen, path);

            var font = Settings.LargeFont;
            brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : palette.LargeTextBrush;
            // Room specific fill brush (White shows global color)
            if (RoomLargeText != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") && RoomLargeText != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")) { brush = new SolidBrush(RoomLargeText); }

            Rect textBounds = InnerBounds;
            textBounds.Inflate(-5, -5);

            if (textBounds.Width > 0 && textBounds.Height > 0)
                m_name.Draw(graphics, font, brush, textBounds.Position, textBounds.Size, XStringFormats.Center);

            var expandedBounds = InnerBounds;
            expandedBounds.Inflate(Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
            var drawnObjectList = false;

            font = Settings.SmallFont;
            brush = palette.SmallTextBrush;
            // Room specific fill brush (White shows global color)
            if (RoomSmallText != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White") && RoomSmallText != ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")) { brush = new SolidBrush(RoomSmallText); }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Objects))
                XStringFormat format = new XStringFormat();
                Vector pos = expandedBounds.GetCorner(m_objectsPosition);
                if (!Drawing.SetAlignmentFromCardinalOrOrdinalDirection(format, m_objectsPosition))
                    // object list appears inside the room below its name
                    format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Far;
                    format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near;
                    //format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
                    //format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
                    var height = InnerBounds.Height / 2 - font.Height / 2;
                    var bounds = new Rect(InnerBounds.Left + Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, InnerBounds.Bottom - height, InnerBounds.Width - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom, height - Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom);
                    brush = context.Selected ? palette.FillBrush : brush;
                    if (bounds.Width > 0 && bounds.Height > 0)
                        m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, bounds.Position, bounds.Size, format);
                    drawnObjectList = true;
                else if (m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.North || m_objectsPosition == CompassPoint.South)
                    pos.X += Settings.ObjectListOffsetFromRoom;

                if (!drawnObjectList)
                    m_objects.Draw(graphics, font, brush, pos, Vector.Zero, format);