예제 #1
        public async Task <bool> CheckConsistency(long logId, LogRootV1 first, LogRootV1 second)
            var resp = await client.GetConsistencyProofAsync(new GetConsistencyProofRequest
                LogId          = logId,
                FirstTreeSize  = (Int64)first.TreeSize,
                SecondTreeSize = (Int64)second.TreeSize,

            return(Verifier.VerifyConsistencyProof(first, second, resp.Proof));
예제 #2
        private LogRootV1 ParseLogRootV1(BinaryReader reader)
            LogRootV1 logRoot = new LogRootV1();

            logRoot.TreeSize = reader.ReadUInt64();
            int rootHashLen = reader.ReadByte();

            logRoot.RootHash       = reader.ReadBytes(rootHashLen);
            logRoot.TimestampNanos = reader.ReadUInt64();
            logRoot.Revision       = reader.ReadUInt64();
            int metadataLen = reader.ReadUInt16();

            logRoot.Metadata = reader.ReadBytes(metadataLen);
예제 #3
        public static bool VerifyConsistencyProof(LogRootV1 first, LogRootV1 second, Trillian.Proof proof)
            if (first.TreeSize == second.TreeSize)
                if (proof.Hashes.Count > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("first.TreeSize == second.TreeSize but proof.Hashes.Count > 0");
            if (first.TreeSize < second.TreeSize)
                throw new ArgumentException("first.TreeSize < second.TreeSize");

            using SHA256 hasher = SHA256.Create();

            // 1.  If "first" is an exact power of 2, then prepend "first_hash" to
            //     the "consistency_path" array.
            if (IsPowerOf2(first.TreeSize))
                proof.Hashes.Insert(0, Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFrom(first.RootHash));

            // 2.  Set "fn" to "first - 1" and "sn" to "second - 1".
            UInt64 fn = first.TreeSize - 1;
            UInt64 sn = second.TreeSize - 1;

            // 3.  If "LSB(fn)" is set, then right-shift both "fn" and "sn" equally
            //     until "LSB(fn)" is not set.
            while ((fn & 1) == 1)
                fn >>= 1;
                sn >>= 1;

            // 4.  Set both "fr" and "sr" to the first value in the
            //     "consistency_path" array.
            var fr = proof.Hashes[0].ToByteArray();
            var sr = proof.Hashes[0].ToByteArray();

            // 5.  For each subsequent value "c" in the "consistency_path" array:
            foreach (var c in proof.Hashes)
                // If "sn" is 0, stop the iteration and fail the proof verification.
                if (sn == 0)
                // If "LSB(fn)" is set, or if "fn" is equal to "sn", then:
                if ((fn & 1) == 1 || fn == sn)
                    // 1.  Set "fr" to "HASH(0x01 || c || fr)"
                    //     Set "sr" to "HASH(0x01 || c || sr)"
                    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(1 + c.Length + fr.Length);
                    memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    fr = hasher.ComputeHash(memStream);

                    memStream.Seek(1 + c.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    sr = hasher.ComputeHash(memStream);

                    // 2. If "LSB(fn)" is not set, then right-shift both "fn" and "sn"
                    //    equally until either "LSB(fn)" is set or "fn" is "0".
                    while ((fn & 1) == 0)
                        fn >>= 1;
                        sn >>= 1;
                        if (fn == 0)
                    // Otherwise:
                    // 1.Set "sr" to "HASH(0x01 || sr || c)"
                    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(1 + c.Length + fr.Length);
                    memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    sr = hasher.ComputeHash(memStream);
                // Finally, right - shift both "fn" and "sn" one time.
                fn >>= 1;
                sn >>= 1;
            // 6.  After completing iterating through the "consistency_path" array
            //     as described above, verify that the "fr" calculated is equal to
            //     the "first_hash" supplied, that the "sr" calculated is equal to
            //     the "second_hash" supplied and that "sn" is 0.
            return(fr.Equals(first.RootHash) && sr.Equals(second.RootHash) && sn == 0);