static void Main(string[] args) { string name = "TEST"; string message = String.Empty; string uri = "http://localhost:2525/alarm"; bool auth = false; string user = string.Empty; string pass = string.Empty; string apikey = string.Empty; bool help = false; OptionSet paramset = new OptionSet() { {"m|message=", "The {MESSAGE} of the Triggertest.", s => message = s}, {"n|name=", "The {NAME} of the Trigger to test.", s => name = s}, {"u|uri=", "The {URI} to send the trigger request to.", s => uri = s}, {"a|auth", "Authenticate at the server", s => auth = s != null}, {"c|user="******"Authenticate as {USER}", s => user = s}, {"k|key=", "Set API-Key to {KEY}", s => apikey = s}, {"p|pass="******"Authenticate with password {PASSWORD}", s => pass = s}, {"h|help", "Show help", v => help = v != null} }; paramset.Parse(args); if (name == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("AlarmSystem TriggerTest Program"); Console.WriteLine("By Merlin Steuer in 2015"); Console.WriteLine(); paramset.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); } else { TriggerRequest test = new TriggerRequest(name, (message == string.Empty), message, apikey); TriggerRequestSender sender = new TriggerRequestSender(uri); sender.Authenticate = auth; sender.Username = user; sender.Password = pass; sender.ApiKey = apikey; if (sender.Send(test)) { Console.WriteLine("Success!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error!"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string name = "TEST"; string message = String.Empty; string uri = "http://localhost:2525/alarm"; bool auth = false; string user = string.Empty; string pass = string.Empty; string apikey = string.Empty; bool help = false; OptionSet paramset = new OptionSet() { { "m|message=", "The {MESSAGE} of the Triggertest.", s => message = s }, { "n|name=", "The {NAME} of the Trigger to test.", s => name = s }, { "u|uri=", "The {URI} to send the trigger request to.", s => uri = s }, { "a|auth", "Authenticate at the server", s => auth = s != null }, { "c|user="******"Authenticate as {USER}", s => user = s }, { "k|key=", "Set API-Key to {KEY}", s => apikey = s }, { "p|pass="******"Authenticate with password {PASSWORD}", s => pass = s }, { "h|help", "Show help", v => help = v != null } }; paramset.Parse(args); if (name == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("AlarmSystem TriggerTest Program"); Console.WriteLine("By Merlin Steuer in 2015"); Console.WriteLine(); paramset.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); } else { TriggerRequest test = new TriggerRequest(name, (message == string.Empty), message, apikey); TriggerRequestSender sender = new TriggerRequestSender(uri); sender.Authenticate = auth; sender.Username = user; sender.Password = pass; sender.ApiKey = apikey; if (sender.Send(test)) { Console.WriteLine("Success!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error!"); } } }