public void ChangeEmailPasswordTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.ChangeEmailPassword(_objGenralUserInfo); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void CheckAndSendPasswordPopUpTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.UserEmail = "*****@*****.**"; _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; bool _Reset = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.CheckAndSendPassword(_objGenralUserInfo, _Reset); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void GetTributesFeedTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Tributes objtribute = new Tributes(); objtribute.UserTributeId = 9; object[] _MyTributes = { objtribute, 1, 1, 1000 };// TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value //object[] _MyTributes = new object(); int expectedCount = 265; //List<GetTributesFeed> lstTributes = target.GetTributesFeed(_MyTributes); //lstTributes = target.GetTributesFeed(_MyTributes); List<GetTributesFeed> actual = new List<GetTributesFeed>(); //actual = target.GetTributesFeed(_MyTributes); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actual.Count); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StateManager stateManager = StateManager.Instance; SessionValue objSessionvalue = (SessionValue)stateManager.Get("objSessionvalue", StateManager.State.Session); if (objSessionvalue != null) { object[] objValue ={ objSessionvalue.UserId }; UserInfoManager objinbox = new UserInfoManager(); int _inboxcount = objinbox.UserInboxCount(objValue); lbtnInbox.Text = "Inbox (" + _inboxcount.ToString() + ")"; lbtnInbox.Visible = true; } else { lbtnInbox.Visible = false; } }
private void CheckAvailablity(string UserName, string Password) { string uName = string.Empty; HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)this.FindControl("ctl00$HiddenFieldAvailability"); UserInfoManager objUserInfoManager = new UserInfoManager(); GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.UserName = UserName; objUserInfo.UserPassword = Password.ToLower().ToString();; _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; objUserInfoManager.UserLogin(_objGenralUserInfo); if (_objGenralUserInfo.CustomError == null) { SetSessionValue(_objGenralUserInfo); Response.Write("true"); } else { Response.Write("false"); } }
public void GetUserCompleteDetailsTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value UserRegistration _objUserRegistration = new UserRegistration(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objUserRegistration.Users = new Users(); _objUserRegistration.Users.UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); target.GetUserCompleteDetails(_objUserRegistration); Assert.AreEqual("Tajinder1", _objUserRegistration.Users.FirstName); Assert.AreEqual("Kaur", _objUserRegistration.Users.LastName); Assert.AreEqual("tj_op", _objUserRegistration.Users.UserName); Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", _objUserRegistration.Users.Email); //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void UserSiteAdminLoginTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value //InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); GenralUserInfo objUser = new GenralUserInfo(); UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.UserName = "******"; objUserInfo.UserPassword = "******"; objUserInfo.FacebookUid = null; objUser.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; target.UserSiteAdminLogin(objUser); // Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void EmailAvailableTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string Email = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int expected = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int actual; //actual = target.EmailAvailable(Email); // Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetTributeOnIdTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); int tributeId = 0; GetMyTributes _objtribute = new GetMyTributes(); _objtribute.UserId = UserId; object[] _param = { _objtribute, 0, 1, 1 }; if (_objtribute.CustomError == null) { List<GetMyTributes> Mytributes = new List<GetMyTributes>(); Mytributes = target.GetMyTributes(_param); Assert.AreEqual(true, Mytributes.Count > 0); tributeId = Mytributes[0].TributeId; } TributesUserInfo _objTributeUserinfo = new TributesUserInfo(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes = new Tributes(); _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TributeId = tributeId; target.GetTributeOnId(_objTributeUserinfo); //Write Asserts here once the stored procedure is fixed //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
protected void popuplbtnSendemail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GenralUserInfo objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.UserEmail = txtLoginEmail1.Text; objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; UserInfoManager objuse = new UserInfoManager(); objuse.CheckAndSendPassword(objGenralUserInfo, false); if (objGenralUserInfo.CustomError != null) { string ErrorMsg = objGenralUserInfo.CustomError.ErrorMessage.ToString(); if (ErrorMsg != "") { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "HidePanel", "setForgotPassword_();", true); } } else { txtLoginEmail1.Text = string.Empty; StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); strb.Append("parent.modalClose_();"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "HidePanel", strb.ToString(), true); } }
private void doFacebookConnect() { StateManager stateManager = StateManager.Instance; SessionValue objSessionvalue = (SessionValue)stateManager.Get("objSessionvalue", StateManager.State.Session); if (objSessionvalue == null) { messageText.Text = "Your Tribute session had expired. Please log in."; refreshPage.Text = Request.QueryString["source"].ToString().Equals("headerLogin") ? "false" : "true"; } else { UserRegistration objUserReg = new UserRegistration(); TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users objUsers = new TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users(); objUsers.UserId = objSessionvalue.UserId; objUsers.FacebookUid = _FacebookUid; objUserReg.Users = objUsers; UserInfoManager umgr = new UserInfoManager(); umgr.UpdateFacebookAssociation(objUserReg); StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); if (objUserReg.CustomError != null) { var fbwc = new FacebookWebClient(FacebookWebContext.Current.AccessToken); var me = (IDictionary<string, object>)fbwc.Get("me"); string fbName = (string)me["first_name"] + " " + (string)me["last_name"]; sbr.Append(string.Format("<div class=\"yt-Error\"><h3>Sorry, {0}.</h3>", fbName)); sbr.Append(string.Format( "The Facebook account named {0} is aleady used by some other Your Tribute Account.", fbName)); sbr.Append("Would you like to:"); sbr.Append("<ul>"); sbr.Append("<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fb_logout(); return false;\">"); sbr.Append(" <img id=\"fb_logout_image\" "); sbr.Append("src=\"\""); sbr.Append(" alt=\"Logout from Facebook and Your Tribute\"/></a> of both Your Tribute and Facebook Connect "); sbr.Append("and switch to the other account using your Facebook email address and password.</li>"); sbr.Append("<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fb_err_logout(); return false;\">"); sbr.Append("<img id=\"fb_logout_image\" "); sbr.Append("src=\"\""); sbr.Append(" alt=\"Disconnect from Facebook\"/></a> of Facebook Connect and try again.</li>"); sbr.Append("<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"OpenContactUS();\">Contact us</a> to discuss the situation further if you are confused.</li>"); sbr.Append("</div>"); messageText.Text = sbr.ToString(); refreshPage.Text = "false"; } else { if(Request.QueryString["source"].ToString().Equals("headerLogin")) { refreshPage.Text = "true"; } else { messageText.Text = "<div class=\"yt-Notice\">Facebook Connection was added to your account.</div>"; refreshPage.Text = "false"; } } } }
public void GetMyEventsTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Events onjevents = new Events(); onjevents.UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); object[] objvalue = { onjevents, 1, 1 }; //object[] objValue = {,1,1}; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<Events> expected = new List<Events>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Events objMyEvents = new Events(); objMyEvents.EventID = 431; objMyEvents.EventName = "tj"; objMyEvents.EventDesc = "Birthday"; objMyEvents.EventDate = DateTime.Parse("03-11-2011 AM 12:00:00"); objMyEvents.EventRsvp = "Awaiting Response"; objMyEvents.TributeId = 38575; expected.Add(objMyEvents); List<Events> actual; actual = target.GetMyEvents(objvalue); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].EventID, actual[0].EventID); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].EventName, actual[0].EventName); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].EventDesc, actual[0].EventDesc); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].EventDate, actual[0].EventDate); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].EventRsvp, actual[0].EventRsvp); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].TributeId, actual[0].TributeId); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetuserSentMessagesTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value object[] objValue = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<MailMessage> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<MailMessage> actual; actual = target.GetuserSentMessages(objValue); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetEventNameTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Events actual; Events onjevents = new Events(); onjevents.UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); object[] objvalue = { onjevents, 1, 1 }; actual = target.GetEventName(target.GetMyEvents(objvalue)[0].EventID); Assert.AreEqual("tj", actual.EventName); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetImageTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<GiftImage> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<GiftImage> actual; actual = target.GetImage(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetEmailNotoficationTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value UserRegistration _objUserRegistration = new UserRegistration(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objUserRegistration.Users = new Users(); _objUserRegistration.Users.UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); target.GetEmailNotofication(_objUserRegistration); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.CommentsNotify); Assert.AreEqual(21080, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.EmailNotifyId); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.EventsNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.GiftsNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.GuestBookNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.MessagesNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.NewsLetterNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.NotesNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.PhotoAlbumNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.PhotosNotify); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.StoryNotify); Assert.AreEqual(21085, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.UserId); Assert.AreEqual(true, _objUserRegistration.EmailNotification.CommentsNotify); // Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void GetBusinessUserTributeListTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value SearchTribute objTributeParam = new SearchTribute(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value objTributeParam.SearchString = "taj"; objTributeParam.UserName = "******"; objTributeParam.TributeType = "All"; objTributeParam.PageSize = 1; objTributeParam.PageNumber = 1; //objTributeParam.SortOrder = "ASC"; //List<SearchTribute> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string AppDomain = "yourtribute"; List<SearchTribute> actual = target.GetBusinessUserTributeList(objTributeParam, AppDomain); Assert.AreEqual("tajinder", actual[0].TributeName); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void EmailNotificationsTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value object[] param = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IList<ParameterTypesCodes> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IList<ParameterTypesCodes> actual; actual = target.EmailNotifications(param); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetUserDataTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = new UserInfo(); _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserID = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); target.GetUserData(_objGenralUserInfo); Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserEmail); Assert.AreEqual("zSpeN+GdR0Ey9VrM9QyvUA==", _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserPassword); // Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void GetMyFavouritesTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value object[] _MyTributes = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<GetMyTributes> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<GetMyTributes> actual; actual = target.GetMyFavourites(_MyTributes); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void GetUserProfileTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value UserProfile objUserReg = new UserProfile(); objUserReg.UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); object[] objValue = { objUserReg }; target.GetUserProfile(objValue); objUserReg = (UserProfile)objValue[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Tajinder1", objUserReg.FirstName);//coming as "tj_op" which is UserName Assert.AreEqual("tj_op", objUserReg.UserName); //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
private bool OnFacebookLogin(string fbName) { GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.FacebookUid = _FacebookUid; objUserInfo.ApplicationType = ApplicationType; _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; if (objUserInfo.FacebookUid == null) return false; UserInfoManager umgr = new UserInfoManager(); umgr.CheckFacebookAccountAvailability(_objGenralUserInfo); if (_objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserID != null && _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserID > 0) { SetSessionValue(_objGenralUserInfo); return true; } return false; }
public void CheckAndSendPasswordTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = new UserInfo(); _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserEmail = "*****@*****.**"; _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserPassword = "******"; _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers.UserName = "******"; bool _Reset = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.CheckAndSendPassword(_objGenralUserInfo, _Reset); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void DeleteSessionKeyDetailsTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string SessionID = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.DeleteSessionKeyDetails(SessionID); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
private void CheckUserAvailablity(string UserName, string Password) { errorPwd.Visible = false; string uName = string.Empty; HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)this.FindControl("ctl00$HiddenFieldAvailability"); UserInfoManager objUserInfoManager = new UserInfoManager(); GenralUserInfo _objGenralUserInfo = new GenralUserInfo(); UserInfo objUserInfo = new UserInfo(); objUserInfo.UserName = UserName; objUserInfo.UserPassword = Password.ToLower().ToString(); objUserInfo.ApplicationType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationType"].ToString(); _objGenralUserInfo.RecentUsers = objUserInfo; objUserInfoManager.UserLogin(_objGenralUserInfo); if (_objGenralUserInfo.CustomError == null) { //added the below two lines to handle the session issue Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", Session.SessionID)); Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Domain = "." + WebConfig.TopLevelDomain; SetSessionValue(_objGenralUserInfo); RedirectPage(); } else { errorPwd.Visible = true; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "HidePanel", "setIndicatorPassword_();", true); } }
public void GetTributeByIDTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int UserId = InsertDummyUser("tj_op"); int tributeId = 0; GetMyTributes _objtribute = new GetMyTributes(); _objtribute.UserId = UserId; object[] _param = { _objtribute, 0, 1, 2 }; if (_objtribute.CustomError == null) { List<GetMyTributes> Mytributes = new List<GetMyTributes>(); Mytributes = target.GetMyTributes(_param); Assert.AreEqual(true, Mytributes.Count > 0); tributeId = Mytributes[0].TributeId; } TributesUserInfo _objTributeUserinfo = new TributesUserInfo(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes = new Tributes(); _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TributeId = tributeId; target.GetTributeByID(_objTributeUserinfo); Assert.AreEqual("tj", _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TributeName); Assert.AreEqual("xyz", _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TributeUrl); Assert.AreEqual("Birthday", _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TypeDescription); Assert.AreEqual("tj", _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.TributeName); Assert.AreEqual("11-03-1983 AM 12:00:00", _objTributeUserinfo.Tributes.Date1.ToString()); //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
private void doFacebookDisconnect() { StateManager stateManager = StateManager.Instance; SessionValue objSessionvalue = (SessionValue)stateManager.Get("objSessionvalue", StateManager.State.Session); StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); if (objSessionvalue == null) { messageText.Text = "Your Tribute session had expired. Please log in."; refreshPage.Text = Request.QueryString["source"].ToString().Equals("headerLogin") ? "false" : "true"; } else { UserRegistration objUserReg = new UserRegistration(); TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users objUsers = new TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users(); objUsers.UserId = objSessionvalue.UserId; objUserReg.Users = objUsers; UserInfoManager umgr = new UserInfoManager(); umgr.RemoveFacebookAssociation(objUserReg); HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objSessionvalue.UserEmail)) { sbr.Append("<div class=\"yt-Error\"><h3>Urgent: You must <a href=\""); sbr.Append(Session["APP_BASE_DOMAIN"].ToString()); sbr.Append("adminprofileemailpassword.aspx\">set up an email address and password</a>!</h3>"); sbr.Append("Your account was disconnected from Facebook, but you do not have an "); sbr.Append("email address and password on file. If you do not create a password "); sbr.Append("then you will not be able to login later.</div>"); messageText.Text = sbr.ToString(); } else { messageText.Text = "<div class=\"yt-Notice\">Facebook was disconnected from your account.</div>"; } } }
public void DeleteTributeAdminisTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value object[] Params = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.DeleteTributeAdminis(Params); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
protected void doFacebookSignup() { var fbwc = new FacebookWebClient(FacebookWebContext.Current.AccessToken); var me = (IDictionary<string, object>)fbwc.Get("me"); string fbName = (string)me["first_name"] + " " + (string)me["last_name"]; string UserName = fbName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_").Replace("'", "");/*+ "_"+_FacebookUid.ToString()*/ string fql = "Select current_location,pic_square,email from user where uid = " + (string)me["id"]; JsonArray me2 = (JsonArray)fbwc.Query(fql); var mm = (IDictionary<string, object>)me2[0]; Nullable<int> state = null; Nullable<int> country = null; string _UserImage = "images/bg_ProfilePhoto.gif"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)mm["pic_square"])) { _UserImage = (string)mm["pic_square"]; // get user image } string city = ""; JsonObject hl = (JsonObject)mm["current_location"]; if ((string)hl[0] != null) { city = (string)hl[0]; UserManager usrmngr = new UserManager(); object[] param = { (string)hl[2],(string)hl[1] }; if (usrmngr.GetstateIdByName(param) > 0) { state = usrmngr.GetstateIdByName(param); } if (usrmngr.GetCountryIdByName((string)hl[2]) > 0) { country = usrmngr.GetCountryIdByName((string)hl[2]); } } string password_ = string.Empty; string email_ = string.Empty; //user.proxied_email; string result = (string)mm["email"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { email_ = result; password_ = RandomPassword.Generate(8, 10); password_ = TributePortalSecurity.Security.EncryptSymmetric(password_); } UserRegistration objUserReg = new UserRegistration(); TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users objUsers = new TributesPortal.BusinessEntities.Users( UserName, password_, (string)me["first_name"], (string)me["last_name"], email_, "", false, city, state, country, 1, _FacebookUid); objUsers.UserImage = _UserImage; objUserReg.Users = objUsers; /*System.Decimal identity = (System.Decimal)*/ UserInfoManager umgr = new UserInfoManager(); umgr.SavePersonalAccount(objUserReg); if (objUserReg.CustomError != null) { messageText.Text=string.Format("<h2>Sorry, {0}.</h2>" + "<h3>Those Facebook credentials are already used in some other Your Tribute Account</h3>", fbName); } else { SessionValue _objSessionValue = new SessionValue(objUserReg.Users.UserId, objUserReg.Users.UserName, objUserReg.Users.FirstName, objUserReg.Users.LastName, objUserReg.Users.Email, objUserReg.UserBusiness == null ? 1 : 2, "Basic", objUserReg.Users.IsUsernameVisiable); TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager stateManager = TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager.Instance; stateManager.Add("objSessionvalue", _objSessionValue, TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager.State.Session); SaveSessionInDB(); Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", Session.SessionID)); Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Domain = "." + WebConfig.TopLevelDomain; showDialog.Text = "false"; refreshPage.Text = "true"; } }
public void GetSessionDetailTest() { UserInfoManager target = new UserInfoManager(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string SessionValues = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<SessionValue> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value List<SessionValue> actual; actual = target.GetSessionDetail(SessionValues); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }