Delegate() 공개 메소드

public Delegate ( System returnType, string name ) : DelegateGen
returnType System
name string
리턴 DelegateGen
예제 #1
        // example based on the MSDN Events Sample (events1.cs)
        public static void GenEvents1(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
		    TypeGen ChangedEventHandler, ListWithChangedEvent;

		    using (ag.Namespace("MyCollections"))
				// A delegate type for hooking up change notifications.
				ChangedEventHandler = ag.Delegate(typeof(void), "ChangedEventHandler").Parameter(typeof(object), "sender").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "e");

				// A class that works just like ArrayList, but sends event
				// notifications whenever the list changes.
				ListWithChangedEvent = ag.Public.Class("ListWithChangedEvent", typeof(ArrayList));
					// An event that clients can use to be notified whenever the
					// elements of the list change.
					EventGen Changed = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Event(ChangedEventHandler, "Changed");

					// Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes
					CodeGen g = ListWithChangedEvent.Protected.Virtual.Method(typeof(void), "OnChanged").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "e");
						g.If(Changed != null);
							g.InvokeDelegate(Changed, g.This(), g.Arg("e"));

					// Override some of the methods that can change the list;
					// invoke event after each
					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Method(typeof(int), "Add").Parameter(typeof(object), "value");
                        var i = g.Local(g.Base().Invoke("Add", new[] { g.Arg("value") }));
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Method(typeof(void), "Clear");
						g.Invoke(g.Base(), "Clear");
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Indexer(typeof(object)).Index(typeof(int), "index").Setter();
						g.Assign(g.Base()[g.Arg("index")], g.PropertyValue());
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

			using (ag.Namespace("TestEvents"))
				TypeGen EventListener = ag.Class("EventListener");
					FieldGen List = EventListener.Field(ListWithChangedEvent, "List");

					// This will be called whenever the list changes.
					CodeGen g = EventListener.Private.Method(typeof(void), "ListChanged").Parameter(typeof(object), "sender").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "eventArgs");
						g.WriteLine("This is called when the event fires.");

					g = EventListener.Public.Constructor().Parameter(ListWithChangedEvent, "list");
						g.Assign(List, g.Arg("list"));
						// Add "ListChanged" to the Changed event on "List".
						g.SubscribeEvent(List, "Changed", exp.NewDelegate(ChangedEventHandler, g.This(), "ListChanged"));

					g = EventListener.Public.Method(typeof(void), "Detach");
						// Detach the event and delete the list
						g.UnsubscribeEvent(List, "Changed", exp.NewDelegate(ChangedEventHandler, g.This(), "ListChanged"));
						g.Assign(List, null);

				TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
					// Test the ListWithChangedEvent class.
					CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                        // Create a new list.
                        var list = g.Local(exp.New(ListWithChangedEvent));

                        // Create a class that listens to the list's change event.
                        var listener = g.Local(exp.New(EventListener, list));

						// Add and remove items from the list.
						g.Invoke(list, "Add", "item 1");
						g.Invoke(list, "Clear");
						g.Invoke(listener, "Detach");
예제 #2
        // example based on the MSDN Delegates Sample (compose.cs)
        public static void GenCompose(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            TypeGen myDelegate = ag.Delegate(typeof(void), "MyDelegate").Parameter(typeof(string), "string");

			TypeGen myClass = ag.Class("MyClass");
				CodeGen g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Hello").Parameter(typeof(string), "s");
					g.WriteLine("  Hello, {0}!", g.Arg("s"));

				g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Goodbye").Parameter(typeof(string), "s");
					g.WriteLine("  Goodbye, {0}!", g.Arg("s"));

				g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
					ContextualOperand a = g.Local(), b = g.Local(), c = g.Local(), d = g.Local();

					// Create the delegate object a that references 
					// the method Hello:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(a, exp.NewDelegate(myDelegate, myClass, "Hello"));
					// Create the delegate object b that references 
					// the method Goodbye:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper1 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(b, exp.NewDelegate(myDelegate, myClass, "Goodbye"));
					// The two delegates, a and b, are composed to form c, 
					// which calls both methods in order:
					g.Assign(c, a + b);
					// Remove a from the composed delegate, leaving d, 
					// which calls only the method Goodbye:
					g.Assign(d, c - a);

					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate a:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(a, "A");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate b:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(b, "B");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate c:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(c, "C");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate d:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(d, "D");