public TripDisplayCard(Trip t, int index, ref Canvas c, MainWindow m) { FullTripData = t; window = m; double baseLoc = (index * 215) + 100; BackGround = new Rectangle { Width = 808, Height = 210, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)), Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0)), StrokeThickness = 3 }; Canvas.SetLeft(BackGround, 111); Canvas.SetTop(BackGround, baseLoc); c.Children.Add(BackGround); TripImage = new Image { MaxWidth = 300, MaxHeight = 180, Source = t.TripImage.GetImage().Source }; TripImage.Loaded += TripImage_Loaded; Canvas.SetLeft(TripImage, 140); Canvas.SetTop(TripImage, baseLoc + 15); c.Children.Add(TripImage); DepartureAndDestination = new Label { FontSize = 30, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Content = t.Departure + " - " + t.Destination }; Canvas.SetTop(DepartureAndDestination, baseLoc + 10); c.Children.Add(DepartureAndDestination); FromStartToEndDate = new Label { FontSize = 30, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Content = "From " + t.Start.ToShortDateString() + " to " + t.End.ToShortDateString() }; Canvas.SetTop(FromStartToEndDate, baseLoc + 74); c.Children.Add(FromStartToEndDate); if (t.IsClosed) { Status_Label = new Label { FontSize = 30, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Content = "Status: closed" }; } else { Status_Label = new Label { FontSize = 30, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Content = "Status: opened" }; } Canvas.SetTop(Status_Label, baseLoc + 130); c.Children.Add(Status_Label); MoreInfo = new Button { Content = "View More", Width = 152, Height = 48, Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(232, 126, 49)), Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)), FontSize = 20, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; MoreInfo.Click += MoreInfo_Click; Canvas.SetLeft(MoreInfo, 750); Canvas.SetTop(MoreInfo, baseLoc + 153); c.Children.Add(MoreInfo); c.Height = baseLoc + 230; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataBase.Intialize(); CurrentCanvas = CustomerFullDetails_Canvas; List <string> l = new List <string>(); l.Add("Arabic"); cus = new Customer("1", "Ali Ahmed", "Egyption", l, "Male", "*****@*****.**", "0114849551"); cus.UserImage = new CustomImage("E:/test.JPG"); DataBase.Customers.Add(cus); CurrentCanvas = Main_Canvas; TourGuide t = new TourGuide("1", "ahmed", "egy", "male", "asa", "011"); t.UserImage = new CustomImage("E:/test.JPG"); DataBase.TourGuides.Add(t); Trip trip = new Trip("2", t, "family", "Cairo", "Alex", 0, new DateTime(2017, 5, 4), new DateTime(2017, 6, 4)); trip.TripImage = new CustomImage("E:/test.JPG"); //Put a valid image just to test DataBase.Trips.Add(trip); Trip trip2 = new Trip("3", t, "test", "Rome", "Paris", 0, new DateTime(2017, 5, 4), new DateTime(2017, 6, 4)); trip2.TripImage = new CustomImage("E:/test.JPG"); //Put a valid image just to test //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); //DataBase.Trips.Add(trip2); int today = DateTime.Today.Day; if (DataBase.Trips.Count != 0) { TripOfTheDay = DataBase.Trips[today % DataBase.Trips.Count]; //generate trip based on today's date } if (DataBase.TourGuides.Count != 0) { TourGuideOfTheMonth = TourGuide.GetBestTourGuide(DateTime.Today.Month - 1); //returns tour guide with maximum salary in the past month } if (TripOfTheDay != null) { TripOfTheDay_IMG.Source = TripOfTheDay.TripImage.GetImage().Source; TripOfTheDay_Label.Content = TripOfTheDay.Departure + " - " + TripOfTheDay.Destination; } if (TourGuideOfTheMonth == null) { ; } //Todo: add message //There is no tour guides or max existing haas 0 salary in the past month }