private void StartListening()
            Socket serverSocket = null;
            EndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
                serverSocket = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                serverSocket.Blocking = true;

                log.Info("server started, listening on port " + port);

                running = true;
                stopped = false;

                while (running)
                    // Calling socket.Accept blocks the thread until the next incoming connection,
                    // making difficult to stop the server from another thread.
                    // The Poll always returns after the specified delay elapsed, or immeidately
                    // returns if it detects an incoming connection. It's the perfect method
                    // to make this loop regularly che the running var, ending gracefully 
                    // if requested.
                    if (serverSocket.Poll(SocketPollMicroseconds, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                        Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.Accept();
                        log.Info("new request received");
                        ConversionRequest connection = new ConversionRequest(clientSocket, converter);
                        Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(connection.Run));
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("exception", e);
                if (serverSocket != null) serverSocket.Close();
                running = false;
                stopped = true;
                log.Info("server stopped");
        private void StartListening()
            Socket serverSocket = null;
            EndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
                serverSocket = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                serverSocket.Blocking = true;

                log.Info("server started, listening on port " + port);

                running = true;
                stopped = false;

                while (running)
                    // Calling socket.Accept blocks the thread until the next incoming connection,
                    // making difficult to stop the server from another thread.
                    // The Poll always returns after the specified delay elapsed, or immediately
                    // returns if it detects an incoming connection. It's the perfect method
                    // to make this loop regularly check the running var, ending gracefully 
                    // if requested.
                    if (serverSocket.Poll(SocketPollMicroseconds, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                        Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.Accept();
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref connectionsCounter.value);
                        ConversionRequest connection = new ConversionRequest(clientSocket, converter, connectionsCounter);
                        // Creating a single thread for every connection has huge costs,
                        // so I leverage the .NET internal thread pool
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("exception", e);
                if (serverSocket != null) serverSocket.Close();
                running = false;
                stopped = true;
                log.Info("server stopped ("+ connectionsCounter.value + " connections still open)");
        private void StartListening()
            Socket   serverSocket = null;
            EndPoint endPoint     = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);

                serverSocket          = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                serverSocket.Blocking = true;

                log.Info("server started, listening on port " + port);

                running = true;
                stopped = false;

                while (running)
                    // Calling socket.Accept blocks the thread until the next incoming connection,
                    // making difficult to stop the server from another thread.
                    // The Poll always returns after the specified delay elapsed, or immediately
                    // returns if it detects an incoming connection. It's the perfect method
                    // to make this loop regularly check the running var, ending gracefully
                    // if requested.
                    if (serverSocket.Poll(SocketPollMicroseconds, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                        Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.Accept();
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref connectionsCounter.value);
                        ConversionRequest connection = new ConversionRequest(clientSocket, converter, connectionsCounter);
                        // Creating a single thread for every connection has huge costs,
                        // so I leverage the .NET internal thread pool
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("exception", e);
                if (serverSocket != null)
                running = false;
                stopped = true;
                log.Info("server stopped (" + connectionsCounter.value + " connections still open)");
        private void StartListening()
            Socket   serverSocket = null;
            EndPoint endPoint     = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);

                serverSocket          = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                serverSocket.Blocking = true;

                log.Info("server started, listening on port " + port);

                running = true;
                stopped = false;

                while (running)
                    // Calling socket.Accept blocks the thread until the next incoming connection,
                    // making difficult to stop the server from another thread.
                    // The Poll always returns after the specified delay elapsed, or immeidately
                    // returns if it detects an incoming connection. It's the perfect method
                    // to make this loop regularly che the running var, ending gracefully
                    // if requested.
                    if (serverSocket.Poll(SocketPollMicroseconds, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                        Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.Accept();
                        log.Info("new request received");
                        ConversionRequest connection   = new ConversionRequest(clientSocket, converter);
                        Thread            clientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(connection.Run));
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("exception", e);
                if (serverSocket != null)
                running = false;
                stopped = true;
                log.Info("server stopped");