public GroupMember(TrainingGroup trainingGroup, AspNetUsers aspNetUser, bool isTeacher, bool isStudent) { TrainingGroup = trainingGroup; AspNetUser = aspNetUser; IsTeacher = isTeacher; IsStudent = isStudent; }
public TrainingNeed CalculateNeed(TrainingGroup trainingGroup) { if (Student == null) { return(new TrainingNeed(true, null, null)); } return(Student.CalculateNeed(trainingGroup)); }
public TrainingNeed CalculateNeed(TrainingGroup trainingGroup) { var stepsInProgress = StudentXRoadSteps.Where(p => !p.HasGraduated()).ToList(); if (stepsInProgress.Count == 0) { return(new TrainingNeed(true, null, null)); } var stepsInProgressInTrainingGroup = new List <RoadStep>(); StudentXRoadStep firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup = null; foreach (var trainingGroupXRoad in trainingGroup.TrainingGroupXRoads) { var road = trainingGroupXRoad.Road; foreach (var roadXRoadStep in road.RoadXRoadSteps) { var step = roadXRoadStep.RoadStep; firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup = stepsInProgress.FirstOrDefault(p => p.RoadStep.Id == step.Id); if (firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup != null) { stepsInProgressInTrainingGroup.Add(step); } } } if (stepsInProgressInTrainingGroup.Count == 0) { return(new TrainingNeed(true, null, null)); } if (firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.LearningStatus == LearningStatus.StudyingResources && firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.RoadStep.StepResources.Count == 0) { return(new TrainingNeed(true, false, firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.RoadStep)); } if (firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.LearningStatus == LearningStatus.FinishedResources && firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.RoadStep.StepExercises.Count == 0) { return(new TrainingNeed(false, true, firstStepInProgressInTrainingGroup.RoadStep)); } return(null); }
protected override void Seed(TrainingSystemContext context) { var teacherUserId1 = "0fef0fe8-8327-4020-bd00-25590bb4ef07"; var teacherUserId2 = "0fef0fe8-8327-4020-bd00-25590bb4ef11"; var student1UserId = "0fef0fe8-8327-4020-bd00-25590bb4ef05"; var student2UserId = "0fef0fe8-8327-4020-bd00-25590bb4ef09"; var student3UserId = "0fef0fe8-8327-4020-bd00-25590bb4ef14"; var teacher1 = new AspNetUsers { Id = teacherUserId1, Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = false, PasswordHash = "AJeirg3g2RPE32a3Df8x8e7UdCWT3375oVryE2xMlnRMaKvNy6Rc7ovLs1s3wMdmvw==", SecurityStamp = "58debd59-dc2e-4cda-aa6c-e7f1d5f23982", PhoneNumber = null, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = true, LockoutEndDateUtc = null, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = "******" }; var teacher2 = new AspNetUsers { Id = teacherUserId2, Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = false, PasswordHash = "AJeirg3g2RPE32a3Df8x8e7UdCWT3375oVryE2xMlnRMaKvNy6Rc7ovLs1s3wMdmvw==", SecurityStamp = "58debd59-dc2e-4cda-aa6c-e7f1d5f23982", PhoneNumber = null, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = true, LockoutEndDateUtc = null, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = "******" }; context.AspNetUsers.Add(teacher1); context.AspNetUsers.Add(teacher2); var student1 = new AspNetUsers { Id = student1UserId, Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = false, PasswordHash = "AJeirg3g2RPE32a3Df8x8e7UdCWT3375oVryE2xMlnRMaKvNy6Rc7ovLs1s3wMdmvw==", SecurityStamp = "58debd59-dc2e-4cda-aa6c-e7f1d5f23982", PhoneNumber = null, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = true, LockoutEndDateUtc = null, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = "******", }; var student2 = new AspNetUsers { Id = student2UserId, Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = false, PasswordHash = "AJeirg3g2RPE32a3Df8x8e7UdCWT3375oVryE2xMlnRMaKvNy6Rc7ovLs1s3wMdmvw==", SecurityStamp = "58debd59-dc2e-4cda-aa6c-e7f1d5f23982", PhoneNumber = null, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = true, LockoutEndDateUtc = null, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = "******" }; var student3 = new AspNetUsers { Id = student3UserId, Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = false, PasswordHash = "AJeirg3g2RPE32a3Df8x8e7UdCWT3375oVryE2xMlnRMaKvNy6Rc7ovLs1s3wMdmvw==", SecurityStamp = "58debd59-dc2e-4cda-aa6c-e7f1d5f23982", PhoneNumber = null, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = true, LockoutEndDateUtc = null, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = "******" }; context.AspNetUsers.Add(student1); context.AspNetUsers.Add(student2); context.AspNetUsers.Add(student3); context.SaveChanges(); var trainingGroup = new TrainingGroup("Software development team at Company X", "training group for the software dev team at company X", teacherUserId1); trainingGroup.GroupMembers = new List <GroupMember>(); trainingGroup.GroupMembers.Add(new GroupMember(trainingGroup, teacher1, true, false)); trainingGroup.GroupMembers.Add(new GroupMember(trainingGroup, teacher2, true, false)); trainingGroup.GroupMembers.Add(new GroupMember(trainingGroup, student1, false, true)); trainingGroup.GroupMembers.Add(new GroupMember(trainingGroup, student2, false, true)); trainingGroup.GroupMembers.Add(new GroupMember(trainingGroup, student3, false, true)); context.TrainingGroups.Add(trainingGroup); context.SaveChanges(); var roadMap = new RoadMap("Becoming a strong .Net (C#) backend software developer", "To start this journey, you need to have at least some basic experience with .Net and Visual Studio.", teacherUserId1); context.RoadMaps.Add(roadMap); var road = new Road("OOP, modelling classes and interactions between them in .Net (C#)", "", teacherUserId1, roadMap); context.Roads.Add(road); var roadStep = new RoadStep("Quick OOP basics in .Net (C#)", "", teacherUserId1, road); context.RoadSteps.Add(roadStep); var teacherRole = new Teacher(teacher1); context.Teachers.Add(teacherRole); teacherRole.AddRoadStep(roadStep); var resource1 = new StepResource("", "Concise explanation of many OOP concepts in C#. For every concept there are links to other MSDN articles which are focused on that concept, which can be pretty helpful for complicated ones.", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource1); var resource2 = new StepResource("", "This is like a book with 22 short chapters, covering all aspects of OOP with C#. It goes into a bit too much detail, but it’s a good resource.", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource2); var resource3 = new StepResource("", "Concise explanation of many OOP concepts in C#. ", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource3); var resource4 = new StepResource("", "Concise explanation of only the most important OOP concepts in C#.", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource4); var resource5 = new StepResource("", "Concise explanation of only the most important OOP concepts in C#.", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource5); var resource6 = new StepResource("", "A 3 hours video about OOP in C#. It covers a lot of stuff, and goes beyond basics. You can see the developer actually working on the code, which is pretty cool.", teacherUserId1, roadStep); context.StepResources.Add(resource6); //var exercise = new StepExercise("444", "444", teacherUserId1, roadStep); //context.StepExercises.Add(exercise); //var student = new Student(student1); //context.Students.Add(student); //var studentRoadStep = new StudentXRoadStep(student, roadStep, LearningStatus.StudyingResources); //context.StudentXRoadSteps.Add(studentRoadStep); }
public TrainingGroupXRoad(TrainingGroup trainingGroup, Road road) { TrainingGroup = trainingGroup; Road = road; GroupMembersForRoad = new List <GroupMemberForRoad>(); }