예제 #1
 //methode maakt een kopie van de huidige tile die net getekend is, zodat dezelfde tile nog een keer getekend kan worden.
 public static Tile CopyCurrentTile(SimControl s,Tile startTile)
     Tile tile;
     string tileName = startTile.name;
     switch (tileName)
         case "Spawner": Spawner currentSpawnerTile = (Spawner)startTile;
             tile = new Spawner(s, currentSpawnerTile.Direction);
         case "Crossroad": tile = new Crossroad(s);
         case "Road": Road currentRoadTile = (Road)startTile;
             tile = new Road(currentRoadTile.StartDirection, currentRoadTile.EndDirection);
         case "Fork": Fork currentForkTile = (Fork)startTile;
             tile = new Fork(s, currentForkTile.NotDirection);
         default: tile = new Crossroad(s);
     return tile;
예제 #2
        private void RotateTile(string LeftOrRight)
            int difference;
            if (LeftOrRight == "Right")
                difference = 0;
                difference = +2;

            Tile originalTile = windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol.selectedTile;
            SimControl simcontrol = windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol;
            Tile rotatedTile;
            switch (originalTile.name)
                case "Fork": rotatedTile = new Fork(simcontrol, (originalTile.NotDirection+difference) % 4 + 1);
                case "Crossroad": rotatedTile = new Crossroad(simcontrol);
                case "Road": rotatedTile = new Road((originalTile.StartDirection+difference )% 4 + 1, (originalTile.EndDirection +difference)% 4 + 1);
                case "Spawner": rotatedTile = new Spawner(windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol, (originalTile.Direction + difference) % 4 + 1);
                default: rotatedTile = new Crossroad(simcontrol);
            simcontrol.DrawTile(originalTile.position, rotatedTile);

예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Click Open in homescreen
		/// Loads previous saved files
		/// </summary>
		public void Open_Click()
            Tile[] tempTileList = new Tile[(windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol.Size.Width / 100) * (windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol.Size.Height / 100)];
			/// Does this work?
            SimControl simcontrol;
			simcontrol = windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol;
            simcontrol.oldselectedTile = null;

			/// Make new stream
			Stream myStream1 = null;
			Stream myStream2 = null;
			Stream dummyStream = null;

			int addLines = 0;
			int totalLines;

			/// New open dialog
			OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

			/// Few basic settings for the opendialog
			//openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
			openDialog.Filter = "TrafficSimulation files (*.trs)|*.trs";
			openDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
			openDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;

			if (openDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
				/// Change cursor to wait cursor
				this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

				/// Make new loadwindow with the startposition in the middle
				LoadWindow LoadWin = new LoadWindow();
				LoadWin.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
				LoadWin.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
				LoadWin.ControlBox = false;

				/// Try to open the file
					if (openDialog.OpenFile() != null)
						/// Make 3 streams, 1 for the road and spawners, 2 for the forks and crossroads and the dummy for counting
						myStream1 = openDialog.OpenFile();
						myStream2 = openDialog.OpenFile();
						dummyStream = openDialog.OpenFile();

						/// Streamreaders for each stream
						StreamReader dummyReader = new StreamReader(dummyStream);
						StreamReader r1, r2;

						/// Set the number of lines of code that has to be deleted and added
						addLines = 0;

						/// Count the numbers of lines in the file
						string line;
						while ((line = dummyReader.ReadLine()) != null)

						/// Total amount of lines that has to be run through while loading
						totalLines = addLines * 2;

						/// Set maximums of the progressbar
						LoadWin.progressBar1.Maximum = totalLines;

						/// Show the LoadWindow

						/// Clear the map

						/// Clear the list

						#region Add roads and spawners to the map

						/// Add al the roads to the map
						using (myStream1)
							// Streamreader for stream 1
							r1 = new StreamReader(myStream1);

							// Set value of progressBar1 back to 0 and change maximum
							LoadWin.progressBar1.Value = 0;
							LoadWin.progressBar1.Maximum = (addLines * 2);

							/// Read the file line for line
							while (r1.Peek() >= 0)
								string t = r1.ReadLine();

								// Char that splits the data
								char[] splitChar = { '_' };

								// Array of strings with info about tile
								string[] information = t.Split(splitChar);

								Bitmap tileImage;
								Tile currentBuildTile;
								int roadX;
								int roadY;

								int tilesHorizontal = Size.Width / 100;

								/// You need different information from different tiles
								/// So you need multiple cases, one for each tile
								/// Basic information
								///		 0: Tile
								///		 1: X position
								///		 2: Y position
								///	Specific information
								///		 3: Trafficlight strat
								///		 4: Maxspeed for a tile
								///		 5: Begin direction (notDirection for Fork, direction for Spawner)
								///		 6: End direction (only for Road)
								///		 7: laneshightolow, not for Crossroad and Fork
								///		 8: laneslowtohigh, not for Crossroad and Fork
								///		 9: Cars per second in spawner
								switch (information[0])
									case "Road":
										/// Make new tile
										currentBuildTile = new Road(Convert.ToInt32(information[5]), Convert.ToInt32(information[6]));

										/// Get the location
										roadX = Convert.ToInt32(information[1]) / 100;
										roadY = Convert.ToInt32(information[2]) / 100;

										/// Set some values
										currentBuildTile.SetValues(simcontrol, new Point((roadX * 100), roadY * 100));
										currentBuildTile.LanesHighToLow = Convert.ToInt32(information[7]);
										currentBuildTile.LanesLowToHigh = Convert.ToInt32(information[8]);
										currentBuildTile.maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(information[4]);

										/// Add to list
										tempTileList[(roadX + roadY * 20)] = currentBuildTile;

										/// Draw the tile
										tileImage = currentBuildTile.DrawImage();
										simcontrol.backgroundBC.AddObject(tileImage, new Point(roadX * 100, roadY * 100));

										/// Add 1 to progressBar1/2


									/// Load a spawner to the list
									case "Spawner":
										/// Make new tile
                                        currentBuildTile = new Spawner(windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol, Convert.ToInt32(information[5]));
										Spawner spawner = (Spawner)currentBuildTile;

										/// Get location
										roadX = Convert.ToInt32(information[1]) / 100;
										roadY = Convert.ToInt32(information[2]) / 100;

										/// Set some values
										spawner.maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(information[4]);
										spawner.UpdateLanes(simcontrol, Convert.ToInt32(information[5]), Convert.ToInt32(information[7]), Convert.ToInt32(information[8]));
										spawner.SetValues(simcontrol, new Point((roadX * 100), roadY * 100));
										spawner.CarsSpawnChance = Convert.ToInt32(information[9]);

										/// Add to list
										tempTileList[(roadX + roadY * 20)] = currentBuildTile;

										/// Draw the tile
										tileImage = currentBuildTile.DrawImage();
										simcontrol.backgroundBC.AddObject(tileImage, new Point(roadX * 100, roadY * 100));

										/// Add 1 to progressBar1/2



							/// Copy the tempTileList to tileList
                            foreach (Tile tile in tempTileList)
                                if (tile != null)


						#region Add the rest to the map

						using (myStream2)
							r2 = new StreamReader(myStream2);

                            tempTileList = new Tile[(windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol.Size.Width / 100) * (windowselect.simwindow.simcontrol.Size.Height / 100)];
							/// Read the file line for line
							while (r2.Peek() >= 0)
								string t = r2.ReadLine();

								// Char that splits the string
								char[] splitChar = { '_' };

								// Array of strings with info about tile
								string[] information = t.Split(splitChar);

								Bitmap tileImage;
								Tile currentBuildTile;
								int roadX;
								int roadY;

								int tilesHorizontal = Size.Width / 100;

								/// You need different information from different tiles
								/// So you need multiple cases, one for each tile
								/// Basic information
								///		 0: Tile
								///		 1: X position
								///		 2: Y position
								///	Specific information
								///		 3: Trafficlight strat
								///		 4: Maxspeed for a tile
								///		 5: Begin direction (notDirection for Fork, direction for Spawner)
								///		 6: End direction (only for Road)
								///		 7: laneshightolow, not for Crossroad and Fork
								///		 8: laneslowtohigh, not for Crossroad and Fork
								///		 9: Cars per second in spawner

								switch (information[0])
									/// Load a fork into the list
									case "Fork":
										/// Make new tile
										currentBuildTile = new Fork(simcontrol, Convert.ToInt32(information[5]));

										/// Get the location
										roadX = Convert.ToInt32(information[1]) / 100;
										roadY = Convert.ToInt32(information[2]) / 100;

										/// Set some values
										currentBuildTile.SetValues(simcontrol, new Point((roadX * 100), roadY * 100));
										currentBuildTile.maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(information[4]);
										currentBuildTile.GetControl().strat = Convert.ToInt32(information[3]);

										/// Add to list
										tempTileList[(roadX + roadY * 20)] = currentBuildTile;

										/// Draw the tile
										tileImage = currentBuildTile.DrawImage();
										simcontrol.backgroundBC.AddObject(tileImage, new Point(roadX * 100, roadY * 100));

										/// Add 1 to progressBar1/2


									/// Load a crossroad to the list
									case "Crossroad":
										/// Make new tile
										currentBuildTile = new Crossroad(simcontrol);

										/// Get location
										roadX = Convert.ToInt32(information[1]) / 100;
										roadY = Convert.ToInt32(information[2]) / 100;

										/// Set some values
										currentBuildTile.SetValues(simcontrol, new Point((roadX * 100), roadY * 100));
										currentBuildTile.maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(information[4]);
										currentBuildTile.GetControl().strat = Convert.ToInt32(information[3]);

										/// Add to list
										tempTileList[(roadX + roadY * 20)] = currentBuildTile;

										/// Draw the tile
										tileImage = currentBuildTile.DrawImage();
										simcontrol.backgroundBC.AddObject(tileImage, new Point(roadX * 100, roadY * 100));

										/// Add 1 to progressBar1/2



							/// Copy the tempTileList to tileList
							foreach (Tile tile in tempTileList)
								if (tile != null)


					/// Set the current building tile to a straight road
					simcontrol.currentBuildTile = new Road(1, 3);
					///Set the state to selected
					simcontrol.state = "selected";


					/// Set cursor back to an arrow
					this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

					/// New screen

				/// Throw exception when something is wrong
				catch (Exception ex)
					this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

					MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message);
