예제 #1
 public static void InitializeGenerationalDataSet(int timestepRange)
     totalRun = 0;
     MeanFitnessOfGeneration             = 0.0;
     BestFitnessOfGenerationGainPercent  = 0.0;
     BestFitnessOfGeneration             = 0.0;
     BestFitnessOfGenerationNumberTrades = 0;
     WorstFitnessOfGeneration            = 1.0;
     //if(CURRENT_DATA_SET == null)
     CURRENT_DATA_SET = TradingData.fetchRandomSeries(timestepRange);
예제 #2
        public static TradingData fetchRandomSeries(int timestepRange)
            TradingData series;

                Random rnd                    = new Random();
                int    startIndex             = rnd.Next(0, allData.Length - timestepRange + 1);
                TimeStepDataPiece[] randomSet = new TimeStepDataPiece[timestepRange];
                for (int i = 0; i < timestepRange; ++i)
                    randomSet[i] = allData[startIndex + i];
                series = new TradingData(randomSet);
            } while (series.MaximumGainFactor < 1.3 || series.MaximumLossFactor < 1.6);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            //Console.WriteLine("Evaluate being called");
            double      startingOutBalance = 1000.00;
            double      outBalance         = startingOutBalance;
            double      inBalance          = 0.0;
            TradingData market             = CURRENT_DATA_SET.clone();

            if (!market.hasNextPrice())
                throw new Exception("No market data in the CURRENT_DATA_SET");

            TimeStepDataPiece currentData;
            int index          = 0;
            int numberOfTrades = 0;

                currentData = market.getNextData();

                // Provide state info to the black box inputs.
                // Unless I'm mistaken, this library will already provide a 1.0 as the first input to the black box at all times.
                for (int i = 0; i < currentData.ccis.Count; ++i)
                    box.InputSignalArray[i] = currentData.ccis[i];

                // Activate the network.

                // Read the network's trading recommendation signal output.
                bool allIn = (box.OutputSignalArray[0] - 0.5) > 0.0;
                //Console.WriteLine("output = " + box.OutputSignalArray[0]);
                // Take the action being recommended by the network.
                if (allIn && inBalance == 0.0)
                    inBalance  = outBalance / currentData.price;
                    outBalance = 0.0;
                else if (!allIn && outBalance == 0.0)
                    outBalance = inBalance * currentData.price;
                    inBalance  = 0.0;
            } while (market.hasNextPrice());

            double effectiveOutValue = outBalance > 0.0 ? outBalance : inBalance * currentData.price;
            double percentChange     = (effectiveOutValue - startingOutBalance) / startingOutBalance;

            // Fitness function 1. Award profit.
            //double fitness = (percentChange + 1.0) / 2.0;

            // Fitness function 2. Award approaching of maximum gainFactor.
            double gainFactor = effectiveOutValue / startingOutBalance;
            double fitness    = gainFactor / market.MaximumGainFactor;

            // Fitness function 3. Award approaching of maximum gainFactor, Punish approaching of maximum lossFactor.
            //double gainFactor = percentChange > 0 ? effectiveOutValue / startingOutBalance : 0.0;
            //double lossFactor = percentChange < 0 ? startingOutBalance / effectiveOutValue : 0.0;
            //double fitness = (gainFactor - 1) / market.MaximumGainFactor - (lossFactor - 1) / market.MaximumLossFactor;
            //fitness = (fitness + 1) / 2.0;
            lock (staticFieldsLock)
                if (fitness > BestFitnessOfGeneration)
                    BestFitnessOfGeneration             = fitness;
                    BestFitnessOfGenerationGainPercent  = percentChange;
                    BestFitnessOfGenerationNumberTrades = numberOfTrades;
                if (fitness < WorstFitnessOfGeneration)
                    WorstFitnessOfGeneration = fitness;
                MeanFitnessOfGeneration *= totalRun;
                MeanFitnessOfGeneration += fitness;
                MeanFitnessOfGeneration /= (double)++totalRun;
            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness));