private void InitializeAPI() { bitmex = BitmexApiConnector.Instance; bitmex.ApiKey = Properties.Settings.Default.key; bitmex.ApiSecret = Properties.Settings.Default.secret; bitmex.Domain = Properties.Settings.Default.domain; activeInstrument = ActiveInstrument.Instance; // We must do this in case symbols are different on test and real net // GetAPIValidity(); // Validate API keys by checking and displaying account balance. // InitializeSymbolInformation(); InitializeSymbolInfromation(); }
public Bot(OrdersOnlineDTO _orderDTO) { bitmex = BitmexApiConnector.Instance; candleRetriever = CandleRetriever.Instance; botApiCalls = BotApiCalls.Instance; this.orderDTO = _orderDTO; sucessfullOrders = new Dictionary <int, String>(); stepDOWN = 0; stepUP = 0; isUpTrading = false; isDownTrading = false; semaphoreSlim = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); }
private BotApiCalls() { bitmex = BitmexApiConnector.Instance; candleRetriever = CandleRetriever.Instance; activeInstrument = ActiveInstrument.Instance; }
private ActiveInstrument() { activeInstrument = new Instrument(); activeInstruments = new List <Instrument>(); bitmex = BitmexApiConnector.Instance; }
private CandleRetriever() { bitmex = BitmexApiConnector.Instance; activeInstruments = ActiveInstrument.Instance; }