private static OrderedMultiDictionary<int, Article> GenerateArticles(int count) { var barcodes = new HashSet<string>(); Console.Write("Generating barcodes..."); while (barcodes.Count < count) { var barcode = RandomGenerator.GetRandomString(BarcodeLength); barcodes.Add(barcode); if (barcodes.Count % (count / 10) == 0) { Console.Write('.'); } } Console.Write("\n\nGenerating articles..."); var articles = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, Article>(true); foreach (var barcode in barcodes) { var vendor = RandomGenerator.GetRandomString(5); var title = RandomGenerator.GetRandomString(7); var price = RandomGenerator.GeneratRandomNumber(0, count); var article = new Article(barcode, vendor, title, price); articles.Add(price, article); if (articles.Count % (count / 10) == 0) { Console.Write('.'); } } Console.WriteLine(); return articles; }
public static void Main() { OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article> articles = new OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article>(true); int range = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { var article = new Article("barcode" + i, "vendor" + i, "title" + i, i); articles.Add(article.Price, article); } int from = 5000; int to = 5040; //Make some duplications for (int i = from; i < to - 30; i++) { var article = new Article("newBarcode" + i, "newVendor" + i, "newTitle" + i, i); articles.Add(article.Price, article); } var articlesInGivenRange = articles.Range(from, true, to, true); foreach (var article in articlesInGivenRange) { foreach (var item in article.Value) { Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Vendor: {1}, Barcode: {2}, Price: {3}", item.Title, item.Vendor, item.Barcode, item.Price); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
private static OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, Article> GenerateArticles() { var articles = new OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, Article>(true); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { decimal randomPrice = random.GenerateRandomNumber(1, 1000000); string randomTitle = random.GenerateRandomString(1, 5); string randomVendor = random.GenerateRandomString(1, 5); string randomBarcode = random.GenerateRandomString(1, 5); var article = new Article(randomBarcode, randomVendor, randomTitle, randomPrice); articles.Add(article.Price, article); } return articles; }
static void Main() { OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article> articles = new OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article>(true); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); string line; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"..\..\data1500000.csv")) { line = reader.ReadLine(); while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] content = line.Split(new char[] { ',', '"' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Article article = new Article(content[0], content[1], content[2], double.Parse(content[3])); if (articles.ContainsKey(article.Price)) { articles[article.Price].Add(article); } else { articles.Add(article.Price, article); } } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Create and add 15k Articles: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Restart(); var result = articles.Range(14556.0, true, 4665542.0, true); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Search: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine(result.Count); //To test with 1 500 000 mil Articles download 100mb file: // // //Create and add 1 500 000 mil Articles: 00:00:19.8488240 //Search: 00:00:00.0015390 //1394252 //Press any key to continue . . . }
static void Main() { OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article> articles = new OrderedMultiDictionary<double, Article>(true); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); string line; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@".../../data.csv")) { line = reader.ReadLine(); while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] content = line.Split(new char[] {',','"'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string barcode = content[0]; string vendor = content[1]; string title = content[2]; double price = Double.Parse(content[3]); Article currentArticle = new Article(barcode, vendor, title, price); if (articles.ContainsKey(currentArticle.Price)) { articles[currentArticle.Price].Add(currentArticle); } else { articles.Add(currentArticle.Price, currentArticle); } } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Create and Add 15 000 Articles: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Restart(); var result = articles.Range(1234.0, true, 13456.0, true); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Search: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine(result.Count); }
public void Add(Article article) { this.articles.Add(article); }