예제 #1
        async private void teacherRegisterButtonCick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /// <summary>
            /// Subroutine that is executed when the register button is pressed after the teacher registration
            /// form has been completed. This method ensures that all values are != "", before checking passwords
            /// are matching. The adminCode may be correct and a MessageBox is shown when this occurs.
            /// </summary>
            string forename          = forenameTextBox.Text;
            string surname           = surnameTextBox.Text;
            string password          = passwordRegistrationTextBox.Text;
            string confirmedPassword = confirmPasswordRegistrationTextbox.Text;
            string title             = titleTextBox.Text;
            string adminCode         = adminCodeTextBox.Text;
            string username          = usernameRegistrationTextBox.Text;

            if (forename == "" || surname == "" || password == "" || confirmedPassword == "" || title == "" || adminCode == "" || adminCode == "")
                MessageBox.Show("All values must be entered");

            if (password != confirmedPassword)
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!");

            if (!User.IsPasswordValid(password))
                MessageBox.Show("The password is not strong enough. It must have:\nlength of 8\n1 or more uppercase letters\n1 or more lowercase letters\n1 or more digits.");

            try {
                Teacher teacher = await APIHandler.MakeTeacher(forename, surname, username, password, title, adminCode : adminCode);

                MessageBox.Show("Registration complete, you can now go back and log in.");
            } catch (HttpStatusUnauthorized) {
                MessageBox.Show("Incorrect admin code entered.");
            } catch (HttpRequestException) {
                MessageBox.Show("That username has already been used, please try again with a different username.");