void UpdateFixtureSummaryInstanceDeltaTotals(TextBlock textBlock, FixtureSummaries fixtureSummariesOld, FixtureSummaries fixtureSummariesNew) { int countNew = fixtureSummariesNew.CountEvents(); int countOld = fixtureSummariesOld.CountEvents(); int deltaCount = countNew - countOld; if (deltaCount == 0) { textBlock.Text = string.Empty; } else { if (deltaCount > 0) { textBlock.Text = "+" + deltaCount.ToString(); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetPlusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; } else { textBlock.Text = deltaCount.ToString(); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetMinusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; } } }
void UpdateFixtureSummaryInstanceDelta(TextBlock textBlock, FixtureSummaries fixtureSummariesNew, FixtureSummaries fixtureSummariesOld, FixtureClass fixtureClass) { int countNew = fixtureSummariesNew[fixtureClass].Count; int countOld = fixtureSummariesOld[fixtureClass].Count; int deltaCount = countNew - countOld; int countFirstCyclesNew = fixtureSummariesNew[fixtureClass].FirstCycles; int countFirstCyclesOld = fixtureSummariesOld[fixtureClass].FirstCycles; int deltaFirstCyclesCount = countFirstCyclesNew - countFirstCyclesOld; textBlock.Text = string.Empty; textBlock.ToolTip = string.Empty; if (deltaCount == 0 && deltaFirstCyclesCount == 0) { return; } if (deltaCount != 0) { textBlock.ToolTip += "This action "; if (deltaCount > 0) { textBlock.Text = "+" + deltaCount.ToString(); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetPlusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; textBlock.ToolTip += "increased "; } else { textBlock.Text = deltaCount.ToString(); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetMinusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; textBlock.ToolTip += "decreased "; } textBlock.ToolTip += "the number of " + fixtureClass.FriendlyName + " events by " + Math.Abs(deltaCount) + "."; if (deltaFirstCyclesCount != 0) { textBlock.ToolTip += "\r\n"; } } if (deltaFirstCyclesCount != 0) { textBlock.ToolTip += "This action "; if (deltaFirstCyclesCount > 0) { textBlock.Text += WrapInParentheses("+" + deltaFirstCyclesCount.ToString()); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetPlusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; textBlock.ToolTip += "increased "; } else if (deltaFirstCyclesCount < 0) { textBlock.Text += WrapInParentheses(deltaFirstCyclesCount.ToString()); textBlock.Foreground = TwBrushes.GetMinusBrush(); textBlock.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; textBlock.ToolTip += "decreased "; } textBlock.ToolTip += "the number of " + fixtureClass.FriendlyName + " 1st cycles by " + Math.Abs(deltaFirstCyclesCount) + "."; } }