예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the tester by emulating the actions of the TPM
        /// </summary>
        internal static void TestTester()
            var random = new SecureRandom();

            // Algorithms to test
            var algInfo = new[] {
                new { genner = (IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator) new ECKeyPairGenerator(), strength = 256, signingAlgorithm = "SHA256WITHECDSA" },
                new { genner = (IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator) new RsaKeyPairGenerator(), strength = 2048, signingAlgorithm = "SHA256WITHRSAENCRYPTION" }

            foreach (var keyType in algInfo)
                // Make a two keys of the specified algorithm
                var keyGenerationParameters = new KeyGenerationParameters(random, keyType.strength);

                var signingKey           = keyType.genner.GenerateKeyPair();
                var toBeCertifiedKeyPair = keyType.genner.GenerateKeyPair();

                // Make the partial certificate that is input to the TPM
                PartialCertificate partialCert = MakeExemplarPartialCert();

                // Simulate the actions of the TPM.  This returns both the full and partial (AddedTo) certificate
                // The full certitificate is just for debugging
                var certTuple /*(CompleteCertificate, AddedTo)*/ =
                    SimulateX509Certify(partialCert, toBeCertifiedKeyPair.Public, signingKey.Private, keyType.signingAlgorithm);
                X509Certificate    CompleteCertificate = certTuple.Item1;
                AddedToCertificate AddedTo             = certTuple.Item2;

                // Is the full certificate OK (it certainly should be)
                // Debugging help...
                DebugPrintHex(CompleteCertificate.GetEncoded(), "ActualCert");

                // When using TPM2_CertifyX509() the TPM does not return the whole certificate: it returns the
                // parts of the certificate that were not originally provided in partialCertificate in a data
                // structure called AddedTo, as well as the signature.  The caller/TSS has to recosntruct
                // the full certificate.

                var signature    = CompleteCertificate.GetSignature();
                var finishedCert = AssembleCertificate(partialCert, AddedTo, signature);
                DebugPrintHex(finishedCert.GetEncoded(), "AssembledCert");

                // sanity check that we can parse a DER encoded AddedTo (this is what the TPM will return.)
                var addedToBytes         = AddedTo.GetDerEncoded();
                var reconstructedAddedTo = AddedToCertificate.FromDerEncoding(addedToBytes);
                AssertByteArraysTheSame(addedToBytes, reconstructedAddedTo.ToAsn1Object().GetDerEncoded());

                // Sanity
                AssertByteArraysTheSame(CompleteCertificate.GetEncoded(), finishedCert.GetEncoded());

                // and more sanity
예제 #2
        void TestCertifyX509_1(Tpm2 tpm, TestContext testCtx)
            testCtx.ReportParams("Test phase: TestCertifyX509_1");

            var policy = new PolicyTree(TpmAlgId.Sha256);

            policy.SetPolicyRoot(new TpmPolicyCommand(TpmCc.CertifyX509));

            var keyTemplate = new TpmPublic(
                ObjectAttr.Restricted | ObjectAttr.Sign | ObjectAttr.FixedParent | ObjectAttr.FixedTPM | ObjectAttr.UserWithAuth | ObjectAttr.AdminWithPolicy | ObjectAttr.SensitiveDataOrigin,
                new RsaParms(new SymDefObject(), new SchemeRsassa(TpmAlgId.Sha256), 2048, 0),
                new Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa()

            // Make two keys
            TpmPublic certifyingKeyPub, keyToBeCertifiedPub;
            TpmHandle hCertifyingKey    = Substrate.CreatePrimary(tpm, keyTemplate, out certifyingKeyPub);
            TpmHandle hKeyToBeCertified = Substrate.CreatePrimary(tpm, keyTemplate, out keyToBeCertifiedPub);

            var partialCert      = CertifyX509Support.MakeExemplarPartialCert();
            var partialCertBytes = partialCert.GetDerEncoded();

            // If you want to paste in your own hex put it here and s
            //var partialCertBytes = Globs.ByteArrayFromHex("01020304");

            AuthSession sess = tpm.StartAuthSessionEx(TpmSe.Policy, TpmAlgId.Sha256);

            sess.RunPolicy(tpm, policy);

            // I used this to test that the auth is OK.  Of course you need to change the PolicyCommandCode above
            //var attestInfo = tpm[sess].Certify(hKeyToBeCertified, hCertifyingKey, new byte[0], new NullSigScheme(), out var legacySignature);

            byte[]          tbsHash;
            ISignatureUnion signature;

            byte[] addedTo     = tpm[sess].CertifyX509(hKeyToBeCertified, hCertifyingKey, new byte[0], new NullSigScheme(), partialCertBytes, out tbsHash, out signature);
            var    addedToCert = AddedToCertificate.FromDerEncoding(addedTo);

            var returnedCert = CertifyX509Support.AssembleCertificate(partialCert, addedToCert, ((SignatureRsa)signature).GetTpmRepresentation());

            // Does the expected hash match the returned hash?
            var tbsBytes        = returnedCert.GetTbsCertificate();
            var expectedTbsHash = TpmHash.FromData(TpmAlgId.Sha256, tbsBytes);

            Debug.Assert(Globs.ArraysAreEqual(expectedTbsHash.HashData, tbsHash));

            // If you get this far we can check the cert is properly signed but we'll need to do a
            // bit of TPM<->Bouncy Castle data type conversion.

        } // TestCertifyX509_1
예제 #3
        void TestCertifyX509Impl(Tpm2 tpm, TestContext testCtx,
                                 TpmPublic subjectTemplate, TpmPublic sigKeyTemplate,
                                 PolicyTree policy, string testLabel)
            var partialCert      = X509Helpers.MakePartialCert(subjectTemplate);
            var partialCertBytes = partialCert.GetDerEncoded();

            // If you want to paste in your own hex put it here and s
            //var partialCertBytes = Globs.ByteArrayFromHex("01020304");

            // Certify RSA with RSA
            TpmPublic certifyingKeyPub, keyToBeCertifiedPub;
            TpmHandle hSigKey     = Substrate.CreatePrimary(tpm, sigKeyTemplate, out certifyingKeyPub);
            TpmHandle hSubjectKey = Substrate.CreatePrimary(tpm, subjectTemplate, out keyToBeCertifiedPub);

            AuthSession sess = tpm.StartAuthSessionEx(TpmSe.Policy, TpmAlgId.Sha256);

            sess.RunPolicy(tpm, policy);

            ISignatureUnion sig;

            byte[] tbsHash;
            byte[] addedTo = tpm[sess].CertifyX509(hSubjectKey, hSigKey,
                                                   null, new NullSigScheme(), partialCertBytes,
                                                   out tbsHash, out sig);


            var             addedToCert  = AddedToCertificate.FromDerEncoding(addedTo);
            X509Certificate returnedCert = X509Helpers.AssembleCertificate(partialCert, addedToCert,
                                                                           sig is SignatureRsa ? ((SignatureRsa)sig).GetTpmRepresentation()
                                                        : ((SignatureEcc)sig).GetTpmRepresentation());

            // Does the expected hash match the returned hash?
            var tbsBytes        = returnedCert.GetTbsCertificate();
            var expectedTbsHash = TpmHash.FromData(TpmAlgId.Sha256, tbsBytes);

            Debug.Assert(Globs.ArraysAreEqual(expectedTbsHash.HashData, tbsHash));

            // Is the cert properly signed?
            if (TpmHelper.GetScheme(sigKeyTemplate).GetUnionSelector() != TpmAlgId.Rsapss)
                // Software crypto layer does not support PSS
                bool sigOk = certifyingKeyPub.VerifySignatureOverHash(tbsHash, sig);
                if (sigKeyTemplate.type == TpmAlgId.Ecc)
#if !__NETCOREAPP2__
                    // No ECC in .Net Core
                    testCtx.Assert("Sign" + testLabel, sigOk);
                    testCtx.Assert("Sign" + testLabel, sigOk);
            tpm.VerifySignature(hSigKey, tbsHash, sig);
