A very loose HTML parser.
See also twintsam project for an alternative and more capable implementation of HtmlReader compatible with .NET framework XML readers.
상속: IDisposable
		public override List<TestRunImportResultInfo> GetTestRunImportResults()
			var result = new List<TestRunImportResultInfo>();
			if (Reader != null)
				var runDate = DateTime.Now;
				using (var htmlReader = new HtmlReader(Reader))
					// move over all theads
					while (htmlReader.ReadToFollowing("thead"))
						if (htmlReader.ReadToFollowing("tr") && htmlReader.Attributes.Count > 0)
							var classAttribute = htmlReader.Attributes["class"];
							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(classAttribute) && classAttribute.Contains("status_"))
								var table = ParseTrTag(htmlReader);
								if (table != null)
									table.RunDate = runDate;
			return result;
		private static TestRunImportResultInfo ParseTrTag(HtmlReader htmlReader)
			var parsed = false;
			var testCaseName = string.Empty;
			var testCaseSucceeded = false;

			var attribute = htmlReader.Attributes["class"];
			if (attribute != null)
				var strings = attribute.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				foreach (var status in from s in strings where s.StartsWith("status_") select s.Substring("status_".Length))
					testCaseSucceeded = string.Compare(status, "passed", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) == 0;
				if (htmlReader.ReadToFollowing("td"))
					testCaseName = htmlReader.GetInnerTextUpToElement("td", HtmlNodeType.EndElement);
					parsed = true;
			return parsed ? new TestRunImportResultInfo {Name = testCaseName, IsSuccess = testCaseSucceeded} : null;