AITile getBestTile(AITile[] tiles, float range) { Dictionary <AITile, float> tilesScore = new Dictionary <AITile, float>(); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { float tileScore = 0; if (range != -1 && tiles[i].turret != null) { continue; } if (range == -1) { if (!tiles[i].turret.GetComponent <Turret>().towerUpgradePath.hasRemainingUpgrades()) { continue; } range = tiles[i].turret.GetComponent <Turret>().range.get(); } for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].leftWrappers.Length; j++) { if (tiles[i].leftWrappers[j].getDistance() < range) { tileScore += (range - tiles[i].leftWrappers[j].getDistance()) * sumScore(wsm.allyLeftScore) * Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f); } } for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].centerWrappers.Length; j++) { if (tiles[i].centerWrappers[j].getDistance() < range) { tileScore += (range - tiles[i].centerWrappers[j].getDistance()) * sumScore(wsm.allyCenterScore) * Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f); } } for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].rightWrappers.Length; j++) { if (tiles[i].rightWrappers[j].getDistance() < range) { tileScore += (range - tiles[i].rightWrappers[j].getDistance()) * sumScore(wsm.allyRightScore) * Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f); } } for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].middleWrappers.Length; j++) { if (tiles[i].middleWrappers[j].getDistance() < range) { tileScore += (range - tiles[i].middleWrappers[j].getDistance()) * (sumScore(wsm.allyLeftScore) + sumScore(wsm.allyCenterScore) + sumScore(wsm.allyRightScore)) * 3f * Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f); } } if (tilesScore.ContainsKey(tiles[i])) { tilesScore[tiles[i]] += tileScore; } else { tilesScore[tiles[i]] = tileScore; } } if (tilesScore.Count > 0) { AITile t = tilesScore.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key; return(t); } else { return(null); } }
void takeTurn() { gm.gameState = GameManager.GameState.AI; bool isDebug = false; MinionStrategy minionStrategy = MinionStrategy.weightedAvg; GameObject[] minionGOs = wsm.getMinionsAvailable(); Minion[] minions = new Minion[minionGOs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < minionGOs.Length; i++) { minions[i] = minionGOs[i].GetComponent <Minion>(); } int numMinionsUnlocked = minionGOs.Length; int numSlotsUnlocked = wsm.getMinionsUnlockCount(); if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Unlock slots available: " + numSlotsUnlocked); } GameObject[] leftLane = new GameObject[numSlotsUnlocked]; GameObject[] centerLane = new GameObject[numSlotsUnlocked]; GameObject[] rightLane = new GameObject[numSlotsUnlocked]; float[] weightedProbabilities; if (gm.difficulty == Difficulty.hard) { if (numMinionsUnlocked == 3 && Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= .2f) { minionStrategy = MinionStrategy.rush; } if ((em.lastBaseHealth - em.baseHealth) > (pm.lastBaseHealth - pm.baseHealth)) { minionStrategy = MinionStrategy.mimic; } } if (numMinionsUnlocked == 1) { weightedProbabilities = new float[] { 100 }; } else if (numMinionsUnlocked == 2) { weightedProbabilities = new float[] { 75, 25 }; } else if (numMinionsUnlocked == 3) { weightedProbabilities = new float[] { 60, 35, 15 }; } else if (numMinionsUnlocked == 4) { weightedProbabilities = new float[] { 15, 40, 5, 50 } } ; else { weightedProbabilities = new float[] { 0, 30, 10, 30, 30 }; } for (int i = 0; i < leftLane.Length; i++) { if (minionStrategy == MinionStrategy.weightedAvg) { leftLane[i] = minionGOs[randomIndex(weightedProbabilities)]; centerLane[i] = minionGOs[randomIndex(weightedProbabilities)]; rightLane[i] = minionGOs[randomIndex(weightedProbabilities)]; } else if (minionStrategy == MinionStrategy.rush) { leftLane[i] = minionGOs[2]; centerLane[i] = minionGOs[2]; rightLane[i] = minionGOs[2]; } else if (minionStrategy == MinionStrategy.mimic) { Dictionary <MinionType, GameObject> typeToEnemy = new Dictionary <MinionType, GameObject>(); try { typeToEnemy.Add(MinionType.Melee, minionGOs[0]); typeToEnemy.Add(MinionType.Range, minionGOs[1]); typeToEnemy.Add(MinionType.Fast, minionGOs[2]); typeToEnemy.Add(MinionType.Tank, minionGOs[3]); typeToEnemy.Add(MinionType.Divide, minionGOs[4]); } catch (System.Exception e) { } leftLane[i] = typeToEnemy[wsm.spawnPoints[0].GetComponent <WaveSpawner>().wave.sections[i].minion.GetComponent <Minion>().minionType]; centerLane[i] = typeToEnemy[wsm.spawnPoints[1].GetComponent <WaveSpawner>().wave.sections[i].minion.GetComponent <Minion>().minionType]; rightLane[i] = typeToEnemy[wsm.spawnPoints[2].GetComponent <WaveSpawner>().wave.sections[i].minion.GetComponent <Minion>().minionType]; } } wsm.retrieveAIWaveComposition(leftLane, centerLane, rightLane); bool isDone = false; int actionsRemaining = 100; while (!isDone && actionsRemaining > 0) { Lane vulnerableLane; if (sumScore(wsm.allyLeftScore) > Mathf.Max(sumScore(wsm.allyCenterScore), sumScore(wsm.allyRightScore))) { vulnerableLane = Lane.left; } else if (sumScore(wsm.allyCenterScore) > Mathf.Max(sumScore(wsm.allyLeftScore), sumScore(wsm.allyRightScore))) { vulnerableLane =; } else if (sumScore(wsm.allyRightScore) > Mathf.Max(sumScore(wsm.allyLeftScore), sumScore(wsm.allyCenterScore))) { vulnerableLane = Lane.right; } else { float rng = Random.Range(0f, 100f); if (rng < 33) { vulnerableLane = Lane.left; } else if (rng < 67) { vulnerableLane =; } else { vulnerableLane = Lane.right; } } if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Vulnerable Lane: " + vulnerableLane); } Vector2 score; if (vulnerableLane == Lane.left) { score = wsm.allyLeftScore; } else if (vulnerableLane == { score = wsm.allyCenterScore; } else { score = wsm.allyRightScore; } float ratio = score.y / score.x; if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Vulnerable Lane Ratio: " + ratio); } if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .85f && hasBuiltATower) //Upgrade { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("In Upgrade Branch"); } List <int> availableIndexes = new List <int>(); AITile tile; bool specialCase = false; float money = em.getMoney(); if (ratio > 1.5f) { tile = getBestTile(tilesWithDPSTowers.ToArray(), -1); if (tile != null) { specialCase = true; Turret tu = tile.turret.GetComponent <Turret>(); TowerUpgrade[] upgs = tu.towerUpgradePath.getAvailableUpgrades(); //All the tank shredding upgrades are on the leftPath if (upgs[0] != null && money >= upgs[0].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(0); } if (upgs[1] != null && tu.towerUpgradePath.rightIndex < 1 && money >= upgs[1].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(1); } } } else if (ratio < 0.5f) { tile = getBestTile(tilesWithMobTowers.ToArray(), -1); if (tile != null) { specialCase = true; Turret tu = tile.turret.GetComponent <Turret>(); TowerUpgrade[] upgs = tu.towerUpgradePath.getAvailableUpgrades(); if (tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Fire) //Fire's mob killing is on the right { if (upgs[1] != null && money >= upgs[1].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(1); } if (upgs[0] != null && tu.towerUpgradePath.leftIndex < 1 && money >= upgs[0].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(0); } } else { if (upgs[0] != null && money >= upgs[0].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(0); } if (upgs[1] != null && money >= upgs[1].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(1); } } } } else { tile = getBestTile(tilesWithTowers.ToArray(), -1); } if (!specialCase) { if (tile != null) { Turret tower = tile.turret.GetComponent <Turret>(); TowerUpgrade[] upgrades = tower.towerUpgradePath.getAvailableUpgrades(); if (upgrades[0] != null && upgrades[1] != null) { if (money >= upgrades[0].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(0); } if (money >= upgrades[1].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(1); } } else if (upgrades[0] != null) { if (money >= upgrades[0].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(0); } } else if (upgrades[1] != null) { if (money >= upgrades[1].cost) { availableIndexes.Add(1); } } } else { continue; } } if (availableIndexes.Count > 0) { if (availableIndexes.Count == 1) { tile.upgradeTurret(availableIndexes[0]); } else { tile.upgradeTurret(availableIndexes[Random.Range(0, availableIndexes.Count)]); } } else { actionsRemaining -= 20; } actionsRemaining--; } else //Build { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Build branch"); } Turret turret = null; TurretBlueprint blueprint = null; List <TurretBlueprint> availableBlueprints = new List <TurretBlueprint>(); if (ratio > 1.5f) // The 3 DPS focused towers are the turret, laser, and fire { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("In DPS ratio branch"); } if (em.getMoney() >= standardTurretBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(standardTurretBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= laserBeamerBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(laserBeamerBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= fireBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(fireBlueprint); } } else if (ratio < 0.5f) //The group focused towers are primarily the missile launcher and the fire tower { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("In Group focused branch"); } if (em.getMoney() >= missileLauncherBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(missileLauncherBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= fireBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(fireBlueprint); } } else //Otherwise, any of the towers would do. { if (em.getMoney() >= standardTurretBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(standardTurretBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= missileLauncherBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(missileLauncherBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= laserBeamerBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(laserBeamerBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= fireBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(fireBlueprint); } if (em.getMoney() >= supportBlueprint.cost) { availableBlueprints.Add(supportBlueprint); } } if (availableBlueprints.Count > 0) { float[] percentages = new float[availableBlueprints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < percentages.Length; i++) { percentages[i] = 100f / percentages.Length; } int index = randomIndex(percentages); blueprint = availableBlueprints[index]; if (blueprint == standardTurretBlueprint) { turret = dummyStandard; } else if (blueprint == missileLauncherBlueprint) { turret = dummyMissile; } else if (blueprint == laserBeamerBlueprint) { turret = dummyLaser; } else if (blueprint == fireBlueprint) { turret = dummyFire; } else if (blueprint == supportBlueprint) { turret = dummySupport; } else { Debug.LogError("Did not match a blueprint to a turret."); } if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Chose: " + turret.towerType); } } if (blueprint == null) { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Did not choose a tower"); } actionsRemaining -= 20; continue; } if (em.getMoney() < blueprint.cost) { isDone = true; continue; } float range = turret.range.get(); AITile t = getBestTile(tiles, range); if (t == null) { continue; } t.buildTurret(blueprint); Turret tu = t.turret.GetComponent <Turret>(); tu.init(); tilesWithTowers.Add(t); if (tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Turret || tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Laser || tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Fire) { tilesWithDPSTowers.Add(t); } if (tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Missile || tu.towerType == Turret.TowerType.Fire) { tilesWithMobTowers.Add(t); } hasBuiltATower = true; actionsRemaining--; } } }