public static ImpactSpec Load(string description, DocumentParser file) { ImpactSpec spec = new ImpactSpec { Description = description }; int clauseCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < clauseCount; i++) { spec.Clauses.Add(ImpactSpecClause.Load(file)); } return(spec); }
public static ImpactSpecClause Load(DocumentParser file) { ImpactSpecClause clause = new ImpactSpecClause { Clause = file.ReadLine() }; int systemCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < systemCount; i++) { clause.Systems.Add(ImpactSpecClauseSystem.Load(file.ReadStrings())); } return(clause); }
public static Funk Load(DocumentParser file) { Funk funk = new Funk { Material = file.ReadLine(), Mode = file.ReadLine().ToEnum <FunkMode>(), MatrixModType = file.ReadLine().ToEnumWithDefault <FunkMatrixMode>(FunkMatrixMode.None) }; if (funk.MatrixModType != FunkMatrixMode.None) { funk.MatrixModMode = file.ReadLine().ToEnum <GroovePathMode>(); } switch (funk.MatrixModType) { case FunkMatrixMode.None: break; case FunkMatrixMode.roll: funk.RollPeriods = file.ReadVector2(); break; case FunkMatrixMode.slither: funk.SlitherSpeed = file.ReadVector2(); funk.SlitherAmount = file.ReadVector2(); break; case FunkMatrixMode.spin: funk.SpinPeriod = file.ReadSingle(); break; default: Console.WriteLine(file.ToString()); break; } funk.LightingMode = file.ReadLine().ToEnumWithDefault(GroovePathMode.None); if (funk.LightingMode != GroovePathMode.None) { Console.WriteLine(file.ToString()); } funk.AnimationType = file.ReadLine().ToEnumWithDefault(FunkAnimationType.None); switch (funk.AnimationType) { case FunkAnimationType.None: break; case FunkAnimationType.frames: funk.Framerate = file.ReadEnum <FrameRate>(); funk.FrameMode = file.ReadEnum <FrameType>(); switch (funk.FrameMode) { case FrameType.texturebits: funk.TextureBitMode = file.ReadEnum <TexturebitMode>(); break; case FrameType.continuous: funk.FrameSpeed = file.ReadSingle(); break; } int frameCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { funk.Frames.Add(file.ReadLine()); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"flic not supported!"); } return(funk); }
public ImpactSpecClause(DocumentParser file) : this() { clause = file.ReadLine(); int systemCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < systemCount; i++) { systems.Add(new ImpactSpecClauseSystem(file.ReadStrings())); } }
public static Map Load(string path) { DocumentParser file = new DocumentParser(path); Map map = new Map(); string version = file.ReadLine(); if (!version.StartsWith("VERSION")) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return null; } map.version = version.Replace("VERSION ", "").ToInt(); if (map.version == 1) { // V1 has global lighting data map.lightColour = file.ReadVector3(); // RGB for main directional light-source map.diffuseLight0 = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 0 map.diffuseLight1 = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 1 map.diffuseLightOther = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says anything else } map.gridPosition = file.ReadVector3(); // Position of centre of start of grid map.gridRotation = file.ReadInt(); // Direction that grid faces in //string t = getNextLine(sr); //if (version == 8) //{ // // alpha and demo v8 files had an extra block here, we'll test if it // if (t.Contains(",")) // { // getNextLine(sr); // # laps // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all laps raced) for each skill level // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all peds killed) for each skill level // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all oppos wasted) for each skill level // t = getNextLine(sr); // } //} int checkpointCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < checkpointCount; i++) { Checkpoint cp = new Checkpoint(); cp.TimerIncrements = file.ReadVector3(); int quadCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < quadCount; j++) { cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } map.checkpoints.Add(cp); } int smashSpecs = file.ReadInt(); if (smashSpecs > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("Can't handle smash specs yet!"); } //for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) //{ // int flags = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // string trigger = getNextLine(sr); // if (trigger.Length == 3 && trigger.StartsWith("&")) { if (!TestLine("7", getNextLine(sr))) { Console.WriteLine("Noncar smash"); return null; } } // string mode = getNextLine(sr); // switch (mode) // { // case "remove": // Single removalthreshold = getNextLine(sr).ToSingle(); // if (!processConnotations(sr)) { return null; } // break; // case "nochange": // Single threshold = getNextLine(sr).ToSingle(); // if (!processConnotations(sr)) { return null; } // break; // case "replacemodel": // Single replacethreshold = getNextLine(sr).ToSingle(); // if (!processConnotations(sr)) { return null; } // string newmodel = getNextLine(sr); // int chanceoffire = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // if (chanceoffire > 0) // { // int numfires = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // Vector2 smokeindex = Vector2.Parse(getNextLine(sr)); // } // break; // case "texturechange": // string intactpixelmap = getNextLine(sr); // int numlevels = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // for (int j = 0; j < numlevels; j++) // { // Single triggerthreshold = getNextLine(sr).ToSingle(); // int texchangeflags = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // string collisiontype = getNextLine(sr); // if (!processConnotations(sr)) { return null; } // int numpixelmaps = Convert.ToInt32(getNextLine(sr)); // for (int l = 0; l < numpixelmaps; l++) // { // string pixelmap = getNextLine(sr); // } // } // break; // default: // Console.WriteLine("Unknown mode : " + mode); // return null; // } // if (!TestLine("0", getNextLine(sr))) { Console.WriteLine("Reserved 1"); return null; } // if (!TestLine("0", getNextLine(sr))) { Console.WriteLine("Reserved 2"); return null; } // if (!TestLine("0", getNextLine(sr))) { Console.WriteLine("Reserved 3"); return null; } // if (!TestLine("0", getNextLine(sr))) { Console.WriteLine("Reserved 4"); return null; } //} int pedSpecs = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pedSpecs; i++) { PedSpec ps = new PedSpec(); ps.MaterialName = file.ReadLine(); ps.MovementIndex = file.ReadInt(); ps.GroupIndex = file.ReadInt(); ps.PedsPer100SquareMetres = file.ReadInt(); int exclusionCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < exclusionCount; j++) { ps.ExclusionMaterials.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int exceptionCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < exceptionCount; j++) { ps.ExceptionMaterials.Add(file.ReadLine()); } map.pedSpecs.Add(ps); } map.additionalActor = file.ReadLine(); map.skyPixelmap = file.ReadLine(); map.horizontalRepetitions = file.ReadInt(); map.verticalSize = file.ReadInt(); map.positionOfHorizon = file.ReadInt(); map.depthCueMode = file.ReadLine(); map.fogDarkness = file.ReadVector2(); map.depthCueColour = file.ReadVector3(); map.defaultEngineNoise = file.ReadInt(); int specialEffectVolumeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < specialEffectVolumeCount; i++) { SpecialEffectVolume sev = new SpecialEffectVolume(); sev.Name = file.ReadLine(); if (i > 0) { sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } sev.GravityMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); sev.ViscosityMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); sev.CarDamagePerMillisecond = file.ReadSingle(); sev.PedDamagePerMillisecond = file.ReadSingle(); sev.CameraEffectIndex = file.ReadInt(); sev.SkyColour = file.ReadInt(); sev.WindscreenMaterial = file.ReadLine(); sev.EntrySoundID = file.ReadInt(); sev.ExitSoundID = file.ReadInt(); sev.EngineNoiseIndex = file.ReadInt(); sev.MaterialIndex = file.ReadInt(); map.specialVolumes.Add(sev); } int soundGeneratorCount = file.ReadInt(); if (soundGeneratorCount > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("Can't handle sound generators yet!"); } map.materialDefault = file.ReadLine(); map.materialDarkness = file.ReadLine(); map.materialFog = file.ReadLine(); file.ReadLine(); // (ignore) # areas with different screens map.mapPixelmap = file.ReadLine(); map.worldMapTransform = new Matrix3D( file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3() ); Console.WriteLine(map.worldMapTransform); while (file.ReadLine() != "END OF FUNK") ; while (file.ReadLine() != "END OF GROOVE") ; if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF OPPONENT PATHS") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return null; } int nodeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { map.nodes.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } int pathCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pathCount; i++) { map.paths.Add(new OpponentPathSection(file.ReadLine())); } return map; }
public ImpactSpec(DocumentParser file) : this() { int clauseCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < clauseCount; i++) { clauses.Add(new ImpactSpecClause(file)); } }
public CrushPointNeighbour(DocumentParser file) : this() { vertexIndex = file.ReadInt(); factor = file.ReadSingle(); }
public CrushPoint(DocumentParser file) : this() { vertexIndex = file.ReadInt(); limitNeg = file.ReadVector3(); limitPos = file.ReadVector3(); softnessNeg = file.ReadVector3(); softnessPos = file.ReadVector3(); int neighbourCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < neighbourCount; i++) { neighbours.Add(new CrushPointNeighbour(file)); } }
public Crush(DocumentParser file) : this() { softnessFactor = file.ReadSingle(); foldFactor = file.ReadVector2(); wibbleFactor = file.ReadSingle(); limitDeviant = file.ReadSingle(); splitChance = file.ReadSingle(); minYFoldDown = file.ReadSingle(); int pointCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { points.Add(new CrushPoint(file)); } }
public static Car Load(string path) { var file = new DocumentParser(path); var car = new Car(); = file.ReadLine(); if (string.Compare(Path.GetFileName(path).ToUpper(), != 0) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon car .txt file, expected {0} but found {1}", Path.GetFileName(path).ToUpper(),; return null; } if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return null; } car.driversHeadOffset = file.ReadVector3(); car.driversHeadTurnAngles = file.ReadVector2(); car.mirrorCamera = file.ReadVector4(); car.pratcamBorders = file.ReadStrings(); if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return null; } car.engineNoises = file.ReadInts(); car.stealWorthy = (file.ReadLine().ToLower() == "stealworthy"); // This next section is all about impacts, 6 blocks in the order of top, bottom, left, right, front, back car.impactTop = new ImpactSpec(file); car.impactBottom = new ImpactSpec(file); car.impactLeft = new ImpactSpec(file); car.impactRight = new ImpactSpec(file); car.impactFront = new ImpactSpec(file); car.impactBack = new ImpactSpec(file); car.gridImages = file.ReadStrings(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int pixCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < pixCount; j++) { car.pixelmaps[i].Add(file.ReadLine()); } } int shadeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < shadeCount; j++) { Console.WriteLine(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int matCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < matCount; j++) { car.materials[i].Add(file.ReadLine()); } } int modelCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < modelCount; j++) { car.models.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int actorCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < modelCount; j++) { var s = file.ReadStrings(); car.actorLOD.Add(s[0].ToInt()); car.actors.Add(s[1]); } car.reflectiveScreenMaterial = file.ReadLine(); int steerableWheelsCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < steerableWheelsCount; j++) { car.steerableWheels.Add(file.ReadInt()); } car.leftFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.rightFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.leftRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.rightRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.drivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.nonDrivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.drivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); car.nonDrivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF FUNK") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF FUNK"); return null; } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF FUNK") { car.funks.Add(new Funk(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT FUNK") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF GROOVE") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF GROOVE"); return null; } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF GROOVE") { car.grooves.Add(new Groove(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT GROOVE") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); for (int i = 0; i < car.models.Count; i++) { car.crushes.Add(new Crush(file)); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}", car.models[i], car.crushes[i].SoftnessFactor, car.crushes[i].FoldFactor, car.crushes[i].WibbleFactor, car.crushes[i].LimitDeviant, car.crushes[i].SplitChance, car.crushes[i].MinYFoldDown); } int mechanicsVersion = file.ReadLine().Replace("START OF MECHANICS STUFF version ", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToInt(); car.lrWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.rrWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.lfWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.rfWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.centreOfMass = file.ReadVector3(); switch (mechanicsVersion) { case 2: var boundingBoxCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < boundingBoxCount; i++) { car.boundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox { Min = file.ReadVector3(), Max = file.ReadVector3() }); } break; case 3: case 4: car.boundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox { Min = file.ReadVector3(), Max = file.ReadVector3() }); var additionalPointsCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < additionalPointsCount; i++) { car.additionalPoints.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } break; } car.turningCircleRadius = file.ReadSingle(); car.suspensionGive = file.ReadVector2(); car.rideHeight = file.ReadSingle(); car.dampingFactor = file.ReadSingle(); car.massInTonnes = file.ReadSingle(); car.fReduction = file.ReadSingle(); car.frictionAngle = file.ReadVector2(); car.widthHeightLength = file.ReadVector3(); car.tractionFractionalMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.downforceSpeed = file.ReadSingle(); car.brakeMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.increaseInBrakesPerSecond = file.ReadSingle(); car.rollingResistance = file.ReadVector2(); car.numberOfGears = file.ReadInt(); car.redLineSpeed = file.ReadInt(); car.accelerationInHighestGear = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF MECHANICS STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF MECHANICS STUFF"); return null; } int shrapnelCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < shrapnelCount; i++) { car.shrapnel.Add(file.ReadLine()); } if (!file.EOF) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { car.firePoints.Add(file.ReadInt()); } } if (!file.EOF) { Console.WriteLine("Still data to parse in {0}", path); } return car; }