private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <FPSController>() != null) { if (!hasWon) { hasWon = true; backgroundMusicController.PlayMusic(; audioSource.PlayOneShot(winningNewsStory); // Disable any existing enemies for (int i = 0; i < enemiesHolder.transform.childCount; i++) { var child = enemiesHolder.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (child != null) { child.SetActive(false); } } StartCoroutine(FadeToWhite(5.0f)); } } }
public void Use() { // In case we want something you can use more than once if (isEnabled && (useCount < uses) && (Time.time > timeAvailable)) { timeAvailable = Time.time + timeDisabledAfterUse; Debug.Log("using item " + gameObject); useCount++; if (playSeriesOfAudioClips != null) { playSeriesOfAudioClips.PlaySeries(); lengthOfAudio = playSeriesOfAudioClips.GetClipsLength(); timeDoneWithAudio = Time.time + lengthOfAudio; //Debug.Log("Playing series"); } else if (useSound != null) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(useSound); } else { Debug.Log("No audio"); } // This is the last use if (useCount == uses) { GetComponent <FlashingIndicator>().DisableFlasher(); } if (triggersNightmareMode) { StartCoroutine(TriggerNightmareWithDelay(nightmareTriggerDelay)); } if (triggersDreamMode) { backgroundMusicController.PlayMusic(BackgroundMusicController.MusicTypes.normal); nightmareController.SwitchToDream(); blockage.SetActive(false); if (spawnsEnemy) { enemy.SetActive(false); } } // Changing to respawn even at nightmare trigger, because last good location could be harder to get back to the new good location // This could end up resulting in repeated deaths though... if (triggersNewSpawnPoint) { fPSController.RecordNewSpawnPoint(); } originalPosition = transform.position; originalScale = transform.localScale; originalRotation = transform.rotation; ViewClue(); StartCoroutine(DelayClueEnable(timeDoneWithAudio)); } }