public RoutingController readTopology(String conFile)
            string       line;
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(conFile);
            List <Cable> readCables   = new List <Cable>(); //RC musi znać kable

            RoutingController RC = new RoutingController();

            line = streamReader.ReadLine();
            //Domain.port = ushort.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
            while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                IPAddress ip1 = IPAddress.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                ushort port1 = ushort.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                IPAddress ip2 = IPAddress.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                ushort port2 = ushort.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                int   len   = int.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                Cable cable = new Cable(ip1, ip2, port1, port2, len);
            RC.cables = readCables;
        public Cable findCableBetweenNodes(IPAddress ip1, IPAddress ip2, List <Cable> cables)
            Cable cable = new Cable();

            for (int i = 0; i < cables.Count; i++)
                if ((cables[i].Node1.Equals(ip1) && cables[i].Node2.Equals(ip2) || (cables[i].Node2.Equals(ip1) && cables[i].Node1.Equals(ip2))))
                    cable = cables[i];
        public RoutingResult SubentDijkstraAlgorithm(IPAddress source, IPAddress destination, List <Cable> cables, List <LinkResourceManager> links, int requiredSpeed, int start_slot, int end_slot, int len_from_domain1)
            //building the graph
            //  Console.WriteLine("Destination: " + destination.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + source + " destination: " + destination);
            List <NetworkNode> Nodes = new List <NetworkNode>();
            List <Edge>        Edges = new List <Edge>();

            foreach (IPAddress node in nodesToAlgorithm)
                NetworkNode Node1 = new NetworkNode(node);
            foreach (Cable c in cables)
                bool[]      s  = new bool[10];
                NetworkNode n1 = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));
                NetworkNode n2 = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));

                foreach (LinkResourceManager lrm in lrms)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Checking lrms... " + lrm.IPofNode + " " + lrm.port);
                    if (c.Node1.Equals(lrm.IPofNode) || c.Node2.Equals(lrm.IPofNode))
                        if (c.port1.Equals(lrm.port) || c.port2.Equals(lrm.port))
                            s = lrm.slots;
                int counter = 0;
                foreach (NetworkNode n in Nodes)
                    if (n.ipadd.Equals(c.Node1) || n.ipadd.Equals(c.Node2))
                        if (counter == 0)
                            n1 = n;
                        if (counter == 1)
                            n2 = n;
                Edge e = new Edge(n1, n2, s, c.length);


            /* foreach (Edge e in Edges)
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine(e.NodeA.ipadd + " " + e.NobeB.ipadd + " " + e.length);
             * }*/
            foreach (NetworkNode n in Nodes)
                foreach (Edge e in Edges)
                    if (n.ipadd.Equals(e.NodeA.ipadd) || n.ipadd.Equals(e.NobeB.ipadd))

            /* foreach (var edge in Nodes[0].adjacentEdges)
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine("Edge" + Nodes[0].ipadd + " " + edge.NodeA.ipadd + " " + edge.NobeB.ipadd);
             * }*/
            //graph is built

            //tworze result bo inaczej ma error ze nic nie zwraca jak jest w bloku
            RoutingResult result = new RoutingResult();

            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                //finding the source node
                int index = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Node: "+ Nodes[i])
                    if (Nodes[i].ipadd.Equals(source))
                        Nodes[i].distance = 0;
                        index             = i;

                List <NetworkNode> NetworkQueue = new List <NetworkNode>();

                //chodzenie po grafie
                while (NetworkQueue.Count > 0)
                    //popping the element
                    NetworkNode current_node = NetworkQueue[0];
                    // Console.WriteLine("Current_node: " + current_node.ipadd.ToString());

                    /* foreach (var edge in current_node.adjacentEdges)
                     * {
                     *   Console.WriteLine("Edge" + Nodes[0].ipadd + " " + edge.NodeA.ipadd + " " + edge.NobeB.ipadd);
                     * }*/

                    //inspecting every neighbor
                    foreach (Edge e in current_node.adjacentEdges)
                        NetworkNode n = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));
                        if (e.NodeA.Equals(current_node))
                            n = e.NobeB;
                            n = e.NodeA;
                        //  Console.WriteLine("Edge: " + e.NodeA + " " + e.NobeB + " " + e.length);

                        //inspecting available slots

                        bool can_support = true;
                        for (int i = start_slot; i <= end_slot; i++)
                            if (e.slots[i])
                                can_support = false;
                        if (can_support)
                            if (current_node.distance + e.length < n.distance)
                                n.distance    = current_node.distance + e.length;
                                n.predecessor = current_node;
                                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                    if (i >= start_slot && i <= end_slot)
                                        n.slottable[i] = 1;
                                        n.slottable[i] = 0;
                //finding the target/destination and slots to use to provide the result
                List <IPAddress>   ReversedPath = new List <IPAddress>();
                List <NetworkNode> networkNodes = new List <NetworkNode>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (Nodes[i].ipadd.Equals(destination))
                        index = i;
                NetworkNode temp_node = Nodes[index];
                Console.WriteLine(" address: " + temp_node.ipadd + " prev: " + temp_node.predecessor.ipadd);
                if (temp_node.predecessor.Equals(null))
                    //zwraca pusty wynik kiedy nie doszedł algorytm do konca - nie mozna wyznaczyc sciezki

                //total length as a path metric, needed to verify if current slots will suffice
                int total_length = temp_node.distance + len_from_domain1;
                Console.WriteLine("Calculated length: " + total_length);
                result.lengthOfGivenDomain = temp_node.distance;
                result.length = total_length;
                int modulation = 0;
                if (total_length >= 0 && total_length <= 100)
                    modulation = 64;
                else if (total_length > 100 && total_length <= 200)
                    modulation = 32;
                else if (total_length > 200 && total_length <= 300)
                    modulation = 16;
                else if (total_length > 300 && total_length <= 400)
                    modulation = 8;
                else if (total_length > 400 && total_length <= 500)
                    modulation = 4;
                else if (total_length > 500)
                    modulation = 2;

                double usedFrequency  = ((requiredSpeed * 2) / (Math.Log(modulation, 2))) + 10;
                int    slots_for_path = (int)Math.Ceiling(usedFrequency / 12.5);
                if (slots_for_path > (end_slot - start_slot) + 1)
                    RoutingResult routingresult = SubentDijkstraAlgorithm(source, destination, cables, lrms, requiredSpeed, start_slot, slots_for_path - 1, len_from_domain1);

                    //routingresult.length = total_length;
                flag = false;
                //creating the result if slot numbers agree
                int[] slot_table = new int[10];
                slot_table = temp_node.slottable;

                Cable         cable  = findCableBetweenNodes(temp_node.ipadd, temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, cables);
                List <ushort> ports  = new List <ushort>();
                ushort        port   = 0;
                ushort        inport = 0;
                if (cable.Node1.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                    port = cable.port2;
                    // inport = cable.port1;
                else if (cable.Node2.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                    port = cable.port1;
                    // inport = cable.port2;
                result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port);
                //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, ports);
                //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, inport);
                //  Console.WriteLine("Node ip: " + temp_node.ipadd.ToString());
                while (true)
                    if (temp_node.predecessor.ipadd.Equals(source))
                        // result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);

                    // !temp_node.predecessor.Equals(null)
                    temp_node = temp_node.predecessor;

                    Cable  cable1  = findCableBetweenNodes(temp_node.ipadd, temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, cables);
                    ushort port1   = 0;
                    ushort inport1 = 0;
                    if (cable1.Node1.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                        port1   = cable1.port2;
                        inport1 = cable1.port1;
                    else if (cable1.Node2.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                        port1   = cable1.port1;
                        inport1 = cable1.port2;

                    result.nodeAndPortsIn.Add(temp_node.ipadd, inport1);
                    //  Console.WriteLine("added to dictionary");

                    result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);
                    //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);


                    // Console.WriteLine("Node ip: " + temp_node.ipadd.ToString());

                //compiling the result
                for (int i = 0; i < ReversedPath.Count; i++)
                    result.Path.Add(ReversedPath[ReversedPath.Count - 1 - i]);
                    result.networkNodes.Add(networkNodes[networkNodes.Count - 1 - i]);

                //choosing the slots to use

                result.startSlot = start_slot;
                result.lastSlot  = end_slot;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (i >= start_slot && i <= end_slot)
                        result.slots[i] = true;
                        result.slots[i] = false;
            foreach (IPAddress ipadd in result.Path)
                if (result.nodeAndPortsOut.ContainsKey(ipadd))
                    ushort portout = result.nodeAndPortsOut[ipadd];

                    foreach (LinkResourceManager l in lrms)
                        if (l.IPofNode.Equals(ipadd) && l.port.Equals(portout))
                            for (int i = 0; i < result.slots.Length; i++)
                                if (result.slots[i])
                                    l.slots[i] = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Start slot: " + result.startSlot + " and last " + result.lastSlot + " " + result.networkNodes.Count);

        public RoutingResult DijkstraAlgorithm(IPAddress source, IPAddress destination, List <Cable> cables, List <LinkResourceManager> links, int requiredSpeed)
            //building the graph
            //  Console.WriteLine("Destination: " + destination.ToString());
            List <NetworkNode> Nodes = new List <NetworkNode>();
            List <Edge>        Edges = new List <Edge>();

            foreach (IPAddress node in nodesToAlgorithm)
                NetworkNode Node1 = new NetworkNode(node);
                // Console.WriteLine(Node1.ipadd.ToString());
            foreach (Cable c in cables)
                if (c.stateOfCable)
                    bool[]      s  = new bool[10];
                    NetworkNode n1 = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));
                    NetworkNode n2 = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));

                    foreach (LinkResourceManager lrm in lrms)
                        //  Console.WriteLine("Checking lrms... " + lrm.IPofNode + " " + lrm.port);
                        if (c.Node1.Equals(lrm.IPofNode) || c.Node2.Equals(lrm.IPofNode))
                            if (c.port1.Equals(lrm.port) || c.port2.Equals(lrm.port))
                                s = lrm.slots;
                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (NetworkNode n in Nodes)
                        if (n.ipadd.Equals(c.Node1) || n.ipadd.Equals(c.Node2))
                            if (counter == 0)
                                n1 = n;
                            if (counter == 1)
                                n2 = n;
                    Edge e = new Edge(n1, n2, s, c.length);


            /*foreach (Edge e in Edges)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(e.NodeA.ipadd + " " + e.NobeB.ipadd + " " + e.length);
             * }*/
            foreach (NetworkNode n in Nodes)
                foreach (Edge e in Edges)
                    if (n.ipadd.Equals(e.NodeA.ipadd) || n.ipadd.Equals(e.NobeB.ipadd))

            /*foreach (var edge in Nodes[0].adjacentEdges)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Edge" + Nodes[0].ipadd + " " + edge.NodeA.ipadd + " " + edge.NobeB.ipadd);
             * }*/
            //graph is built

            //  Console.WriteLine("Graph was built.");

            //tworze result bo inaczej ma error ze nic nie zwraca jak jest w bloku
            RoutingResult result = new RoutingResult();

            result.speed = requiredSpeed;

            //determine the number of slots required
            int estimated_length = 200; //wczytac trzeba z pliku
            int modulation       = 0;

            if (estimated_length >= 0 && estimated_length <= 100)
                modulation = 64;
            else if (estimated_length > 100 && estimated_length <= 200)
                modulation = 32;
            else if (estimated_length > 200 && estimated_length <= 300)
                modulation = 16;
            else if (estimated_length > 300 && estimated_length <= 400)
                modulation = 8;
            else if (estimated_length > 400 && estimated_length <= 500)
                modulation = 4;
            else if (estimated_length > 500)
                modulation = 2;

            double usedFrequency  = ((requiredSpeed * 2) / (Math.Log(modulation, 2))) + 10;
            int    slots_required = (int)Math.Ceiling(usedFrequency / 12.5);

            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                //finding the source node
                int index = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Node: "+ Nodes[i])
                    if (Nodes[i].ipadd.Equals(source))
                        Nodes[i].distance = 0;
                        index             = i;

                List <NetworkNode> NetworkQueue = new List <NetworkNode>();

                //chodzenie po grafie
                while (NetworkQueue.Count > 0)
                    //popping the element
                    NetworkNode current_node = NetworkQueue[0];
                    //   Console.WriteLine("Current_node: " + current_node.ipadd.ToString());

                    /*foreach (var edge in current_node.adjacentEdges)
                     * {
                     *  Console.WriteLine("Edge" + Nodes[0].ipadd + " " + edge.NodeA.ipadd + " " + edge.NobeB.ipadd);
                     * }*/

                    //inspecting every neighbor
                    foreach (Edge e in current_node.adjacentEdges)
                        NetworkNode n = new NetworkNode(IPAddress.Parse(""));
                        if (e.NodeA.Equals(current_node))
                            n = e.NobeB;
                            n = e.NodeA;
                        // Console.WriteLine(n.ipadd.ToString() + " slotsreuqired: " + slots_required);

                        /*if (!n.visited)
                         * {*/
                        //inspecting available slots
                        //  Console.WriteLine("in slots");
                        int[] slots_available = new int[10];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            // Console.WriteLine("Edge slot: " + e.slots[i]);
                            if (e.slots[i])
                                slots_available[i] = 1;
                                slots_available[i] = 0;
                        //taking into account previous links
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            slots_available[i] = slots_available[i] * current_node.slottable[i];
                        //calculating if we have enough slots
                        int  slots_to_use = 0;  //highest number of consecutive slots found so far
                        int  temp_slots   = 0;  //current number fo consecutive slots available
                        bool reset        = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            if (slots_available[i].Equals(1) && !reset)
                            if (slots_available[i].Equals(1) && reset)
                                temp_slots = 1; reset = false;
                            if (slots_available[i].Equals(0))
                                reset = true;

                            if (temp_slots > slots_to_use)
                                slots_to_use = temp_slots;
                        //  Console.WriteLine("to use: " + slots_to_use);
                        //if we have enough slots then proceed
                        if (slots_to_use >= slots_required)
                            if (current_node.distance + e.length < n.distance)
                                n.distance    = current_node.distance + e.length;
                                n.predecessor = current_node;
                                n.slottable = slots_available;
                    //current_node.visited = true;
                //finding the target/destination and slots to use to provide the result
                List <IPAddress>   ReversedPath = new List <IPAddress>();
                List <NetworkNode> networkNodes = new List <NetworkNode>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (Nodes[i].ipadd.Equals(destination))
                        index = i;
                NetworkNode temp_node = Nodes[index];

                if (temp_node.predecessor.Equals(null))
                    //zwraca pusty wynik kiedy nie doszedł algorytm do konca - nie mozna wyznaczyc sciezki

                //total length as a path metric, needed to verify if current slots will suffice
                int total_length = temp_node.distance;
                result.length = total_length;
                result.lengthOfGivenDomain = total_length;
                Console.WriteLine("Calculated length: " + total_length);
                modulation = 0;
                if (total_length >= 0 && total_length <= 100)
                    modulation = 64;
                else if (total_length > 100 && total_length <= 200)
                    modulation = 32;
                else if (total_length > 200 && total_length <= 300)
                    modulation = 16;
                else if (total_length > 300 && total_length <= 400)
                    modulation = 8;
                else if (total_length > 400 && total_length <= 500)
                    modulation = 4;
                else if (total_length > 500)
                    modulation = 2;

                usedFrequency = ((requiredSpeed * 2) / (Math.Log(modulation, 2))) + 10;
                int slots_for_path = (int)Math.Ceiling(usedFrequency / 12.5);

                if (slots_for_path <= slots_required)
                    flag = false;

                //creating the result if slot numbers agree
                int[] slot_table = new int[10];
                slot_table = temp_node.slottable;

                Cable         cable  = findCableBetweenNodes(temp_node.ipadd, temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, cables);
                List <ushort> ports  = new List <ushort>();
                ushort        port   = 0;
                ushort        inport = 0;
                if (cable.Node1.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                    port = cable.port2;
                    // inport = cable.port1;
                else if (cable.Node2.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                    port = cable.port1;
                    // inport = cable.port2;
                result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port);
                //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, ports);
                //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, inport);
                //  Console.WriteLine("Node ip: " + temp_node.ipadd.ToString());
                while (true)
                    // !temp_node.predecessor.Equals(null)
                    temp_node = temp_node.predecessor;

                    Cable  cable1  = findCableBetweenNodes(temp_node.ipadd, temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, cables);
                    ushort port1   = 0;
                    ushort inport1 = 0;
                    if (cable1.Node1.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                        port1   = cable1.port2;
                        inport1 = cable1.port1;
                    else if (cable1.Node2.Equals(temp_node.ipadd))
                        port1   = cable1.port1;
                        inport1 = cable1.port2;

                    result.nodeAndPortsIn.Add(temp_node.ipadd, inport1);
                    // Console.WriteLine("added to dictionary");

                    result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);
                    //result.nodeAndPorts.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);

                    if (temp_node.predecessor.ipadd.Equals(source))
                        // result.nodeAndPortsOut.Add(temp_node.predecessor.ipadd, port1);
                    // Console.WriteLine("Node ip: " + temp_node.ipadd.ToString());

                //compiling the result
                Console.WriteLine("Nodes in result: ");
                for (int i = 0; i < ReversedPath.Count; i++)
                    result.Path.Add(ReversedPath[ReversedPath.Count - 1 - i]);
                    result.networkNodes.Add(networkNodes[networkNodes.Count - 1 - i]);
                //choosing the slots to use
                int[] result_slots = new int[10];

                int  temp_slots1          = 0;
                bool reset1               = true;
                int  slot_index           = -1;
                int  current_streak_start = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (slot_table[i] == 1 && !reset1)
                    if (slot_table[i] == 1 && reset1)
                        temp_slots1 = 1; reset1 = false; current_streak_start = i;
                    if (slot_table[i] == 0)
                        reset1 = true;

                    if (temp_slots1 >= slots_required && !reset1 && slot_index < 0)
                        slot_index = current_streak_start; break;
                if (slot_index < 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (i >= slot_index && i < slot_index + slots_required)
                        result.slots[i] = true;
                        result.slots[i] = false;

            //zajecie zasobow  lrmach

            /*foreach (IPAddress ipadd in result.Path)
             * {
             *  if (result.nodeAndPortsIn.ContainsKey(ipadd))
             *  {
             *      ushort portin = result.nodeAndPortsIn[ipadd];
             *      foreach (LinkResourceManager l in lrms)
             *      {
             *          if (l.IPofNode.Equals(ipadd) && l.port.Equals(portin))
             *          {
             *              for (int i = 0; i < result.slots.Length; i++)
             *              {
             *                  if (result.slots[i])
             *                  {
             *                      l.slots[i] = false;
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }*/
            List <int> idxOfSlots = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (result.slots[i])
                    // Console.WriteLine("Index of slot: " + i);
            result.startSlot = idxOfSlots[0];
            result.lastSlot  = idxOfSlots[idxOfSlots.Count - 1];
            foreach (IPAddress ipadd in result.Path)
                if (result.nodeAndPortsOut.ContainsKey(ipadd))
                    ushort portout = result.nodeAndPortsOut[ipadd];

                    foreach (LinkResourceManager l in lrms)
                        if (l.IPofNode.Equals(ipadd) && l.port.Equals(portout))
                            for (int i = 0; i < result.slots.Length; i++)
                                if (result.slots[i])
                                    l.slots[i] = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Start slot: " + result.startSlot + " and last " + result.lastSlot + " " + result.networkNodes.Count);
