protected override void Versioned(VersionContentContext context, TPart existing, TPart building) { if (OnVersioned != null) { OnVersioned(context, existing, building); } }
void IContentHandler.Versioned(VersionContentContext context) { foreach (var filter in Filters.OfType <IContentStorageFilter>()) { filter.Versioned(context); } Versioned(context); }
protected override void Versioning(VersionContentContext context, ContentPart <TRecord> existing, ContentPart <TRecord> building) { // move known ORM values over _repository.Copy(existing.Record, building.Record); // only the up-reference to the particular version differs at this point building.Record.ContentItemVersionRecord = context.BuildingItemVersionRecord; // push the new instance into the transaction and session _repository.Create(building.Record); }
protected virtual void Versioned(VersionContentContext context) { }