private NewEraWindow(Manager manager, Era era) : base(manager) { Init(); Width = 950; Height = 550; _lblEraImage = new ImageBox(manager); _lblEraImage.Init(); _lblEraImage.Left = 4; _lblEraImage.Top = 10; _lblEraImage.Width = 924; _lblEraImage.Height = 472; _lblEraImage.Image = era.Image; Add(_lblEraImage); _lblDescription = new Label(manager); _lblDescription.Init(); _lblDescription.Left = 4; _lblDescription.Top = 482; _lblDescription.Width = 924; _lblDescription.Height = 16; _lblDescription.Text = string.Format(Strings.TXT_KEY_UI_NEWERA_WELCOME, era.Title); Add(_lblDescription); Manager.Add(this); }
public override int AddInformation(Manager manager, Player player, Control control, int yPos) { var currentHouse = player.House; const int spacing = 20; int xPos = spacing; if (currentHouse == null) { var noHouseLabel = new Label(manager) { Text = "You have no house to sell!", Width = 400, Left = xPos, Top = yPos, Name = IgnoreString }; noHouseLabel.Init(); control.Add(noHouseLabel); } else { var houseGraphic = manager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(currentHouse.HouseGraphic); yPos += 20; // Put the house graphic into an image box var imageBox = new ImageBox(manager) { Left = 16, Top = yPos, Image = houseGraphic, Color = Color.White, Width = houseGraphic.Width, Height = houseGraphic.Height, Name = IgnoreString, Parent = control }; imageBox.Init(); var descriptionText = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format( "Name : {0}\n\n" + "Average Value: ${1:N0}\n\n" + "Current Value: ${2:N0}\n\n" + "Bought for : ${3:N0}\n\n" + "Total profit :: ${4:N0}", currentHouse.Name, currentHouse.InitialValue, currentHouse.Value, currentHouse.PlayerBuyingValue, currentHouse.PlayerBuyingValue - currentHouse.Value), Top = yPos, Left = imageBox.Width + 60, Height = 130, Width = 200, Parent = control, Name = IgnoreString }; yPos += imageBox.Height + 20; var sellHouseButton = new Button(manager) { Text = "Sell House", Width = 400, Left = xPos, Top = yPos, Name = IgnoreString }; sellHouseButton.Click += (sender, args) => { _houseCallback(player, currentHouse); PopulateTab(manager, player, control); }; sellHouseButton.Init(); control.Add(sellHouseButton); } return yPos; }
private void CreateMessage(Manager manager, GameInfo gameInfo, IGameState waitState) { var currentPlayer = gameInfo.CurrentPlayer; var messageWindow = new Window(manager) { Text = "Pay Day!", AutoScroll = false, CloseButtonVisible = false}; messageWindow.Init(); messageWindow.SetSize(400, 230); var message = new Label(manager) { Text = "Well Done! you have received your Pay Day! \nBelow are the details.", Width = 400, Height = 40, Left = 5, Top = 10 }; message.Init(); message.Parent = messageWindow; var careerImage = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/career_icons/" + gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.CurrentCareer); var career = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = careerImage, Width = careerImage.Width, Height = careerImage.Height, Top = 50, Left = 16, StayOnBack = true }; career.Init(); career.Parent = messageWindow; var icon = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/payday"), Top = 60, Left = career.Left + career.Width + 70 }; icon.Init(); icon.Parent = messageWindow; var job = new Label(manager) { Text = "Current Career:\n" + currentPlayer.CurrentCareer.Title, Top = 110, Left = 10, Width = 150, Height = 50 }; job.Init(); job.Parent = messageWindow; var salary = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format("Level {1} Promotion\nReceived: ${0:N0}", currentPlayer.CurrentCareer.Salary[currentPlayer.PromotionLevel], currentPlayer.PromotionLevel + 1), Top = 110, Left = 140, Width = 140, Height = 50 }; salary.Init(); salary.Parent = messageWindow; var close = new Button(manager) { Text = "OK", Top = 160, Left = messageWindow.Width / 2 - 50 }; close.Init(); close.Parent = messageWindow; close.Click += (sender, args) => { messageWindow.Close(); WindowClosed(gameInfo, waitState); }; messageWindow.Closed += (sender, args) => WindowClosed(gameInfo, waitState); gameInfo.Manager.Add(messageWindow); messageWindow.Init(); gameInfo.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/coins").Play(); }
public override void Add(ScreenManager screenManager) { Game.CurrentGameState = GameState.Login; base.Add(screenManager); (Manager.Game as Application).BackgroundImage = ContentPack.Textures["gui\\background"]; //Add the logo image LogoImage = new ImageBox(Manager) { Image = ContentPack.Textures["gui\\logosmall"], SizeMode = SizeMode.Centered }; LogoImage.SetSize(LogoImage.Image.Width, LogoImage.Image.Height); LogoImage.SetPosition((Window.Width / 2) - (LogoImage.Width / 2), 0); LogoImage.Init(); Window.Add(LogoImage); //Add github contribute link GithubIcon = new ImageBox(Manager) { Image = ContentPack.Textures["gui\\github"], SizeMode = SizeMode.Auto, }; GithubIcon.ToolTip.Text = "We love open source! Contribute to Bricklayer at our GitHub repo."; GithubIcon.SetSize(GithubIcon.Width, GithubIcon.Height); GithubIcon.SetPosition(Window.Width - GithubIcon.Width - 8, Window.Height - GithubIcon.Height - 8); GithubIcon.Init(); GithubIcon.Color = Color.White * .6f; //Click/Hover events GithubIcon.MouseOut += new MouseEventHandler(delegate(object o, MouseEventArgs e) { GithubIcon.Color = Color.White * .6f; }); GithubIcon.MouseOver += new MouseEventHandler(delegate(object o, MouseEventArgs e) { GithubIcon.Color = Color.White; }); GithubIcon.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { if (Manager.Game.IsActive) Process.Start(githubLink); //Open the link in a browser }); Window.Add(GithubIcon); //Add version tag Version = new Label(Manager) { Font = FontSize.Default14 }; Version.SetSize(200, 16); Version.SetPosition(8, Window.Height - Version.Height - 8); Version.Init(); Version.Text = AssemblyVersionName.GetVersion(); Window.Add(Version); //Add the login window Login = new ServerWindow(Manager); Login.Init(); if (Login.Top - 24 < LogoImage.Height + LogoImage.Top) //If it is too close to logo, move it down a bit Login.Top = LogoImage.Height + LogoImage.Top - 24; Window.Add(Login); Login.Show(); }
public override int AddInformation(Manager manager, Player player, Control control, int yPos) { const int spacing = 16; var title = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = manager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("images/assetstitle"), Top = yPos, Left = 150, Parent = control, Width = 150, Name = IgnoreString }; title.Init(); yPos += title.Height/2; foreach (var assetList in player.Assets) { foreach (var asset in assetList.Value) { var assetName = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format("Type: {0} Value: ${1:N0}", asset.Name, asset.Value), Top = yPos+spacing, Width = 400, Left = 120, Parent = control, Name = IgnoreString }; var texture = manager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(asset.AssetPath); var imageBox = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = texture, Parent = control, Left = 40, Top = yPos, Name = IgnoreString, Color = Color.White }; assetName.Init(); yPos += imageBox.Height + spacing; } } return yPos + 30; }
public override IGameState[] PerformLogic(GameTime gameTime, GameInfo gameInfo) { var waitState = StateFactory.GetState(GameStates.GameStates.Wait); var alert = new Alert(gameInfo.Manager, String.Format("You have just started University and \nmust pay ${0:N0} in fees.\nYou will need to pass your exam to start career", +Constants.GameRules.UniversityCost), "Start University"); var university = new ImageBox(gameInfo.Manager) { Image = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/AlertIcons/Graduated" + gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.Gender), Top = 15, Left = 10 }; university.Init(); university.Parent = alert; gameInfo.Manager.Add(alert); alert.Closed += (sender, args) => gameInfo.Fsm.Remove(waitState); gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.CareerType = CareerType.CollegeCareer; gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.Cash -= Constants.GameRules.UniversityCost; return new[] { waitState }; }
public ScreenManager(MainWindow window) { Window = window; Manager = window.Manager; //Setup a solid black image to use for fading fadeTexture = new Texture2D(Manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); fadeTexture.SetData<Color>(new Color[1] { Color.Black }); fadeImage = new ImageBox(Manager) { Passive = true, Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = Window.Width, Height = Window.Height, StayOnTop = true, Image = fadeTexture, SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched }; fadeImage.Init(); fadeImage.Image = fadeTexture; fadeImage.Alpha = 0; fadeImage.Color = Color.White * fadeImage.Alpha; window.Add(fadeImage); fadeImage.BringToFront(); //window.Resize += new ResizeEventHandler(delegate(object o, ResizeEventArgs e) //{ fadeImage.SetSize(e.Width, e.Height); /* Update fade image size */ }); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endregion #region //// Constructors ////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TaskDialog(Manager manager) : base(manager) { //Alpha = 200; Height = 520; MinimumWidth = 254; MinimumHeight = 160; Center(); TopPanel.Height = 80; TopPanel.BevelStyle = BevelStyle.None; TopPanel.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.None; Caption.Visible = false; Description.Visible = false; Text = "Dialog Template"; imgTop = new ImageBox(manager); imgTop.Init(); imgTop.Parent = TopPanel; imgTop.Top = 0; imgTop.Left = 0; imgTop.Width = TopPanel.ClientWidth; imgTop.Height = TopPanel.ClientHeight; imgTop.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right | Anchors.Bottom; imgTop.SizeMode = SizeMode.Normal; imgTop.Image = Manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Content\\Images\\Caption"); tbcMain = new TabControl(manager); tbcMain.Init(); tbcMain.Parent = this; tbcMain.Left = 4; tbcMain.Top = TopPanel.Height + 4; tbcMain.Width = ClientArea.Width - 8; tbcMain.Height = ClientArea.Height - 8 - TopPanel.Height - BottomPanel.Height; tbcMain.Anchor = Anchors.All; tbcMain.AddPage(); tbcMain.TabPages[0].Text = "First"; tbcMain.AddPage(); tbcMain.TabPages[1].Text = "Second"; tbcMain.AddPage(); tbcMain.TabPages[2].Text = "Third"; btnFirst = new Button(manager); btnFirst.Init(); btnFirst.Parent = tbcMain.TabPages[0]; btnFirst.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnFirst.Top = 8; btnFirst.Left = 8; btnFirst.Width = btnFirst.Parent.ClientWidth - 16; btnFirst.Text = ">>> First Page Button <<<"; grpFirst = new GroupPanel(manager); grpFirst.Init(); grpFirst.Parent = tbcMain.TabPages[0]; grpFirst.Anchor = Anchors.All; //grpFirst.Type = GroupBoxType.Flat; grpFirst.Left = 8; grpFirst.Top = btnFirst.Top + btnFirst.Height + 4; grpFirst.Width = btnFirst.Parent.ClientWidth - 16; grpFirst.Height = btnFirst.Parent.ClientHeight - grpFirst.Top - 8; btnSecond = new Button(manager); btnSecond.Init(); btnSecond.Parent = tbcMain.TabPages[1]; btnSecond.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnSecond.Top = 8; btnSecond.Left = 8; btnSecond.Width = btnSecond.Parent.ClientWidth - 16; btnSecond.Text = ">>> Second Page Button <<<"; btnThird = new Button(manager); btnThird.Init(); btnThird.Parent = tbcMain.TabPages[2]; btnThird.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnThird.Top = 8; btnThird.Left = 8; btnThird.Width = btnThird.Parent.ClientWidth - 16; btnThird.Text = ">>> Third Page Button <<<"; btnOk = new Button(manager); btnOk.Init(); btnOk.Parent = BottomPanel; btnOk.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnOk.Top = btnOk.Parent.ClientHeight - btnOk.Height - 8; btnOk.Left = btnOk.Parent.ClientWidth - 8 - btnOk.Width * 3 - 8; btnOk.Text = "OK"; btnOk.ModalResult = ModalResult.Ok; btnApply = new Button(manager); btnApply.Init(); btnApply.Parent = BottomPanel; btnApply.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnApply.Top = btnOk.Parent.ClientHeight - btnOk.Height - 8; btnApply.Left = btnOk.Parent.ClientWidth - 4 - btnOk.Width * 2 - 8; btnApply.Text = "Apply"; btnClose = new Button(manager); btnClose.Init(); btnClose.Parent = BottomPanel; btnClose.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnClose.Top = btnOk.Parent.ClientHeight - btnClose.Height - 8; btnClose.Left = btnOk.Parent.ClientWidth - btnClose.Width - 8; btnClose.Text = "Close"; btnClose.ModalResult = ModalResult.Cancel; btnFirst.Focused = true; }
private IGameState[] CardSelected(Manager manager, GameInfo gameInfo, Story story) { var storyGraphic = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>(story.StoryGraphic); const int spacing = 20; const int width = 400; var yPos = spacing; var window = new Window(manager) { Text = String.Format("Your fate has been decided! You spun a {0} story", story.StoryType), AutoScroll = false }; window.Init(); var storybox = new GroupBox(manager) { Width = 400, Height = 100, Left = 30, Top = yPos, Parent = window, Color = story.StoryType == StoryType.Red ? Color.Red : Color.Black, Text = ""+story.StoryType, TextColor = Color.White }; storybox.Init(); var storylabel = new Label(manager) { Width = storybox.Width, Height = storybox.Height, Parent = storybox, Text = story.DisplayedMessage, Left = spacing, StayOnTop = true }; storylabel.Init(); var imageBox = new ImageBox(manager) { Left = window.Width/2-100, Top = 140, Image = storyGraphic, Color = Color.White, Width = storyGraphic.Width, Height = storyGraphic.Height }; imageBox.Init(); window.Add(imageBox); var close = new Button(manager) { Text = "OK", Top = window.Height-50-spacing, Left = window.Width / 2 - 50, Parent = window }; close.Init(); close.Click += (sender, args) => window.Close(); window.Closed += (sender, args) => WindowClosed(gameInfo); manager.Add(window); if (story.Positive) gameInfo.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/applause").Play(); else gameInfo.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/sadtrombone").Play(); return new[] { story.PureLogic, waitState }; }
private void createMusicControls() { musicFileSelected = false; selectedMusicFile = null; selectAudio.Enabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < musicFiles.Count; i++) { ImageBox box = new ImageBox(manager); box.Init(); box.DoubleClicks = true; box.Parent = gp; box.Left = 0; box.Passive = false; box.Top = 0; box.Width = window.Width - 50; box.Focused = true; box.Height = 30; box.SetPosition(10, (30 + ((lastDirecPosition) + i * 25 ))); box.Image = image2; box.Text = musicFiles[i].Name; Label tx = new Label(manager); tx.Init(); tx.Passive = false; string subD = musicFiles[i].Name; tx.Text = subD; tx.Tag = musicFiles[i].FullName; tx.DoubleClicks = true; tx.Height = 20; tx.Width = window.Width - 50; tx.Left = 25; tx.Top = 4; tx.Parent = box; tx.StayOnTop = true; tx.MousePress += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.MouseEventHandler(SelectAudioFile); } }
public void Init(Control parent, Manager manager) { switch (Type) { case "Container": Container container = new Container(manager); container.Init(); SetProperties(container, parent, manager); container.AutoScroll = true; break; case "ImageBox": ImageBox box = new ImageBox(manager); box.Init(); SetProperties(box, parent, manager); box.SizeMode = ImageMode; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageAsset)) box.Image = manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ImageAsset); else if (AtlasAsset != null) { if (AtlasAsset.Atlas == "IconProvider") box.Image = IconProvider.GetByName(AtlasAsset.Name); else box.Image = Provider.GetAtlas(AtlasAsset.Atlas).GetTexture(AtlasAsset.Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Draw)) box.Draw += delegate(object sender, DrawEventArgs e) { if (EventFieldDraw == null) { Type classType = parent.GetType(); EventFieldDraw = classType.GetMethod(Draw); } if (EventFieldDraw == null) throw new Exception("Could not find: " + Draw + " method"); EventFieldDraw.Invoke(parent, new object[] { sender, e }); }; break; case "Label": Label label = new Label(manager); label.Init(); SetProperties(label, parent, manager); label.Text = Text.StartsWith("TXT_KEY_") ? Provider.Instance.Translate(Text) : Text; break; case "GameMapBox": GameMapBox mapBox = new GameMapBox(manager); mapBox.Init(); SetProperties(mapBox, parent, manager); break; case "SideBar": SideBar sideBar = new SideBar(manager); sideBar.Init(); SetProperties(sideBar, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Draw)) sideBar.Draw += delegate(object sender, DrawEventArgs e) { if (EventFieldDraw == null) { Type classType = parent.GetType(); EventFieldDraw = classType.GetMethod(Draw); } if (EventFieldDraw == null) throw new Exception("Could not find: " + Draw + " method"); EventFieldDraw.Invoke(parent, new object[] { sender, e }); }; break; case "ContextMenu": ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu(manager); contextMenu.Init(); contextMenu.Name = Name; contextMenu.Tag = this; contextMenu.Passive = Passive; contextMenu.Enabled = Enabled; foreach (MenuItemEntry entry in Items) { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(entry.Title); menuItem.Enabled = entry.Enabled; contextMenu.Items.Add(menuItem); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parent)) contextMenu.Parent = parent.GetControl(Parent); else parent.Add(contextMenu); break; case "ImageListBox": ImageListBox listBox = new ImageListBox(manager); listBox.Init(); SetProperties(listBox, parent, manager); listBox.HideSelection = HideSelection; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextMenu)) listBox.ContextMenu = parent.GetControl(ContextMenu) as ContextMenu; break; case "TechInfoButton": TechInfoButton techInfo = new TechInfoButton(manager); techInfo.Init(); SetProperties(techInfo, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TechName)) techInfo.Tech = Provider.GetTech(TechName); break; case "PolicyButton": PolicyButton policyButton = new PolicyButton(manager); policyButton.Init(); SetProperties(policyButton, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolicyName)) policyButton.Policy = Provider.GetPolicy(PolicyName); break; case "PolicyTypeBox": PolicyTypeBox policyTypeBox = new PolicyTypeBox(manager); policyTypeBox.Init(); SetProperties(policyTypeBox, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolicyTypeName)) policyTypeBox.PolicyType = Provider.GetPolicyType(PolicyTypeName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageAsset)) policyTypeBox.Image = manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ImageAsset); else if (AtlasAsset != null) { if (AtlasAsset.Atlas == "IconProvider") policyTypeBox.Image = IconProvider.GetByName(AtlasAsset.Name); else policyTypeBox.Image = Provider.GetAtlas(AtlasAsset.Atlas).GetTexture(AtlasAsset.Name); } break; case "ImageButton": ImageButton button = new ImageButton(manager); button.Init(); ApplyStyle(button, manager); SetProperties(button, parent, manager); SetAnimation(button, manager); button.Text = Text; break; case "ProgressBar": ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(manager); progress.Init(); SetProperties(progress, parent, manager); break; case "CheckBox": CheckBox check = new CheckBox(manager); check.Init(); SetProperties(check, parent, manager); check.Text = Text; break; case "Graph": Graph graph = new Graph(manager); graph.Init(); SetProperties(graph, parent, manager); break; case "RankingRow": RankingRow rank = new RankingRow(manager); rank.Init(); SetProperties(rank, parent, manager); break; case "Include": List<ControlItem> children = manager.Content.Load<List<ControlItem>>(Import); foreach (ControlItem item in children) item.Init(parent, manager); break; default: throw new Exception("No handling for " + Type); } }
public ServerWindow(Manager manager) : base(manager) { //Setup server pinger/query Pinger = new ServerPinger(); //Setup the window CaptionVisible = false; Caption.Text = "Welcome to Bricklayer!"; Description.Text = "An open source, fully moddable and customizable 2D\nbuilding game built with the community in mind."; Movable = false; Resizable = false; Width = 450; Height = 350; Shadow = true; Center(); //Player config NameLbl = new Label(Manager) { Left = 8, Top = TopPanel.Bottom + 10, Width = 64, Text = "Username:"******"Color:" }; ColorLbl.Init(); Add(ColorLbl); BodyClr = new ColorPicker(Manager) { Left = ColorLbl.Right + 4, Top = TopPanel.Bottom + 8, Width = 128, Saturation = GlobalSettings.ColorSaturation, Value = GlobalSettings.ColorValue }; BodyClr.Init(); BodyClr.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { BodyImg.Color = BodyClr.SelectedColor; Game.MyColor = BodyClr.SelectedColor; Game.MyHue = BodyClr.Hue; }); Add(BodyClr); BodyImg = new ImageBox(Manager) { Left = BodyClr.Right + 6, Top = TopPanel.Bottom + 8, Width = 18, Height = 18, Color = Game.MyColor, Image = ContentPack.Textures["entity\\body"] }; BodyImg.Init(); Add(BodyImg); SmileyImg = new ImageBox(Manager) { Left = BodyClr.Right + 6, Top = TopPanel.Bottom + 8, Width = 18, Height = 18, Image = ContentPack.Textures["entity\\smileys"], SourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 18) }; SmileyImg.Init(); SmileyImg.ToolTip.Text = "I love this color!"; Add(SmileyImg); BodyClr.Hue = Game.MyHue; //Create main server list ServerListCtrl = new ControlList<ServerDataControl>(manager) { Left = 8, Top = TopPanel.Bottom + 34, Width = ClientWidth - 16, Height = ClientHeight - TopPanel.Height - BottomPanel.Height - 42 }; ServerListCtrl.Init(); Add(ServerListCtrl); RefreshServerList(); //Add BottomPanel controls JoinBtn = new Button(manager) { Text = "Connect", Left = 24, Top = 8, Width = 100, }; JoinBtn.Init(); JoinBtn.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { //Logical place to save name/color settings IO.SaveSettings(new Settings() { Username = Game.Username, Color = Game.MyHue, ContentPack = Game.ContentPackName, Resolution = new Point(Game.Resolution.Width, Game.Resolution.Height), UseVSync = Game.MainWindow.Manager.Graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace }); //Connect if (ServerListCtrl.Items.Count > 0) { if ((ServerListCtrl.Items[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex] as ServerDataControl).Ping != null && (ServerListCtrl.Items[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex] as ServerDataControl).Ping.Error) return; //Create a world and connect JoinBtn.Enabled = false; JoinBtn.Text = "Connecting..."; Game.NetManager.Connect(Servers[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex].IP, Servers[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex].Port); } }); BottomPanel.Add(JoinBtn); AddBtn = new Button(manager) { Text = "Add", Left = JoinBtn.Right + 8, Top = 8, Width = 64, }; AddBtn.Init(); AddBtn.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { AddServerDialog window = new AddServerDialog(manager, this,ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex, false, string.Empty, string.Empty); window.Init(); Manager.Add(window); window.Show(); }); BottomPanel.Add(AddBtn); EditBtn = new Button(manager) { Text = "Edit", Left = AddBtn.Right + 8, Top = 8, Width = 64, }; EditBtn.Init(); EditBtn.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { if (ServerListCtrl.Items.Count > 0) { AddServerDialog window = new AddServerDialog(manager, this, ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex, true, Servers[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex].Name, Servers[ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex].GetHostString()); window.Init(); Manager.Add(window); window.Show(); } }); BottomPanel.Add(EditBtn); RemoveBtn = new Button(manager) { Text = "Remove", Left = EditBtn.Right + 8, Top = 8, Width = 64 }; RemoveBtn.Init(); RemoveBtn.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { if (ServerListCtrl.Items.Count > 0) { MessageBox confirm = new MessageBox(manager, MessageBoxType.YesNo, "Are you sure you would like to remove\nthis server from your server list?", "[color:Red]Confirm Removal[/color]"); confirm.Init(); confirm.Closed += new WindowClosedEventHandler(delegate(object sender, WindowClosedEventArgs args) { if ((sender as Dialog).ModalResult == ModalResult.Yes) //If user clicked yes { Servers.RemoveAt(ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex); ServerListCtrl.Items.RemoveAt(ServerListCtrl.ItemIndex); IO.WriteServers(Servers); RefreshServerList(); } }); Manager.Add(confirm); confirm.Show(); } }); BottomPanel.Add(RemoveBtn); RefreshBtn = new Button(manager) { Text = "Refresh", Left = RemoveBtn.Right + 8, Top = 8, Width = 64 }; RefreshBtn.Init(); RefreshBtn.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object o, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { RefreshServerList(); }); BottomPanel.Add(RefreshBtn); MainWindow.ScreenManager.FadeIn(); validateUsername(); }
public override void Init() { base.Init(); window = new Window(Manager); window.Init(); window.Text = title; window.Width = 375; window.Height = 200; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; box = new ImageBox(Manager); box.Init(); box.Height = 32; box.Width = 32; box.Top = 100-40; box.Left = 20; box.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; box.Parent = window; label = new Label(Manager); label.Init(); label.Width = window.Width - 80; label.Height = 150; label.Top = 0; label.Left = box.Left + box.Width + 10; label.Text = FormatString(message); label.Parent = window; if (Type == MessageBoxType.OKAY) { buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[0].Init(); buttons[0].Width = 50; buttons[0].Height = 24; buttons[0].Top = (int)(window.Height * .62); buttons[0].Left = (window.Width / 2) - (buttons[0].Width / 2); buttons[0].Text = "Okay"; buttons[0].Parent = window; buttons[0].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(OkayButtonClick); box.Image = Manager.Skin.Images["Icon.Information"].Resource; } else if (Type == MessageBoxType.ERROR) { buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[0].Init(); buttons[0].Width = 50; buttons[0].Height = 24; buttons[0].Top = (int)(window.Height * .62); buttons[0].Left = (window.Width / 2) - (buttons[0].Width / 2); buttons[0].Text = "Okay"; buttons[0].Parent = window; buttons[0].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(OkayButtonClick); box.Image = Manager.Skin.Images["Icon.Error"].Resource; } else if (Type == MessageBoxType.YES_NO) { buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[0].Init(); buttons[0].Width = 50; buttons[0].Height = 24; buttons[0].Top = (int)(window.Height * .62); buttons[0].Left = (window.Width / 2) + 10; buttons[0].Text = "No"; buttons[0].Parent = window; buttons[0].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(NoButtonClick); buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[1].Init(); buttons[1].Width = 50; buttons[1].Height = 24; buttons[1].Top = buttons[0].Top; buttons[1].Left = (window.Width / 2) - (buttons[1].Width) - 10; buttons[1].Text = "Yes"; buttons[1].Parent = window; buttons[1].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(YesButtonClick); box.Image = Manager.Skin.Images["Icon.Question"].Resource; } else if (Type == MessageBoxType.YES_NO_CANCEL) { buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[0].Init(); buttons[0].Width = 50; buttons[0].Height = 24; buttons[0].Text = "Yes"; buttons[0].Top = (int)(window.Height * .62); buttons[0].Left = (window.Width / 2) - (buttons[0].Width) - 40; buttons[0].Parent = window; buttons[0].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(YesButtonClick); buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[1].Init(); buttons[1].Width = 50; buttons[1].Height = 24; buttons[1].Text = "No"; buttons[1].Top = buttons[0].Top; buttons[1].Left = (window.Width / 2) - (buttons[1].Width /2); buttons[1].Parent = window; buttons[1].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(NoButtonClick); buttons.Add(new Button(Manager)); buttons[2].Init(); buttons[2].Width = 50; buttons[2].Height = 24; buttons[2].Text = "Cancel"; buttons[2].Top = buttons[0].Top; buttons[2].Left = (window.Width / 2) + 40; buttons[2].Parent = window; buttons[2].Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(CancelButtonClick); box.Image = Manager.Skin.Images["Icon.Question"].Resource; } foreach (Button btn in buttons) { window.Add(btn); } }
private void OfferToSellHouse(GameInfo gameInfo, IGameState waitState) { var currentHouse = gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.House; var houseGraphic = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>(currentHouse.HouseGraphic); var manager = gameInfo.Manager; var container = new Control(manager) { Left = 16, Top = 16, Color = Color.Transparent }; var firstLine = new Label(manager) { Text = "You have been offered to buy a new house! \nYou must sell your current house to be able to buy this one. \n\n Current House:", Width = 400, Height = 60}; container.Add(firstLine); // Put the house graphic into an image box var imageBox = new ImageBox(manager) { Left = 16, Top = 60, Image = houseGraphic, Color = Color.White, Width = houseGraphic.Width, Height = houseGraphic.Height }; imageBox.Init(); container.Add(imageBox); var descriptionText = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format( "Name : {0}\n\n" + "Average Value: ${1:N0}" + "\n\nCurrent Value: ${2:N0}\n\n", currentHouse.Name, currentHouse.InitialValue, currentHouse.Value), Top = imageBox.Height / 2, Left = imageBox.Width + 60, Height = 100, Width = 200 }; container.Add(descriptionText); var newHouse = new Label(gameInfo.Manager) {Text = " New offered house", Width = 150, Parent = container, Top = 200, Left = 16}; newHouse.Init(); var imageBox2 = new ImageBox(manager) { Left = 16, Top = 230, Image = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>(House.HouseGraphic), Color = Color.White, Width = houseGraphic.Width, Height = houseGraphic.Height }; imageBox.Init(); container.Add(imageBox2); var descriptionText2 = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format( "Name : {0}\n\n" + "Average Value: ${1:N0}" + "\n\nCurrent Value: ${2:N0}\n\n", House.Name, House.InitialValue, House.Value), Top = imageBox.Height*4 / 2, Left = imageBox2.Width + 60, Height = 100, Width = 200 }; container.Add(descriptionText2); var offerHouseLine = new Label(manager) { Text = "Would you like to sell your current house?", Width = 400, Top = imageBox.Height*2 + 140 }; container.Add(offerHouseLine); container.Width = descriptionText.Left + descriptionText.Width + 16; container.Height = offerHouseLine.Top + offerHouseLine.Height; //"Would you like to buy this house? \n" + House.Name, "\nDo you want to buy a house"" var confirmWindow = new ConfirmWindow(manager, String.Empty, title: "Do you want to sell your house?", control: container); confirmWindow.AffirmButton.Click += (sender, args) => SellCurrentHouse(confirmWindow, gameInfo, waitState); confirmWindow.DenyButton.Click += (sender, args) => CloseWindow(confirmWindow, gameInfo, waitState); }
private void CreateMessage(Manager manager, GameInfo gameInfo, IGameState waitState) { var currentPlayer = gameInfo.CurrentPlayer; var previousPromotionLevel = currentPlayer.PromotionLevel; currentPlayer.IncreaseSalary(); var newPromotionLevel = currentPlayer.PromotionLevel; gameInfo.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/applause").Play(); var messageWindow = new Window(manager) { Text = "Promotion!", AutoScroll = false, CloseButtonVisible = false}; messageWindow.SetSize(400, 230); if (previousPromotionLevel != newPromotionLevel) { var message = new Label(manager) { Text = "Well Done! You have received a promotion!!\nYou will now receive a higher salary.", Width = 300, Height = 40, Left = 5, Top = 10 }; message.Init(); message.Parent = messageWindow; var career = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = gameInfo.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/career_icons/" + gameInfo.CurrentPlayer.CurrentCareer), Top = 50, Left = 10, StayOnBack = true }; career.Init(); career.Parent = messageWindow; var job = new Label(manager) { Text = "Current Career:\n" + currentPlayer.CurrentCareer.Title, Top = 110, Left = 10, Width = 150, Height = 50 }; job.Init(); job.Parent = messageWindow; var salary = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format("New Promotion Level : {0}\n\n" + "Previous Salary : ${1:N0}\n\n" + "New Salary: ${2:N0}", newPromotionLevel + 1, currentPlayer.CurrentCareer.Salary[previousPromotionLevel], currentPlayer.CurrentCareer.Salary[newPromotionLevel]), Top = 65, Left = 140, Width = 200, Height = 300, Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft }; salary.Init(); salary.Parent = messageWindow; } else { var message = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format("You have reached the maximum promotion level of {0} for being a {1} ", currentPlayer.PromotionLevel, currentPlayer.CurrentCareer), Width = 300, Height = 40, Left = 5, Top = 10 }; message.Init(); message.Parent = messageWindow; } var close = new Button(manager) { Text = "OK", Top = 150, Left = messageWindow.Width / 2 - 50 }; close.Init(); close.Parent = messageWindow; close.Click += (sender, args) => { messageWindow.Close(); gameInfo.Fsm.Remove(waitState); }; gameInfo.Manager.Add(messageWindow); messageWindow.Init(); gameInfo.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/coins").Play(); }
public void Init() { texture = new Texture2D(manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); texture.SetData<Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); window = new Window(manager) ; window.Init(); window.Text = "Tank List"; window.Width = 600; window.Height = 500; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; window.CloseButtonVisible = false; play = new Button(manager); play.Init(); play.Text = "Play"; play.Width = 100; play.Height = 24; play.Left = window.Width - play.Width - 40; play.Top = window.Height - 90; play.Anchor = Anchors.Right; play.Parent = window; create = new Button(manager); create.Init(); create.Text = "Create New Tank"; create.Width = 150; create.Height = 24; create.Left = 30; create.Top = window.Height - 160; create.Anchor = Anchors.Left; create.Parent = window; edit = new Button(manager); edit.Init(); edit.Text = "Edit Tank"; edit.Width = 100; edit.Height = 24; edit.Left = 30; edit.Top = window.Height - 125; edit.Anchor = Anchors.Left; edit.Parent = window; delete = new Button(manager); delete.Init(); delete.Text = "Delete Tank"; delete.Width = 100; delete.Height = 24; delete.Left = edit.Left + edit.Width + 30; delete.Top = edit.Top; delete.Anchor = Anchors.Left; delete.Parent = window; back = new Button(manager); back.Init(); back.Text = "Back"; back.Width = 150; back.Height = 24; back.Left = 30; back.Top = play.Top; back.Anchor = Anchors.Left; back.Parent = window; listbox = new ListBox(manager); listbox.Init(); listbox.Width = 225; listbox.Height = 275; listbox.Left = 30; listbox.Top = 40; listbox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; listbox.HideSelection = false; listbox.Parent = window; listbox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(listbox_ItemIndexChanged); image = new ImageBox(manager); image.Init(); image.Image = texture; image.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; image.Width = 200; image.Height = 150; image.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; image.Top = 40; image.Anchor = Anchors.Right; image.Parent = window; RankImage = new ImageBox(manager); RankImage.Init(); //RankImage.Image = null; RankImage.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; RankImage.Width = 32; RankImage.Height = 32; RankImage.Top = window.Height - 280; RankImage.Left = window.Width - RankImage.Width - 240; RankImage.Anchor = Anchors.Left; RankImage.Parent = window; rankLbl = new Label(manager); rankLbl.Init(); rankLbl.Text = "Unknown"; rankLbl.Top = window.Height - 275; rankLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; rankLbl.Width = 232 - RankImage.Width; rankLbl.Left = window.Width - rankLbl.Width - RankImage.Width; rankLbl.Height = 24; rankLbl.Parent = window; RankProgressBar = new ProgressBar(manager); RankProgressBar.Init(); RankProgressBar.Value = 0; RankProgressBar.Top = window.Height - 243; RankProgressBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; RankProgressBar.Width = 200; RankProgressBar.Left = window.Width - rankLbl.Width - 69; RankProgressBar.Height = 25; RankProgressBar.ToolTip = new ToolTip(manager); RankProgressBar.ToolTip.Text = "0 / 0"; RankProgressBar.Parent = window; RankNextLabel = new Label(manager); RankNextLabel.Init(); RankNextLabel.Top = window.Height - 215; RankNextLabel.Width = 200; RankNextLabel.Height = 15; RankNextLabel.Left = window.Width - RankImage.Width - 235; RankNextLabel.Text = "Progress is loading..."; RankNextLabel.Parent = window; armorBar = new ProgressBar(manager); armorBar.Init(); armorBar.Width = 150; armorBar.Height = 24; armorBar.Left = window.Width - armorBar.Width - 50; ; armorBar.Top = window.Height - 180; armorBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorBar.Parent = window; armorBar.Value = 50; armorLbl = new Label(manager); armorLbl.Init(); armorLbl.Text = "Armor: "; armorLbl.Width = 50; armorLbl.Height = 24; armorLbl.Left = armorBar.Left - armorLbl.Width - 20; armorLbl.Top = armorBar.Top; armorLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorLbl.Parent = window; speedBar = new ProgressBar(manager); speedBar.Init(); speedBar.Width = 150; speedBar.Height = 24; speedBar.Left = window.Width - speedBar.Width - 50; ; speedBar.Top = window.Height - 150; speedBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedBar.Parent = window; speedBar.Value = 50; speedLbl = new Label(manager); speedLbl.Init(); speedLbl.Text = "Speed: "; speedLbl.Width = 50; speedLbl.Height = 24; speedLbl.Left = speedBar.Left - speedLbl.Width - 20; speedLbl.Top = speedBar.Top; speedLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedLbl.Parent = window; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endregion #region //// Methods /////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // Load image image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Content\\Image"); // Creates and initializes window window = new Window(manager); window.Init(); window.Text = "ScrollBars"; window.Width = 360; window.Height = 360; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; // Setup of the vertical scrollbar vert = new ScrollBar(manager, Orientation.Vertical); vert.Init(); vert.Parent = window; vert.Top = 0; vert.Left = window.ClientWidth - vert.Width ; vert.Height = window.ClientHeight - vert.Width; vert.Value = 0; vert.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right | Anchors.Bottom; // Setup of the horizontal scrollbar horz = new ScrollBar(manager, Orientation.Horizontal); horz.Init(); horz.Parent = window; horz.Left = 0; horz.Top = window.ClientHeight - horz.Height; horz.Width = window.ClientWidth - vert.Width; horz.Value = 0; horz.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Right | Anchors.Bottom; // Creates imagebox in the client area box = new ImageBox(manager); box.Init(); box.Parent = window; box.Left = 0; box.Top = 0; box.Width = window.ClientWidth - vert.Width; box.Height = window.ClientHeight - horz.Height; box.Image = image; box.Anchor = Anchors.All; // Add window to manager processing manager.Add(window); // Bind events window.Resize += new ResizeEventHandler(Recalc); vert.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(ValueChanged); horz.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(ValueChanged); Recalc(this, null); // Calculates initial properties of the scrollbars }
private void createBrowserControls() { selectAudio.Enabled = false; musicFileSelected = false; selectedMusicFile = null; for (int i = 0; i < subDirectories.Count; i++) { ImageBox box = new ImageBox(manager); box.Init(); box.DoubleClicks = true; box.Parent = gp; box.Left = 0; box.Passive = false; box.Top = 0; box.Width = window.Width - 50; box.Focused = true; box.Height = 30; box.SetPosition(10, (30 + (i * 25))); lastDirecPosition = (30 + (i * 25)); box.Image = image; box.Text = subDirectories[i]; box.MousePress += (sender, args) => EnterDirectory(sender, box.Text); Label tx = new Label(manager); tx.Init(); tx.Passive = false; string subD = (string)subDirectories[i]; tx.Text = subD; tx.DoubleClicks = true; //tx.SetPosition(Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - 150, (80 + (i * 25))); tx.Height = 20; tx.Width = window.Width - 50; tx.Color = Color.Red; tx.BackColor = Color.Red; //tx.DoubleClick += (sender, args) => EnterDirectory(sender, box.Text); //tx.MouseOver += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.MouseEventHandler(EnterDirectory); tx.Left = 25; tx.Top = 4; tx.Parent = box; tx.StayOnTop = true; tx.MousePress += (sender, args) => EnterDirectory(sender, box.Text); tx.MouseOver += (sender, args) => MouseOverDirectory(sender, args); tx.MouseOut += (sender, args) => MouseOffDirectory(sender, args); } }
private void CreateFirstPage(Manager manager, Player[] playerList, TabPage control) { var yPos = 16; var padding = 10; // Get the player that won var winningPlayer = playerList.MaxBy(i => i.TotalValue); var winningPlayerLabel = new Label(manager) { Text = "The current leader is " + winningPlayer.Name, Width = 400, Alignment = Alignment.MiddleCenter, Parent = control, Top = yPos, Name = IgnoreString }; yPos += winningPlayerLabel.Height + 16; var playerAvatar = winningPlayer.Avatar; var imageIcon = new Button(manager) { Glyph = new Glyph(playerAvatar), Height = (int)(playerAvatar.Height / 1.5), Width = (int)(playerAvatar.Width / 1.5), Left = 16, Name = IgnoreString, Top = yPos, Parent = control, Color = winningPlayer.PlayerColor, }; imageIcon.Init(); imageIcon.FocusGained += (sender, args) => imageIcon.Enabled = false; var descriptionText = new Label(manager) { Left = imageIcon.Left + imageIcon.Width + 16, Width = 200, Height = imageIcon.Height, Top = yPos + 9, Text = String.Format( "Player Name : {0}\n\n" + "Player Cash : ${1:N0}\n\n" + "Player Total Worth : ${2:N0}\n\n" + "Player Position : {3:N0}\n\n", winningPlayer.Name, winningPlayer.Cash, winningPlayer.TotalValue, 1), Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft, Parent = control, Name = IgnoreString, }; descriptionText.Init(); yPos = imageIcon.Top + imageIcon.Height + 16; int playerCount = 0; var leaderBoard = new ImageBox(manager) { Image = manager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("images/leaderboard"), Top = yPos - padding, Left = 200 - 100, Parent = control, Width = 250, Name = IgnoreString }; leaderBoard.Init(); yPos += leaderBoard.Height / 3; foreach (var player in playerList.OrderByDescending(i => i.TotalValue)) { playerCount++; var label = new Label(manager) { Text = String.Format("{0}. {1}\n\n " + "Total Value : ${3:N0}\n " + "Current Cash : ${2:N0}", playerCount, player.Name, player.Cash, player.TotalValue), Height = 50, Width = 400, Parent = control, Left = 80, Top = yPos, Name = IgnoreString }; yPos += label.Height + 10; } createdPages[control] = yPos + 30; }
public void Init() { texture = new Texture2D(manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); texture.SetData<Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); #region Window window = new Window(manager) ; window.Init(); window.Text = "Tank Creation"; window.Width = 600; window.Height = 500; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; window.CloseButtonVisible = false; #endregion #region ListBoxes #region Tank tankBoxLbl = new Label(manager); tankBoxLbl.Init(); tankBoxLbl.Text = "Tanks: "; tankBoxLbl.Width = 100; tankBoxLbl.Height = 10; tankBoxLbl.Left = 20; tankBoxLbl.Top = 10; tankBoxLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tankBoxLbl.Parent = window; tankBox = new ListBox(manager); tankBox.Init(); tankBox.Width = 200; tankBox.Height = 75; tankBox.Left = 30; tankBox.Top = 30; tankBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tankBox.HideSelection = false; tankBox.Parent = window; foreach (String s in tanks) { tankBox.Items.Add(s); } tankBox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(tankBox_ItemIndexChanged); #endregion #region Turret turretBoxLbl = new Label(manager); turretBoxLbl.Init(); turretBoxLbl.Text = "Turrets: "; turretBoxLbl.Width = 50; turretBoxLbl.Height = 10; turretBoxLbl.Left = tankBoxLbl.Left; turretBoxLbl.Top = tankBox.Top + tankBox.Height + 20; turretBoxLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; turretBoxLbl.Parent = window; turretBox = new ListBox(manager); turretBox.Init(); turretBox.Width = 200; turretBox.Height = 100; turretBox.Left = 30; turretBox.Top = turretBoxLbl.Top + turretBoxLbl.Height + 10; turretBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; turretBox.HideSelection = false; turretBox.Parent = window; foreach (String s in tanks) { turretBox.Items.Add(s); } turretBox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(turretBox_ItemIndexChanged); tPowerLbl = new Label(manager); tPowerLbl.Init(); tPowerLbl.Text = "Power: "; tPowerLbl.Width = 50; tPowerLbl.Height = 10; tPowerLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tPowerLbl.Top = turretBox.Top + turretBox.Height + 10; tPowerLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tPowerLbl.Parent = window; tPower = new ProgressBar(manager); tPower.Init(); tPower.Width = 75; tPower.Height = 10; tPower.Left = tPowerLbl.Left + tPowerLbl.Width + 5; tPower.Top = tPowerLbl.Top; tPower.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tPower.Parent = window; tPower.Value = 50; tRateLbl = new Label(manager); tRateLbl.Init(); tRateLbl.Text = "Rate: "; tRateLbl.Width = 50; tRateLbl.Height = 10; tRateLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tRateLbl.Top = tPowerLbl.Top + tPowerLbl.Height; tRateLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRateLbl.Parent = window; tRate = new ProgressBar(manager); tRate.Init(); tRate.Width = 75; tRate.Height = 10; tRate.Left = tRateLbl.Left + tRateLbl.Width + 5; tRate.Top = tRateLbl.Top; tRate.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRate.Parent = window; tRate.Value = 50; tRangeLbl = new Label(manager); tRangeLbl.Init(); tRangeLbl.Text = "Range: "; tRangeLbl.Width = 50; tRangeLbl.Height = 15; tRangeLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tRangeLbl.Top = tRateLbl.Top + tRateLbl.Height; tRangeLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRangeLbl.Parent = window; tRange = new ProgressBar(manager); tRange.Init(); tRange.Width = 75; tRange.Height = 10; tRange.Left = tRangeLbl.Left + tRangeLbl.Width + 5; tRange.Top = tRangeLbl.Top; tRange.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRange.Parent = window; tRange.Value = 50; #endregion #endregion #region TankStats armorLbl = new Label(manager); armorLbl.Init(); armorLbl.Text = "Armor: "; armorLbl.Width = 50; armorLbl.Height = 24; armorLbl.Left = 20; armorLbl.Top = window.Height - 160; ; armorLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorLbl.Parent = window; armorBar = new ProgressBar(manager); armorBar.Init(); armorBar.Width = 150; armorBar.Height = 24; armorBar.Left = armorLbl.Left + armorLbl.Width + 20; ; armorBar.Top = armorLbl.Top; armorBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorBar.Parent = window; armorBar.Value = 50; speedLbl = new Label(manager); speedLbl.Init(); speedLbl.Text = "Speed: "; speedLbl.Width = 50; speedLbl.Height = 24; speedLbl.Left = armorLbl.Left; speedLbl.Top = armorLbl.Top + armorLbl.Height; speedLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedLbl.Parent = window; speedBar = new ProgressBar(manager); speedBar.Init(); speedBar.Width = 150; speedBar.Height = 24; speedBar.Left = speedLbl.Left + speedLbl.Width + 20; ; speedBar.Top = speedLbl.Top; speedBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedBar.Parent = window; speedBar.Value = 50; ratioLbl = new Label(manager); ratioLbl.Init(); ratioLbl.Text = "Ratio: "; ratioLbl.Width = 50; ratioLbl.Height = 24; ratioLbl.Left = armorLbl.Left; ratioLbl.Top = speedLbl.Top + speedLbl.Height + 20; ratioLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; ratioLbl.Parent = window; ratioSlide = new SliderBar(manager); ratioSlide.Init(); ratioSlide.Width = 150; ratioSlide.Height = 20; ratioSlide.Left = ratioLbl.Left + ratioLbl.Width + 20; ; ratioSlide.Top = ratioLbl.Top + 3; ratioSlide.Anchor = Anchors.Left; ratioSlide.Parent = window; ratioSlide.Value = 50; ratioSlide.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(ratioSlide_ValueChanged); #endregion #region Render Region image = new ImageBox(manager); image.Init(); image.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; image.Width = 200; image.Height = 150; image.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; image.Top = 40; image.Anchor = Anchors.Right; image.Parent = window; image.Image = texture; #endregion #region Skin Scrolling (Left/Right) ScrollSkinLeft = new Button(manager); ScrollSkinLeft.Init(); ScrollSkinLeft.Width = 25; ScrollSkinLeft.Height = 25; ScrollSkinLeft.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; ScrollSkinLeft.Top = image.Top + image.Height + 10; ScrollSkinLeft.Text = " < "; ScrollSkinLeft.Parent = window; ScrollSkinRight = new Button(manager); ScrollSkinRight.Init(); ScrollSkinRight.Width = 25; ScrollSkinRight.Height = 25; ScrollSkinRight.Left = image.Left + image.Width - ScrollSkinRight.Width; ScrollSkinRight.Top = image.Top + image.Height + 10; ScrollSkinRight.Text = " > "; ScrollSkinRight.Parent = window; #endregion #region Skin Label SkinLabel = new Label(manager); SkinLabel.Init(); SkinLabel.Alignment = Alignment.MiddleCenter; SkinLabel.Height = 15; SkinLabel.Width = 100; SkinLabel.Left = ScrollSkinRight.Left - 120; SkinLabel.Top = image.Top + image.Width - 33; SkinLabel.Text = "Skin"; SkinLabel.Parent = window; #endregion #region Color Choosing redLbl = new Label(manager); redLbl.Init(); redLbl.Text = "Red: "; redLbl.Width = 50; redLbl.Height = 24; redLbl.Left = image.Left; redLbl.Top = ScrollSkinLeft.Top + ScrollSkinLeft.Height + 20; redLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; redLbl.Parent = window; red = new SliderBar(manager); red.Init(); red.Width = 120; red.Height = 15; red.Left = redLbl.Left + redLbl.Width + 20; red.Top = ScrollSkinLeft.Top + ScrollSkinLeft.Height + 25; red.Anchor = Anchors.Left; red.Parent = window; red.Value = 50; red.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); greenLbl = new Label(manager); greenLbl.Init(); greenLbl.Text = "Green: "; greenLbl.Width = 50; greenLbl.Height = 24; greenLbl.Left = redLbl.Left; greenLbl.Top = redLbl.Top + redLbl.Height; greenLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; greenLbl.Parent = window; green = new SliderBar(manager); green.Init(); green.Width = red.Width; green.Height = red.Height; green.Left = greenLbl.Left + greenLbl.Width + 20; green.Top = greenLbl.Top + 5; green.Anchor = Anchors.Left; green.Parent = window; green.Value = 50; green.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); blueLbl = new Label(manager); blueLbl.Init(); blueLbl.Text = "Blue: "; blueLbl.Width = 50; blueLbl.Height = 24; blueLbl.Left = redLbl.Left; blueLbl.Top = greenLbl.Top + greenLbl.Height; blueLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; blueLbl.Parent = window; blue = new SliderBar(manager); blue.Init(); blue.Width = red.Width; blue.Height = red.Height; blue.Left = blueLbl.Left + blueLbl.Width + 20; ; blue.Top = blueLbl.Top + 5; blue.Anchor = Anchors.Left; blue.Parent = window; blue.Value = 50; blue.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); #endregion #region Tank Name name = new Label(manager); name.Init(); name.Text = "Tank Name: "; name.Width = 100; name.Height = 24; name.Left = redLbl.Left; name.Top = blueLbl.Top + blueLbl.Height + 20; name.Anchor = Anchors.Left; name.Parent = window; nameBox = new TextBox(manager); nameBox.Init(); nameBox.Text = ""; nameBox.Width = 180; nameBox.Height = 24; nameBox.Left = name.Left + 10; nameBox.Top = name.Top + name.Height; nameBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; nameBox.Parent = window; #endregion #region Buttons create = new Button(manager); create.Init(); create.Text = "Create"; create.Width = 90; create.Height = 24; create.Left = window.Width - create.Width - 40; ; create.Top = ratioLbl.Top; create.Anchor = Anchors.Left; create.Parent = window; cancel = new Button(manager); cancel.Init(); cancel.Text = "Cancel"; cancel.Width = 80; cancel.Height = 24; cancel.Left = create.Left - cancel.Width - 60; cancel.Top = create.Top; cancel.Anchor = Anchors.Right; cancel.Parent = window; #endregion }