public Player(int xLocation, int yLocation, Inventory i, Game1 eng) : base(xLocation, yLocation) { animations.Add("idleDown", new int[] { 0, 2 }); animations.Add("idleUp", new int[] { 1, 2 }); animations.Add("idleRight", new int[] { 2, 2 }); animations.Add("idleLeft", new int[] { 3, 2 }); animations.Add("moveDown", new int[] { 4, 4 }); animations.Add("moveUp", new int[] { 5, 4 }); animations.Add("moveRight", new int[] { 6, 2 }); animations.Add("moveLeft", new int[] { 7, 2 }); goodGraphic = Textures.textures["protagsheet"]; badGraphic = Textures.textures["protagsheet"]; row = 7; imageBoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(32 * row, 32, 32, 32); width = 32; height = 32; velocity = 4; collidable = false; inventory = i; engine = eng; proportion = 0.5; hitByLaser = 10; dirtTracks = false; }
public Player(int xLocation, int yLocation, bool initialState, Inventory i, Game1 eng) : base(xLocation, yLocation, initialState) { goodGraphic = Textures.textures["sprites"]; badGraphic = Textures.textures["sprites"]; row = 7; imageBoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(32 * row, 32, 32, 32); width = 32; height = 32; velocity = 4; collidable = false; inventory = i; engine = eng; }
protected override void LoadContent() { startButton = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"start"); exitButton = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"exit"); width = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.Bounds.Width; height = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.Bounds.Height; screenWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; screenHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Associate names in the dictionary with the graphics for (int x = 0; x < Textures.graphicNames.Length; x++) { Textures.textures.Add(Textures.graphicNames[x], Content.Load<Texture2D>(Textures.graphicNames[x])); } for (int x = 0; x < Textures.tileNames.Length; x++) { Textures.textures.Add(Textures.tileNames[x], Content.Load<Texture2D>("Tile/" + Textures.tileNames[x])); } screenDisplayed = Textures.textures["titleScreen3"]; for (int x = 0; x < Textures.spritefonts.Length; x++) { Textures.fonts.Add(Textures.spritefonts[x], Content.Load<SpriteFont>(Textures.spritefonts[x])); } for (int x = 0; x < Textures.soundsNames.Length; x++) { Textures.sounds.Add(Textures.soundsNames[x], Content.Load<SoundEffect>(Textures.soundsNames[x]).CreateInstance()); } levels.Add(tutorialLevel = new TutorialLevel()); levels.Add(hubLevel = new HubLevel()); levels.Add(houseLevel = new HouseLevel()); levels.Add(schoolLevel = new SchoolLevel()); levels.Add(gateLevel = new GateLevel()); levels.Add(gate1Level = new Gate1Level()); levels.Add(gate2Level = new Gate2Level()); levels.Add(complex1Level = new Complex1()); levels.Add(ghostTestLevel = new GhostTestLevel()); levels.Add(laserTestLevel = new LaserTestLevel()); levels.Add(laserIntroLevel = new LaserIntro()); levels.Add(marshEnterLevel = new MarshEnterLevel()); levels.Add(marsh1Level = new Marsh1Level()); levels.Add(marsh2Level = new Marsh2Level()); levels.Add(marshFinalLevel = new MarshFinalLevel()); //normal is hubLevel, change only to test currentLevel = hubLevel; stringToLevel.Add("hubLevel", hubLevel); stringToLevel.Add("houseLevel", houseLevel); stringToLevel.Add("schoolLevel", schoolLevel); stringToLevel.Add("gateLevel", gateLevel); stringToLevel.Add("gate1Level", gate1Level); stringToLevel.Add("gate2Level", gate2Level); stringToLevel.Add("complex1Level", complex1Level); stringToLevel.Add("ghostTestLevel", ghostTestLevel); stringToLevel.Add("laserTestLevel", laserTestLevel); stringToLevel.Add("laserIntroLevel", laserIntroLevel); stringToLevel.Add("marshEnterLevel", marshEnterLevel); stringToLevel.Add("marsh1Level", marsh1Level); stringToLevel.Add("marsh2Level", marsh2Level); stringToLevel.Add("marshFinalLevel", marshFinalLevel); stringToLevel.Add("tutorialLevel", tutorialLevel); levelToString.Add(hubLevel, "hubLevel"); levelToString.Add(houseLevel, "houseLevel"); levelToString.Add(schoolLevel, "schoolLevel"); levelToString.Add(gateLevel, "gateLevel"); levelToString.Add(gate1Level, "gate1Level"); levelToString.Add(gate2Level, "gate2Level"); levelToString.Add(complex1Level, "complex1Level"); levelToString.Add(ghostTestLevel, "ghostTestLevel"); levelToString.Add(laserTestLevel, "laserTestLevel"); levelToString.Add(laserIntroLevel, "laserIntroLevel"); levelToString.Add(marshEnterLevel, "marshEnterLevel"); levelToString.Add(marsh1Level, "marsh1Level"); levelToString.Add(marsh2Level, "marsh2Level"); levelToString.Add(marshFinalLevel, "marshFinalLevel"); levelToString.Add(tutorialLevel, "tutorialLevel"); //normal is hubLevel, change only to test // currentLevel = marshFinalLevel; currentLevel = hubLevel; inventory = new Inventory(this); //13 x 25 for hub level start //beep = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("beep").CreateInstance(); //player = new Player(5 * 32, 32 * 5, inventory, this); //hub start player = new Player(13 * 32, 25 * 32, inventory, this); playerGhost = new PlayerGhost(0, 0); roseExpositionScreen = new RoseExpositionScreen(this); openingExpositionScreen = new OpeningExpositionScreen(this); knifeExpositionScreen = new KnifeExpositionScreen(this); diaryExpositionScreen = new DiaryExpositionScreen(this); platformScreen = new PlatformScreen(this); shiftLockScreen = new ShiftLockScreen(this); inventoryScreen = new InventoryScreen(this); startScreen = new StartScreen(this); aboutScreen = new AboutScreen(this); danceScreen = new DanceScreen(this, player); pauseScreen = new PauseScreen(this); deadScreen = new DeadScreen(this); //player = new Player(15*32, 2*32, inventory, this); //player = new Player(30 * 32, 9 * 32, inventory, this); cam = new Camera(player, width, height); creatures.Add(player); cam.update(); //song = Content.Load<Song>("banditKing2"); //SoundEffect banditKing_s = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("banditKing2"); //banditKing = banditKing_s.CreateInstance(); zone1good = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("zone4good").CreateInstance(); zone1bad = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("zone4bad").CreateInstance(); //banditKing.Pitch = -1; //song2 = Content.Load<Song>("climbing_up_the_walls"); currentLevel.loadLevel(); //add level transfer tiles from current level to the array list of tiles tiles.AddRange(currentLevel.getLevelTiles()); levelTiles.AddRange(currentLevel.getLevelTiles()); cam.setBounds(currentLevel.getMapSizeX(), currentLevel.getMapSizeY()); //MediaPlayer.Play(song); //banditKing.Play(); gameState = "start"; //Check whether there is a continue point continueButtonActive = saveFileExists(); //MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; zone1good.Volume = .7f; zone1bad.Volume = 0; backUpInventory = inventory.getItemsCopy(); backUpItems = (ArrayList)(currentLevel.getLevelItems()).Clone(); backUpPlatformFilled = new bool[2]; if (currentLevel.Equals(hubLevel)) loadBackupPlatforms(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { width = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.Bounds.Width; height = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.Bounds.Height; // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Associate names in the dictionary with the graphics for (int x = 0; x < Textures.graphicNames.Length; x++) { Textures.textures.Add(Textures.graphicNames[x], Content.Load<Texture2D>(Textures.graphicNames[x])); } for(int x = 0; x < Textures.tileNames.Length; x++) { Textures.textures.Add(Textures.tileNames[x], Content.Load<Texture2D>("Tile/" + Textures.tileNames[x])); } //KittenZombie kt = new KittenZombie(400,300,worldState); //FlowerTentacles ft = new FlowerTentacles(600, 250, worldState); //creatures.Add(kt); /* for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 5; y2++) { kt = new KittenZombie(i * 35, 5 + (y2 * 35), worldState); ft = new FlowerTentacles(5 + (i * 35),(y2 * 35) + 230, worldState); creatures.Add(kt); creatures.Add(ft); } } * */ inventory = new Inventory(300, 300); player = new Player(32*19, 32*5, worldState, inventory, this); creatures.Add(player); FlowerTentacles ft = new FlowerTentacles(32*11, 32*4, worldState); creatures.Add(ft); ft.setDefendTileGood(11, 4); ft.setDefendTileBad(11, 7); ft = new FlowerTentacles(32 * 12, 32 * 4, worldState); creatures.Add(ft); ft.setDefendTileGood(12, 4); ft.setDefendTileBad(12, 6); ft = new FlowerTentacles(32 * 12, 32 * 11, worldState); creatures.Add(ft); ft.setDefendTileGood(12, 11); ft.setDefendTileBad(13, 7); ft = new FlowerTentacles(32 * 11, 32 * 11, worldState); creatures.Add(ft); ft.setDefendTileGood(11, 11); ft.setDefendTileBad(12, 8); //ft = new FlowerTentacles(500, 400, worldState); //creatures.Add(ft); GreenBlock b = new GreenBlock(32*12, 32*7, worldState); items.Add(b); song = Content.Load<Song>("whitesky"); song2 = Content.Load<Song>("climbing_up_the_walls"); MediaPlayer.Play(song); makeMapFromFile("home.txt"); //MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; }