public bool HasBuilderPullSecret(string ocNamespace, string server) { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get secret -o json --namespace {ocNamespace}"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get secrets: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { string secretType = (string)item["type"]; string dockerCfgEncoded = null; if (secretType == "") { dockerCfgEncoded = (string)item?["data"]?[".dockercfg"]; } else if (secretType == "") { dockerCfgEncoded = (string)item?["data"]?[".dockerconfigjson"]; } if (dockerCfgEncoded != null) { string dockerCfg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(dockerCfgEncoded)); if (dockerCfg.Contains($"\"{server}\"")) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public ReplicationController GetReplicationController(string deploymentConfigName, string version, bool mustExist) { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get rc -l{deploymentConfigName} -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { ReplicationController rc = ReplicationControllerParser.Parse(item as JObject); if (rc.Version == version) { return(rc); } } if (!mustExist) { return(null); } throw new FailedException("Replication controller not found"); } else { if (!mustExist && result.ErrorMessage.Contains("NotFound")) { return(null); } throw new FailedException($"Cannot get replication controller: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
private void RunCommand(string command, string ocNamespace, JObject value) { Result result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", command + " " + NamespaceArg(ocNamespace) + " -f -", value); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Unable to '{command}': {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public void CreateImageStream(string name) { Result result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", $"create is {name}"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Error creating image stream: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public void EnsureConnection() { Result result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", "whoami"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot connect to OpenShift cluster: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public Result GetLog(string podName, string container, Action <StreamReader> reader, bool follow, bool ignoreError) { Result result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", $"logs {(follow ? "-f" : string.Empty)} {podName} {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(container) ? "" : "-c " + container)}", reader); if (!ignoreError && !result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get pod log: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } return(result); }
public static string GetSdkVersion() { Result <string> result = ProcessUtils.Run <string>("dotnet", "--version"); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Value.Trim()); } else { return(null); } }
public string GetCurrentNamespace() { // TODO: cache this Result <string> result = ProcessUtils.Run <string>("oc", "project -q"); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Value.Trim()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot determine current project: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public static string GetHeadCommitId(string gitRoot) { Result <string> result = ProcessUtils.Run <string>("git", $"rev-parse HEAD", new ProcessStartInfo { WorkingDirectory = gitRoot }); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Value.Trim()); } else { return(null); } }
public static string GetCurrentBranch(string gitRoot) { Result <string> result = ProcessUtils.Run <string>("git", $"rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", new ProcessStartInfo { WorkingDirectory = gitRoot }); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Value.Trim()); } else { return(null); } }
public static string GetRemoteUrl(string gitRoot, string remoteName) { Result <string> result = ProcessUtils.Run <string>("git", $"remote get-url {remoteName}", new ProcessStartInfo { WorkingDirectory = gitRoot }); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(result.Value.Trim()); } else { return(null); } }
public Route[] GetRoutes() { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get route -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var routes = new List <Route>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { routes.Add(RouteParser.ParseRoute(item as JObject)); } return(routes.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get routes: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public Build[] GetBuilds(string buildConfigName) { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get builds -l{buildConfigName} -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var builds = new List <Build>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { builds.Add(BuildParser.ParseBuild(item as JObject)); } return(builds.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get build information: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public DeploymentConfig[] GetDeploymentConfigs() { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get dc -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var deployConfigs = new List <DeploymentConfig>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { deployConfigs.Add(DeploymentConfigParser.ParseDeploymentConfig(item as JObject)); } return(deployConfigs.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get deployment configurations: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public Service[] GetServices() { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get svc -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var services = new List <Service>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { services.Add(ServiceParser.ParseService(item as JObject)); } return(services.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get services: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public void CreateBuilderPullSecret(string ocNamespace, string name, string server, string username, string password) { Result result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", $"create secret docker-registry {name} --namespace {ocNamespace} --docker-server {server} --docker-username={username} --docker-password {password} --docker-email=unused"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot create secret: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", $"secret link default {name} --namespace {ocNamespace} --for=pull"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot link secret for pull: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } result = ProcessUtils.Run("oc", $"secret link builder {name} --namespace {ocNamespace} "); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new FailedException($"Cannot link secret for builder: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public Pod GetPod(string podName, bool mustExist) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(podName)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(podName)); } Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get pod {podName} -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(PodParser.ParsePod(result.Value)); } else { if (!mustExist && result.ErrorMessage.Contains("NotFound")) { return(null); } throw new FailedException($"Cannot get pod information: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public ImageStreamTag[] GetImageTagVersions(string name, string ocNamespace) { string arguments = $"get is -o json {NamespaceArg(ocNamespace)} {name}"; Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", arguments); if (result.IsSuccess) { return(ImageStreamParser.GetTags(result.Value)); } else { if (result.ErrorMessage.Contains("NotFound")) { return(Array.Empty <ImageStreamTag>()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Unable to retrieve image stream tags: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } } }
public Pod[] GetPods(string deploymentConfigName, string version) { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get pods -l deploymentconfig={deploymentConfigName} -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var pods = new List <Pod>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { var pod = PodParser.ParsePod(item as JObject); if (version == null || pod.DeploymentConfigLatestVersion == version) // TODO: version == null? { pods.Add(pod); } } return(pods.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get pod information: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }
public S2iBuildConfig[] GetS2iBuildConfigs(string imageName) { Result <JObject> result = ProcessUtils.Run <JObject>("oc", $"get bc -o json"); if (result.IsSuccess) { var buildConfigs = new List <S2iBuildConfig>(); foreach (var item in result.Value["items"]) { var buildConfig = BuildConfigParser.ParseS2iBuildConfig(item as JObject); if (buildConfig != null && buildConfig.ImageName == imageName) { buildConfigs.Add(buildConfig); } } return(buildConfigs.ToArray()); } else { throw new FailedException($"Cannot get build configurations: {result.ErrorMessage}"); } }