예제 #1
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
 public Map(int[] size, int tileSet, int music)
     Size = size;
     TileSet = tileSet;
     Music = music;
     map = new Tile[size[0]][];
     for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
         map[i] = new Tile[size[1]];
예제 #2
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        public static List<Tile> GetAdjacentLegalTiles(Map map, Tile currentTile)
            List<Tile> adjacentTiles = new List<Tile>();

            int x = currentTile.X;
            int y = currentTile.Y;

            if (x - 1 >= 0)
                Tile left = map.map[x - 1][y];
                if (!left.IsImpassible)


            if (x + 1 < map.Size[0])
                Tile right = map.map[x + 1][y];

            if(y - 1 >= 0)
                Tile up = map.map[x][y - 1];


            if(y + 1 < map.Size[1])
                Tile down = map.map[x][y + 1];

            return adjacentTiles;
예제 #3
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
 public static int GetFCost(Map map, Tile tile, Tile destination)
     int GCost = 0;
     bool root = false;
     Tile test = tile;
     while (!root)
         GCost += test.MoveCost;
         if (test.IsRoot)
             root = true;
             test = test.parentTile;
     int HCost = (GetManhattanDistance(tile, destination));
     return GCost + HCost;
예제 #4
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        public static List<Tile> BuildPath(Tile endpoint)
            List<Tile> path = new List<Tile>();
            bool root = false;
            Tile current = endpoint;
            while (!root)
                if (current.IsRoot)
                    root = true;
                    current = current.parentTile;

            return path;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
        /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
            if (mainMenu)
                if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)

                Rectangle quickClick = new Rectangle((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) - (quick_battle.Width / 2), (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2) - (quick_battle.Height / 2), 141, 33);
                Rectangle campaignClick = new Rectangle((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) - (campaign.Width / 2), (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2) - (quick_battle.Height - 55), 141, 33);
                Rectangle customClick = new Rectangle((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) - (custom_battle.Width / 2), (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2) - (campaign.Height - 95), 175, 36);
                Rectangle optionsClick = new Rectangle((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) - (options.Width / 2), (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2) - (custom_battle.Height - 140), 141, 33);
                Rectangle exitclickableArea = new Rectangle((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) - (exit.Width / 2), (Window.ClientBounds.Height - 70), 141, 33);

                // mousepos = new Point();
                bool mousestuffs = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(exitclickableArea);
                bool mousequick = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(quickClick);
                bool mousecampaign = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(campaignClick);
                bool mousecustom = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(customClick);
                bool mouseoptions = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(optionsClick);

                if (mousestuffs && exit == exit_temp)
                    exit_temp = exit;
                    exit = exit2;
                else if (!mousestuffs && exit != exit_temp)
                    exit = exit_temp;
                //campaign menu button logic
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (campaignClick.Contains(mousePos))
                        mainMenu = false;
                        campaignmenu = true;

                //options menu button logic
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (optionsClick.Contains(mousePos) && !releaseWait)
                        releaseWait = true;
                        mainMenu = false;
                        optionsMenu = true;

                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (exitclickableArea.Contains(mousePos))

                if (mousecampaign && campaign == campaigntemp)
                    campaigntemp = campaign;
                    campaign = campaign_invert;
                else if (!mousecampaign && campaign != campaigntemp)
                    campaign = campaigntemp;
                if (mousecustom && custom_battle == custom_battletemp)
                    custom_battletemp = custom_battle;
                    custom_battle = custom_battle_invert;
                else if (!mousecustom && custom_battle != custom_battletemp)
                    custom_battle = custom_battletemp;

                if (mouseoptions && options == optionstemp)
                    optionstemp = options;
                    options = options_invert;
                else if (!mouseoptions && options != optionstemp)
                    options = optionstemp;
                // TODO: Add your update logic here
                if (mousequick && quick_battle == quick_temp)
                    quick_temp = quick_battle;
                    quick_battle = quick_battle_invert;
                else if (!mousequick && quick_battle != quick_temp)
                    quick_battle = quick_temp;

                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    // We now know the left mouse button is down and it wasn't down last frame
                    // so we've detected a click
                    // Now find the position
                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (exitclickableArea.Contains(mousePos))

                // TODO: Add your update logic here
                if (mousequick && quick_battle == quick_temp)
                    quick_temp = quick_battle;
                    quick_battle = quick_battle_invert;
                else if (!mousequick && quick_battle != quick_temp)
                    quick_battle = quick_temp;
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    // We now know the left mouse button is down and it wasn't down last frame
                    // so we've detected a click
                    // Now find the position
                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (quickClick.Contains(mousePos))
                        mainMenu = false;
                        demo = true;
                        Map mainMap = MapLoader.LoadMap(@"Content\Demo.txt");

            else if (campaignmenu)
                Rectangle backClick = new Rectangle(15, 755, 141, 33);
                Rectangle newGameClick = new Rectangle(550, 300, 141, 33);
                Rectangle loadGameClick = new Rectangle(550, 343, 141, 33);
                bool mouseback = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backClick);
                bool mousenew = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(newGameClick);
                bool mouseload = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(loadGameClick);

                if (mouseback && back == backtemp)
                    backtemp = back;
                    back = back_invert;
                else if (!mouseback && back != backtemp)
                    back = backtemp;
                if (mousenew && newGame == newGametemp)
                    newGametemp = newGame;
                    newGame = newGame_invert;
                else if (!mousenew && newGame != newGametemp)
                    newGame = newGametemp;
                if (mouseload && loadGame == loadGametemp)
                    loadGametemp = loadGame;
                    loadGame = loadGame_invert;
                else if (!mouseload && loadGame != loadGametemp)
                    loadGame = loadGametemp;
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (backClick.Contains(mousePos))
                        mainMenu = true;
                        campaignmenu = false;



            //logic or options buttons
                else if (optionsMenu)

                Rectangle backClick = new Rectangle(15, 755, 141, 33);
                Rectangle textClick = new Rectangle(25, 433, 141, 33);
                Rectangle fullClick = new Rectangle(25, 337, 141, 33);
                Rectangle volumemuteclick = new Rectangle(206, 483, 141, 33);
                Rectangle volume1click = new Rectangle(360, 483, 141, 33);
                Rectangle volume2click = new Rectangle(514, 483, 141, 33);
                Rectangle volume3click = new Rectangle(669, 483, 141, 33);
                Rectangle volumemaxclick = new Rectangle(825, 483, 141, 33);

                Rectangle sfxmuteclick = new Rectangle(206, 533, 141, 33);
                Rectangle sfx1click = new Rectangle(360, 533, 141, 33);
                Rectangle sfx2click = new Rectangle(514, 533, 141, 33);
                Rectangle sfx3click = new Rectangle(669, 533, 141, 33);
                Rectangle sfxmaxclick = new Rectangle(825, 533, 141, 33);

                int count = 2;
                bool mouseback = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backClick);
                bool mousefull = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(fullClick);

                //volume logic
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (volumemuteclick.Contains(mousePos))

                        volmute_unselected = volmute;
                        vollevel1_unselected = vol1temp;
                        vollevel2_unselected = vol2temp;
                        vollevel3_unselected= vol3temp;
                        vollevelMax_unselected= volmaxtemp;

                        MediaPlayer.Volume = 0;

                    if (volume1click.Contains(mousePos))

                        volmute_unselected = volmutetemp;
                        vollevel1_unselected = vollevel1;
                        vollevel2_unselected = vol2temp;
                        vollevel3_unselected = vol3temp;
                        vollevelMax_unselected= volmaxtemp;
                        MediaPlayer.Volume = .25f;

                    if (volume2click.Contains(mousePos))

                        volmute_unselected = volmutetemp;
                        vollevel1_unselected = vol1temp;
                        vollevel2_unselected = vollevel2;
                        vollevel3_unselected = vol3temp;
                        vollevelMax_unselected = volmaxtemp;
                        MediaPlayer.Volume = .5f;
                    if (volume3click.Contains(mousePos))

                        volmute_unselected = volmutetemp;
                        vollevel1_unselected = vol1temp;
                        vollevel2_unselected = vol2temp;
                        vollevel3_unselected = vollevel3;
                        vollevelMax_unselected = volmaxtemp;
                        MediaPlayer.Volume = .75f;
                    if (volumemaxclick.Contains(mousePos))

                        volmute_unselected = volmutetemp;
                        vollevel1_unselected = vol1temp;
                        vollevel2_unselected = vol2temp;
                        vollevel3_unselected = vol3temp;
                        vollevelMax_unselected = vollevelMax;
                        MediaPlayer.Volume = 1f;

               //soundBank effects logic
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed&&!releaseWait)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (sfxmuteclick.Contains(mousePos))

                        mute_unselected = mute;
                        level1_unselected = level1temp;
                        level2_unselected = level2temp;
                        level3_unselected = level3temp;
                        levelMax_unselected = maxtemp;

                        releaseWait = true;

                    if (sfx1click.Contains(mousePos))

                        mute_unselected = mutetemp;
                        level1_unselected = level1;
                        level2_unselected = level2temp;
                        level3_unselected = level3temp;
                        levelMax_unselected = maxtemp;

                        releaseWait = true;

                    if (sfx2click.Contains(mousePos))

                        mute_unselected = mutetemp;
                        level1_unselected = level1temp;
                        level2_unselected = level2;
                        level3_unselected = level3temp;
                        levelMax_unselected = maxtemp;
                        sfx.setfxfvolume(.5f * 6f);
                        releaseWait = true;
                    if (sfx3click.Contains(mousePos))

                        mute_unselected = mutetemp;
                        level1_unselected = level1temp;
                        level2_unselected = level2temp;
                        level3_unselected = level3;
                        levelMax_unselected = maxtemp;
                        sfx.setfxfvolume(.75f * 6f);
                        releaseWait = true;
                    if (sfxmaxclick.Contains(mousePos))

                        mute_unselected = mutetemp;
                        level1_unselected = level1temp;
                        level2_unselected = level2temp;
                        level3_unselected = level3temp;
                        levelMax_unselected = levelMax;
                        releaseWait = true;
              //full screen logic
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (fullClick.Contains(mousePos))
                        if (isFullScreen)

                            yes_invert = yestemp;

                            no_invert = no;
                            isFullScreen = false;

                        else if (!isFullScreen)

                            yes_invert = yes;

                            no_invert =notemp;
                            isFullScreen = true;



                //back inverter
                if (mouseback && back == backtemp)
                    backtemp = back;
                    back = back_invert;
                else if (!mouseback && back != backtemp)
                    back = backtemp;

                //exits options menu
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

                    Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
                    if (backClick.Contains(mousePos))
                        mainMenu = true;
                        optionsMenu = false;



            else if (demo && !(p1win || p2win))
                if (!battle.AttackMode)

                //boxes for intersecion of buttons

                Rectangle moveclick = new Rectangle(680, 700, 116, 27);
                Rectangle passclick = new Rectangle(796, 700, 116, 27);
                Rectangle attackclick = new Rectangle(680, 727, 116, 27);
                Rectangle defendclick = new Rectangle(796, 727, 116, 27);
                Rectangle specialclick = new Rectangle(680, 754, 116, 27);
                Rectangle itemclick = new Rectangle(796, 754, 116, 27);
                mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
                bool moveenabled = true;
                bool hilightenabled = true;
                //mouse state when on buttons
                bool mousemove = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(moveclick);
                bool mousepass = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(passclick);
                bool mouseattack = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(attackclick);
                bool mousedefend = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(defendclick);
                bool mousespecial = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(specialclick);
                bool mouseitems = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(itemclick);
                Point mousePos = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);

                //lock buttons during wait times
                if (tickWait)
                //Move mode highlighting
                if (battle.MoveMode)
                    int X = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.X - (double)offsetX - 20) / (double)55);
                    int Y = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.Y - (double)offsetY - 20) / (double)55);

                    if (X >= 0 && X < battle.BattleMap.Size[0] && Y >= 0 && Y < battle.BattleMap.Size[1])
                        battle.BattleMap.AddSpecificHighlight(X, Y);
                        lastSelectedTile = battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y);
                        battle.BattleMap.AddSpecificHighlight(lastSelectedTile.X, lastSelectedTile.Y);

                    //AttackMode Highlighting
                else if(battle.AttackMode)

                    int X = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.X - (double)offsetX - 20) / (double)55);
                    int Y = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.Y - (double)offsetY - 20) / (double)55);
                    if (X >= 0 && X < battle.BattleMap.Size[0] && Y >= 0 && Y < battle.BattleMap.Size[1])
                        battle.BattleMap.AddSpecificHighlight(X, Y);
                        lastSelectedTile = battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y);

                //Button clicks

                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && !releaseWait && !AILock)

                    //select move
                    if (moveclick.Contains(mousePos) && move != move_invert && !moveWait && !tickWait && battle.SelectEnabled)

                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = move_invert;
                        attack = attack_grey;
                        defend = defend_grey;
                        item = item_grey;
                        pass = pass_grey;
                        special = special_grey;
                        hilightenabled = false;
                        battle.AttackMode = false;
                        frameCount = 0;
                    //deselect move
                    else if (moveclick.Contains(mousePos) && move == move_invert)
                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = movetrue;
                        attack = attacktrue;
                        defend = defendtrue;
                        item = itemtrue;
                        pass = passtrue;
                        special = specialtrue;
                        hilightenabled = true;
                    //select attack
                    else if (attackclick.Contains(mousePos) && attack != attack_invert && !tickWait && !moveWait && battle.SelectEnabled)
                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = move_grey;
                        attack = attack_invert;
                        defend = defend_grey;
                        item = item_grey;
                        pass = pass_grey;
                        special = special_grey;
                        hilightenabled = true;

                        //deselect other modes before selecting attack

                        //battle will get rid of attack mode if there are no valid targets
                        if (!battle.AttackMode)
                            battle.SelectEnabled = true;
                            move = movetrue;
                            attack = attacktrue;
                            defend = defendtrue;
                            item = itemtrue;
                            pass = passtrue;
                            special = specialtrue;
                            hilightenabled = true;
                    //deselect attack
                    else if (attackclick.Contains(mousePos) && attack == attack_invert)
                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = movetrue;
                        attack = attacktrue;
                        defend = defendtrue;
                        item = itemtrue;
                        pass = passtrue;
                        special = specialtrue;
                        hilightenabled = true;
                    //select pass
                    else if (passclick.Contains(mousePos) && !tickWait && !moveWait && battle.SelectEnabled)
                        pass = pass_invert;
                        timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;
                        battle.ActiveUnit.AP = 0;
                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = movetrue;
                        attack = attacktrue;
                        defend = defendtrue;
                        item = itemtrue;
                        pass = passtrue;
                        special = specialtrue;
                        hilightenabled = true;

                    //select defend
                    else if (defendclick.Contains(mousePos) && !wait && !tickWait && !moveWait && battle.SelectEnabled)
                        timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;
                        wait = true;
                        battle.MoveMode = false;
                        battle.AttackMode = false;
                        releaseWait = true;
                        move = move_grey;
                        attack = attack_grey;
                        defend = defend_invert;
                        item = item_grey;
                        pass = pass_grey;
                        special = special_grey;
                        hilightenabled = true;

                    //deselect if in move or attack mode and defend button clicked
                    else if (defendclick.Contains(mousePos) && !wait && !tickWait && !moveWait && !battle.SelectEnabled)
                        battle.MoveMode = false;
                        battle.AttackMode = false;
                        battle.SelectEnabled = true;
                        releaseWait = true;

                    //confirm move
                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && battle.MoveMode && !releaseWait && battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(lastSelectedTile.X, lastSelectedTile.Y).IsRedHighlighted)

                        moveWait = true;
                        move = movetrue;
                        attack = attacktrue;
                        defend = defendtrue;
                        item = itemtrue;
                        pass = passtrue;
                        special = specialtrue;
                        hilightenabled = true;
                        releaseWait = true;
                        if (battle.ActiveUnit.AP <= 1)

                    else if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && battle.MoveMode && !releaseWait && !battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(lastSelectedTile.X, lastSelectedTile.Y).IsRedHighlighted)
                        releaseWait = true;

                    //Confirm attack
                    if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && battle.AttackMode && !releaseWait)
                        int X = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.X - (double)offsetX - 20) / (double)55);
                        int Y = (int)Math.Round(((double)mousePos.Y - (double)offsetY - 20) / (double)55);
                        if (X >= 0 && X < battle.BattleMap.Size[0] && Y >= 0 && Y < battle.BattleMap.Size[1]
                            && battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y).IsHighlighted && battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y).hasUnit &&
                            (battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y).TileUnit.isPlayerUnit != battle.ActiveUnit.isPlayerUnit))
                            wait = true;
                            move = movetrue;
                            attack = attacktrue;
                            defend = defendtrue;
                            item = itemtrue;
                            pass = passtrue;
                            special = specialtrue;
                            hilightenabled = true;
                            releaseWait = true;
                            unitDamage = battle.Attack(battle.BattleMap.GetTileAt(X, Y).TileUnit);
                            attackedUnitTrueX = X * 55 - 13;
                            attackedUnitTrueY = Y * 55 - 20;
                            unitAttacked = true;
                            displayDamage = true;
                            timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;

                        else if (!releaseWait)
                            releaseWait = true;


                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
                    releaseWait = false;
                //move the view with WASD
                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W) && offsetY < 500)
                    offsetY += 10;
                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S) && offsetY > -1000)
                    offsetY -= 10;
                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A) && offsetX < 750)
                    offsetX += 10;
                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D) && offsetX > -750)
                    offsetX -= 10;

                //update the display with the active unit
                unit = battle.ActiveUnit.GetType();
                 hp = battle.ActiveUnit.HP.ToString();
                 range = battle.ActiveUnit.Range.ToString() ;
                 defense = battle.ActiveUnit.Defense.ToString();
                 speed = battle.ActiveUnit.Speed.ToString() ;
                 mp = battle.ActiveUnit.MP.ToString();
                 attackText = battle.ActiveUnit.Attack.ToString();
                 moveText = battle.ActiveUnit.AP.ToString();
                 nextUnits = new List<string>();
                 for (int i = battle.QueuePosition + 1; i < battle.QueuePosition + 6; i++)
                     if (i < battle.BattleQueue.Count)
                         string belongsTo;
                         if (battle.BattleQueue.ElementAt(i).isPlayerUnit)
                             belongsTo = "Player 1";
                             belongsTo = "Player 2";

                         string unitText = belongsTo + ": " +  battle.BattleQueue.ElementAt(i).GetType() + " " + battle.BattleQueue.ElementAt(i).HP.ToString() + " HP";


                 timeSinceLastFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

                //stuff that happens on the animation tick, about 60fps
                 if (timeSinceLastFrame > millisecondsPerFrame)
                     timeSinceLastFrame = 0;

                 timeSinceLastDamageFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

                //stuff that happens on the damage tick, including end-of-turn checking
                //this tick is quite slow
                 if (timeSinceLastDamageFrame > millisecondsPerDamageFrame)

                     timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;
                     // Increment to next frame
                     wait = false;
                     displayDamage = false;
                     if (battle.ActiveUnit.AP <= 0)
                     if (battle.gameOver)
                         endWait = false;

                     if (AILock && !moveWait)


                //stuff that happens on the move tick, a faster interval
                 timeSinceLastMoveFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                 if (timeSinceLastMoveFrame > millisecondsPerMoveFrame)
                     timeSinceLastMoveFrame = 0;
                     //if a move is ongoing, advance unit to the next tile
                     if (moveWait)
                         timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;

                //if the turn is over, lock everything for a beat
                 if (battle.ActiveUnit.AP <= 0)
                     tickWait = true;

            timeSinceLastDamageFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (timeSinceLastDamageFrame > millisecondsPerDamageFrame && battle != null)

                timeSinceLastDamageFrame = 0;
                // Increment to next frame
                wait = false;
                displayDamage = false;
                if (battle.ActiveUnit.AP <= 0)
                if (battle.gameOver)
                    endWait = false;


            if (MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped && (p1win || p2win))

                if (p1win)
                    Song campaign = Content.Load<Song>(@"music\CampaignMode");
                else if (p2win && !loseMusicStarted)
                    cue = soundBank.GetCue("LoseBattle");
                    loseMusicStarted = true;

            if (Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys().Length > 0 && (p1win || p2win) && !endWait)
                battle.gameOver = false;
                p1win = false;
                p2win = false;
                musicStarted = false;
                demo = false;
                mainMenu = true;


            if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
                releaseWait = false;

예제 #6
        public Game1()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 800;
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1500;
            this.graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;
            mainMenu = true;
            demo = false;
            offsetY = 0;
            offsetX = 0;
            startTurn = true;
            releaseWait = false;
            lastSelectedTile = new Tile();
            unitAttacked = false;
            displayDamage = false;
            wait = false;
            p1win = false;
            p2win = false;
            musicStarted = false;
            MoveTiles = new List<Tile>();
            moveWait = false;
            tickWait = false;
            endWait = false;

            timeSinceLastFrame = 0;
            millisecondsPerFrame = 100;

            draw = new Draw(this);
            load = new ContentLoader(this);
예제 #7
        //MAP FILE: A PRIMER
        //Map files are plaintext files encoded with data from which we can load maps
        //The format for the map file is as follows (omit the <> when writing):
        //[Start of File]
        //<x size>
        //<y size>
        //<tile set number>
        //<music number>
        //<x coordinate>,<y coordinate>,<height>,<unit number (see below)>,<player number[0 or 1]>,<impassible[0 or 1]>,<move cost>,<type>
        //[repeat for each tile]
        //[end of file]
        public static Map LoadMap(string filename)
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
            string file = sr.ReadToEnd();
            string[] lines = file.Split(new string[]{Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int sizeX = Int32.Parse(lines[0]);
            int sizeY = Int32.Parse(lines[1]);
            int tileSet = Int32.Parse(lines[2]);
            int music = Int32.Parse(lines[3]);
            int linecount = 4;
            Map finalMap = new Map(new int[]{sizeX, sizeY}, tileSet, music);
            for (int i = 4; i < lines.Length; i++)
                Tile newTile = new Tile();

                string[] tileData = lines[i].Split(',');

                int X = Int32.Parse(tileData[0]);
                int y = Int32.Parse(tileData[1]);
                int height = Int32.Parse(tileData[2]);
                int unit = Int32.Parse(tileData[3]);
                int PlayerUnit = Int32.Parse(tileData[4]);
                int impassible = Int32.Parse(tileData[5]);

                    int moveCost = Int32.Parse(tileData[6]);
                    newTile.MoveCost = moveCost;

                    string type = tileData[7];
                    newTile.type = type;

                newTile.X = X;
                newTile.Y = y;
                newTile.Height = height;

                if (impassible == 0)
                    newTile.IsImpassible = false;
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

                Unit tileUnit;
                newTile.hasUnit = true;
                //the following is a list of unit codes, use -1 for no unit
                switch (unit)
                    case 0: tileUnit = new Soldier(); break;
                    case 1: tileUnit = new Defender(); break;
                    case 2: tileUnit = new Cavalry(); break;
                    case 3: tileUnit = new Ranger(); break;
                    case 4: tileUnit = new Mage(); break;
                    case 5: tileUnit = new Artillery(); break;
                    case 6: tileUnit = new Scout(); break;
                    case 7: tileUnit = new Bomber(); break;
                    case 8: tileUnit = new Fighter(); break;
                    default: tileUnit = null; newTile.hasUnit = false; break;

                if (newTile.hasUnit)
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;
                    if (PlayerUnit == 0)
                        tileUnit.isPlayerUnit = true;

                        tileUnit.isPlayerUnit = false;
                    newTile.TileUnit = tileUnit;
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

                    tileUnit.Location[0] = newTile.X;
                    tileUnit.Location[1] = newTile.Y;
                    newTile.TileUnit = null;

                finalMap.map[X][y] = newTile;

                if (newTile.type == "water")
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

            return finalMap;
예제 #8
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
 public static int GetGScore(Tile tile)
     int GScore = 0;
     bool root = false;
     Tile test = tile;
         if (tile.parentTile == null)
             tile.IsRoot = true;
         tile.IsRoot = true;
     while (!root)
         GScore += test.MoveCost;
         if (test.IsRoot)
             root = true;
             test = test.parentTile;
     return GScore;
예제 #9
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        //runs path algorithm and checks if there is
        //path between two points
        public static bool PathExists(Tile startTile, Tile endTile, Map map, List<Tile> rangeSet, int speed)
            startTile.IsRoot = true;
            List<Tile> open = new List<Tile>();
            List<Tile> closed = new List<Tile>();

            if (startTile == endTile)
                return false;

            Tile current = new Tile();

            while (open.Count > 0)
                int LowestFScore = 10000;
                for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++ )
                    if (open.ElementAt(i).FScore < LowestFScore)
                        LowestFScore = open.ElementAt(i).FScore;
                        current = open.ElementAt(i);

                List<Tile> adjacent = GetAdjacentLegalTiles(map, current);
                List<Tile> adjacentTemp = new List<Tile>();
                foreach (Tile adj in adjacent)

                    if (closed.Contains(adj))

                adjacent = adjacentTemp;

                foreach (Tile tile in adjacent)
                    if (!open.Contains(tile))

                    tile.parentTile = current;
                    tile.GScore = GetGScore(tile);
                    tile.HScore = GetManhattanDistance(current, endTile);
                    tile.FScore = tile.GScore + tile.HScore;

                    if (open.Contains(tile))
                        Tile test = new Tile();
                        foreach (Tile o in open)
                            if (o == tile)
                                test = o;

                        if (tile.GScore < test.GScore)
                            test.parentTile = current;
                            test.GScore = GetGScore(test);
                            test.FScore = test.GScore + test.HScore;


                    List<Tile> path = BuildPath(endTile);
                    if (Reachable(path, speed))
                        return true;
                        return false;


            return false;
예제 #10
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        public static void MakeAIMove(Battle battle, Unit active)
            Map map = battle.BattleMap;
            Tile location = map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]);

            //the AI favors nearby units with low health, preferrably out of range of enemies
            List<Unit> enemies = new List<Unit>();
            foreach (Unit unit in battle.BattleQueue)
                if (unit.isPlayerUnit)

            Unit nearestEnemy = new Soldier();
            int nearestEnemyDistance = 30000;
            Tile nearestLocation = new Tile();

            //calculate the closest enemy
            foreach (Unit enemy in enemies)
                Tile enemyTile = map.GetTileAt(enemy.Location[0], enemy.Location[1]);

                List<Tile> enemyAdjTiles = GetAdjacentLegalTiles(map, enemyTile);
                foreach (Tile adj in enemyAdjTiles)
                    List<Tile> path = GetPath(location, adj, map);
                    foreach (Tile p in path)
                        int pathTotal = 0;
                        p.FScore = 0;
                        p.GScore = 0;
                        p.HScore = 0;
                        p.parentTile = null;
                        pathTotal += p.MoveCost;
                        if (pathTotal < nearestEnemyDistance)
                            nearestEnemyDistance = pathTotal;
                            nearestEnemy = enemy;
                            nearestLocation = adj;

            //calculate the best unit, if any, in range
            Unit attackEnemy;
            int range = active.Range;
            int x = active.Location[0];
            int y = active.Location[1];
            List<int[]> rangeSquare = new List<int[]>() ;

            for (int i = (range * -1); i <= range; i++)
                for (int j = (range * -1); j <= range; j++)
                    if ((i + x) < map.Size[0] && (j + y) < map.Size[1] && (i + x) >= 0 & (j + y) >= 0)
                        rangeSquare.Add(new int[] { i + x, j + y });
            List<Tile> actualRange = new List<Tile>();
            foreach (int[] tile in rangeSquare)
                if ((Math.Abs(tile[0] - x) + Math.Abs(tile[1] - y)) <= range)
                    actualRange.Add(map.GetTileAt(tile[0], tile[1]));

            List<Unit> attackableUnits = new List<Unit>();
            foreach (Tile tile in actualRange)
                if (tile.hasUnit)
                    if (tile.TileUnit.isPlayerUnit)

            //look for the enemy with the highest HP that can be killed in one or two hits
            if (attackableUnits.Count > 0)
                int highestKillableHP = 0;
                Unit highestKillableUnit = new Soldier();
                foreach (Unit enemy in attackableUnits)
                    if (AttackResolver.Attack(active, enemy, active.AttackModifiers) * active.AP > enemy.HP && enemy.HP > highestKillableHP)
                        highestKillableHP = enemy.HP;
                        highestKillableUnit = enemy;
                int highestDamage = 0;
                Unit highestDamageUnit = new Soldier() ;
                //if no enemy is killable, find the one we can do the greatest damage to
                if (highestKillableHP == 0)
                    foreach (Unit enemy in attackableUnits)
                        int damage = AttackResolver.Attack(active, enemy, active.AttackModifiers);
                        if (damage * active.AP > highestDamage)
                            highestDamage = damage * active.AP;
                            highestDamageUnit = enemy;
                    attackEnemy = highestDamageUnit;
                    attackEnemy = highestKillableUnit;

                battle.GameUI.unitDamage = battle.Attack(attackEnemy);
                battle.GameUI.attackedUnitTrueX = attackEnemy.Location[0] * 55 - 13;
                battle.GameUI.attackedUnitTrueY = attackEnemy.Location[1] * 55 - 20;
                battle.GameUI.displayDamage = true;



            //if the unit is weak, defend
            if(active.HP < active.MaxHP / 4 && active.AP == 1)

            //now we check on which tile to move to
            List<int[]> reachableTilesAsInt = map.GetLegalMoveCoordinates(active);
            List<Tile> reachableTiles = new List<Tile>();

            foreach (int[] coords in reachableTilesAsInt)
                reachableTiles.Add(map.GetTileAt(coords[0], coords[1]));

            Tile closest = map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]);
            int nearestTileToEnemy = 30000;

            foreach (Tile test in reachableTiles)
                if (!test.hasUnit)
                    int pathCost = 0;
                    List<Tile> path = GetPath(nearestLocation, test, map);
                    foreach (Tile p in path)
                        pathCost += p.MoveCost;

                    if (pathCost < nearestTileToEnemy)
                        nearestTileToEnemy = pathCost;
                        closest = test;
            if (closest != map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]))
                active.AP = 0;
예제 #11
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        //same as above, only returns the path
        public static List<Tile> GetPath(Tile startTile, Tile endTile, Map map)
            startTile.IsRoot = true;
            List<Tile> open = new List<Tile>();
            List<Tile> closed = new List<Tile>();

            Tile current = new Tile();

            while (open.Count > 0)
                int LowestFScore = 10000;
                for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++ )
                    if (open.ElementAt(i).FScore < LowestFScore)
                        LowestFScore = open.ElementAt(i).FScore;
                        current = open.ElementAt(i);

                List<Tile> adjacent = GetAdjacentLegalTiles(map, current);
                List<Tile> adjacentTemp = new List<Tile>();
                foreach (Tile adj in adjacent)

                    if (closed.Contains(adj))

                adjacent = adjacentTemp;

                foreach (Tile tile in adjacent)
                    if (!open.Contains(tile))

                    tile.parentTile = current;
                    tile.GScore = GetGScore(tile);
                    tile.HScore = GetManhattanDistance(current, endTile);
                    tile.FScore = tile.GScore + tile.HScore;

                    if (open.Contains(tile))
                        Tile test = new Tile();
                        foreach (Tile o in open)
                            if (o == tile)
                                test = o;

                        if (tile.GScore < test.GScore)
                            test.parentTile = current;
                            test.GScore = GetGScore(test);
                            test.FScore = test.GScore + test.HScore;


                    List<Tile> path = BuildPath(endTile);
                    return path;


            return new List<Tile>();
예제 #12
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: RandyRhombus/Titans1
        /// <summary>
        /// Heuristic function for pathfinding. Returns the straight line distance between two tiles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testTile"></param>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetManhattanDistance(Tile testTile, Tile destination)
            int mDistance = 0;
            if (testTile.X > destination.X)
                mDistance += (testTile.X - destination.X);

            if(testTile.X < destination.X)
                mDistance += (destination.X - testTile.X);

            if (testTile.Y > destination.Y)
                mDistance += (testTile.Y - destination.Y);

            if (testTile.Y < destination.Y)
                mDistance += (destination.Y - testTile.Y);

            return mDistance;
예제 #13
 //generate a list of moves between the unit and desired tile, for animation purposes
 public void StartMove(Tile move)
     List<Tile> movePath = AI.GetPath(BattleMap.GetTileAt(ActiveUnit.Location[0], ActiveUnit.Location[1]), move, BattleMap);
     GameUI.moveWait = true;
     pendingMoves = movePath.ToArray();
     pendingIndex = pendingMoves.Length - 1;
예제 #14
        //advance to the next tile in the move list
        //if at the end, the move is finished
        public void ContinueMove()
            BattleMap.Move(ActiveUnit, pendingMoves[pendingIndex].X, pendingMoves[pendingIndex].Y);
                if (pendingIndex == -1)
                    GameUI.moveWait = false;
                    MoveMode = false;
                    pendingIndex = 0;
                    pendingMoves = new Tile[0];
