public static void RunTestsBatchLocal(string[] files, Config config) { List <string> expectedOutput; byte[] payload = PrepareBatch(files, config.DebugDumpFile, out expectedOutput); int numberOfTests = files.Length; Logger.LogLine($"Running a batch of {numberOfTests} tests"); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); RunResult result = ExecuteLocal(payload, Utility.GetProcess(config), Utility.GetArenaHost(config), numberOfTests * 50, numberOfTests * 50 + 5, config.DebugDumpFile); sw.Stop(); string time = TimeFormatter.FormatTime(sw.Elapsed); if (numberOfTests != result.Output?.Count || result.Output?.Count != result.Debug?.Count) { Logger.LogLine($"Error: Unexpected response. Tests:{numberOfTests}, Output:{result.Output?.Count}, Debug: {result.Debug?.Count}"); ShowWarnings(result.Warnings); return; } // In the batch mode backed returns a single set of warnings for all the tests. Display them here if (config.DisplayDebugInfoOnSuccess) { ShowWarnings(result.Warnings); } int successes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++) { DisplayTestResultParams p = new DisplayTestResultParams { TestName = GetTestName(files[i]), ExpectedOutput = expectedOutput[i], Output = config.TrimWhitespacesFromResults ? Utility.TrimWhitespaces(result.Output[i]) : result.Output[i], Debug = result.Debug[i] }; DisplayTestResult(p, config); if (p.Success) { successes++; } } Logger.LogLine($"Elapsed: {time}"); Logger.LogLine($"Result: {successes} succeeded, {numberOfTests - successes} failed"); }
public static bool RunSingleTest(string file, Config config, string counter) { string testName = GetTestName(file); if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Logger.Log($"{counter} {testName}..."); } TestDescription test = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TestDescription>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes(file))); RunResult result; string time; int retried = 0; // This is the retry loop for flaky HTTP connection. Note that local runs are never over HTTP, so they are never retried while (true) { byte[] compressed = CompressAndDump(test.GetInputBytes(), config.DebugDumpFile, config.LocalRun ? "Local" : "Remote"); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); result = config.LocalRun ? ExecuteLocal(compressed, Utility.GetProcess(config), Utility.GetArenaHost(config), 60, 65, config.DebugDumpFile) : ExecuteRemote(compressed, config.RunUrl, config.DebugDumpFile); sw.Stop(); time = TimeFormatter.FormatTime(sw.Elapsed); if (!result.HttpFailure || retried++ >= config.Retries) { break; } if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Utility.ClearLine(testName); } if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Logger.Log($"{testName} - FAIL ({time}) Retrying({retried})..."); } else { Logger.LogLine($"{counter} {testName} - FAIL ({time}) Retrying({retried})..."); } if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Console.ResetColor(); } } if (config.UseConsoleCodes) { Utility.ClearLine(testName); } DisplayTestResultParams p = new DisplayTestResultParams { TestName = testName, ExpectedOutput = test.Output, Output = config.TrimWhitespacesFromResults ? Utility.TrimWhitespaces(result?.Output?[0]) : result?.Output?[0], Debug = result?.Debug?[0], Time = time, Counter = counter, Warnings = result.Warnings }; DisplayTestResult(p, config); return(p.Success); }
private static void Execute(string[] args) { Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); string configPath = "config.json"; Config config = File.Exists(configPath) ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Config>(File.ReadAllText(configPath)) : new Config { RunUrl = "", CheckUrl = "", TestPath = Path.Combine(Utility.GetAncestor(AppContext.BaseDirectory, 3) ?? "", "HelloWorldTests"), TrimWhitespacesFromResults = true, DisplayDebugInfoOnError = true, UseConsoleCodes = true, BatchMode = true, LocalRoot = "/srv" }; if (!CommandLine.ApplyCommandLineArguments(args, config)) { return; } if (Directory.Exists(config.TestPath)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.CheckUrl)) { MissingTestsChecker.Check(config.CheckUrl, config.TestPath, config.UseConsoleCodes); } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(config.TestPath, "*.json"); Array.Sort(files); int counter = 0; int success = 0; if (!config.LocalRun || !config.BatchMode) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); foreach (string file in files) { if (TestRunner.RunSingleTest(file, config, $"[{++counter}/{files.Length}]")) { success++; } } sw.Stop(); string time = TimeFormatter.FormatTime(sw.Elapsed); Logger.LogLine($"Elapsed: {time}"); Logger.LogLine($"Result: {success} succeeded, {files.Length - success} failed"); } else { TestRunner.RunTestsBatchLocal(files, config); } } else if (File.Exists(config.TestPath)) { TestRunner.RunSingleTest(config.TestPath, config, "[1/1]"); } else if (File.Exists(config.TestPath + ".json")) { TestRunner.RunSingleTest(config.TestPath + ".json", config, "1/1"); } else { Logger.LogLine($"Tests '{config.TestPath}' not found"); } }