public static IntPtr JassStringIndexToJassStringHandle(Int32 jassStringIndex) { unsafe { return((IntPtr)((Int32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(GameFunctions.GetThreadLocalStorage().Jass.AsIntPtr(), 0x0C)), 0x2874), 0x0008) + 0x10 * jassStringIndex)); } // the above code may be a bit confusing, but we're essentially doing the following, without needing to // find the function every patch, and avoid the convoluted class hierarchy. // return Jass->VirtualMachine->StringManager->Table[jassStringIndex]; // sub_6F6B1CA0 in 1.21b // sub_6F459640 in // TODO: Future proof this. }