예제 #1
         * Open and Save events
        //Display current week of data
        private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtFirstName.Text != "" || txtLastName.Text != "")
                //Update for autocompletion...
                employeeWorkWeekList = TimeSheetDatabase.GetAllWorkWeekForSingleEmployee(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text);

                //Exit on empty list
                if (employeeWorkWeekList.Count == 0)

                currentWorkWeek = WorkWeek.GetCurrentWorkWeek(employeeWorkWeekList);

                //Split the string array first, before putting them in cells

                //Display Hours
                double hrs = CalculateHours();
                lblTotal.Text = Math.Round(hrs, 3).ToString();

                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("WorkWeek for employee:\n{0} {1}.", currentWorkWeek.FirstName.Trim(), currentWorkWeek.LastName.Trim()));
                MessageBox.Show("Missing data! Please enter employee's first and last name.");
예제 #2
        /*	==================================================================
         *	btnForth_click event
         *	*****************************************************************
         *	Description: Creates a new WorkWeek, only 1 above current date
         *	Notes:
         *	1. Create new WorkWeek with EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName,
         *	empty data cells (like when in EmployeeForm).
         *	2. Set Week to be +7 days from current date.
         *	3. Display (includes add to weekspan combobox)
         *	4. Only 1 week above current date allowed.
         *	==================================================================
        private void btnForth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Prevent logic error - user changes names but does not click 'open records'
            if (CheckValidTransition())
                //Correct the error - user change dropdown list selection but did not open
                txtFirstName.Text = currentWorkWeek.FirstName;
                txtLastName.Text  = currentWorkWeek.LastName;

            //Move to next workWeek when not in last week
            int index = employeeWorkWeekList.IndexOf(currentWorkWeek);

            if (index == (employeeWorkWeekList.Count - 1))                                              //Last item
                //Add new WorkWeek to table TimeSheet, with Week +7 of current week ()
                //--Update timesheet table with new employee - name and employee id, the rest of the fields empty
                DateTime dateNextWeek;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(currentWorkWeek.Week, out dateNextWeek))
                    dateNextWeek = dateNextWeek.AddDays(7);

                //Add to timesheet table
                TimeSheetDatabase.AddWeekWork(currentWorkWeek.EmployeeID.ToString(), currentWorkWeek.FirstName, currentWorkWeek.LastName, WorkWeek.zeroDummy, WorkWeek.zeroDummy, WorkWeek.zeroDummy, WorkWeek.zeroDummy, WorkWeek.ellipsisDummy, WorkWeek.dashDummy, WorkWeek.dashDummy, dateNextWeek.ToString());

                //Update employee WorkWeek list, and set currentWorkWeek
                employeeWorkWeekList = TimeSheetDatabase.GetAllWorkWeekForSingleEmployee(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text);
                currentWorkWeek      = employeeWorkWeekList.Last();


                //Display Hours
                double hrs = CalculateHours();
                lblTotal.Text = Math.Round(hrs, 1).ToString();

                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Added new Time Sheet for employee {0} {1}", currentWorkWeek.FirstName, currentWorkWeek.LastName));
                //Change combobox
                cmbWeekSpan.SelectedItem = cmbWeekSpan.Items[index + 1];